You wake up in an old manor unknowing on how you ended up here. It felt like you have been asleep for a long, long time, you only vaguely remember what last happened to you before you fell into this deep slumber. You remember the life you lived, you were quite famous or you were on your way to make a career by applying to an agency. Yet something curious had happened, something you don't clearly remember. Without much of a guide you quietly wander around the manor for some time until you stumble upon something lying on the floor. From the dim light outside it is clear to you that it's a person lying on the floor, actually now you see. It is dead, it has been dead for some time now and it isn't just only one. Throughout the house there are bodies scattered, some dead on the ground but others... The others have found their way back to life, once more... just like you.
This RP is inspired by the anime, Zombie Land Saga and will focus on the slice of life part of the anime. You will follow the story of these eccentric zombies as they try to become the number one idols of Saga. Off course not without the crazy shenanigans life has to give, or rather the 'dead life' has to give. Your producer has all crazy marketing ideas that don't really follow the idol book but hey, they do get publicity. You'll have to take dancing lessons, singing lessons or other practices in order to become the number one dead idol. The idea is to live in the same manor as your friend zombies and form one big idol group or a bunch of smaller idol groups. If you have any ideas for the story or the idea itself I would be glad to hear it and make it come true in this anime as long as it is realistic.
-your GM-chan Life (Yui)
I intend to have the players act on their own,
to develop their characters with their own drama and stories.
Do not depend on the main story alone.

The Manor
The manor is the place where it all happens, the to be future zombie idols will be trained here by dancing and signing. There is a nice classroom for any more lessons they would want to attend in order to improve their qualities and a big garden to rot your skin in. There is a big shared bath house outside of the manor place inside the shack where you can rinse off all the dead bacteria that had been living on your skin for perhaps centuries. There is a lobby and kitchen as well for if you are beginning to tire from the constant craving of human flesh. There are also detention cells underneath the manor but let's just hope you won't be seeing them often. If your pretty skin gets torn you can get stitched up in the infirmary room. As last there are co ed bedroom where the zombies will be staying. This is just a part of the manor as I describe it now. You can request more places to your liking.
Zombie rules
These rules need to be held accountable for by all the zombie idols or bad things will happen >:)
-1. Follow the rules
-2. Don't stray from the path of the idol
-3. Don't let anyone find out you are a zombie
-4. Lights out before 10PM
-5. Use the idol name or number you have been assigned
-6. Don't act with the outside world
-7. Don't go outside on your own without permission
-All be nice
-No Metagaming
-No Godmodding
-Likeable interaction
-PG-13 Pretty please qua romance
-No salt throwing to each other, I want to throw salt too so don't leave me out of it
-Character sheets need to be submitted in the OOC first
-If you are absent for some time please say so, your character will be gruesomely killed after two weeks of not posting
-2 character max unless approved of more by me
-No speed posting
-GM-chan has the last word here so no but's when your character loses
-Keep GM-chan and kouhai-GM's alive by being nice
-This is casual so more than two paragraph per post
-Let's get along shall we
-More rules may be added at my discretion
Character Sheet