In an abandoned warehouse in the industrial district was active this night in Charity Beach. It was a rainy night with a drizzle, so everyone was naturally forced indoors. Of course, even though it was raining, the antics of the Boyz could be heard throughout it.
A young man with shaggy blonde hair and a rather disheveled face said, as he dug through various drawers and other storages desperately looking for his sweet, sweet stash, with two of his other generals sitting on the couch watching TV. The disheveled female he called Joygirl, who had a strange fog coming out of her mouth as she watched Joyboy with her eyes. While the taller gentleman that was scrawny as the rest of the boys, he called The Fool, merely kept his attention on the TV. However, it was only a matter of time until Joygirl finally spoke up.
"... I hid it, you idiot."
Joyboy came to an abrupt stop as he looked at his general, and asked, "Why?!"
"Because you have to check up on the labs and do a grand speech and we don't have time to cart your high-ass around." She replied with a roll of her eyes.
"Oh, yeah, right, right!" Joyboy said with a smile. "Thank you for reminding me!"
Joyboy looked around as he finally reached for his mask... a silly SpongeBob mask that he decided to wear as a joke that'll soon strike fear in the hearts of Charity Beach! Or something. He quickly put it on as he decided to walk out the doors to his secret lair... he walked through the halls and all he saw were people wearing aprons and nothing but their underwear (some even omitting the last part) as per usual marching through the halls of The Boyz' headquarters. He made his way to the primary lab for Happiness and he walked in and everyone was wearing gas masks with various lab equipment such as test tubes, gas tanks, and other chambers that the Boyz stole.
He and his two generals marched his way past them until he got to the room he wanted... a massive room that had shelf after shelf of pink pills wrapped in zip lock bags or other such containers. There had to be thousands of them and Joyboy could only look and marvel for a moment...
"We are, actually," The deep voice approached them from behind and they were greeted to the shirtless form of Big Dong Travis, and he had his mask on as he said, "So fast, actually, that this supply will be out by the end of the week."
"Ah, good! Dragons, you better make sure they send the dough up the ladder this time!" Joyboy said as a devious grin formed underneath his mask.
"But, we have two problems," Joygirl said with an irritated look on her face underneath the mask. "First, the Red Crowns have decided to get in on our business and stole a shipment of Happiness that was supposed to go out of town." She said.
"What the fuck?!" Joyboy said, "After we bought all those guns from them they fuck us like that?!"
"Not just that," Big Dong says, "But, the pigs have started to pick off our dealers, and word on the street is that FAMA's catching onto our secret."
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!" Joyboy says as he massages his temples because today was not a good day. "This is why I need my weed! You all can't just drop all of this shit on me without giving me one puff!"
"I don't care what you think, Austi-" Joygirl tried to say.
"... Yeah, right, Joyboy," Joygirl said as she put her hands on her hip. "We need to go to war because we can't let shit like this slide - we'll have everyone who thinks their dick's big walking over us in no time and then we might as well turn ourselves the fuck in."
"Hey! The last thing we want to do is draw attention to ourselves like that! We're gonna have the feds all up our asses if we do that!" Joyboy made his objections very clear.
"But, we have a reputation to keep," Big Dong said. "And we have to defend what's ours."
"It's about time we stop this self-righteous bullshit Joyboy and stop wasting our money on schools n' shit-"
"Hey, fuck that!" Joyboy shouted, and interrupted her making his stance clear. "We're the Boyz, we fight for the downtrodden and sell all this shit so maybe, maybe, things will be less shitty!"
"Either way, all of your Boyz are waiting for your word at the stage," Big Dong said as he planted a hand on Joyboy's shoulder, "Make them proud!"
A large and empty warehouse that the Boyz usually use for orgies and a sleeping space was turned into a makeshift stage made out of cargo crates and he had hundreds of Boyz standing before him as his audience. It made him feel like a real fuckin' supervillain! And that turned into a dorky grin underneath his mask as he walked up to the "podium" (which was actually a wooden crate). Joyboy's Dragons stood at his side looking badass as The Fool had sand floating around in his hand, Joygirl had an AK-47 strapped to her back and had her hand firmly on the strap, and Big Dong had his arms crossed.
"Hello, ladies and gentlemen!" Joyboy shouted at the top of his lungs... which didn't reach the Boyz in the back.
"Hey, what is he saying?"
"We can't hear you!"
"Speak up asshole!"
Eventually one of the Boyz threw a megaphone onto the stage and it almost hit him in the face... and Joyboy didn't ask questions. Sometimes life just hands you a megaphone. You gotta take a bite while the fruit's still ripe.
"Alright, hello ladies and gentlemen!" Joyboy shouted into the megaphone, "Can you hear me now!?"
"You look like an asshole!"
Joyboy frowned.
"Alright, so I love how my Boyz have grown! We're stronger, better, and more numerous than ever - we even managed to kick some douchebags off their turf!" Joyboy started off before he reached into his pocket, "And it's all thanks to Happiness!" He threw a pocket full of pink pills into the crowd and almost immediately they started fighting for it whether they wanted to take it or sell it.
