🔷 The World 🔹 Azure City is a fantasy version of New York. 🔹 Mutants, while quite the minuscule number, are vastly known throughout the world. 🔹 Azure City is huge, featuring nine million inhabitants. 🔹 Throughout Azure city, there are nine thousand mutants. 🔹 This is 0,1 percent of the population. 🔹 Mutants are generally not hated, persecuted or discriminated against in America. 🔹 Though mutants are a small, but integrated part of society in America, this is not true for the whole world. 🔹 In Africa, The Middle East and parts of the Orient, mutants are viciously persecuted, hunted, jailed and killed. 🔹 In Azure City, mutants are often sought after for specific occupations. 🔹 Organizations revolving strictly around mutations are available both as law enforcement and daily venues. 🔹 Heroes are idolized, despite the government's opinion on it. 🔹 Toys, magazines, fanfictions, and movies are made about the most prominent heroes in Azure City. 🔹 The cultural condoning of heroism has prompted many to the life, for good or ill.
🔷 The Good, The Bad, The Grey 🔹 Though mutants are generally accepted in society, villains will always be an issue. 🔹 In response to this, balance has acted on its own accord and heroes have, of course, taken up arms.., and suits. 🔹 Equally so, anti-heroes with a zeal chose to add their resolution to the boiling pot, with a more permanent solution. 🔹 Considering the large scale of Azure City, crimes of various nature are committed daily, and it is difficult for the government to keep up. 🔹 While the absolute majority of crimes are committed by humans, mutants are clearly more visible in media due to their powers. 🔹 A large issue within Azure City's underbelly is mutant experimentation and mutant trafficking. 🔹 Considering how few mutants there are, compared to humans, they are highly sought after in various, less pleasant venues.
🔷 The Setting 🔹 Azure City is a roleplay revolving around superhumans. 🔹 This includes, but is not limited to, superheroes, supervillains and ordinary, everyday people living their lives. 🔹 Azure City is a free-roam type RP, with events sprinkled into an ever-growing, overlaying story. 🔹 Anything from extremely dark, gritty and degenerate to colorful, flamboyant and glamorous can be found in Azure City. 🔹 The roleplay is set in the current year of 2019. 🔹 Azure City replaces New York and is located in the same spot. 🔹 They generally look the same in architecture and culture.
🔷 Mythology 🔹 It has been revealed that several mythological heroes, throughout history, did in fact exist and were mutants. 🔹 Examples of these beings would be Heracles with super strength and Achilles with invulnerability. 🔹 Similarly, many gods follow along a powerset which is believed to have belonged to mutants, if vastly exaggerated in folklore. 🔹 Magic, as it was considered real, has been established to clearly accumulate in misunderstanding mutant powers. 🔹 It is also believed that miracles expressed in religious texts, as well as those performing them, were mutants displaying their powers of healing. 🔹 While originally split between believers in the supernatural and those who would deny these spectacular events of the past, it is now generally accepted that mutants are the source for these stories, if less bombastic than recorded. 🔹 Perhaps most of a grand reveal, was when vampirism and lycanthropy were revealed to have been infectious mutations caused by a powered host. 🔹 Even the belief in undeath hails from certain, rare cases of mutants able to infect others, or dead bodies, with a virus which turned them into what is described as zombies.
🔷 History 🔹 Two hundred years ago, in 1819, mutants were officially recognized as a species. 🔹 Despite this, the vast population of the western world still believed that they were some form of supernatural being. 🔹 Due to this belief, mutants were vastly shunned, discriminated against and hunted throughout the west. 🔹 This continued until the end of the 1800s, when science proved that mutations were purely biological, and not at all magical in their nature. 🔹 People who had previously been branded as devils due to their appearance or their abilities were now branded as freaks of nature, instead. 🔹 A larger split between the medical, scientifical and religious circles was starting to grow, concerning the nature of mutations. 🔹 Governments, mainly in America, had begun to secretly experiment on mutants at the start of the 1900s. 🔹 Due to an overlaying distrust for them, mutants were strictly forbidden from joining the armed forces or law enforcement. 🔹 However, when world war one started in 1914, various countries throughout Europe began to covertly use mutants as weapons. 🔹 This was only expanded upon with the arrival of world war two. 🔹 Following the structural development of western countries after the major wars, mutants were being slowly integrated into society. 🔹 Current year, 2019, mutants have access to the full repertoire afforded any human by rights of their existence, in America and large parts of the west.
