[:. The Catalyst .:]
Admiral Wesley Corden stood stationary gazing ruminatively through the window of one of the many satellite stations that orbit Gsebria into the inky void of space. He enjoyed still moments such as this as it gave him leave to clear his mind and merely exist in the vastness of the universe for a moment.
"Admiral...our sensors have detected an unidentified vessel heading directly toward the planet from SC_67.54.88...8500 kilometers out," said one of the the console operators.
Corden frowned slightly as duty called.
"Hail them."
"Yes, sir...initiating transmission..."
The admiral moved toward the console as the operator did his work.
"Link established...you're live, sir."
"Attention, vessel...this is Admiral Wesley Corden of the Allied Cosmic Armada...you are approaching our planet Gsebria at a direct course...state your intentions or divert course...failure to comply will assume hostility and result in forceful action."
After a brief pause, the vessel's captain replied in an alien language.
"Dammit, turn on the translator!" barked Corden.
"......have come to claim a commodity which has been traced to your planet. Relinquish the commodity or we will annihilate all life on your planet and search for it ourselves."
Slightly taken back by the instantaneous hostility, Corden turned deadly serious.
"The A.G.U. does not possess any alien commodity nor do does it have knowledge of such. The A.G.U. also does not take well to death threats. Divert your course immediately or your vessel will be obliterated."
"...have it your way."
[Transmission ends]
"Sir, the vessel is steadily approaching and has slightly increased in speed," said the operator.
The admiral's blood began to pump faster as his adrenaline ramped up. He quickly approached the nearest console and made an announcement to all battle stations.
"This is Admiral Corden...we have a code red...an inbound hostile alien vessel approaching from SC_67.54.88. This is not a drill. Ready weapons and fire at will...reduce them to cosmic dust."
Moments later, several long-range luminal supercannons engaged the vessel while it was still far out. The sensors however detected no damage as the vessel's shields activated. The vessel remained steadfast in its course as if to mock the attempt of the Armada and dare it to try again.
"Supercannons ineffective, sir. Vessel is still on course."
"They must have very strong shields...impressive, but not enough."
The admiral once again addressed his battle stations.
"Hold fire until the vessel is within range of the Devastators...we'll punch through that little forcefield."
Within minutes, two colossal luminal supercannons activated and began to energize. When the alien ship came within range, the Devastators fired two massive columns of energy that combined and concentrated into a single, even more powerful beam. As the beam came in contact with the ship, it tore straight through the ship's defense and blasted a hole in its hull. The ship seemed to suddenly lose its power as it began to drift lifelessly.
"Direct hit, sir! The ship has sustained heavy damage!" exclaimed the operator.
Corden gave winning smirk and gave an order for another blast.
"The cannons can handle one more...the next one will vaporize them."
After a short pause to allow the Devastators to re-energize, a second attack was launched at the alien ship. The beam punched through the ship and it immediately exploded into space rumble.
"Target eliminated, sir."
Corden gave a solemn nod as he approached the window once again.
"Sir," the operator said, slightly bewildered, "...we're being hailed."
The admiral turned and gave another nod, this time a little peeved. As the transmission started, only amused laughter could be heard.
"...Hahahahaha...that was very good...a very well-constructed weapon indeed...unfortunately for you, you merely destroyed a scout ship...and that's not the bad news...our own fleet is now approaching your planet in full force...and believe me, you'll need more than those turrets to even stand a hope of a chance...we are a race who has mastered war and we will turn your entire planet into a wasteland and we will acquire our commodity without contest...enjoy what's left of your life...Admiral..."
As the link severed, Admiral Corden stood perfectly still, taking in the weight of the message. In all his time serving the Armada, he had wondered if he would ever see a hostile alien invasion. And now that an actual threat was imminent, he was visibly stunned. He gained what he could of his composure and turned to the operator, who was equally as shaken.
"Contact the capital...we are now in a state of global emergency."
After a brief pause, the vessel's captain replied in an alien language.
"Dammit, turn on the translator!" barked Corden.
"......have come to claim a commodity which has been traced to your planet. Relinquish the commodity or we will annihilate all life on your planet and search for it ourselves."
Slightly taken back by the instantaneous hostility, Corden turned deadly serious.
"The A.G.U. does not possess any alien commodity nor do does it have knowledge of such. The A.G.U. also does not take well to death threats. Divert your course immediately or your vessel will be obliterated."
"...have it your way."
[Transmission ends]
"Sir, the vessel is steadily approaching and has slightly increased in speed," said the operator.
The admiral's blood began to pump faster as his adrenaline ramped up. He quickly approached the nearest console and made an announcement to all battle stations.
"This is Admiral Corden...we have a code red...an inbound hostile alien vessel approaching from SC_67.54.88. This is not a drill. Ready weapons and fire at will...reduce them to cosmic dust."
Moments later, several long-range luminal supercannons engaged the vessel while it was still far out. The sensors however detected no damage as the vessel's shields activated. The vessel remained steadfast in its course as if to mock the attempt of the Armada and dare it to try again.
"Supercannons ineffective, sir. Vessel is still on course."
"They must have very strong shields...impressive, but not enough."
The admiral once again addressed his battle stations.
"Hold fire until the vessel is within range of the Devastators...we'll punch through that little forcefield."