"But like any tall poppy, people are gonna come to try to cut ya'!" Joyboy said that made Joygirl facepalm. "The Red Crowns, the Feds... they don't get us as I get us! We're the underdogs here, the poor boys and girl that didn't grow up with the same shit we have been dealing with since day one! They hate that we're coming up and that they can't stop us. They're getting an army ready for us as we fucking speak!"
Joyboy shouted with all the passion he could muster, but he wasn't done.
"So let those motherfuckers come, because the second they show up, we'll have an army of our own! They'll be shittin' themselves a tsunami when they see us with our guns out! Ready to slap 'im silly with our gigantic dicks! Make them regret the day they fucked with..."
Joyboy paused for drama, as he flicked the megaphone into the crowd to somebody saying 'Ow!'

The day is beautiful, perfect overcast for the next annual Beach Carnival that is totally not a contrivance for the whole cast to go there and nothing will go wrong.
Nope. No siree bob.

"Come on, Max, say it ain't so!"
Drake said as he leaned over the desk of Maximilian Cornell, who was a massive, broad-shouldered man at six-five and wore a professional looking black suit. He had both of his hands folded in front of him with his eyes closed as he casually nodded his head.
"Chairman Schmidt has decided that we need some time off from work. I'm not sure if he wants to disband Task Force RAVEN altogether, but we should probably use some time to ease off."
"I mean, I'd rather be transferred to a city that really needs us like Black Fall or-"
"He said time off, Blackmore," Maximilian Cornell stood straight up and firmly placed his hand on the table. "Look, this is a good thing for all of us. Maybe you should connect with your family and relax for a while."
"Like you'd be relaxing, heh," Drake said. "Second RAVEN reforms you'd be rushing to get all of us back together."
"... You're right." Maximilian said with a smile, "So don't relax too much, Agent Dragon."
Seeing that he wouldn't get anywhere with Maximilian Drake choose to finally just concede and just accept this stupid "mandatory vaction" that Chairman Schmidt demanded they all go on. Fine, if he wanted all the bad guys they would otherwise stop to do whatever they please then that was on him. Drake never takes breaks when the world's in such a poor state, but maybe that's his problem. Drake walked through the halls of FAMA headquarters with his hands in his pockets as people walked by.
There are people out there living their lives, and having families, and all Drake could do was feel like he was looking through the glass. He could use a girlfriend to continue the Blackmore line! Of course, when Drake stepped out, he stepped into the freezing cold. Burrr, Washington sure was cold. He eventually made it to his vehicle, a Lamborghini Lm002, and sat down inside. He immediately turned on the heat as he rubbed his hands together.
One thing's for sure,
If he was getting forced to go on vacation he sure as hell wasn't going to spend it here. He realized that he had a pamphlet sitting on his seat and saw
He hasn't visited there in decades, he would love to see how the place changed.
In about two days Drake found himself in sunny beaches and beautiful women!
He dressed simply in camo-print cargo pants a white t-shirt with a massive gold chain on and some nice sneakers. Don't forget your sunglasses! He walked alongside the boardwalk with ice cream in his hand and got reminded of the good old days... and, soon, how they were long gone. He almost saw a vision of himself about a decade ago with the rest of the Blackmores and... Adam was alive. He paused for a moment and looked sullen as he stared off into the beach. He walked off to the edge of the boardwalk and leaned onto the fence that overlooked the beach and he saw all those people having fun.
And wondering where all the fun went for Drake...

Now, the Emperor was a location owned by the Valos apart of Jason's aggressive push down south where the fruit was ripe. It was a massive five-star hotel that was situated right next to the dog river and overlooks the entire fuckin' town. The Valos bought it from the original owner and have been rolling in the dough since! Of course, the entire Valos family thought that they should... spice up the place. Mainly turning the lobby in a scenic bar with red carpet, black tongues, and fancy chandeliers. Jason Valos, the aging patriarch of the Valos family was sitting at one of the tables playing with the drink in his hand. He was focused on it as he was lost in his thoughts. With his wife at his side, and the Valos all over the place.
"... May I ask why we're hanging around in one of our own places? Why don't we see the rest of Charity Beach, dad?"
Broken out of his reverie, Jason's eyes opened wide as he took a sip of his drink before he answered, "We're here to meet a business partner of mine." He said.
"Wow, I think someone's missed the definition of vacation," Johnny said with a cocky grin that he might as well trademark!
"When there's money to be made, you never pass it up," Jason said with a grin of his own. "You gotta remember that it's just another day, you need to keep your eye on the prize."
"Can't argue with that," Johnny said, "Since you didn't immediately say Jiao-Long or a Liu... I'm going to presume this is one of our... other associates? But please tell me it's not a Montague or something!"
"No, but I wouldn't be surprised if Papa Montague walked in here," Jason said before he took a sip, "He's that type of person that wouldn't let something go down without at least getting a look at it. It's somebody... new."