🔷 Mutant Venues 🔹 There are several platforms where mutants are represented, mainly in discussions and debates. 🔹 There are mutant only clubs built throughout Azure City, but tend to close down, fast. The lack of mutants is often overshadowed by how vastly overrepresented they are. 🔹 Restaurants where mutants cook food using their powers is a spectacle, and are popular attractions. These restaurants require strict permits. 🔹 Stores offering aid for young mutants growing into their powers are usually present, if their merchandise isn't being sold in pharmacies. 🔹 Examples of this would be power dampening pills prescribed by a doctor, or medical restraints.
🔷 Pop Culture 🔹 Mutants in pop culture are incredibly common. 🔹 Most mutants able to preform, using their powers, do so. 🔹 Others who simply look unique because of their mutations flaunt it, quite aggressively. 🔹 Directors actually love hiring mutants for movies to save on the costs for special effects. 🔹 Superhero movies are seen everywhere. 🔹 Toys of actual heroes and vigilantes row store shelves and are a commodity for most children.
🔷 Jobs 🔹 Where mutants were previously shunned and discarded in the workplace, they are now hired more frequently than ever. 🔹 Super strength is essentially a straight path into any manual labor job. 🔹 Need something done fast? Hire someone with super speed. 🔹 Any mutant with a power which would benefit the employer find themselves offered a myriad of jobs. 🔹 This has, clearly, upset countless humans.
🔷 Mutant Supression Unit, MSU. 🔹 A military organization ran by mutants, which targets mutants. 🔹 Specialized solely on rogue mutant criminals, the Mutant Suppression Unit, or MSU, is a government outfit hiring only mutants into its ranks. 🔹 This militaristic outfit has often been considered the mutant FBI, and with good reason. 🔹 The MSU has a reputation of being ruthless, and many rumors surround them, some of which are true. 🔹 Destroying the target is the most common order issued to an MSU agent unless they specifically wish to apprehend a villain for further interrogation or research. 🔹 While publically known, the MSU acts in the shadows and none of their assignments are public knowledge.
🔷 Mutant Schools 🔹 For the safety of human children, and proper care of mutant students, mutant only schools have been erected. 🔹 From kindergartens to high schools, these venues are designed to deal with children growing into their powers. 🔹 That includes all the unstable accidents accompanying this development. 🔹 Teachers at mutant schools are required to be mutants themselves, and are trained to deal with unstable powers. 🔹 Due to the small number of mutants in America, only a few of these schools are built, with no more than two hundred students per school.
🔷 Bio-Organic Institute 🔹 A governmental research facility working only on the nature of mutations. 🔹 This also includes hospitals designed to care for mutants, particularly. 🔹 The Bio-Organic Institute controls the entire mutant oriented healthcare system in America. 🔹 They also produce, license and approve medicine designed to treat power related wounds, or unstable abilities.
🔷 Mutant Prisons 🔹 It is clear that all mutants cannot be held within normal, everyday prisons. 🔹 Due to this, special containment facilities have been built to hold the more powerful and destructive villains. 🔹 Like ordinary prisons, there are different security levels at mutant containment facilities, based on the crimes commited, and the powers of the individual.
🔷 The Workplace 🔹 While mutants are sought after on the job market, both the employer and the mutant in question require a permit for power usage in the workplace. 🔹 Insurance specifically for power related injuries needs to be applied for. 🔹 Upon being hired, mutants may need to display the powers they claim to have, which is allowed with a representative from the Bio-Organic Institute present. 🔹 Permits and insurance are all filled out during employment, following a background check sent in by the employer, and the mutant. 🔹 Mutant powers in the workplace are considered work tools and fall under the same regulations as any other aid used during the performance, including safety measures. 🔹 A permit which allows a mutant to use their powers during work does not extend to after hours.
🔷 In Public 🔹 At home, a mutant may do as they please, as long as it doesn't involve the risk of anyone else. 🔹 Publically, a mutant is required to apply for a permit, to use their powers. 🔹 Passive abilities which cannot be controlled will be overlooked unless suppressive aid from the Bio-Organic Institute is warranted. 🔹 An offensively active mutant power falls under the same jurisdiction as a loaded weapon, and require the same background check and mental health regulation. 🔹 A mutant without a permit using their powers are never allowed to do so, in public areas. 🔹 Any mutant who assaults another person will be considered to have been using a loaded weapon.
🔷 Documentation 🔹 When born and tested, mutant children are assigned a caseworker from the Bio-Organic Institute. 🔹 It is mandatory to attend meetings with the caseworker bi-annually, concerning the child's powers and their development. 🔹 Every mutant's ability is documented in their personal files. 🔹 On every mutant's ID, it clearly states that they are, in fact, a mutant.