Within minutes, two colossal luminal supercannons activated and began to energize. When the alien ship came within range, the Devastators fired two massive columns of energy that combined and concentrated into a single, even more powerful beam. As the beam came in contact with the ship, it tore straight through the ship's defense and blasted a hole in its hull. The ship seemed to suddenly lose its power as it began to drift lifelessly.
"Direct hit, sir! The ship has sustained heavy damage!" exclaimed the operator.
Corden gave winning smirk and gave an order for another blast.
"The cannons can handle one more...the next one will vaporize them."
After a short pause to allow the Devastators to re-energize, a second attack was launched at the alien ship. The beam punched through the ship and it immediately exploded into space rumble.
"Target eliminated, sir."
Corden gave a solemn nod as he approached the window once again.
"Sir," the operator said, slightly bewildered, "...we're being hailed."
The admiral turned and gave another nod, this time a little peeved. As the transmission started, only amused laughter could be heard.
"...Hahahahaha...that was very good...a very well-constructed weapon indeed...unfortunately for you, you merely destroyed a scout ship...and that's not the bad news...our own fleet is now approaching your planet in full force...and believe me, you'll need more than those turrets to even stand a hope of a chance...we are a race who has mastered war and we will turn your entire planet into a wasteland and we will acquire our commodity without contest...enjoy what's left of your life...Admiral..."
As the link severed, Admiral Corden stood perfectly still, taking in the weight of the message. In all his time serving the Armada, he had wondered if he would ever see a hostile alien invasion. And now that an actual threat was imminent, he was visibly stunned. He gained what he could of his composure and turned to the operator, who was equally as shaken.
"Contact the capital...we are now in a state of global emergency."
[:. One month earlier... .:]
The RP will actually begin one month before the event above so that the characters can develop a little before the invasion. The info below is mostly to get a feel for how the world works. (It's a lot…sorry) Hit me up with any questions.
The most important sections are Population, Social Classes, TISSA and ICON, all the Organizations, and Noetic Abilities... everything else is just background to help shape your perception of the world.
Gsebria is a planet that is slightly larger than Earth and has geographical and climatic characteristics similar to Earth. It also tilts at about the same angle, which allows for the same seasonal pattern. Gsebria has three moons that orbit: Auron is the closest moon and shines golden yellow; Azura is the middle moon and shines blue-green; Rubia is the furthest moon and shines dark red.
One day on Gsebria (one full rotation) lasts 25 hours, with each hour made up of 73 minutes, which are comprised of 60 seconds. The clocks on Gsebria, however, only display 72 minutes and the second hand counts the 73rd minute separately before moving into the next hour (some refer to this as the ‘ghost minute’). Time is expressed as follows: 14:52, with the first number being the hour and the second number being the minute.
The weeks, months, and years are based upon the orbits of the moons. One week on Gsebria is 8 days, which is one orbit of Auron; one month is 32 days, which is one orbit of Azura; one season (three months) is 96 days, which is one orbit of Rubia. Four seasons (384 days) equal one year on Gsebria. Moon alignments mark the beginning/end of each month and season: Auron and Azura align each month, and all three moons align each season.
The four seasons have a basis in agriculture and are the Harvest season, Wintertide, the Vernal season, and Summertide. Each month within a season marks the Early, Mid, and Late period.
Dates are expressed as follows: 147-EV-18. The first number is the current year, the letters represent the month (Early Vernal in the example), and the last number is the day within the month.
The names of the days of the week are based on Harmonist practices: Foreday, the day of new beginnings; Lumiday, the day of enlightenment; Amiday, the day of love and kindness; Fortiday, the day of inner strength; Serenday, the day of peace; Geoday, the day of the Architect; Animaday, the day of the Animator; and Tempusday, the day of the Author.
The weeks, months, and years are based upon the orbits of the moons. One week on Gsebria is 8 days, which is one orbit of Auron; one month is 32 days, which is one orbit of Azura; one season (three months) is 96 days, which is one orbit of Rubia. Four seasons (384 days) equal one year on Gsebria. Moon alignments mark the beginning/end of each month and season: Auron and Azura align each month, and all three moons align each season.
The four seasons have a basis in agriculture and are the Harvest season, Wintertide, the Vernal season, and Summertide. Each month within a season marks the Early, Mid, and Late period.
Dates are expressed as follows: 147-EV-18. The first number is the current year, the letters represent the month (Early Vernal in the example), and the last number is the day within the month.
The names of the days of the week are based on Harmonist practices: Foreday, the day of new beginnings; Lumiday, the day of enlightenment; Amiday, the day of love and kindness; Fortiday, the day of inner strength; Serenday, the day of peace; Geoday, the day of the Architect; Animaday, the day of the Animator; and Tempusday, the day of the Author.
Gsebria's population includes both human and alien races. The human population can be categorized into five main ethnic groups: Crevah, Taliyah, Morobi, Vahl, and Ashai (akin to Hispanic, Arabic, African, Caucasian, and Asian, respectively, on Earth). A very small percentage of humans are part of a “subrace” called Noetics. Noetics are born with the innate ability to manipulate matter and energy using only their minds and have slightly increased levels of strength, endurance, reflexes, and sensory ability. They can be classified into two types based on their ability: telekinetics and telepaths. All Noetics, no matter what their ethnicity, have violet eyes that almost appear to glow.