Hmph, Johnny just couldn't stand people who couldn't mind their own business, but in this world, everyone thinks everyone's else' business is their business until someone comes snoopin' up their tree. "Oh boy, I'm ecstatic to make a new friend!" He said.
"So am I," Jason said, "Now I have to ask that you go keep yourself busy, but remain in sight. I'm going to need you to intimidate them if necessary."
Johnny knew where and when to keep his head down, and now was one of them. He could only smile at the fact that dad was getting heavy-handed with new friends! So scandalous! It made Johnny think that ol' Jason was getting desperate. However, Johnny did what he did best and slink over towards the bar with his sunglasses on. He grabbed himself a seat as he carefully sat down and waited for the bartender to come his way and he ordered a martini.
"... So, who's dad gonna meet?" A girl asked him that he immediately recognized as his younger sister Gabriela. Whom was a tougher looking girl with burn marks on her face and hands, and an eyepatch, but they got her into this red dress with a black suit jacket that would almost look professional... if it wasn't for the boots, she gave him a playful look as he answered.
"Somebody knew, I bet dad wants to keep it a surprise," Johnny said.
"Could be somebody he knows we won't like," Gabe said, "He probably stuck his dick in the wrong woman and made another one."
"We oughta put a paperclip on the end of it because there's already too many of us," Johnny said as he took a sip of his drink with a smile. "Let's lay low for a second, you know what they say about assumptions?"
Gabe nodded her head in agreement but didn't say anything and she took sips of her own drink. An Asian woman walked into the room and bent over as she whispered something into the ear of one of the other guests in the room. They didn't care not for what she was doing in there, but they both agreed her ass looked amazing in those pants and bending over. They both smirked.
"Good thing Jakey isn't here," Gabe said, "He'd be all over that."
"And I thought Mr. Yellow Fever was in a committed relationship with the Liu Princess." Johnny answered, "But that ass might make him have second thoughts."
Suddenly, someone yelled out,
The bartender shouted at the youngest member of the Valos, Jaska, who was sitting on the barstool just asking for a glass of water. Though, due to his demonic appearance with bat-wings, a long-bladed tail, razor-sharp teeth and claws... a lot of people are afraid of him. And he obviously looked hurt by the statement. Immediately Johnny made it clear, what he thought by slamming his hand on the counter.
"Hey, peon! I don't care who you are, don't talk to my little brother like that!" Johnny shouted back just as loud.
"Who the fuck do you think you are rich boy!?" The bartender shouted at him, "You can't just bring kids into my bar and then yell at me!"
"... You mean my bar, dickhead."
"The motherfucker that signs your checks and I'm about to sign your letter of termination if you don't back the fuck off." At this point, Jason was giving him a scathing look that made the bartender immediately back down. Johnny thought that was funny and could only give him a cocky grin as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a hundred dollar bill. "Now, to answer your question..."
Johnny jammed a hundred into his tip jar as he said, "... I'm Johnny fucking Valos, nice to meet cha'. Mind gettin' me another drink?" The bartender receded as he got Johnny's and then Johnny smirked as he turned to Jaska. "You okay, Jaska?"
"Mhmm..." Jaska said.
"I know you want to eat the bastard but I think he'd taste bad," Johnny laughed "You are what you eat and he's a dick!"
Jaska laughed, "But, thank you, Johnny."

It was yet another busy day at the hospital. Ever since the Happiness outbreak... their hospital became a lot more crowded. Kashmira walked through the halls of the hospital as she went past room after room of addicts that have overdosed or the drugs have ravaged their systems! And if they weren't taking the drug, the withdrawal made them crazy aggressive and hurt people. It was truly a mess. And yet, the government has the power to end it all and yet... they don't. Kashmira shook her head as she continued through the halls of the hospital.
Worst of all, the drug was hitting a demographic that was most at risk. Kasmira entered the room and nearly surprised the primarily white family with the tiny Indian woman wearing scrubs, as they were expecting a white nurse. She smiled at them as she introduced, "Hello, my name is Kashmira, and... I regret that we had to meet under such circumstances." She said with an incredibly thick Indian accent.
Kashmira glanced at the blonde-haired teenaged boy stretched out on the bed with IV tubes connected to him and was covered in bandages.
"What's wrong with him?" The father of the group said, a stern making with an army veteran hat.
"He has... overdosed on Happiness, I'm sorry to say," Kasmira said after looking at her chart. "Fortunately, he in stable condition but... the drug nearly killed him, and we will have to hold him for weeks, possibly months." She shook her head.
"How did he even get on the drug?" His mother asked.
"It is hard to tell, but EMTs tell me he was in a party when he overdosed," Kashmira said, "But... from tests, it seems he was taking the drug for quite a while, possibly months."
"This is bullshit," their father hissed, "We didn't raise a drug addict low-life. This is what he gets."
Kashmira was utterly horrified by the statement, "Don't say that. He is young, he is impressionable, and he didn't deserve any of this." Kashmira clutched the clipboard in both hands as she said, "Nobody deserves this and... sometimes these things happen. People hit lows and they decide to use these... drugs to help them, not realizing the long-lasting effects."