🔷 Birth 🔹 For two humans to produce a mutant has been established to be possible in 0,6 percent of cases. 🔹 A human and a mutant push this chance up to a twenty percent chance for a mutant offspring. 🔹 Two mutants will produce a mutant child. 🔹 The child's powers may not have any relation to the parents.
🔷 Mutations 🔹 Mutants have displayed a vastly different span of colorful abilities throughout the years. 🔹 It is very common for mutants to display physical abnormalities, as well, unrelated to their acting abilities. 🔹 It is wildly individual when mutations first reveal themselves. 🔹 Most commonly, mutations begin to show themselves when the mutant reaches puberty. 🔹 More destructive abilities tend to reveal themselves in response to emotional outbursts. 🔹 Passive abilities generally develop first.
🔷 Behaviour 🔹 Be mature. 🔹 Communication is the golden road to success, don't be afraid to express yourself. 🔹 Be civil when you express yourself. 🔹 A polite approach will take you far. 🔹 Don't be passive aggressive. 🔹 If you have a problem with another player, take it up with me. There is no use in crowding someone. 🔹 I personally do not care how inflammatory someone is, but to make it pleasant for everyone, don't actively try to push any buttons.
🔷 Responsibilities 🔹 I am here every day. 🔹 I do not expect the same level of commitment from others, but I do expect weekly attendance. 🔹 If your last IC post was seven (7) days ago, I will scratch you from the RP. 🔹 Anyone stuck in a scene for days, waiting for someone else, is welcome to write themselves out of it. 🔹 If you address your vacancy beforehand, you are welcome back whenever you're no longer busy.
🔷 Characters 🔹 I expect to see fully fledged characters submitted. 🔹 No WIPs in the OOC, please. 🔹 You are welcome to be as dark and gritty, or colorful and bombastic as you want. 🔹 You can tackle whatever taboo theme you want. 🔹 Your character can be as sexist, homophobic, racist, etc, as you want, as long as it actually fits their personality. 🔹 You can use whatever kind of picture, or lack thereof, for your character, be it drawn or real. 🔹 Write your character the way you're most comfortable, just keep the important bits there. 🔹 There is no magic, only mutations. 🔹 There are no fantasy races, but it is likely possible to reflect their appearance with mutants. 🔹 There are no aliens. 🔹 When you post your character, do so in hiders.
🔷 Potatoe 🥔
🔷 The Powers 🔹 Your character can have one power. 🔹 This power can have several subsets revolving around its main aspect. 🔹 Someone with enhanced strength would naturally have increased physical resistance or you'd lose your arm with one punch. 🔹 I do not want to see any mind control powers. 🔹 No time travel powers. 🔹 No powers that replicate other people's powers.
🔷 The Drawbacks 🔹 Not every power has a direct, harmful effect on the user. 🔹 However, I expect some sort of limitation or drawback added to the power. 🔹 Everything has a limit.
🔷 The Additions 🔹 You are welcome, and encouraged, to give your character ahestetic mutations. 🔹 Unnatural hair and eye colors, animalistic features, etc. 🔹 You can have as many aesthetic mutations as you want. 🔹 They do not affect the actual power level of your character, but rather adds more color to them.
Basic Information
Name 🔹 What do we call you, mate?
Vigilante Name 🔹 What's written on your mask?
Age 🔹 No minimum age. 🔹 Maximum age for those with longjevity is 100 years.
Species 🔹 Mutant, or human.
Gender 🔹 You do you.
Ethnicity 🔹 Where you or your parents are originally from.
Nationality 🔹 Where you have a citizenship.
Occupation 🔹 We're all slaves to the green.
Alignment 🔹 Where on the scale between psychotic murder cannibal and pacifist, are you?
Detailed Information
Appearance 🔹 What do you look like?
Personality 🔹 Open your heart.
Origin 🔹 Tell us your story.
Notable Relations 🔹 Who in your life means a lot to you?
Resources 🔹 Got the dough?
Everyday Skills 🔹 What are you good at, which doesn't involve shooting people?
Fighting Style 🔹 How do you prefer to kick ass?
Strengths 🔹 Where do you shine in battle?
Weaknesses 🔹 What flanks would you rather keep covered?
Equipment 🔹 Sticks and stones...
Strengths 🔹 What does your gift do?
Weaknesses/Limitations 🔹 Where does it end?
🔹 Got anything else you'd like us to know?
Basic Information
Name ╬ Subject M110. ╬ Cassification - Male 110. ╬ Dubbed - Milo.
