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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thirteen 13
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Thirteen 13 They - Them

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

America is not her home. She wasn't born here and would live elsewhere if allowed. Auburn locks, dark brown with a ginger hue, are messily pulled up high into a ponytail as she wanders aimlessly about her small apartment. Numerous freckles visible on nearly every area of her fair skin, a trademark of those with Scottish or Irish heritage. She, of course, is the former. A proud Scotswoman. Yet forced to resign from her beloved homeland at her father's request. Scotland is where her mother is buried, but she still carries around a memento to her mother's memories with her at all times. A white-gold ring on her right index finger, a simple band with nothing special aside from cherished memories of a wonderful and blissful childhood. She never takes the ring off, fearing if the ring is gone from her hand....the memories may follow.

Living in America has been difficult from the beginning. Her accent, though perfectly normal in Scotland, has caused her troubles when trying to communicate with others. Rather than attempt to disguise her accent, she merely refuses to speak now unless necessary. She does still communicate with father, cousin and best friend. Although, the latter individuals only receive her presence through exchanged letters. In fact, she has never even met the man that she calls her best friend. He's a student, or was up until he decided to drop out along with his twin brother, at Hogwarts. She knows his name, George Weasley, but has never seen a photograph of him. He describes himself as being very attractive, more so than his identical twin. Apparently he's a ginger too.

Deciding to write a quick letter before heading off to work, she sits down and begins scribbling elegant words onto a piece of parchment. "Dear George, I hope you're doing well in England. I'm still here in America and things have been rather boring as of recently. My cousin is supposed to be visiting soon and I can't wait to see her. Aside from you and my father, she's my closest friend and I miss her greatly. Well, just wanted to check in. I have work in a few minutes. Bye, Sam."

* * *

Today was the day he'd be returning from Romania. In a few short hours he'd be welcomed back home to the Burrow he knew so well. Hugs would be exchanged, his mother would no doubt have a royal feast prepared and he'd once again be joined with family. While adoring the freedom and dangerous excitement that comes from his work with dragons, even Charlie would be the first to admit that he misses his family terribly. After all, they're very important to him and always have been. His decision to leave for employment in Romania has always been difficult, but his father had encouraged him to go forth and do whatever would make him happy. So, Charlie did. Even though his mother was furious and heartbroken. Charlie made a promise to himself that he'd make it back home whenever a celebration was in order.

He did miss last Christmas, but that wasn't exactly his fault. Glancing down to the bandages still wrapped around his left arm, Charlie knew he's lucky to even be alive at this very moment. When he received news that Bill and Fleur were going to be married, though, he couldn't allow himself to miss out on that ceremony. Dropping his clients onto someone else, Charlie quickly boarded a plane and is now flying above the ground towards his destination: the Burrow.

Along the plane ride, Charlie decided to write a letter to his oldest friend. "Dear Em, my older brother is getting married. Can you believe it? Always thought he'd never settle down and now he's marrying this lovely woman from France. She's a Veela, or half at least. Anyway, the wedding is about two weeks away and the celebrations have already begun back at my parent's house. We have a large family, as I mentioned to you before, and so it's taking a while for everyone to be present. Sure wish you could come and spend the wedding with us. You ever been to England? It's beautiful. Sincerely, Charlie."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Music was blaring through the speakers of the car that one Emily Reaver was driving. The car, much to her mother's dismay was her home now, always travelling throughout America with the auror group she was with. It paid well, better than the job her mother was working, and Emily never forgot her mother when it came to finances. Her mother had supported her every decision, including her bad ones, like when she decided to get the word "Loyalty" and the word "Honesty" tattooed on her wrists, or when she was shacking it up with a rather temperamental muggle. Her mother always had her back, and that was why she was at ease to know her mother was on a plane to stay with some of her friends in Canada for a while. Despite Emily living out of her car, her mother knew to trust her judgement because she learned that when Emily said things were getting bad, they were getting BAD.

Another sip from her styrafoam coffee cup and a sloppy bite of her powdered doughnut, and Emily focused her attention entirely on the road. She would be arriving at her cousin's flat right as soon as she got off work if she timed herself right. This was including an hour break to write to Charlie, who needed to know that things were going to shit in America too. She didn't want to tell him that, but it was true, and with a few English aurors reaching out to the American branches, Emily was about to take the offer.