"Then maybe they should toughen up, I went through hell and never had to take a single drug to get through it!"
"But," Kashmira was about to say but then she stopped herself, "Oh, I am getting far too passionate. Here are some forms you all must sign." She handed the family a clipboard and a pen, and after signing it Kashmira took it and smiled.
"Okay, I'll be right back." Kashmira quickly took the form to get put into the system and decided to take a brief break in the break room. She made herself a glass of water and sat down. The room was pretty nice and well furnished and allowed her to relax as she leaned back and slipped out of her shoes and put her feet on the table... closing her eyes.
"Hey, no sleeping on the job," A voice playfully said to Kashmira as she opened her eyes to see an enormous woman, one of the nurses there who had her hair in three massive braids and the rest of her hair was short. She had a husky voice.
"Oh, hello Samantha," Kashmira said.
"C'mon, I told you, my friends call me Lash," Lash said with a smile as she sat down. "What? Job's got you down, too?"
"Mhmm," Kashmira said with a nod of her head, "It's crazy, people are dying, and yet people can be so... incompassionate about it. People are hurt and you can only blame them?"
"Well, some of these people can't help but blame themselves," Lash spoke about the addicts, "But, honestly, I think after some point the drug's doing more thinking than these people so we can't really blame them...."
"I just wish there was some way we can bring an end to this... but I have a feeling this might get worse. Much worse." Kashmira lamented.
"Well our hospitals so overcrowded, we had to start turning people away, nobody knows how the fuck to deal with this, and we're running on both treatment and morale; how can it get any worse?" Samantha asked.
"... and now it's definitely going to get worse."
"Well, chin up, nurse," Lash said, "There's some big wig journalist coming from L.A to interview me about the whole crisis and everything that has been going on. We can get some exposure and maybe someone will start giving a damn."
"Oh, that's incredible!" Kashmira said.
".. and I want her to interview you instead."
"Um, what?!" Kasmira said. "I... I can't do it. I can hardly speak English! And I- and I..."
"Stop making excuses, Kash," Lash said with a smirk, "Ever since the whole epidemic started you've been busting your ass trying to help people and you do know a lot more about Happiness than I do... so I think you'd be better as our 'face'."
"But..." Kasmira realized that Lash was right, and right now, they needed their best being the face of the hospital during the whole crisis. "... I'll do it." She nodded her head.
"Good," Lash smiled, "She'll be here soon."

Just another day another dollar. Amanda was underneath a car doing work, looking dashing in her black jumpsuit as she was turning a lugnut here and there. Somebody walked up, saying, "Aaaaaaamanda!"
"Hey, I'm trying to work under here!" Amanda said.
"Don't worry about it, I just need to talk with you." The woman said and Amanda shook her head as she slid from the skateboard she was on top of and saw a massive woman who was standing over her... or more accurately; her crotch.
"... You know how I feel about this view, Nakala." Amanda grumbled as she sat up and looked at the massive African-American woman with a head full of thick dreads and of course a huge rack that Amanda was jealous of.
"Oh, want a closer look?" Nakala teased as she got even closer.
"When we close." Amanda teased, as she stood up to her feet and dusted off her jumpsuit, "So, what did you want to talk about?"
"Well, are you really going to go down to Charity Beach of all places?" Nakala skeptically said with a raised eyebrow as she put a hand on her hip. "Especially with all the shit that's going down there? My mom said that FAMA is preparing for war."
"Yeah, I gotta meet somebody I haven't seen in soooo long, y'know," Amanda said, "... and I'm tired of vibrators."
"... Then make sure that, whatever you do, you change your power first," Nakala said in between laughter as she bumped forearms with Amanda. "You'll break his pelvis."
"You say that like it'd be such a bad thing!" Amanda said with a catty grin. "But, I don't care what's going on down there... I'm going to make up for something I shouldn't have."
"And that is?"
"Drift away from the one, y'know," Amanda said, "My man was so tall, dreamy, and had a bi-"
"Yeah, t-m-i," Nakala said.
"Says the girl who bragged about crushing a guy's pelvis!"
"It was funny." Nakala shrugged her shoulders as she said, "Looks like I can't change yer mind, Amanda. Sooo lemme cut you a deal... you can go early and I'll finish up everything here."
"Thank you... but what's the other end of the bargain...?" Amanda asked.
"You'll see when you get back here." Nakala winked, and Amanda winked back.... before she took off out of the garage.
After taking a plane, then a taxi, then an uber... Amanda finally arrived at Matthew's house carrying like three giant luggage bags like it was nothing!
... Until she limbered towards his door.
It's not as easy as it looked, but then again all Amanda had to do was walk a few more feet and she'd run into her precious Matt. Who she hadn't seen in God knows how long... finally arriving at the door, she knocked on it three times.
... and now she waits. The second he opens the door, the very second, he was going to get a reminder of Amanda Blackmore he was never going to forget!