Aetherians are a genderless race of shapeshifters whose natural appearance is similar to a wavering flame. While in this state, they communicate in musical tones. In order to change forms, Aetherians must acquire the genetic code of the creature whose form they wish to take, which is done through physical contact. An Aetherian’s first acquired form is their ‘primary’ form; subsequent forms are more difficult to use, so usually only two or three forms are taken by an Aetherian with normal abilities. Since Aetherians are energy beings, they cannot be killed by normal means. If an Aetherian is “killed” while in a physical form, it reverts back to its natural form while the genetic
code is repaired back to a functional state; other forms can still be used during the repair of another form, though it extends the process significantly. The true origins of the Aetherians remains a great mystery.
The Qurasi are a peaceful, highly intelligent, knowledge-seeking humanoid race. Qurasi are commonly taller than humans – the average height being just over two meters. They have slender builds and soft, smooth skin. Male Qurasi have skin tones of brown, red, and orange hues while females have tones of blue, violet, and pink hues. Qurasi have only four digits on each hand: an opposable thumb on each side of the palm and two fingers on top of the palm. Their eyes are solid black and glittered with tiny sparkles that match the color of their skin, and their ‘hair’ is made of tentacle-like extensions of cartilage.
Thorians are a brawny race similar to humans except for one major difference: Thorians have an extra set of arms. Because Thorians have four arms, they are naturally tall and heavy. They also possess incredibly dense skin and tissue which makes them near impervious to punctures and cuts. Thorians tend to be quite competitive, believing that a person's strength determines their worth, and they regularly engage in physical contests of fortitude. The sheer might of Thorians far exceeds that of most races as they are easily able to crack small boulders within a few blows.
The Zor'ziga are a very regal and proud race. They are mostly humanoid in appearance with the exception of their ashen skin tone and reptilian scales underneath each eye, and running up their forearms and shins. When necessary for battle, the Zor'ziga can change into a quasi-draconic form – their hands grow in size and gain claws, their feet morph into three-toed, razor-sharp talons, they grow a pair of horns on their head, and their eyes glow a vicious red. The scales on their body also become more pronounced and change color to black, grey, blue, brown, or green. The scales of male Zor’ziga normally change to darker shades than those of females. While in battle form, Zor'ziga have greatly enhanced reflexes, senses, strength, and stamina.
The Drowa are lively and wild, seeing every day as an adventure and dauntlessly charging into any situation no matter what the perceived level of danger may be. Beastlike in appearance, the Drowa have short fur covering their entire bodies from the neck down, ape-like forearms, lion-like noses, and retractable claws on their hands and feet. The Drowa have amazing grip strength and very fast reflexes. An ancient custom requires each of the Drowa to have a long braid that he/she never cuts; to cut the braid is to rob them of their pride.
Sikeidans have a humanoid form with a slightly insectile appearance due to their exceptionally durable exoskeleton which acts as a natural armor. This exoskeleton allows them to withstand heavy blunt force trauma, repel low caliber ammo, and endure falls from 10 meters without a problem. Sikeidans do not have eyes and do not use their mouths for speaking. Instead, they communicate using telepathy. Their exoskeleton is very sensitive to vibrations in the air; this allows them to detect movements and sounds from a distance using echolocation. Sikeidans usually live in large colonies which are each ruled by a single Queen.
Aetherians are a genderless race of shapeshifters whose natural appearance is similar to a wavering flame. While in this state, they communicate in musical tones. In order to change forms, Aetherians must acquire the genetic code of the creature whose form they wish to take, which is done through physical contact. An Aetherian’s first acquired form is their ‘primary’ form; subsequent forms are more difficult to use, so usually only two or three forms are taken by an Aetherian with normal abilities. Since Aetherians are energy beings, they cannot be killed by normal means. If an Aetherian is “killed” while in a physical form, it reverts back to its natural form while the genetic
code is repaired back to a functional state; other forms can still be used during the repair of another form, though it extends the process significantly. The true origins of the Aetherians remains a great mystery.
The Qurasi are a peaceful, highly intelligent, knowledge-seeking humanoid race. Qurasi are commonly taller than humans – the average height being just over two meters. They have slender builds and soft, smooth skin. Male Qurasi have skin tones of brown, red, and orange hues while females have tones of blue, violet, and pink hues. Qurasi have only four digits on each hand: an opposable thumb on each side of the palm and two fingers on top of the palm. Their eyes are solid black and glittered with tiny sparkles that match the color of their skin, and their ‘hair’ is made of tentacle-like extensions of cartilage.
Thorians are a brawny race similar to humans except for one major difference: Thorians have an extra set of arms. Because Thorians have four arms, they are naturally tall and heavy. They also possess incredibly dense skin and tissue which makes them near impervious to punctures and cuts. Thorians tend to be quite competitive, believing that a person's strength determines their worth, and they regularly engage in physical contests of fortitude. The sheer might of Thorians far exceeds that of most races as they are easily able to crack small boulders within a few blows.
The Zor'ziga are a very regal and proud race. They are mostly humanoid in appearance with the exception of their ashen skin tone and reptilian scales underneath each eye, and running up their forearms and shins. When necessary for battle, the Zor'ziga can change into a quasi-draconic form – their hands grow in size and gain claws, their feet morph into three-toed, razor-sharp talons, they grow a pair of horns on their head, and their eyes glow a vicious red. The scales on their body also become more pronounced and change color to black, grey, blue, brown, or green. The scales of male Zor’ziga normally change to darker shades than those of females. While in battle form, Zor'ziga have greatly enhanced reflexes, senses, strength, and stamina.