She stared at the road, and after a while longer of driving, Emily reached her rest stop, where she fueled up on gas, got some more food, and sat at a picnic table with her journal and pen in hand. Before she could start writing though, a letter appeared before her, and from the handwriting, she already knew who it was. Her bright hazel-green eyes scanned the page before she smiled. However, now it was her reply that had to go out.

Nature Boy!

I have to assume that you wrote to me on your trip back home, because I didn't think that I would be getting a letter at the rate you were dawdling. Shame, shame on you. But I think it's positively wonderful that your brother found someone, he seems like a good guy from what you have told me.

And no Charlie, I have never been to England, but it looks like I will be there soon. Good and bad news all at once though. I will be leaving soon, if I take the job offer, but truth is I am a little hesitant to leave Sammy here, so I am going to see if she will come with me. It has gotten bad here. My group and I had to fight off Death Eaters here. DEATH EATERS, Charlie, and I thought they were an England exclusive, but I suppose whatever-his-face is trying to expand his army.

But I have got go for now, sorry to cut it short, I have about three more hours of driving until I get to Samantha's door. I may actually surprise her because I am about three days early. Write back soon, Nature Boy. Can't wait to meet you if things go my way.


Signing the name she always did with Charlie, she checked her surroundings before she folded the page into a swan and enchanted it to fly off. "Now, to get to Sam." She told herself before getting back into her car and speeding off down the freeway.


Everything was utter chaos at the Weasley Household, as it always was, and forever would be, but tonight was different. Charlie, George noted, was coming home. The red haired twin ran his fingers through his ginger locks at the first moment he got to breathe, and it seemed that it was the first time in a week. "Mum is going barmey waiting for Charlie to get here. Why he took muggle transport, I don't understand." George's identical twin, Fred, commented, and George couldn't help but to agree.

"Who knows, maybe all the dragon training makes him hesitant to apparate, you know, with prior injury the rate of splinching goes up and blah, blah, blah. I half listened to Hermione when she explainex it earlier." George admitted before seeing a piece of paper on his dresser. A smile twitched at his.lips and he quickly snatched it up before his twin could.

"You still writing to that girl?" Fred asked, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Sam is good friend, besides, you know what goes on with her, especially since after your pen pal dropped off you started reading all of Sam's letters." George quipped as he quickly read the note and began writing back.

"Send her a howler, so she can hear our voices." Fred laughed, but George actually thought it would be a nice change.

He looked to Fred a moment before writing.


Sorry if the red envelope surprised you, but Fred actually had a brilliant idea. Send you a howler so you could hear my voice. Ha ha. Anyway, thanks for checking in, I needed the note today. Mum is going mad awaiting Charlie's arrival. Took muggle transport for some odd reason, but no matter. In a couple of weeks my eldest brother Bill is getting married. Mum said that Bill and Fleur said you are more than welcome to come.

As of lately, Mum keeps thinking that we should meet face to face. You should hear how she is hounding Charlie too. But hope to hear from you soon, Mum is calling us back down.


PS. Fred says hi.

"Really Fred?" George laughed before sending off the letter.

"Put her in a good mood, now hurry up, mum might burst." Fred urged, and George nodded, but soon they smiled.

"MY BOY IS HOME AT LAST!" Molly's voice carried up the stairs and they smiled before barrelling down to greet their brother.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thirteen 13
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Thirteen 13 They - Them

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Samantha is an exceptional receptionist, although she has some challenges when it come to communicating through the phone with clients or even scheduling appointments in person. The dexterity of her hands allows Samantha to type at speeds previously thought to be impossible while on a keyboard. She's highly efficient with organization and has a proficiency with computers as well. This job has been a true blessing for Samantha. It allowed her the opportunity to move out and support herself without having to rely on her father's assistance. No longer sharing the same household, though, has given birth to some minor bouts of depression every now and then. Thankfully, keeping in contact with her cousin and pen pal have helped these episodes subside.

