Name: Gwyneira Elfreda
Age: 27
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120 lbs
Class: Wizard
Race: Elf
Weapons & Equipment: A wand made of Ispar's natural timber, A steel rapier, embossed with silver, with a matching dagger, a good-quality bow with a quiver of arrows, Leather robes dyed dark blue with white trim, dark brown leather boots, a pouch containing a coin purse with 199 silver and 5 copper and a week's worth of provisions as well as her spellbook and her quill and ink, a waterskin
Skills and Abilities:
-Magic: Has a natural inclination for magic that allows her to be able to use any spells that she can learn about or figure out for herself through experimentation. But within that inclination, she has a natural affinity for light manipulation spells that make them easier for her to utilize and master.
Starting Spells (Ones that she has memorized. Others will be learned and recorded in her spellbook.):
- Illusions: Makes soundless illusions out of light
- Invisibility: Wraps light around her to make her invisible with the downside that she can't see anything while the spell lasts but has to rely on her other senses while people or animals that don't rely on sight can still find her
- Light: Creates a light to see by that she can make into a light flash bang to blind those around her
- Dim: Draws the light out of a surrounding area making it darker
- Heal: A mid-level all-round healing spell useful for both wounds and poison
- Fire: Lights a small fire which she can shape into a fireball and throw or simply use to light objects
- Ice: Shapes ice out of water or surrounding ice crystals
- Teleport: Teleports her up to 20 ft away from her initial position that she can see
-Literate: She can read and write in the common languages and some more obscure dialects.
-Amature fencer: She has some skill with the rapier, though not much. Primarily learned to keep her body fit and in case she ever needed it.
-Amature archer: Some skill with the bow. Learned so that she could hunt for her own food when needed or attack from range.
Permanent Boons:
Subtle Spell Identification: Has a better chance to identify subtly cast spells from experience (+1 perma bonus to rolls to identify subtle forms of magic.)
Bio: Born and raised in Ispar's capital city to an upper class couple, Gwyneira had the world at her fingertips. She was constantly curious about the technology around her and the whole concept of magic. Her curiosity lead to her becoming somewhat fixated with what she could discover, widening the already wide gap between her and her peers. It was when Gwyn was eight that she fully showed signs of being a magical prodigy and she was ecstatic. Her early manifestations allowed her to split light into the separate colors and dance with the colors trailing behind her. Her parents were also proud of their daughter's talent and arranged for the best tutors to help her harness and control it. Gwyn eagerly devoured all the learning that was available to her, causing her to rise rapidly above her peers and increase the gap more. That was a cause for concern for her father, but her mother was sure that Gwyn could make friends when she was ready. Gwyn never really cared either way. The lack of needed interaction with peers allowed her to get lost for hours practicing and experimenting with what she knew. When not doing that, she was reading new things about magic or what was known of the other provinces or any odd book of history and knowledge that caught her fancy. She wasn't able to spend every hour in that fashion though since her mother insisted that she look after herself and stay fit, leading to Gwyn picking up fencing and archery. There was also the time needed for her non-magical homework, which she still did well on but never enjoyed as much aside from history. As her years at the academy came to an end, Gwyn pondered if the school had really taught everything possible about magic. The academy had the complete knowledge of what was currently known by the leading wizards of Ispar, but other lands may have magics that Ispar wizards dismissed or clues to further facets of magical power. With that in mind as she graduated, Gwyn set out into the world to completely master magic, seeking for any spell types that might not have been covered at the academy or to discover her own.