The Drowa are lively and wild, seeing every day as an adventure and dauntlessly charging into any situation no matter what the perceived level of danger may be. Beastlike in appearance, the Drowa have short fur covering their entire bodies from the neck down, ape-like forearms, lion-like noses, and retractable claws on their hands and feet. The Drowa have amazing grip strength and very fast reflexes. An ancient custom requires each of the Drowa to have a long braid that he/she never cuts; to cut the braid is to rob them of their pride.
Sikeidans have a humanoid form with a slightly insectile appearance due to their exceptionally durable exoskeleton which acts as a natural armor. This exoskeleton allows them to withstand heavy blunt force trauma, repel low caliber ammo, and endure falls from 10 meters without a problem. Sikeidans do not have eyes and do not use their mouths for speaking. Instead, they communicate using telepathy. Their exoskeleton is very sensitive to vibrations in the air; this allows them to detect movements and sounds from a distance using echolocation. Sikeidans usually live in large colonies which are each ruled by a single Queen.
There are 10 main land masses on Gsebria. These are separated into for groupings called ‘regions’ and the actual masses in each region are called ‘subregions’ (what would be a ‘continent’ on Earth). The region of Soroma contains the largest land mass which is split into three subregions: Baeremtesp, Nuje, and Mhcrae. It also contains the island subregion of Lyjuh. The region of Dulaan, which is south of Soroma, contains the subregions of Obrotec and Jharyanu. To the east of Dulaan is the region of Lystra, which contains the subregions of Breedmec, Ryeburaf, and Alpri. West of Soroma is the region of Mera, which contains the subregions of Staguu, Myah, and Venobrem.
- Baeremtesp has a people as diverse as it's geography. The southwest is defined by rolling hills and temperate climates, while the north is home to numerous square kilometers of forests. In the east, the Riverlands are blanketed with lush jungles and teeming marshes. River nomads sail the waters on floating caravans going wherever the current takes them. Further east sits one of the longest mountain ranges in the world, separating the subregion from the Onokah Desert in Mhcrae.
- Nuje borders Baeremtesp to the north beyond a chain of snowy mountains and a sprawling timberland. The wintry climate becomes progressively colder the further one travels north toward the planet's pole. Heavy coats and furs are common attire for the predominantly Vahl population as the temperatures rarely register in Tempre.
- Bordering Baeremtesp to the east is Mhcrae which is predominantly Taliyah. As home to the planet's largest desert, the climate is quite dry in most of the subregion. Costal Mhcrae is prone to extremely frequent seismic and volcanic activity. Some areas have such heavy activity that they have turned to barley habitable wastelands where little to no vegetation grows.
- More info coming soon!
- The predominantly Morobi subregion if Jharyanu sits just below Gsebria’s equator and east of Obrotec. The subregion contains a cluster of massive floating islands on it's northern end that hover just above the clouds and are connected to each other by Skybridges. The area underneath these islands, simply called the Myst, is shrouded in a perpetual fog and is one of the coldest areas in the world. The Skylanders on the islands can be quite pompous and tend to look down on Lowlanders.
- More info coming soon!
- More info coming soon!
- More info coming soon!
- More info coming soon!
- Staguu is a crescent-shaped archipelago that lies west of Baeremtesp. The population -- predominantly Crevah -- is abounding with sailors, divers, and fishermen obsessed with the ocean. In fact, numerous underwater subtropolises have been constructed to allow people to dwell in the depths. These vitreous cities of glass are truly a wonder to behold and blend in seamlessly with the teeming marine life.
- More info coming soon!
- More info coming soon!
The Allied Global Union
The Allied Global Union (A.G.U. or The Union) is an alliance comprised of 45 nations spread over five subregions. The A.G.U. was formed to promote transnational peace, security, and cooperation under the Pax Concordat. The Pax Concordat established the Central Assembly - the main deliberative body - and the First Tribunal - the court for transnational matters. It also contains regulations for resources and energy, transnational travel, and the use of TISSA, ICON, and teleshifts. Each nation within the Union has a similarly-structured government.
Government at the national level is split into three branches: the Directorate (executive), the High Tribunal (judicial), and the High Congress (legislative). The Directorate is made up of six offices split into two divisions: the Offices of Provisions, Wealth, and Knowledge make up the Social Division, and the Offices of Defense, Intelligence, and Diplomacy make up the Security Division. The heads of each Office are called Directors and make up the main council of the Directorate. The Directors themselves elect two members of the council to be the First and Second Seat of the Directorate, the two highest positions in the branch (the equivalent of a president and vice president). The High Tribunal consists of seven High Justices, one of which is the Prime Justice, the head over all. The High Congress is comprised of one member for every one million citizens. Each nation is divided into districts which each have a governor, a Minor Tribunal, and a Minor Congress.
The Union separates its citizens into classes according to income level, occupation, age, and other factors. This system is primarily designed to assist in security and monitoring.
Class 5 - national government, active military, High Marshals
Class 4 - upper class, retired military, district government, Territorial Guard
Class 3 - merchants, working class, Civil Guard
Class 2 - rural citizens
Class 1 - lower class, minors
Class 5 - national government, active military, High Marshals
Class 4 - upper class, retired military, district government, Territorial Guard
Class 3 - merchants, working class, Civil Guard
Class 2 - rural citizens
Class 1 - lower class, minors
Most, if not all, citizens in the Union fall into one of three social groups: digerati, literati, and traditionalists.