When Samantha returned home, conjuring a fresh cuppa milk tea and a heavily buttered biscuit, the young woman was surprised to find a red envelope awaiting her attention. It was laying flat on the tabletop, apparently enchanted with magic. Samantha seated herself, using Accio to summon the crimson letter to her hands. Upon opening the seal, Samantha immediately dropped the parchment as it began talking. Literally, someone's voice was echoing from the inside! The voice was heavily accented, but not the same as her own. This speaker's dialogue was obviously British. It took just a moment for Samantha's horror to transfer into excitement.

"George?" The speaker's voice continued reading the script aloud and Samantha cherished the sound. He seemed elated, telling her about the wedding and even offering her an invitation to attend on behalf of the happy couple. The softest of laughs escaped from between her lips as the letter came to a close. Samantha's hands reached for the discarded parchment and held it closely to her heart. Hearing his voice, after all these years, was truly marvelous. Wanting to return the favor, Samantha grabbed a piece of paper and enchanted it to record her voice while writing.


Hearing yer voice wis (was) quite th' surprise! Ta (Thanks) fur inviting me. A'm (I'm) happy fur yer brother 'n' his soon-to-be bride. Ah (I) wish that ah cuid (could) see th' weddin' 'n' catch up wi` (with) ye, bit (but) ah'ament (I'm not) sure aboot (about) goin richt (right) now. Mah (My) cousin is suppose tae (to) be comin' by 'n' ah (I) dun (don't) wanna miss her. Anyway, ah juist (just) git (got) aff (off) wirk (work).

- Sam

Nervously sealing the letter and additionally her own voice as well inside, Samantha was hesitant to send it. What if George couldn't understand her accent? Would he laugh at her? Samantha's insecurities got the best of her. She fiddled with the letter until suddenly a loud knocking resonated from her doorway. Someone was there. Anxiously approaching the door, discarding the letter aside, Samantha walked over. Peeking through the small eye-hole, a feeling of pure glee filled her core.

Whisking the door open, arms spread wide, Samantha enveloped her cousin into a smothering embrace. The letter automatically sending itself to the Burrow without her realization.

* * *

The crushing embrace of his mother had never felt so wonderful. Months without seeing his family had been difficult on Charlie, especially when it came down to his mother. He loves his family, siblings included. Living in another country makes it challenging to arrange visitation. However, for the current moment, he was home. Once Molly surrendered her darling son to greet his other relatives, she hurried to the kitchen and finished cooking the grand meal alongside Ginny.

"Fred! George!" Charlie's long arms reached out, snagging each twin by the shoulder and held them happily for a few moments. "You boys sure are identical," he laughed once sparing a glance at their faces. "Still causing mum and Ron tons of havoc?" Charlie always enjoyed the twins trickery. He found it amusing. After chatting up with the twins, Charlie went to reconnect with his little sister and Ron. Finally making the proper introduction to Hermione Granger and Harry Potter as well.

"George?" Molly called from the kitchen, peeking from the open doorway. "This just arrived for you, sweetie." She tossed a red letter through the air, enchanting it to land precisely in the proper twin's hands.

"What's that?" Charlie leaned over George's shoulder, easily towering the younger sibling at 6'5". The twins are also gifted with height, but Charlie is the tallest in the entire family. A fact that he continues to taunt William with relentlessly. "A letter?" Seems his brother was popular with someone. "I didn't know you had yourself a girlfriend, George!"

Romance is not an area that Charlie is familiar with, himself, but he couldn't resist teasing the younger twin. Preferring the company of dragons, rather than women, Charlie has not had much experience in the dating world. "So," Charlie dropped an arm over his brother's shoulders. "Who is she, mate?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

It was a long drive, but Emily managed to fair through the traffic and idiot muggle drivers. Seriously, for inventing cars, some muggles just could not drive them to save their own life. It was very ironic symmetry, Emily thought, very ironic. Still, as she put her car in park and stretched her legs, she gave herself a gpance over. Her hair was wind-swept from driving with her with the windows down, but the dark blonde, shoulder length locks looked natural that way. Her make-up was done in neautrl tones to highlight her eyes, and she stretched her back before giving her clothes a proper smoothing out. Her faded jeans clung to her legs and her black, knee -high boots, and her white tank top looked nice under her dark beige vest. She had on the only necklace she never took off, a silver chain with a silver dragon pendant.

