Hidden in the farming county of Lancaster, Pennsylvania lives the Amish settlement of Marrowbone. A place where only hundreds still live a "simple and plain" lifestyle in today's modern year of 2018. A life in Marrowbone allows you to step back in time to enjoy a slower, more peaceful pace - one where the horse and it's attached buggy remains a primary form of transportation, and where windmills dot the landscape, providing power harnessed from nature. Our community is also involved in agriculture as well as an array of family businesses and a deep sense of our religion.
Freedom is not the right to do as you please but the liberty to do as you ought.
This year's group of budding adults have reached their sixteenth year and are ready to take on the tradition of Rumspringa. For Marrowbone this event is a rite of passage during adolescence, where the youth in the community are allowed to leave Marrowbone and not follow tradition until they reach the age of twenty one. At this age (or when they are ready) they will have the ability to return to the settlement and remain in the community or they will choose to leave- and continue with a modern life, being shunned by their loved ones but following their own paved path.
Elders of Marrowbone view this time for youth courtship as well as a learning experience; knowing that the children of their community will always return home where they belong once they find out how cruel and uncivilized the outside world is.
What path will you follow?
Hello and welcome to another of MissCapnCrunch's somewhat ridiculous roleplay ideas!
I won't bother you with too many rules, just don't be a dick and I'll be happy. Use common sense, and if I ask you to change something just go with the flow and talk it out with me and we will be just fine. Try to post once a week and keep your posts at least a paragraph long in length. Communicate!
Now for some meat;
In this roleplay you and NINE other teenage members of Marrowbone (This will either be ten individual players or a few people with doubles. Any role that isn't filled will be an NPC) will be experiencing Rumspringa- imagine a no ruled vacation, where you're allowed to do anything you want; but you don't know if you even want to. Each character will be starting at the age of SIXTEEN. If things are well received this roleplay will follow the characters until they are twenty one and have to make their ultimate decision. This gives opportunity to make great character relationships and personal development.
The general setting will be that the Elders of Marrowbone will have set up a bank account of sorts for the ten teenagers in their new adventure in the city of NEW YORK. There is enough money for basic survival of food, rent (they will have a duplex split by gender- but that doesn't have to last long), and some extra for emergencies. Once these funds run low after the first year the teens will have to go get a job if they want to remain out.
Let's find out where our creativity takes us!
For your character sheet I am giving you the barest of bones. I am doing this because I want you to make the coding/style your own. Express your character in your coding. Change things around, add things. As long as it makes sense- have fun!