Wendy was finally in Trinity City; well at least outside the city working on the shoot of a Series called Wanderers of the Wasteland her part a guest star as Jani the Hunter a former military officer of the light assault commando riders known as the Reapers.

The Eufiber riding suit they designed and she provided was to say the least revealing, they even insisted she leave the closure down so her breasts threatened to fall out with every sudden move. The motorcycle she rode was a modification of a Thunder God Smoker (Smoker - Slang for Fossil Fuel) which was of her own modification as well. It was an attempt at breaking into Video Streaming as an actress slash Stunt Woman slash Special Effects Tech.
She sat astride her bike her helmet in her lap waiting as Rondo Steel the Gamma Star of the series shot a scene with a group of kids that had been dressed in shabby clothes and had make-up applied to make them appear dirty and a little starved. She watched as Rondo Acted all noble and concerned for the waifs and how emotionally scared they were from being treated so shabbily as Basie slaves to the Red mountain gang his character Lance Bravestar’s mortal enemies. Her part had an equally odd part to play in this series as a cold hearted killer trained by the military before the Apocalypse War had turned the Earthe into a Wasteland.
Her screen name was Raven Sinister and she was as much a victim of of the war as anyone else and she was supposed to be saved by Lance’s charm and concern; they insisted on a love scene. She thought it was Rondo’s suggestion because as soon as she showed up he’d been trying to charm his way into her pants but she wasn’t interested; she didn’t want to be connected as one of his many conquests in the steams.
Because it was one of the top adventure streams a crowd had come to watch from stands that had been set aside for them which meant their was the presence brought Basepopo and Nabs to keep an eye out for trouble. Normally the Law Enforcement presence wouldn’t have been so high but their had been two attempts on Rondo’s life in the past 4 months which a local investigator said appeared to be a jilted woman; go figure.
Hell Hath No Fury
"Use me and call me crazy then dump me; he shouldn’t have done that ..no, no, no, no, no" mumbled a woman as she watched through binoculars
In her left hand she held a small electronic box which she kept fingering nervously that’s when she noticed the bored blonde skank on the bike and focused on her for a moment.
"So, so she’s his new bitch the little tramp. Look at her tits just hanging out and what kind of callsign is Perfection? Stuckup …….." (mumbles edited for adult content)
As disturbed as the woman was she was also had the former profession as a bounty hunter who hunted Gamma villains for money; she’d tried to break into acting and he’d crushed that dream telling the producers she was crazy. She knew she had to be careful because this was Trinity City and the Nabs here were the best in the world but she was the best at what she did; it was her that took down the Despot Gamma El Blanco and collected the bounty that so many had died trying to collect.
Like Blanco Rondo had forced her to use explosives because getting close to him was dam difficult and her aim at extreme ranges with the weapons she could get; she’d give her first born to get a genius rifle. She could have used more explosives and just nuked the whole site but the Nabs would have hunted her down with every resource the UN could muster; she also didn’t like the idea of killing kids because that could mean for sure a perma (actual life sentence). That was why she had packed the motorcycle Rondo was supposed to ride across the dry lake bed with the skank in the next scene and the bonus was that she could take out his new whore.
"Why is it taking so long?" she growled quietly from her Wonder Works sniper blind which she’d liberated about 3 years ago from a military installation after seducing a guard
Don't discover her as yet unless you want this to be boring, wait till I hint her as seen