A young man with shaggy blonde hair and a rather disheveled face said, as he dug through various drawers and other storages desperately looking for his sweet, sweet stash, with two of his other generals sitting on the couch watching TV. The disheveled female he called Joygirl, who had a strange fog coming out of her mouth as she watched Joyboy with her eyes. While the taller gentleman that was scrawny as the rest of the boys, he called The Fool, merely kept his attention on the TV. However, it was only a matter of time until Joygirl finally spoke up.
"... I hid it, you idiot."
Joyboy came to an abrupt stop as he looked at his general, and asked, "Why?!"
"Because you have to check up on the labs and do a grand speech and we don't have time to cart your high-ass around." She replied with a roll of her eyes.
"Oh, yeah, right, right!" Joyboy said with a smile. "Thank you for reminding me!"
Joyboy looked around as he finally reached for his mask... a silly SpongeBob mask that he decided to wear as a joke that'll soon strike fear in the hearts of Charity Beach! Or something. He quickly put it on as he decided to walk out the doors to his secret lair... he walked through the halls and all he saw were people wearing aprons and nothing but their underwear (some even omitting the last part) as per usual marching through the halls of The Boyz' headquarters. He made his way to the primary lab for Happiness and he walked in and everyone was wearing gas masks with various lab equipment such as test tubes, gas tanks, and other chambers that the Boyz stole.
He and his two generals marched his way past them until he got to the room he wanted... a massive room that had shelf after shelf of pink pills wrapped in zip lock bags or other such containers. There had to be thousands of them and Joyboy could only look and marvel for a moment...
"We are, actually," The deep voice approached them from behind and they were greeted to the shirtless form of Big Dong Travis, and he had his mask on as he said, "So fast, actually, that this supply will be out by the end of the week."
"Ah, good! Dragons, you better make sure they send the dough up the ladder this time!" Joyboy said as a devious grin formed underneath his mask.
"But, we have two problems," Joygirl said with an irritated look on her face underneath the mask. "First, the Red Crowns have decided to get in on our business and stole a shipment of Happiness that was supposed to go out of town." She said.
"What the fuck?!" Joyboy said, "After we bought all those guns from them they fuck us like that?!"
"Not just that," Big Dong says, "But, the pigs have started to pick off our dealers, and word on the street is that FAMA's catching onto our secret."
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!" Joyboy says as he massages his temples because today was not a good day. "This is why I need my weed! You all can't just drop all of this shit on me without giving me one puff!"
"I don't care what you think, Austi-" Joygirl tried to say.
"... Yeah, right, Joyboy," Joygirl said as she put her hands on her hip. "We need to go to war because we can't let shit like this slide - we'll have everyone who thinks their dick's big walking over us in no time and then we might as well turn ourselves the fuck in."
"Hey! The last thing we want to do is draw attention to ourselves like that! We're gonna have the feds all up our asses if we do that!" Joyboy made his objections very clear.
"But, we have a reputation to keep," Big Dong said. "And we have to defend what's ours."
"It's about time we stop this self-righteous bullshit Joyboy and stop wasting our money on schools n' shit-"
"Hey, fuck that!" Joyboy shouted, and interrupted her making his stance clear. "We're the Boyz, we fight for the downtrodden and sell all this shit so maybe, maybe, things will be less shitty!"
"Either way, all of your Boyz are waiting for your word at the stage," Big Dong said as he planted a hand on Joyboy's shoulder, "Make them proud!"
A large and empty warehouse that the Boyz usually use for orgies and a sleeping space was turned into a makeshift stage made out of cargo crates and he had hundreds of Boyz standing before him as his audience. It made him feel like a real fuckin' supervillain! And that turned into a dorky grin underneath his mask as he walked up to the "podium" (which was actually a wooden crate). Joyboy's Dragons stood at his side looking badass as The Fool had sand floating around in his hand, Joygirl had an AK-47 strapped to her back and had her hand firmly on the strap, and Big Dong had his arms crossed.
"Hello, ladies and gentlemen!" Joyboy shouted at the top of his lungs... which didn't reach the Boyz in the back.
"Hey, what is he saying?"
"We can't hear you!"
"Speak up asshole!"
Eventually one of the Boyz threw a megaphone onto the stage and it almost hit him in the face... and Joyboy didn't ask questions. Sometimes life just hands you a megaphone. You gotta take a bite while the fruit's still ripe.
"Alright, hello ladies and gentlemen!" Joyboy shouted into the megaphone, "Can you hear me now!?"
"You look like an asshole!"
Joyboy frowned.
"Alright, so I love how my Boyz have grown! We're stronger, better, and more numerous than ever - we even managed to kick some douchebags off their turf!" Joyboy started off before he reached into his pocket, "And it's all thanks to Happiness!" He threw a pocket full of pink pills into the crowd and almost immediately they started fighting for it whether they wanted to take it or sell it.
"But like any tall poppy, people are gonna come to try to cut ya'!" Joyboy said that made Joygirl facepalm. "The Red Crowns, the Feds... they don't get us as I get us! We're the underdogs here, the poor boys and girl that didn't grow up with the same shit we have been dealing with since day one! They hate that we're coming up and that they can't stop us. They're getting an army ready for us as we fucking speak!"