Codename ╬ Replicant.
Age ╬ Newly created. ╬ Three months old.
Species ╬ Biologically Interlaced Artifical Construct. ╬ 'Clone'.
Gender ╬ Male.
Ethnicity ╬ Lab Rat.
Nationality ╬ Lab Rat-Rat.
Occupation ╬ MSU Agent. ╬ Spec Ops Specialist.
Alignment ╬ Chaotic Good. ╦ "I'll do as I'm told." ╦ "My moral compass is.., artificial." ╦ "I'm just a copy, my opinion isn't relevant." ╦ "Shoot the bad guys, save the good ones, right?"
Detailed Information
Appearance ╬ From the very first impression, one can make the obvious conclusion that Milo is a mutant, or at the very least, not human. ╬ His large eyes, slight frame, and unnatural presence are enough to draw him inhuman. ╬ While some might consider his appearance alluring, most would likely find it quite unnerving. ╬ His hair is raven black, long and often cover his eyes. ╬ Milo weighs a meager seventy pounds. ╬ He is no taller than five and a half feet. ╬ Due to an effeminate appearance, Milo has often been mistaken for a female. ╬ It is no secret that Milo reminds onlookers of a doll due to his physical abnormalities. ╬ Some would, in fact, argue that Milo is a doll, due to his nature as an artificial person. ╬ This extends to his biological structure where he does not seem to have any facial, or body hair. ╬ If seen without his clothes, his thin nature would be entirely revealed with the outline of ribs visible beneath his ghostly, porcelain-like skin. ╬ Following the color of his hair, Milo's eyes are completely black. ╬ Naturally, considering his appearance, Milo's digits are more akin to that of a young woman, than a male. ╬ No one in their right mind would look at Nico and consider him intimidating. ╬ Cute, maybe, but no more intimidating than a kitten.
╬ Milo is an exact copy of the person whose cells were used to create him. ╬ Upon his face, one can often see an apathetic expression. ╬ Milo carries himself with a sense of confidence but is very easily overlooked due to his small stature. ╬ Many have wanted to see if his skin actually feels like porcelain. It does not. ╬ Milo maintains a very innocent presence, which is not by choice. ╬ Milo's blood is actually white.
╬ As for clothes, Milo tends towards simplicity. ╬ Hoodies and cargo pants are his go-to attires. ╬ Tank tops are the most common option beneath his shirt. ╬ If stripped of his zipped hoodie, one would be able to see that he consistently wears a shoulder holster, and is armed.
╬ Milo's combat gear is a tactical suit designed by MSU, for him. ╬ It consists of fibers offering light protection while putting emphasis on mobility. ╬ The suit's design keeps Milo's appearance completely obfuscated beneath a mask and goggles.
Personality ╬ Milo is a mellow, broody and withdrawn young man. ╬ Though keeping mainly to himself, he does not mind company. ╬ In opposition to belief, Milo does, in fact, enjoy conversation more than he lets on. ╬ The boy is quite humble, never finding much use in measuring himself with others. ╬ He is quite serious, most of the time. ╬ Milo is still very inexperienced, and is often left confused during social interactions. ╬ Though he does not express it, and while emotions appear almost vacant, Milo can be rather emotional. ╬ He gets easily flustered during social interactions, which has lead to Milo maintaining a very apathetic approach.
╬ He displays an impressive amount of empathy towards others, especially considering how he carries himself. ╬ Though he can be a moody brat at times, Milo is polite and respectful. ╬ He is under the impression that he, as an artificial creation, is in a position where he has to be. ╬ Milo does not, in fact, not consider himself worth as much as a human being. ╬ This is not from a position of emotion, but rather one of logic. ╬ Outside more social venues, Milo maintains a consistently calm and appears incredibly difficult to rock off his feet.
╬ It is safe to say that Milo attempts to find solutions in every issue he is confronted with, rather than reaction with emotional turmoil. ╬ One could clearly see why some people consider him a robot. ╬ While growing more accustomed to human behavior, by the day, Milo still has difficulties maintaining a decent level of communication. ╬ When angry, Milo tends to vacate the location and withdraw. ╬ He is useless at expressing himself.
Origin ╬ As of his latest mission, Milo has existed for no more than three months. ╬ Milo was the 110th attempt at making an artificial mutant. ╬ Created by the MSU, he has spent his entire, short life on missions, or in laboratories. ╬ Milo's abilities have all been downloaded into his brain and have been interlaced with a myriad of physical training. ╬ This includes combat training, as well as social. ╬ The latter has not been very stellar in execution. ╬ Since his creation, Milo has been used as a resource, but his existence has left him rather confused and split. ╬ Though there are countless files on him, Milo's origin does not stretch further than being created and participating in missions.