Digerati fully embrace technology as a way of life. Computers, cybernetics, robotics, and telecommunications are seamlessly integrated into their world. Hardcore netizens engross themselves in the Nexus for hours, sometimes days, on end. Fanciful, innovative, and clever, the digerati believe that science and technology are the true gateway to the future.
The literati embody a lifestyle of sophistication and class. Their days are spent indulging in literature, fine art, and philosophy. Many engage in a relentless pursuit of knowledge and are strong advocates of higher education. Literati readily welcome technology into their lives, though with more of a classical and refined touch.
Traditionalists are down-to-earth individuals who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty to make things happen. They have high regard for hard work, craftsmanship, nature, and heritage. Preferring to live a more conventional lifestyle, traditionalists try to have as little contact with technology as possible, only using it when absolutely necessary or when conventional means are just too archaic.
Digerati fully embrace technology as a way of life. Computers, cybernetics, robotics, and telecommunications are seamlessly integrated into their world. Hardcore netizens engross themselves in the Nexus for hours, sometimes days, on end. Fanciful, innovative, and clever, the digerati believe that science and technology are the true gateway to the future.
The literati embody a lifestyle of sophistication and class. Their days are spent indulging in literature, fine art, and philosophy. Many engage in a relentless pursuit of knowledge and are strong advocates of higher education. Literati readily welcome technology into their lives, though with more of a classical and refined touch.
Traditionalists are down-to-earth individuals who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty to make things happen. They have high regard for hard work, craftsmanship, nature, and heritage. Preferring to live a more conventional lifestyle, traditionalists try to have as little contact with technology as possible, only using it when absolutely necessary or when conventional means are just too archaic.
Almost everything in the Union is monitored and/or operated by advanced technology – the majority being done by two major systems: the Transnational Interactive Synchronous Sensory Array (TISSA) and the Intelligent Command and Operation Network (ICON).
TISSA gathers and stores all types of information through cameras, scanners, consoles, and sensors. It is used to aid in emergency response, ensure public safety, monitor government and public institutions, and gather intelligence. TISSA is not, however, meant to be used to invade privacy and is, therefore, forbidden to monitor personal homes and public bathrooms and changing rooms. On the other hand, a recent act of the A.G.U. required all computers to register with TISSA for ‘security purposes’; owning or operating a system that is not registered with TISSA carries a heavy fine, and continual violations could result in jail time. Disabling TISSA on a government or public system is an extremely high crime. There are many who simply accept being under the watchful eye of TISSA, while there are those who oppose and even try to abuse the system.
ICON is an AI guidance system that controls the movements of vehicles and civil robots throughout the Union. Construction bots, delivery drones, and public transport vehicles are all linked to ICON. ICON works in tandem with TISSA to prevent accidents and manage auto-highways.
TISSA gathers and stores all types of information through cameras, scanners, consoles, and sensors. It is used to aid in emergency response, ensure public safety, monitor government and public institutions, and gather intelligence. TISSA is not, however, meant to be used to invade privacy and is, therefore, forbidden to monitor personal homes and public bathrooms and changing rooms. On the other hand, a recent act of the A.G.U. required all computers to register with TISSA for ‘security purposes’; owning or operating a system that is not registered with TISSA carries a heavy fine, and continual violations could result in jail time. Disabling TISSA on a government or public system is an extremely high crime. There are many who simply accept being under the watchful eye of TISSA, while there are those who oppose and even try to abuse the system.
ICON is an AI guidance system that controls the movements of vehicles and civil robots throughout the Union. Construction bots, delivery drones, and public transport vehicles are all linked to ICON. ICON works in tandem with TISSA to prevent accidents and manage auto-highways.
Teleshifts are quick travel terminals that are dispersed throughout the Union. These terminals use a highly complex -- and highly expensive -- teleportation technology. Since the technology is fairly new and the cost is so high, there are less than one hundred teleshifts currently in operation and only in select areas. In order to use a teleshift, a citizen must have a valid passport (which are also very expensive). Only a maximum of two people can travel through a teleshift at a time.