Joyboy shouted with all the passion he could muster, but he wasn't done.
"So let those motherfuckers come, because the second they show up, we'll have an army of our own! They'll be shittin' themselves a tsunami when they see us with our guns out! Ready to slap 'im silly with our gigantic dicks! Make them regret the day they fucked with..."
Joyboy paused for drama, as he flicked the megaphone into the crowd to somebody saying 'Ow!'
"... THE BOYZ!"

The day is beautiful, perfect overcast for the next annual Beach Carnival that is totally not a contrivance for the whole cast to go there and nothing will go wrong.
Nope. No siree bob.

Baybridge, Washington. FAMA West Coast Headquarters.
"Come on, Max, say it ain't so!"
Drake said as he leaned over the desk of Maximilian Cornell, who was a massive, broad-shouldered man at six-five and wore a professional looking black suit. He had both of his hands folded in front of him with his eyes closed as he casually nodded his head.
"Chairman Schmidt has decided that we need some time off from work. I'm not sure if he wants to disband Task Force RAVEN altogether, but we should probably use some time to ease off."
"I mean, I'd rather be transferred to a city that really needs us like Black Fall or-"
"He said time off, Blackmore," Maximilian Cornell stood straight up and firmly placed his hand on the table. "Look, this is a good thing for all of us. Maybe you should connect with your family and relax for a while."
"Like you'd be relaxing, heh," Drake said. "Second RAVEN reforms you'd be rushing to get all of us back together."
"... You're right." Maximilian said with a smile, "So don't relax too much, Agent Dragon."
Seeing that he wouldn't get anywhere with Maximilian Drake choose to finally just concede and just accept this stupid "mandatory vaction" that Chairman Schmidt demanded they all go on. Fine, if he wanted all the bad guys they would otherwise stop to do whatever they please then that was on him. Drake never takes breaks when the world's in such a poor state, but maybe that's his problem. Drake walked through the halls of FAMA headquarters with his hands in his pockets as people walked by.
There are people out there living their lives, and having families, and all Drake could do was feel like he was looking through the glass. He could use a girlfriend to continue the Blackmore line! Of course, when Drake stepped out, he stepped into the freezing cold. Burrr, Washington sure was cold. He eventually made it to his vehicle, a Lamborghini Lm002, and sat down inside. He immediately turned on the heat as he rubbed his hands together.
One thing's for sure,
If he was getting forced to go on vacation he sure as hell wasn't going to spend it here. He realized that he had a pamphlet sitting on his seat and saw
Heeeeeey, he remembered that place. Sometimes dad would take the whole family for a vacation there and it was objectively better than taking a vacation anywhere else because he remembered it fondly. And he got his first taste of poontang there.He hasn't visited there in decades, he would love to see how the place changed.
Charity Beach, Boardwalk.
In about two days Drake found himself in sunny beaches and beautiful women!
He dressed simply in camo-print cargo pants a white t-shirt with a massive gold chain on and some nice sneakers. Don't forget your sunglasses! He walked alongside the boardwalk with ice cream in his hand and got reminded of the good old days... and, soon, how they were long gone. He almost saw a vision of himself about a decade ago with the rest of the Blackmores and... Adam was alive. He paused for a moment and looked sullen as he stared off into the beach. He walked off to the edge of the boardwalk and leaned onto the fence that overlooked the beach and he saw all those people having fun.
And wondering where all the fun went for Drake...

The Emperor Hotel, Downtown Charity.
Now, the Emperor was a location owned by the Valos apart of Jason's aggressive push down south where the fruit was ripe. It was a massive five-star hotel that was situated right next to the dog river and overlooks the entire fuckin' town. The Valos bought it from the original owner and have been rolling in the dough since! Of course, the entire Valos family thought that they should... spice up the place. Mainly turning the lobby in a scenic bar with red carpet, black tongues, and fancy chandeliers. Jason Valos, the aging patriarch of the Valos family was sitting at one of the tables playing with the drink in his hand. He was focused on it as he was lost in his thoughts. With his wife at his side, and the Valos all over the place.
"... May I ask why we're hanging around in one of our own places? Why don't we see the rest of Charity Beach, dad?"
Broken out of his reverie, Jason's eyes opened wide as he took a sip of his drink before he answered, "We're here to meet a business partner of mine." He said.
"Wow, I think someone's missed the definition of vacation," Johnny said with a cocky grin that he might as well trademark!
"When there's money to be made, you never pass it up," Jason said with a grin of his own. "You gotta remember that it's just another day, you need to keep your eye on the prize."
"Can't argue with that," Johnny said, "Since you didn't immediately say Jiao-Long or a Liu... I'm going to presume this is one of our... other associates? But please tell me it's not a Montague or something!"
"No, but I wouldn't be surprised if Papa Montague walked in here," Jason said before he took a sip, "He's that type of person that wouldn't let something go down without at least getting a look at it. It's somebody... new."