╬ While countless experiments have been made on people, and mutants, Milo is one of the very few creatures designed in a tube. ╬ He was never born, and never had an actual childhood. ╬ Though downloaded data has given Milo basic information about the world, languages, and culture, he does not understand much. ╬ Milo has no memory or information on the mutant he originated from.
Notable Relations ╬ Klara Petterson. ╦ The MSU scientist who spearheaded the creation of Milo. ╦ He sees her much like a child would see their mother. ╦ Equally, she sees him as a son. ╦ Klara is from Sweden, but has lived in Azure City for twenty-four years. ╦ Despite Milo being a literal weapon, Klara does treat him like a son.
Resources ╬ Milo has no resources, at all. ╦ Everything he owns, and has, is given to him by the MSU.
Everyday Skills ╬ Drawing. ╦ Milo is apparently incredibly good at drawing. ╦ This is nothing downloaded into his brain, but rather, something he developed on his own. ╦ It has been a way for him to relax, since the first day he was given a pen and paper.
Fighting Style ╬ Ranged Combat ╦ Milo's speciality revolves around gunplay. ╦ He is a master marksman. ╦ Milo's choice of weapons revolve around pistols, submachine guns, and sniper rifles.
╬ Acrobatics ╦ Milo is incredibly nimble. ╦ He moves about quickly and with utmost grace.
Weaknesses ╬ Defense ╦ Milo is small and frail. ╦ He has no physical, defensive attributes.
╬ Melee Combat ╦ The only ability Milo has in melee combat, is dodging and trying to distance himself.
╬ Strength ╦ Though his artificial muscles are enough to manage firearm recoil, Milo is not by any stretch, a close quarters combatant.
╬ Power ╦ Milo's power relies entirely on the external force used for a replica. ╦ This means that Milo's power-level, excluding his skills, is based on the technology he is using.
Equipment ╬ Pistol ╦ A pair of light, fast sidearms. ╦ Milo keeps these weapons on his person at all times. ╦ They holds fifteen rounds, each. ╦ Designed by the MSU, Milo's pistols has been custom made with a built-in silencer.
╬ Submachine Gun ╦ Used on assault missions, Milo's Submachine Gun is designed to maintain a consistant source of suppression. ╦ It holds sixty rounds. ╦ Like his pistol, this weapon has a built in silencer.
╬ Sniper Rifle ╦ A situational weapon, Milo uses this firearm on missions where he offers long ranged support. ╦ The rifle is also used for missions where precise takedowns is required.
╬ Outfit ╦ Milo's outfit is designed to maintain his mobility, while offering light protection. ╦ The mask includes the option nightvision. ╦ It also includes a HUD which is linked to Milo's weapons, counting his bullets. ╦ Additionally, it keeps track of his health, reading his biological makeup.
╬ Ammunition ╦ None of Milo's weapons can hold normal rounds. ╦ All of Milo's guns fire non-lethal bullets. ╦ Milo's most common projectile stuns opponents, rather than killing them. The closer to the heart or head Milo hits his foe, the more likely it is that the enemy will be completely knocked out. Hitting them in the limbs will shut off that limb. This effect lasts for a noted time period of five hours.
Power - Cellular Duplication
╬ The ability to replicate any inanimate object within a frame of limitations.
╬ The ability also allows for a passive adjustment to the user's frame which is described below. Each replica created by Milo is in all intents and purposes identical to the real article, meaning it's an exact copy.
╬ After an item comes in contact with his fingers, a replica will build itself into existence as if building blocks appearing on top of each other until the item is fully created. The process begins from where the item was touched and is nearly instantaneous. It is also worth noting that the replica will appear in the same hand Milo used to touch the item in question.
╬ Details ✥ Imprint For an item to be replicated by Milo, he has to manage a process called Imprinting. Upon touching an object, Milo can connect with it, and then conjure forth replicas of the item, at will. Once Milo has Imprinted an item, he can manifest a replica of this item wherever he finds himself and no longer needs to have the original item in his possession to manage the feat. This is, of course, until he needs to Imprint with the item again.
✥ Weight The item cannot weigh more than two pounds.
✥ Quantity Milo can Imprint, and replicate, up to two items. He can replicate each Imprinted item twice. As long as the item in question doesn't weigh over two pounds, Milo can replicate everything contained within a single unit.