Interactive Immersive Interface (i³) - virtual reality (i³Total) and mixed reality (i³Spatial)
Omni-Lens - eyewear that uses i³Spatial technology
Tablet - very thin, portable computer with a touchscreen
Digi-Band - a small computing device worn around a person's wrist
Digi-Desk - most modern personal computers are built into desks or tables and have very large touchscreen interfaces instead of physical keyboards
Commlink - any device used for audio telecommunication
Vidcomm - any device used for video telecommunication
Fingerprint/Voice/Retina Scanners - used to identify citizens
Drones - any unmanned aircraft or airborne device; delivery, security, personal
Power Weapons - powered by luminium; can be modified to have a cryogenic, incendiary, electric, or plasmic effect; firearms have pulse, stream, and cannon modes
E-Vap - electronic vapor cylinders used for smoking; sometimes called 'cyls’
Stingers - used to shoot intravenous drugs
Dissemblers - a small, concealable device used to make oneself ‘invisible’ to TISSA; extremely rare and highly illegal
Omni-Lens - eyewear that uses i³Spatial technology
Tablet - very thin, portable computer with a touchscreen
Digi-Band - a small computing device worn around a person's wrist
Digi-Desk - most modern personal computers are built into desks or tables and have very large touchscreen interfaces instead of physical keyboards
Commlink - any device used for audio telecommunication
Vidcomm - any device used for video telecommunication
Fingerprint/Voice/Retina Scanners - used to identify citizens
Drones - any unmanned aircraft or airborne device; delivery, security, personal
Power Weapons - powered by luminium; can be modified to have a cryogenic, incendiary, electric, or plasmic effect; firearms have pulse, stream, and cannon modes
E-Vap - electronic vapor cylinders used for smoking; sometimes called 'cyls’
Stingers - used to shoot intravenous drugs
Dissemblers - a small, concealable device used to make oneself ‘invisible’ to TISSA; extremely rare and highly illegal
Whether a part of the Union or not, most of Gsebria is connected to the Grand Global Nexus (G.G.N. or The Nexus). The Nexus is simply a vast computer network that connects several other smaller networks (what would be the ‘Internet’ on Earth). The most predominant branch of the Nexus is the Transnational Databank (TDB). The TDB is a universally linked system of hypertext documents (what would be the ‘World Wide Web’ on Earth) that is organized into 'datasites’ which each have a 'datacode’. The TDB is divided into five main sectors: government (001), business (002), education (003), media (004), and general/personal (005). A datacode will look like this:
People can also receive digital mail (d-mail) through the Nexus. A mail command will look like this:
Popular Datasites
Blabbr - a social networking site where users post photos, short video and audio clips, and small blurbs of text
Visage - a social networking site where users create extensive personal profiles to share with others
Vivify - the top blogging site on the Nexus
ChainMail - a popular d-mail provider with lots of personalization
Privy - the world's most popular and trusted news site
Reson8 - the top nexus radio site on the planet
MetaSphere - a wildly popular gamer hub
WildFyre - an underground news site hidden deep in the Nexus
Top Nexus Providers
Compass - comes standard with the Solaris operating system
Vortex - has numerous customization options
Nexpress - extremely fast and reliable
People can also receive digital mail (d-mail) through the Nexus. A mail command will look like this:
Popular Datasites
Blabbr - a social networking site where users post photos, short video and audio clips, and small blurbs of text
Visage - a social networking site where users create extensive personal profiles to share with others
Vivify - the top blogging site on the Nexus
ChainMail - a popular d-mail provider with lots of personalization
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The Allied Military protects and defends the interests of every nation within the Union. The military is comprised of four main branches: the Cavalry (ground troops), the Oceanic Armada (marine vessels), the Cosmic Armada (space vessels), and the Aerial Legion (air force).
The ranking system of each branch follows the same structure (from lowest to highest): Cadet, Captain, Commander, High Commander, High Master, and Grandmaster. The Grandmaster, who also serves as the Director of Defense, is head over the entire Allied Military; the High Masters are the highest rank in each branch, the High Commanders are the heads of a certain district, and the Commanders are the head of a base within a district. The Commander and Captain ranks are divided into five ‘echelons’ each. Specialists who are warranted by a High Master hold a rank of Standard or Superior. The Superior rank is also divided into five echelons.
After Gsebria's first contact with intelligent alien life, the Central Assembly unanimously agreed to intensify Allied efforts on space travel and planetary defense. As a result, the Cosmic Armada and the Panoramic Orbital Defense Grid – an intricate network of attack satellites and space stations – were established.
The ranking system of each branch follows the same structure (from lowest to highest): Cadet, Captain, Commander, High Commander, High Master, and Grandmaster. The Grandmaster, who also serves as the Director of Defense, is head over the entire Allied Military; the High Masters are the highest rank in each branch, the High Commanders are the heads of a certain district, and the Commanders are the head of a base within a district. The Commander and Captain ranks are divided into five ‘echelons’ each. Specialists who are warranted by a High Master hold a rank of Standard or Superior. The Superior rank is also divided into five echelons.
After Gsebria's first contact with intelligent alien life, the Central Assembly unanimously agreed to intensify Allied efforts on space travel and planetary defense. As a result, the Cosmic Armada and the Panoramic Orbital Defense Grid – an intricate network of attack satellites and space stations – were established.
The Guard serves and protects citizens within each nation, district, and city. Most cities in the Union have a Civil Guard comprised of a central command center with several ‘posts’ serving as satellites to the main station. The Civil Guard has several departments including City Patrol, Crime Scene Investigation, Tactical, and Cyber Crimes. The Territorial Guard has jurisdiction spanning an entire district, while High Marshals have jurisdiction over a whole nation.
Harmonism is one of the most prevalent religions in Soroma. The main doctrine focuses on the Annulus, a model for the cyclical nature of life's events. The Annulus consists of four epochs repeating in a perpetual sequence: rapture, regression, ruin, and restoration. The central deity is the triple-faceted ‘Creator’ whose three “faces” are comprised of the Architect – the crafter of the physical universe, the Animator – the conceiver of life, and the Author – the composer of time. Harmonists seek to preserve order, peace, and prosperity through selfless acts of service with the guidance, wisdom, and provision of the Creator.
Harmonists gather in basilicas of varying sizes that are scattered throughout the region. Basilicas are designed to blend with the surrounding natural environment as a representation of Harmonists’ love and respect for nature. Many basilicas are large facilities that include an infirmary to care for the sick and a rectory to house members of the church. All basilicas have a High Garden – a room dedicated to meditation which contains a Godstone, an immense, sacred stone that serves as a ‘bridge’ between the physical and spiritual worlds.
