Age: 28
Sex: Female
Kenna has natural red hair and pale skin. Her eyes are a pale green and she has delicate features in a heart shaped face. She is five foot six and has a slender build weighing 117 lbs. When she isn't working she spends most of her time in skinny jeans, calf high boots, long T-shirts and her black leather biker jacket. She likes jewellery and is often seen wearing multiple rings and necklaces.
Personality: Kenna comes across as abrasive and somewhat blunt spoken but she isn't being deliberately harsh, she's just used to saying what she thinks as in her family this was the norm. She dislikes people and has always felt happier around animals. She is not completely antisocial but she is a loner and when she does spend time with other people she prefers to do so in small groups as she dislikes crowds.
She has a fiery nature and feels things passionately whether it be love or anger, and her emotions are easily readable on her expressive face. She has a sarcastic and very dry sense of humour and people often struggle to tell if she's joking or not.
Enhanced Agility - Her natural agility, balance, and coordination are enhanced to levels beyond the human body's natural limits so
she can leap further, dodge quicker, fall from greater heights etc.
Enhanced Senses - Her senses have been enhanced beyond a normal humans. She is capable of seeing with greater clarity and at
greater distances than an ordinary human, and retains this same clarity, even in near-total darkness. Her
hearing is enhanced similarly, enabling her to both hear sounds that ordinary humans can't and to hear at much
greater distances. Her sense of smell is such than she can identify numerous different scents in a way a human
couldn't. She is able to use her sense of smell to track both people and animals.
Animal Communication - She is able to communicate with animals. She doesn't talk to them verbally but instead she receives images
mentally that her mind automatically translates into words.
Powers (Disadvantages):
Enhanced Metabolism - To compensate for her enhanced agility her metabolism has been sped up to more than a normal humans. Unfortunately
this means she burns through energy at a much faster rate and must replace that energy often. Basically she has to
eat more than a normal human or she will become dizzy and weak. If she has used her enhanced agility a lot in a
short space of time then she must eat high energy food immediately after or she will pass out a short time later.
Enhanced Sensitivity - Due to her enhanced senses Kenna is particularly vulnerable to loud noises or bright lights and either can stun her
or if render her unconscious if she is subjected to them for an extended time. Particularly strong smells don't
incapacitate her but can confuse her and make her enhanced smell useless.
Enhanced Receiver - Kenna is unable to switch off her communication with animals (the most she can do is push it aside like background
noise) this has caused her to suffer chronic Migraines due to the mental strain. It also means she is particularly
weak to mental attacks.
Biography: Kenna was born and raised in Cromarty a town in the Highlands of Scotland. It was a small port town and Kenna loved it there. She loved the countryside and the wildlife and the people. She was an only child born to a Scottish father and American mother. Her father was the local Veterinarian and her mother was a schoolteacher. Kenna loved animals from an early age and would often help her father in his work. But her father died from a heart attack when she was sixteen and her mother decided it would be best if they moved to America where she still had family. Kenna was doubly devastated losing her father and the home she loved but she grew to like if not love her life in America and she eventually settled in. She went on to College and University achieving her Veterinary Medicine qualification and with the small sum she inherited from her father she was able to open her own Veterinary Clinic.
Other: Kenna has never lost her Scottish accent (though it has become a little softer it is still obvious)
Kenna lives with her menagerie, as she calls it, which consists of three cats (Lola and Ripley two female black and white and Jack a ginger tom) two quite large German Shepherds (Artemis and Apollo) a parrot (Bonnie) and an Iguana (Fred)
Kenna lives in the apartment above her Vet clinic.