Hmph, Johnny just couldn't stand people who couldn't mind their own business, but in this world, everyone thinks everyone's else' business is their business until someone comes snoopin' up their tree. "Oh boy, I'm ecstatic to make a new friend!" He said.
"So am I," Jason said, "Now I have to ask that you go keep yourself busy, but remain in sight. I'm going to need you to intimidate them if necessary."
Johnny knew where and when to keep his head down, and now was one of them. He could only smile at the fact that dad was getting heavy-handed with new friends! So scandalous! It made Johnny think that ol' Jason was getting desperate. However, Johnny did what he did best and slink over towards the bar with his sunglasses on. He grabbed himself a seat as he carefully sat down and waited for the bartender to come his way and he ordered a martini.
"... So, who's dad gonna meet?" A girl asked him that he immediately recognized as his younger sister Gabriela. Whom was a tougher looking girl with burn marks on her face and hands, and an eyepatch, but they got her into this red dress with a black suit jacket that would almost look professional... if it wasn't for the boots, she gave him a playful look as he answered.
"Somebody knew, I bet dad wants to keep it a surprise," Johnny said.
"Could be somebody he knows we won't like," Gabe said, "He probably stuck his dick in the wrong woman and made another one."
"We oughta put a paperclip on the end of it because there's already too many of us," Johnny said as he took a sip of his drink with a smile. "Let's lay low for a second, you know what they say about assumptions?"
Gabe nodded her head in agreement but didn't say anything and she took sips of her own drink. An Asian woman walked into the room and bent over as she whispered something into the ear of one of the other guests in the room. They didn't care not for what she was doing in there, but they both agreed her ass looked amazing in those pants and bending over. They both smirked.
"Good thing Jakey isn't here," Gabe said, "He'd be all over that."
"And I thought Mr. Yellow Fever was in a committed relationship with the Liu Princess." Johnny answered, "But that ass might make him have second thoughts."
Suddenly, someone yelled out,
The bartender shouted at the youngest member of the Valos, Jaska, who was sitting on the barstool just asking for a glass of water. Though, due to his demonic appearance with bat-wings, a long-bladed tail, razor-sharp teeth and claws... a lot of people are afraid of him. And he obviously looked hurt by the statement. Immediately Johnny made it clear, what he thought by slamming his hand on the counter.
"Hey, peon! I don't care who you are, don't talk to my little brother like that!" Johnny shouted back just as loud.
"Who the fuck do you think you are rich boy!?" The bartender shouted at him, "You can't just bring kids into my bar and then yell at me!"
"... You mean my bar, dickhead."
"The motherfucker that signs your checks and I'm about to sign your letter of termination if you don't back the fuck off." At this point, Jason was giving him a scathing look that made the bartender immediately back down. Johnny thought that was funny and could only give him a cocky grin as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a hundred dollar bill. "Now, to answer your question..."
Johnny jammed a hundred into his tip jar as he said, "... I'm Johnny fucking Valos, nice to meet cha'. Mind gettin' me another drink?" The bartender receded as he got Johnny's and then Johnny smirked as he turned to Jaska. "You okay, Jaska?"
"Mhmm..." Jaska said.
"I know you want to eat the bastard but I think he'd taste bad," Johnny laughed "You are what you eat and he's a dick!"
Jaska laughed, "But, thank you, Johnny."

St. Mercer Hospital.
It was yet another busy day at the hospital. Ever since the Happiness outbreak... their hospital became a lot more crowded. Kashmira walked through the halls of the hospital as she went past room after room of addicts that have overdosed or the drugs have ravaged their systems! And if they weren't taking the drug, the withdrawal made them crazy aggressive and hurt people. It was truly a mess. And yet, the government has the power to end it all and yet... they don't. Kashmira shook her head as she continued through the halls of the hospital.
Worst of all, the drug was hitting a demographic that was most at risk. Kasmira entered the room and nearly surprised the primarily white family with the tiny Indian woman wearing scrubs, as they were expecting a white nurse. She smiled at them as she introduced, "Hello, my name is Kashmira, and... I regret that we had to meet under such circumstances." She said with an incredibly thick Indian accent.
Kashmira glanced at the blonde-haired teenaged boy stretched out on the bed with IV tubes connected to him and was covered in bandages.
"What's wrong with him?" The father of the group said, a stern making with an army veteran hat.
"He has... overdosed on Happiness, I'm sorry to say," Kasmira said after looking at her chart. "Fortunately, he in stable condition but... the drug nearly killed him, and we will have to hold him for weeks, possibly months." She shook her head.
"How did he even get on the drug?" His mother asked.
"It is hard to tell, but EMTs tell me he was in a party when he overdosed," Kashmira said, "But... from tests, it seems he was taking the drug for quite a while, possibly months."
"This is bullshit," their father hissed, "We didn't raise a drug addict low-life. This is what he gets."
Kashmira was utterly horrified by the statement, "Don't say that. He is young, he is impressionable, and he didn't deserve any of this." Kashmira clutched the clipboard in both hands as she said, "Nobody deserves this and... sometimes these things happen. People hit lows and they decide to use these... drugs to help them, not realizing the long-lasting effects."