The body of Harmonist followers is structured in a certain hierarchy. At the head of the entire body is the Paragon, underneath whom are Exemplars, which are the heads of each basilica. The Sacristan is the keeper of the High Garden, and servants in the basilicas are Ascetics (males) and Vestals (females).
Harmonists gather in basilicas of varying sizes that are scattered throughout the region. Basilicas are designed to blend with the surrounding natural environment as a representation of Harmonists’ love and respect for nature. Many basilicas are large facilities that include an infirmary to care for the sick and a rectory to house members of the church. All basilicas have a High Garden – a room dedicated to meditation which contains a Godstone, an immense, sacred stone that serves as a ‘bridge’ between the physical and spiritual worlds.
The body of Harmonist followers is structured in a certain hierarchy. At the head of the entire body is the Paragon, underneath whom are Exemplars, which are the heads of each basilica. The Sacristan is the keeper of the High Garden, and servants in the basilicas are Ascetics (males) and Vestals (females).
The Order of Gideon is a brotherhood of devout men who defend and fight for the greater good. They believe they have been set apart by the Divine Edict to be the warriors and protectors of the Lord's people. Members of the Order are dedicated to a creed of righteousness, justice, altruism, and unity, and can usually be identified by a tattoo bearing the Order’s sacred emblem. Though the Order is comprised of godly men, it is not a direct sect of Harmonism. Members regularly gather in conclaves at secret locations for rituals, worship, and training.
The Erudite Fellowship is a society of scholars, thinkers, and philosophers who support and promote fine arts and higher education. Its members are often giving lectures, holding exhibitions, conducting studies, and awarding grants and scholarships.
More info coming soon!
The Pariah Underground is a loose network of wayward Noetics living in secrecy throughout the world. Though many normal humans accept Noetics as a part of society, there are those who view them as a danger or a blemish of the population. These more negative attitudes have driven a large number of Noetics to oppose normal humans. Though they are more rebels than terrorists, the activity of the Underground had become more aggressive in recent years.
Chimera is an underground hackers’ guild that frequently engages in acts of cyber-terrorism. One of the primary goals of Chimera is to infiltrate government systems, such as TISSA and ICON, and the systems of large corporations. Though governments and corporations are their main targets, they will make attacks on citizens quite often. Chimera employs a variety of militant techies including coders, hardcore gamers, and computer engineers.
The Shadow Walkers are a wicked, malicious cult operating in the underbelly of Soroma. They perform dark rituals and acts in service of the Ruiner – the opposing entity of the Creator. The Shadow Walkers are organized into covens scattered throughout the region. Members of the cult refer to themselves as acolytes, while newcomers are called tyros. Besides their twisted rituals, the Walkers often times will desecrate sacred objects or buildings and openly mock Harmonists.
Noetic Abilities
A Noetic’s mental abilities may be inherent from birth, but they don't truly manifest until adolescence – it's at this point that the eyes change to violet. Most commonly, noetic abilities will develop slowly and come in ‘flashes’ until they fully integrate into the person's psyche. There are rare occasions where a traumatic occurrence will fully trigger a Noetic's abilities in a single instance. Abilities, once manifested, do not progress on their own, however – they must be cultivated and trained the same way an athlete trains his or her body. Also, like an athlete trains differently for certain sports, a Noetic strengthens and refines specific aspects of their powers. Attempting to practice too many skills can make one's abilities inadequate because of the lack of focus in one area; it takes an extremely strong and sound mind to be able to be proficient in several areas. Trying to use too much power can overload the psyche causing fatigue, blackouts, and, in extreme cases, even permanent mental damage. If a Noetic happens to possess a neurological disorder, such as epilepsy, neuralgia, or dementia, it can have adverse effects on his or her abilities (i.e. sudden flare or failure of abilities, difficulty with control).
Telekinetics have the ability to move objects and control certain forces with their minds. This can manifest into three different skills: translocation (remote movement of objects), propulsion (releasing force outward from a certain point), and compression (pressing force inward around a certain point). When developing translocation, a telekinetic focuses on five main aspects: moving objects of an increasing amount of mass, moving an increasing quantity of objects at once, controlling precision of movement, controlling stability, and controlling speed. Each of these aspects is developed in different ways, so it is highly difficult to excel in all of them. Propulsion and compression both develop similar aspects: the intensity of force exerted and the area that the force affects. With propulsion, increasing area means progressing from a small burst or push to a massive pulse wave or explosion. Increasing the area of compression translates into being able to crush objects of increasingly larger mass.
Telepaths are able to communicate with others using only their minds. Telepathy manifests in four different skills: empathy (reading and projecting emotions), cerebration (reading and projecting thoughts), memory tracing (discerning a person's memories), and remote location (pinpointing the location of a person or persons). All telepathic skills besides memory tracing can be developed to involve an increasing amount of simultaneous people. Telepaths can develop empathy to gain more accurate perceptions of the emotions they read and to increase the intensity of the emotions they project. Cerebration develops in similar fashion – gaining greater detail and clarity about a person's thoughts when reading them and projecting thoughts with greater detail and clarity. Remote location can be trained to increase the skill to locate a person with better accuracy and at greater distances. In order to locate someone, a telepath must first be familiar with the person's mental patterns. Memory tracing involves exploring a person's mind to lock onto and examine a certain memory. Training this skill can increase the tracer’s ability to recall the correct memory and increase the clarity of the memory recalled, and it can also increase how far back a memory can be traced.
