"Oh no nono, no need for apologies!" He waved his hands in front of him, as if to push back the extra courtesy sent his way. His tone turned a few pitches finer upon seeing their rescuers, ignoring the fact that they brushed past him rudely, they still required the proper greeting.
His voice now gentlemanly, civillized, the same one used when he first met Cicero. But he still looked strained and ill,
"You rescued us, it is I who must be grate." He nodded. Upon hearing the words 'floating in ice' and seeing the reaction of the crew, the man looked shyly to the floor for a long while whilst scratching the hair on the back of his neck.
"Blessed be the Madam of the Deep." He clasped his hands in prayer for a moment, sincerely muttering his prayer with eyes closed.
"Blessed be this very ship." Though also because if he kept them opened too long, the cabin started to kind of ...warp, nausaeuosly. Then when he opened his eyes, he looked at the crew again.
"My name is brother Gravous Vigil." He offered a greeting of hands crossed over his chest.
"I am a cleric of Calliope Calypso, she of kind waters and cruel storms ....or-" He held the back of his hand to his mouth, he felt something sour rise in his throat and sink down again for the briefest moment.
"-on the ice ...you mentioned, is of her grace. But I am very ill," His pale greyish skin already spoke for him, if not, his sullen looks will vouch for his illness.
Letting out a pained sigh.
"-as the kind doctor must have found out. I don't mean to rush you but" He looked up through the grate at the moon high in the clouds, a worried expression spread across his features then he looked back down,
"...might I partake in my medicine soon if you still have it ...and suggest those who touched me do so as well? As a preventive measure. It is contagious." He seemed genuinely urgent, though only witheld by a manner of civility.
"The insanity is sudden and death quite painful ...wish to avoid it."