✥ Substance The only way for Milo to replicate something which isn't solid is if it's contained within something solid.
✥ Biological Material Milo cannot replicate anything which isn't inanimate. Biological material is beyond his ability.
✥ Time Each replica is permanent until Milo allows it to disappear or until another replaces it. Due to this, it is impossible to trace his replicas.
✥ Usage Unlike many mutants and supernatural creatures, users of this power are entirely reliant on external forces. Their abilities cannot further any goals by themselves, as would be the case for a fire slinger or ice breather. Additionally, the user's manifestations can only aid them as far as the inanimate object they have imprinted is possibly capable of. In other words, the mutant requires an ingredient in the form of an object for their ability to be useful.
✥ Agelessness Milo's cells do not split, but rather they replicate. A cell deteriorates every time it splits which in turn causes ageing. This appears entirely vacant in Milo's biological construction.
╬ An inspiration for how Milo sometimes fights, is Gun Kata from Equilibrium. ╬ This is surprisingly effective for someone like Milo, considering his lack of physical strength, and how Gun Kata incorporates firearms in mid to close range. ╬ He still avoids close quarters combat if possible. ╬ Milo is addicted to Honkai Impact 3. ╬ His favorite character is obviously Sundenjager.
Okay, I have the character sheet set up in a Word doc, just need to start. I'm about to join in on a weekly DnD session, and already spent 3 hours on another character sheet, so we'll see how I feel in a few hours. xD
Ummm, what's your take on younger characters?
I have an idea for the Jaeger but I don't know if I want to base it off of the younger version or the older version of a character, and how the power acts.
Edit: Hmm, I just saw no minimum age in the character sheet. I wasn't planning on playing a 5 year-old but I do need to plan on how I want to do this xD
@Lotrix Molick The RP is always open, so we'll always have more room.
@Bea I let players play characters as young as they want. I do, however, expect players to play their character's age realistically. If I see a twelve-year-old ninja spin kicking a grown man out of a window, I'll tell you to hold your horses.
@CAWs For Alarm Of course, you're welcome to make a character whenever.
@DarkRecon You can make as many characters as you want.
@Perdoname Put your character in a hider, in the character tab. I put him under 'villain', if this is incorrect, poke me and I'll fix it.
Who knew I had some of the best creative thoughts at 2am? Just a side-note, I had a ton of fun making this little guy. <3
Let me know if this is good Shard! Didn't know if I could post directly to the character section so I decided to get it checked in OOC first! :D
Name Maksim Lyaksandro Lowe
Vigilante Name N/A
Age Fourteen years old.
Species Mutant.
Gender Male.
Ethnicity Ukranian.
Nationality Ukranian/American
Occupation No occupation.
Alignment Neutral Good
About Maksim
Origin In this era of Mutants, America may be more welcoming to such interesting beings, but in the far corners of the world, other countries and people may not be so welcoming. Maksim Lyaksandro Lowe was born on October 20th, 2005 to a human mother, and a Mutant father. He was born in the small village of Dzembronya, Ukraine. With a small population of 250 people, Maksim’s father, Lyaksandro, moved there with his wife before Maksim was born, in hopes that they could hide amongst the tall mountains and dense forests, and be as normal as their family could be. When the Ukrainian government began to scour the country for mutants, taking some in as live experiments and executing the rest, Maksim’s father instructed his son to run, run far, and do not stop running until he’s found somewhere safe. At 13 years of age, Maksim was forced to fend for himself. He ran, and hid, and ran some more, not knowing how far but determined to get far from anyone who want to harm him. Eventually, after scavenging for scraps, and at times evading officials, Maksim stowed away on a cargo ship. Eventually, the young boy found himself in Azure City, New York, USA. Present day in Azure City, the young Maksim is only 14 years of age. He lives on the streets of the city, evading officials out of general fear of what they’d do to him and stealing to be able to survive. Due to the nature of what he’s had to do to live on the streets, Maksim is forced to evade officials, and seems to always be on the run from trouble, even though the young boy has not an ounce of evil in his heart.
Personality During his early childhood in Ukraine, Maksim always enjoyed exploring the woods near his house, going fishing with his father, and helping his mother take care of their small farm by doing chores around the homestead. He and his father shared the same mutant power, so many free nights were spent by his father side, learning how to harness it’s power, and not let it’s energy take over his mind and body. Now, stuck in Azure City and struggling to survive, Maksim is a completely different child. Due to being constantly pursued by the officials the young boy is always looking over his shoulder and covering his tracks so that he may have a few moments of rest before having to run. Maksim refuses to let anyone near him who asks and tries his best to stay away from large crowds of people. Stealing from others, and at times being forced to fight his power when its triggered, has taught the boy to feel little remorse in anything he does. A little boy who once loved his family and his world, Maksim is forced to do anything he can to stay alive, fearful to approach anyone for help should they turn their back on him and leave him for dead.