Telepaths are not only able to use empathy and cerebration with humans, but also with animals as well. When communicating with animals, telepaths usually focus on a particular family of
animals, though sometimes they narrow their focus down to a particular species. Although telepaths can connect with animals, it isn't easy. They must learn the ‘language' of the animal to be able to translate their interactions with them. It is, however, easier to read animals’ emotions than their thoughts since animals operate
more on instinct than reason; it takes a great deal of talent to be able to use cerebration with animals.
Telepaths are not only able to use empathy and cerebration with humans, but also with animals as well. When communicating with animals, telepaths usually focus on a particular family of
animals, though sometimes they narrow their focus down to a particular species. Although telepaths can connect with animals, it isn't easy. They must learn the ‘language' of the animal to be able to translate their interactions with them. It is, however, easier to read animals’ emotions than their thoughts since animals operate
more on instinct than reason; it takes a great deal of talent to be able to use cerebration with animals.
Character Sheet (see notes below on how to fill out starred items)
[Citizen Profile]
Physical Appearance:*
Place of Origin:
Typical Attire:
[Character & Lifestyle]
Current Location:
Other: (family, pets, likes/dislikes, hobbies)
Physical Appearance:*
Place of Origin:
Typical Attire:
[Character & Lifestyle]
Current Location:
Other: (family, pets, likes/dislikes, hobbies)
Birthdate/Age - in Gsebrian years --- Earth years x 0.75 (minimum age: 12)
Race - Human, Noetic, Aetherian, Qurasi, Thorian, Zor'ziga, Drowa, Sikeidian
Gender - if Aetherian, gender of primary form
Physical Appearance - ethnicity (if human), eye color, hair color/length/style, facial hair, body type, height, weight, identifying marks, tattoos
Affiliation - Chimera, Pariah Underground, Shadow Walkers, Erudite Fellowship, Harmonists, Order of Gideon
Rank - if military, highest available is High Commander
Notoriety - Famous/Infamous, Familiar, Common, or Unknown
Alignment: -
Aptitude: - choose up to two:
Fighter (trains for physical combat or athletics), Rogue (deceptive and cunning),
Marksman (trains for accuracy with firearms), Techie (master of technology),
Scientist (conducts research and experiments),
Engineer (extensive technical knowledge and building skills),
Artisan (skilled craftsman),
Merchant (buys and sells commodities for profit),
Caregiver (protector and provider of others),
Scholar(continually seeks knowledge)
Race - Human, Noetic, Aetherian, Qurasi, Thorian, Zor'ziga, Drowa, Sikeidian
Gender - if Aetherian, gender of primary form
Physical Appearance - ethnicity (if human), eye color, hair color/length/style, facial hair, body type, height, weight, identifying marks, tattoos
Affiliation - Chimera, Pariah Underground, Shadow Walkers, Erudite Fellowship, Harmonists, Order of Gideon
Rank - if military, highest available is High Commander
Notoriety - Famous/Infamous, Familiar, Common, or Unknown
Alignment: -
Defender (Lawful Good)
Peacekeeper (Lawful Moral)
Judge (Lawful Neutral)
Enforcer (Lawful Impure)
Tyrant (Lawful Evil)
Altruist (Social Good)
Companion (Social Moral)
Diplomat (Social Neutral)
Trickster (Social Impure)
Ringleader (Social Evil)
Benefactor (Neutral Good)
Idealist (Neutral Moral)
Bystander (True Neutral)
Narcissist (Neutral Impure)
Villain (Neutral Evil)
Revolutionary (Rebel Good)
Vigilante (Rebel Moral)
Maverick (Rebel Neutral)
Outlaw (Rebel Impure)
Instigator (Rebel Evil)
Dynamo (Chaotic Good)
Radical (Chaotic Moral)
Free Spirit (Chaotic Neutral)
Hellion (Chaotic Impure)
Terrorist (Chaotic Evil)
Peacekeeper (Lawful Moral)
Judge (Lawful Neutral)
Enforcer (Lawful Impure)
Tyrant (Lawful Evil)
Altruist (Social Good)
Companion (Social Moral)
Diplomat (Social Neutral)
Trickster (Social Impure)
Ringleader (Social Evil)
Benefactor (Neutral Good)
Idealist (Neutral Moral)
Bystander (True Neutral)
Narcissist (Neutral Impure)
Villain (Neutral Evil)
Revolutionary (Rebel Good)
Vigilante (Rebel Moral)
Maverick (Rebel Neutral)
Outlaw (Rebel Impure)
Instigator (Rebel Evil)
Dynamo (Chaotic Good)
Radical (Chaotic Moral)
Free Spirit (Chaotic Neutral)
Hellion (Chaotic Impure)
Terrorist (Chaotic Evil)
Aptitude: - choose up to two:
Fighter (trains for physical combat or athletics), Rogue (deceptive and cunning),
Marksman (trains for accuracy with firearms), Techie (master of technology),
Scientist (conducts research and experiments),
Engineer (extensive technical knowledge and building skills),
Artisan (skilled craftsman),
Merchant (buys and sells commodities for profit),
Caregiver (protector and provider of others),
Scholar(continually seeks knowledge)