Dear Recipient,
Thank you for your interest in the New York City division of Atypicals Anonymous (henceforth known as AA). We are excited to have you, and we are pleased that you would like to learn more about us. Whether you heard about us through an existing member, or were contacted by our meeting leader, we welcome you into our community! We meet from 7-9pm every Thursdays, and our usual meeting spot is Central Park Community Hall. We are a small but welcoming group who stands by our mission to provide a supportive environment for those possessing unique skills and abilities, otherwise known as Atypicals. Our motto is "Benign Anarchy" and our three pillars are "Unity, Stability and Responsibility." While we realize that the abilities that Atypicals possess can lead to confusion and distress, we don't believe in suppressing them, but rather gaining mastery over them, as well as finding the best outlets for their use. Additionally, our central and guiding philosophy is that all Atypicals have the ability to live normal, and productive lives, and can use their powers to contribute to society. Thus, we strive to ensure that all Atypicals who choose to join us are interested in upholding our ideals, and strive to use their powers conscientiously.
Additionally, this is an important reminder that participation in this meeting should be discreet. Unfortunately, we have found that widespread knowledge of Atypical existence was putting our members in harms way, and that integration and assimilation are necessary in order to keep all of our members safe. Our acronym's alignment with the popular Alcoholics Anonymous organization was strategic, and we have found that it lends us appropriate cover despite the stigma associated with addiction recovery. Thus, if it is necessary to refer to our group in an outside setting, please simply refer to it using the acronym or by using our cover organization.
Lastly, since you are a brand new member, we unfortunately find it necessary to issue a couple of warnings that have become relevant recently. If you feel like you are being followed, please do not panic, but instead contact the meeting leader immediately via the number provided to you at the bottom of this letter. Additionally, please do not respond to any phone calls, flyers, emails or other types of communication sent to you from Obsidian Inc. Please forward any correspondence from this group to the meeting leader.
We are a group by and for Atypicals, and we hope that you will join us at our next meeting! Meetings are a casual way for you to engage with other local Atypicals, and gain the tools needed to reach your vast potential.
Dr. Erina Slate
AA Meeting Leader, NYC
555-098-3458 ext. 1327
P.S. Please dispose of this letter responsibly. Recommended methods include burning, dissolving in acid, or tearing into small pieces and consuming.
Thank you for your interest in the New York City division of Atypicals Anonymous (henceforth known as AA). We are excited to have you, and we are pleased that you would like to learn more about us. Whether you heard about us through an existing member, or were contacted by our meeting leader, we welcome you into our community! We meet from 7-9pm every Thursdays, and our usual meeting spot is Central Park Community Hall. We are a small but welcoming group who stands by our mission to provide a supportive environment for those possessing unique skills and abilities, otherwise known as Atypicals. Our motto is "Benign Anarchy" and our three pillars are "Unity, Stability and Responsibility." While we realize that the abilities that Atypicals possess can lead to confusion and distress, we don't believe in suppressing them, but rather gaining mastery over them, as well as finding the best outlets for their use. Additionally, our central and guiding philosophy is that all Atypicals have the ability to live normal, and productive lives, and can use their powers to contribute to society. Thus, we strive to ensure that all Atypicals who choose to join us are interested in upholding our ideals, and strive to use their powers conscientiously.
Additionally, this is an important reminder that participation in this meeting should be discreet. Unfortunately, we have found that widespread knowledge of Atypical existence was putting our members in harms way, and that integration and assimilation are necessary in order to keep all of our members safe. Our acronym's alignment with the popular Alcoholics Anonymous organization was strategic, and we have found that it lends us appropriate cover despite the stigma associated with addiction recovery. Thus, if it is necessary to refer to our group in an outside setting, please simply refer to it using the acronym or by using our cover organization.
Lastly, since you are a brand new member, we unfortunately find it necessary to issue a couple of warnings that have become relevant recently. If you feel like you are being followed, please do not panic, but instead contact the meeting leader immediately via the number provided to you at the bottom of this letter. Additionally, please do not respond to any phone calls, flyers, emails or other types of communication sent to you from Obsidian Inc. Please forward any correspondence from this group to the meeting leader.
We are a group by and for Atypicals, and we hope that you will join us at our next meeting! Meetings are a casual way for you to engage with other local Atypicals, and gain the tools needed to reach your vast potential.
Dr. Erina Slate
AA Meeting Leader, NYC
555-098-3458 ext. 1327
P.S. Please dispose of this letter responsibly. Recommended methods include burning, dissolving in acid, or tearing into small pieces and consuming.
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