Notable Relations His parents will always hold a special place in his heart. When he lays down to rest, they’re always there in the forefront of his thoughts, assuring him that everything will be alright.
Resources N/A
Everyday Skills Because Maksim has had to steal and cheat his way to survive, he’s learned to be very sneaky. He excels at pickpocketing if he can find the right moment, and never turns up a free chance to nab a meal from under someone’s nose.
Fighting Style Maksim prefers to avoid any conflict that he can, both because he doesn’t know much hand-to-hand skills, and, if frightened, his powers can overtake him, causing him to go into an unstoppable rampage in which he can harm, and even kill, anyone and everyone he sees as a threat.
Strengths Maksim is somewhat on the smaller side for his age, thus allowing him to be more agile and allowing him to slip from somebody’s loose grasp, or outrun someone should he get into trouble. He’s also learning to be quicker on his feet when he needs to climb or scale an object to get out of a sticky situation.
Weaknesses Maksim is not very good at hand to hand fighting and prefers to stay far from anyone should a fight ensue.
Equipment Maksim does not own any sort of weapon or tool. For clothes, he wears: A tattered blue denim jacket. (instagram.com/p/5POzEHwupn) Dark, calf-length pants that are worn at the knees and tattered at the bottom of the leg. Black sneakers that are starting to separate at the sole and have a few small holes in them.
Strengths Maksim is somewhat of a Lycanthrope, meaning his power relates to that of becoming a werewolf. When this power is triggered, the host’s eyes glow a deep blue, their canine and teeth become sharper (as a reflection of their power being derived from a wolf) and they receive a burst of strength. Although, even with fully developed powers, the user does not fully transform into that of a werewolf, but rather receives heightened senses, sharpened reflexes, and improved survivability for a short time. An adult with this power can withstand a stab wound through a non-vital organ during a fight, in which the adrenaline is so high that they can push through their pain and finish the fight. A child with this power, if properly and rigorously trained from birth through adolescence, can control their power, but will not receive the full affects an adult might, including some lack of adrenaline, and less survivability. But in turn, they will be able to control their power, and choose when it is triggered and released.
Weaknesses/Limitations A child Lycanthrope, if not properly trained from birth through adulthood, may find trouble in trying to control their power if frightened or threatened. The child does not receive the sharper canine teeth, but their eyes will still glow blue and they find themselves unable to control their body or mind. Due to the lack of training in Maksim’s case, he has the survivability, the reflexes, and the senses, but he is unable to limit and control it, thus running his body to the point that he could collapse and be unable to function without proper rest. The major drawback to both adults and children, is once their power is released, whether it be from choice or not, they immediately lose any heightened abilities, and the adrenaline quickly leaves their body. Any injuries sustained, life threatening ones most importantly, must be treated immediately, as their bodies go back to the normal state of a human, to which a certain extent of pain and injury is too much for anyone to bear. Both adults and children Lycanthrope can only be in their state of power for a limited time, and that time all depends upon the amount and intensity of training they have received.
Video link for reference on how his powers work (Warning, blood and violence involved. If you don't wanna see some nasty guy puking blood don't go past 1:07. And yes it's an anime.) youtube.com/watch?v=LBYM3FxtVhk Maksim does pretty well at keeping himself in decent hygiene despite his struggles. By this time, Maksim knows English well enough to where can speak it fluently, that is if he decides to say anything to you at all.
I like the layout of the character, well done. Also, accepted, you can add him to the character section. Should I put him under undecided in terms of hero/villain?
Personality 🔹 Willow is a fairly nice intelligent person. She acts polite to people she meets and loves her friends. But that love also translates into almost sadistic glee when shes fighting a baddie, with her tendency to cut hamstrings for non lethal takedowns and arteries for lethal ones.
Origin 🔹 Willow, despite hailing from Australia, has lived most of her life in a small town in the US. She was always small, and when her mutant powers manifested she shrunk to the size of a fairy. This made finishing up school a bit tricky, but soon she learned what these powers meant when she started to do hero work. After making her mark in her home town, she moved to Azure City to seek better opportunities for someone of her... station. Thankfully her size meant that city life was fairly cheap for her, and being a mutant meant that she got paid a bit more than the average person, even if her job was to be a waiter at a specialty fantasy restaurant with people in costumes or other mutants with deformities that made them look like fantasy creatures. And of course Azure City was the place to be in order to be a hero.