After deeming herself presentable, she walked up to the door. She gave a sigh before giving her normal, loud knock to her cousin's door. She was glad to feel her cousin's arms around her, but she saw the red envelope flying out the window. "Some one piss you off, Sammy? I didn't think you would ever send someone a howler." She commented before kissing both of her cousin's cheeks.

"I didn't mean to drop in on you so early, but I figured, given the state of things, an early visit would be nice," she said, taking a seat at the kitchen table, "And I have some news."

This would be the part that would get her, Emily knew, but she also recalled that Sam had mentioned an English pen pal once or twice, so maybe that would work to her adgantage as well. It was well worth a shot, and she was sure her cousin wouldn't mind tagging along either. "I have gotten a job offer, in England, and I am considering it highly. Death Eaters have shown up in America, and I can't stand by while everything goes down in England. I have a friend there whose family is wonderful, but once he goes back to work, if he does, I can find a place to live." She paused, "I know how much you love your job, but I was hoping you would ce with me."

Emily gave Sam a moment to process everything, and she got up and fixed herself a cuppa. Tea with honey and sugar, just like her mom. She took a sip. "I know it is a lot to take in, but I hope you consider it. I would like for you to go, besides, don't you have a pen pal from England? Be a good way to meet them."

Emily allowed herself to quiet and let Sam think before seeing a similar red envelope on the table. That was unusual, very unusual, but she would ask about it soon enough.


George was rather glad that Charlie was finally home, and the hug was nice. "Howwas your flight?" George asked before he saw the letter and he smiled a bit. However, Fred took the liberty of answering the questions for George.

"She is just a friend, and iI am pretty sure George is scared of this girl's cousin. Her name is Sam something." Fred said, and George shot him a look.

"Samantha Carson, she is a sweet girl." He said, and he soon saw Molly come in with a beautiful paper swan.

"Charlie, this enchanting little thing just flew through the window for you." She smiled. "You still keep in touch with that girl? Have you met her yet?"

George couldn't help but to smile at his mother. Now he wasn't getting the million and one questions, he was. "Mum, the man just got in, let him settle." George chuckled.

Fred looked at Charlie now too. "Wait, so Georgie gets a girl to write to, and Charlie gets one too. Where's mine?" He pouted.

George laughed. "Poor Fred is jealous."

He headed up stairs and listened to the letter and smiled a bit before writing again.


I loved your letter, absolutely amazing. But I do hope you consider coming. It would be fun, and we would finally get to meet. I have to go, got to give Charlie some hell.


He sent the letter and headed down stairs.

(George's will get longer when they all get together.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thirteen 13
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Thirteen 13 They - Them

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Emily was lovely as always. A natural beauty, unlike a majority of the women that Samantha encountered recently. Even though they both share Scottish heritage through their relatives, Emily's appearance was heavily influenced by her French lineage. The coloring of her hair and absence of freckles along her skin made it quite obvious that she didn't strongly inherit the Scottish features. On the other hand, Samantha is basically the perfect representation of a pure Scotswoman. Not that she's ashamed, though. Samantha loves her hair and freckles. Everything was proceeding pleasantly. Samantha listened to what her cousin had to say, but suddenly remembered Emily's earlier comment...

"Some one piss you off, Sammy? I didn't think you would ever send someone a howler."

The Howler! It sent automatically!

Instant dread and dismay fell upon Samantha's shoulders. The frightened Witch succumb to anxiety and frantically began pacing around her living room in a wide spread circle. It was rather amusing to witness. The poor woman seemed overwhelmed. Hands tangled up within her auburn hair, knotting it together. Eyes widened to the brink of tears, cheeks taking on a bright shade of red as she began to hyperventilate.

"How cuid (could) ah (I) be sae (so) glaikit (stupid)? Ah (I) ne'er (never) meant tae(to) send that!"

* * *

"Poor Fred isn't the popular one anymore?" Charlie taunted, waving his unopened letter teasingly in front of the other's face. Honestly, he didn't want to open the letter in the company of his family. Even though the curiosity was eating him alive inside, Charlie set it aside in his pocket. Returning to the living room after wards, Molly called everyone to the kitchen table for supper. The topic of conversation shifted from George's mysterious pen pal to the adventures Charlie had back in Romania.

