"Jeez, who died?"Alena stands at 6"1', weighing about 150 lbs. Asian-American, she has natural black blunt bangs, though chooses to dye them purple. Her eyes are a reddish orange, caused by spiritual mutation. Her frame is thin and small, and her skin is pale, giving the telltale sign that she's a shut-in.
Alena almost never dresses to impress. Most of her shirts are two-sizes too big, which she buries even more underneath a sweatshirt, which she decorates with charm pins. Usually she prefers to wear either a skirt or shorts, which her shirt usually drapes over anyway. On her legs she wears a sneakers, plus a single thigh-high on one leg. She also wears glasses and has several little talismans such as a hairclip, headband, or necklace, which provide little bonuses to her magic.
"Well this sure isn't Kansas anymore."It wouldn't be an insult to say Alena has the mannerisms of a cat. She's extremely unexpressive, and maintains the same monotone and tired voice in almost any situation. She's poor at communication, and spends almost all her time by herself. She's almost perpetually deprived of energy, wearing the same clothes for days on end and hardly making exceptions to social gatherings. She also has insomnia, which only worsens her already sour demeanor.
On the other hand, she's incredibly focused. She's dedicated to her work, and while not happily, she'll certainly try to provide any information or assistance to a task, so long as it doesn't imperil her and actually demands attention.
"It all started when my mom tried to summon a demon in College. Well, 'tried' isn't quite the right word... Come to think of it neither is demon."When Alena's mother was in College, she joined a sorority, where part of the initiation ritual was to try and summon a demon. At first, She thought it was just a dumb prank or symbolic ritual. How wrong she was. The ritual worked. It summoned forth a Spirit, which she had to make a bargain with in order to complete her initiation. The spirit offered the bargain of "Five Dollips of Silver, in exchange for the Fate of your firstspawn." Terrified and wanting to get the ritual over with, Alena's mother accepted quickly, receiving five a vial of liquid silver, though whatever price she had to pay would not come until long after.
The consequence of the bargain made Alena a Shaman, a human with spiritual abilities, by prospect of birth. She only became aware of her own abilities after she kicked a can, causing it to skyrocket and dent a stop sign. For the first few months she knew of her abilities, she only used it for petty crimes, such as robbing snacks from convenience stores or cheating. It's only after Jeffrey Harold, a local Shaman, caught her did she begin to learn the truth of the Spirit World as well as train her own abilities. He also took Alena as her apprentice, helping him protect their town from rogue Spirits, along with few other Shaman.
By the age of 19, she's become a sort of mission control figure, collecting and keeping tabs on information while trading with other occultists. That is, until she was plucked away by Praxis as a champion to balance the multiverse.
"Try not to make me think on this too hard, pal." Shamanic Perception - Alena has the ability to perceive Spirits, including both incorporeal Spirits as if they were real, as well as if an object is an Effigy or if a person is a Host. It also enables her to communicate with them, understanding their language and being able to speak it right back.
Iron Willpower - Alena has a talent for keeping cool under pressure. This makes it easier for her to remain focused in stressful situations, while also providing her with a resistance to fear and persuasion.
Spirit Magic - As a Shaman, Alena is able to manipulate her Soul, a latent reservoir of Spiritual energy. This enables her to perform fantastic feats that Spirits are capable of, known as Gifts. Yet the energy of her soul is finite, and using her Soul to power Gifts is akin to using your muscles to perform athletics. If she uses Gifts too much in a short span of time, it will strain and potentially even damage her soul. Yet just as muscles tear themselves and become stronger, continuously using Gifts makes them easier to use, as well as make them more effective.
Her specific "arsenal" of Gifts is rather straight forward, mimicking simple effects such as barriers of force or firing projectiles from her fingers. While compared to other Shamans this is less impressive or forceful, it allows her to converse her energy while accomplishing simple effects.
Catch - A simple Spirit Gift. Alena simply opens her palm, which erects a barrier of force, allowing her to resist any incoming attacks. The barrier itself is rather large, able of completely shielding her from a single direction. Resisting incoming forces requires spirit energy depending on the magnitude of the attack. So while bullets and punches can be easily deflected, tank rounds will require demanding effort to resist.
Missile - Alena shoots a single projectile, roughly akin to a bullet, from her fingertip. Each one is small and requires very little energy, but firing too many will gradually exhaust her. She can also choose to create bigger, more deadly projectiles, which cost more effort the more force she puts into it.
Fire Bomb - Alena cups a ball of spirit magic into her hand, which she can then hurl like a baseball, and will then explode like a grenade. However much energy she conserves into an attack determines how powerful it is, yet requires constant concentration to prevent from blowing up on her, which will only exhaust her even more. The more forceful a Bomb, the more concentration it takes to keep intact.
Mend - Alena channels energy into her fingertips, which will accelerate metabolism and regenerate dead cells. This allows her to heal allies with a physical touch. However this ability is not frequently used, making it more first-aid than a panacea. She can only heal surface wounds and fractured bones. If she pushes herself, she can
maybe heal a broken bone or ruptured organ. If anything, it's still useful for patching herself up.
"Oof, ow, my soul."Spiritual Exhaustion - As Alena uses her abilities, it puts a strain on her soul, just as exercize strains the body or problem solving strains the mind. While her abilities have a range of effects depending on how much energy she exerts, doing so too much will strain her soul, causing Spiritual Exhaustion. Spiritual Exhaustion occurs when a Shaman's entire
being is pushed to it's limit, making them more susceptible to supernatural effects. If Alena pushes to her absolute brink, she will permanently damage her soul, reducing her ability to use Spirit Magic effectively.
Poor Social Skills - Alena just has an issue communicating with others and conveying emotions, possibly from communicating with Spirits for too long. It's hard for her to make a lasting impression on others, and makes her have almost robotic manners.
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