Notable Relations 🔹 No one right now, always looking for love though!
Resources 🔹 Willow is pretty well off considering she needs very little in the way of food and housing.
Everyday Skills 🔹 Since shes so small, shes very good at stealth. Although shes more of a survivalist more than anything, gotta love Magivor.
Fighting Style 🔹 Using bladed weapons to dismember enemies at fast speeds and great precision.
Strengths 🔹 Vs unarmored opponents or partially armored opponents. Has great knowledge of anatomy and where to hit things for maximum damage.
Weaknesses 🔹 Ineffective vs fully armored opponents. Fire is bad.
Equipment 🔹 Scalpel razorblade the size of a knife, rapier the size of a knife.
Strengths 🔹 Willow's mutation basically makes her a fairy. Thus shes about the size of a coffee cup, but has the relative strength of a large person. She can fly for many hours without getting tired, can fly carrying far more weight than her size would let on, and she can zip around the air freely much like a hummingbird or insect at blistering speeds. Finally, shes fairly stretchy, although not so much to be like silly puddy or anything. She might have some untapped powers, what with looking like a fairy and all.
Weaknesses/Limitations 🔹 Shes very small, so everything looks very big to her. Due to her weapons of choice, shes very effective at cleaving through flesh, but can't do much of anything to fully armored opponents. Strong winds really bother her. She really doesn't carry much on her besides her rapier, razor scalpel, and/or her wallet (When out in public.) And its almost comical seeing a fairy carrying a wallet bigger than she is.
Here's my first of two characters. But generally, both are going to have the same occupation and alignment. This may need some revision so I appreciate some feedback on this.
Name -Classified- (Though sometimes calls himself "Danny Sparks")
Vigilante Name K Nine
Age -Classified-
Species Mutant
Gender Male
Ethnicity -Classified-
Nationality -Classified-
Occupation MSU
Alignment Neutral
Detailed Information
Appearance He stands roughly 6'0". Weight unknown.
Personality -Classified-
Origin -Classified-
Notable Relations -Classified-
Resources MSU funding and/or any "jobs" he's assigned to.
Everyday Skills -Classified-
Fighting Style C.Q.C. or Close Quarters Combat. Basically, Danny knows how to fight using a combination of hand-to-hand combat, knife fighting and gunplay at close range. His training pretty much prepares him for more sensitive situations like hostage situations or storming a defended area.
Strengths Cool, calm and collected (during a mission anyways), Danny knows how to handle a crisis that goes further than simply fighting your typical supervillian. He knows how to switch tatic's when stealth, planning and reconniasnce is needed rather than an all-out fight.
Weaknesses Despite his training, Danny has trouble using longer range weaponry accurrately even with his powers. While he can use pistols, knife's and his bare hands with his C.Q.C. fight style, anything past a pistol size (or past SMG size since he started practicing using SMG's) or longer than a knife still give him problems.
Equipment Pretty much anything MSU assigns to him based on the mission or wherever they send him.
Strengths Though classified, those within MSU would tell you this. Danny is half wolf or half lycanthrope if you will. Even if it's only half, Danny still benefits since it put him on a "super soldier" level overal. Strength, speed and endurance. The usual. But what got enhanced in particular was his senses. His hearing, sight and smell in particular can help Danny be more aware than your average human.
Weaknesses/Limitations Danny can exaust himself from using his power for too long. Normally, when he's NOT using his lycan abilities, his eyes are a normal brown color. But when he goes into Lycan mode, his eye color changes to yellow. A clever opponent could spot this and wait for the change depending on the situation. His hearing, sight and smell can also work against him depending. If, say, a real bad smell, a loud noise at the wrong time or a bright enough light to his eyes while in Lycan mode can stun, knock him out or even stop the Lycan mode if the opponent's timing is right.
Extra As shown above, alot about Danny Sparks aka K Nine is sealed and classified due to the measures MSU puts on it's agents, soldiers and members. For those well-informed on MSU though, there are rumors that float around some of it's members. In the case with K Nine, there's a story that says he was born human but was suffering from some disease. What disease is unknown but it kept him from leading a normal life. It was because his human parents were military that they volenteered Danny for some "super soldier" experimentation. What exactly happened afterwards is unknown but it's assumed the process was TOO successful since it turned Danny into a half lycan. Now disease free but turned mutant, he now owe's his life and loyalty to MSU or so the story goes.