"Then maybe they should toughen up, I went through hell and never had to take a single drug to get through it!"
"But," Kashmira was about to say but then she stopped herself, "Oh, I am getting far too passionate. Here are some forms you all must sign." She handed the family a clipboard and a pen, and after signing it Kashmira took it and smiled.
"Okay, I'll be right back." Kashmira quickly took the form to get put into the system and decided to take a brief break in the break room. She made herself a glass of water and sat down. The room was pretty nice and well furnished and allowed her to relax as she leaned back and slipped out of her shoes and put her feet on the table... closing her eyes.
"Hey, no sleeping on the job," A voice playfully said to Kashmira as she opened her eyes to see an enormous woman, one of the nurses there who had her hair in three massive braids and the rest of her hair was short. She had a husky voice.
"Oh, hello Samantha," Kashmira said.
"C'mon, I told you, my friends call me Lash," Lash said with a smile as she sat down. "What? Job's got you down, too?"
"Mhmm," Kashmira said with a nod of her head, "It's crazy, people are dying, and yet people can be so... incompassionate about it. People are hurt and you can only blame them?"
"Well, some of these people can't help but blame themselves," Lash spoke about the addicts, "But, honestly, I think after some point the drug's doing more thinking than these people so we can't really blame them...."
"I just wish there was some way we can bring an end to this... but I have a feeling this might get worse. Much worse." Kashmira lamented.
"Well our hospitals so overcrowded, we had to start turning people away, nobody knows how the fuck to deal with this, and we're running on both treatment and morale; how can it get any worse?" Samantha asked.
"... and now it's definitely going to get worse."
"Well, chin up, nurse," Lash said, "There's some big wig journalist coming from L.A to interview me about the whole crisis and everything that has been going on. We can get some exposure and maybe someone will start giving a damn."
"Oh, that's incredible!" Kashmira said.
".. and I want her to interview you instead."
"Um, what?!" Kasmira said. "I... I can't do it. I can hardly speak English! And I- and I..."
"Stop making excuses, Kash," Lash said with a smirk, "Ever since the whole epidemic started you've been busting your ass trying to help people and you do know a lot more about Happiness than I do... so I think you'd be better as our 'face'."
"But..." Kasmira realized that Lash was right, and right now, they needed their best being the face of the hospital during the whole crisis. "... I'll do it." She nodded her head.
"Good," Lash smiled, "She'll be here soon."

Black Fall - Phillips Autogarage.
Just another day another dollar. Amanda was underneath a car doing work, looking dashing in her black jumpsuit as she was turning a lugnut here and there. Somebody walked up, saying, "Aaaaaaamanda!"
"Hey, I'm trying to work under here!" Amanda said.
"Don't worry about it, I just need to talk with you." The woman said and Amanda shook her head as she slid from the skateboard she was on top of and saw a massive woman who was standing over her... or more accurately; her crotch.
"... You know how I feel about this view, Nakala." Amanda grumbled as she sat up and looked at the massive African-American woman with a head full of thick dreads and of course a huge rack that Amanda was jealous of.
"Oh, want a closer look?" Nakala teased as she got even closer.
"When we close." Amanda teased, as she stood up to her feet and dusted off her jumpsuit, "So, what did you want to talk about?"
"Well, are you really going to go down to Charity Beach of all places?" Nakala skeptically said with a raised eyebrow as she put a hand on her hip. "Especially with all the shit that's going down there? My mom said that FAMA is preparing for war."
"Yeah, I gotta meet somebody I haven't seen in soooo long, y'know," Amanda said, "... and I'm tired of vibrators."
"... Then make sure that, whatever you do, you change your power first," Nakala said in between laughter as she bumped forearms with Amanda. "You'll break his pelvis."
"You say that like it'd be such a bad thing!" Amanda said with a catty grin. "But, I don't care what's going on down there... I'm going to make up for something I shouldn't have."
"And that is?"
"Drift away from the one, y'know," Amanda said, "My man was so tall, dreamy, and had a bi-"
"Yeah, t-m-i," Nakala said.
"Says the girl who bragged about crushing a guy's pelvis!"
"It was funny." Nakala shrugged her shoulders as she said, "Looks like I can't change yer mind, Amanda. Sooo lemme cut you a deal... you can go early and I'll finish up everything here."
"Thank you... but what's the other end of the bargain...?" Amanda asked.
"You'll see when you get back here." Nakala winked, and Amanda winked back.... before she took off out of the garage.
Charity Beach - Detmer Residence
After taking a plane, then a taxi, then an uber... Amanda finally arrived at Matthew's house carrying like three giant luggage bags like it was nothing!
... Until she limbered towards his door.
It's not as easy as it looked, but then again all Amanda had to do was walk a few more feet and she'd run into her precious Matt. Who she hadn't seen in God knows how long... finally arriving at the door, she knocked on it three times.
... and now she waits. The second he opens the door, the very second, he was going to get a reminder of Amanda Blackmore he was never going to forget!