Speaking tales of dragons, life threatening experiences and a near fatal collision with an Australian Breckenridge...Molly pleaded for a change of conversation. Charlie saw the distress on his mother's face and chuckled loudly, "I promise it's not nearly as dangerous as you're thinking. Mum, I'm careful."

For the first time of the evening, Arthur spoke up above the children. "What happened to your arm, then?"

Charlie had almost forgotten about the recent injury. The bandages needed to be changed. Spots of dried blood were visible through the wrappings. In all honesty, Charlie is lucky to even still have his arm attached. To his answer his father, Charlie just shrugged. "I don't think mum needs to know the details, dad."

"I'm glad you're back, Charlie." Ginny pipped, reaching over to hug Charlie's uninjured arm.

The elder sibling grinned, pressing a gentle kiss to his sister's forehead. Once dinner concluded, everyone was excused to their own accord. The golden trio went upstairs to their bedrooms. William and Fleur had yet to arrive. Ginny was cleaning the kitchen with her mother. Arthur went out to the shed and Charlie watched his twin brothers heading up to their rooms. He sighed, leaning back on the couch. Happening to glance at the ancient clock for a moment, seeing the spoons mostly gathered on the 'Home' tab, he smiled happily.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Emily looked to her cousin who seemed to start having a panic attack at the idea that the howler sent. It was a little odd, but Emily didn't want to question it. She walked over and began rubbing her cousin's back. She hated seeing her so distressed. She gave a simile, "I'm sure that it won't be as bad as you think, Sam." She attempted to reassure her cousin, but she soon sat back down and patted her boot where she normally kept her wand.

It was a beautifully crafted piece made from ten inches of white oak with a Hippogriff feather core. Truly one of her most prized possessions, but she soon moved her hand away from it and found herself examining the red envelope on the table. She wouldn't dare open it, but she also knew that Sam never did anything to warrant a howler herself. Then it clicked, and Emily couldn't help but to smile. Her cousin had no reason to stress, hell, even if she did, Emily didn't think it would be bad. Call her an optimist, but Emily wanted to believe all things that happened eventually led to good outcomes.

"Sammy, just drink another cuppa. Tell me why you never meant to send that letter, and we'll find a way to make you feel better." Emily advised. Sam was very self-conscious about her voice and how she spoke, but truth be told, Emily never understood why. Her voice was beautiful, and though Emily had Americanized herself, she was glad her cousin didn't do the same. Scottish people were beautiful in every way, at least she thought so even if her own French heritage was dominant.

"Oh, and Sam, just take a day or two, if you need it, to mull over the England proposition. I won't be leaving, if I go, until the end of the week. Still have a few things to finish up here." She reminded her. Emily always included her cousin, because truthfully, the younger girl was more like her sister than she would ever openly admit. They had both been forced to America, and both missed out on Hogwarts though Emily wouldn't deny that Beauxbatons was an amazing school.

Then her mind wandered again, wondering if Charlie made it home safe and if her had gotten her letter. Her fingers found their way to the dragon pendant and she found herself playing with it sub-consciousy.


Everything had finally settled in the Weasley household, and George was honestly relieved. Charlie was home, and though George had been glad not to recieve any questions about his ear... er... lack there of, he was just happy things would be winding down for the night. Preparing for this wedding was rather chaotic, and he lived in chaos, so it was odd that he even thought that.

"Georgie," Fred began, and George turned over on his bed to face his twin who was at their desk. "Do you think it is a good time for all this nonsense, with the wedding and all. I know it promotes good memories and times, but it seems bit off, you know?"

George knew that since he had lost his ear that Fred had been riddled with worry, very unlike himself. George couldn't deny being worried too though. "I don't know, Freddy. I think it is odd, but it might be a good thing. Keep our minds off thr bad for just a little while."

"Do you think Sam will come?" Fred slyly questioned with a slight grin. Despite the twins and all their goofiness, they were serious when need be too. But George knew that grin.

"Hope so, and her voice, I think the howler she sent was nice... Just probably easier to understand in person. Like Captain Wood." He said, and Fred grinned.

" George..."Fred began, but George sat up and smiled. It caused Fred to stop, but George knew he was in for relentless teasing later.

"Night, Freddy." He mumbled into his pillow.

"Night Georgie," Fred returned, though once George was asleep, no doubt still recovering, Fred kept a watchful eye on him.

(Sorry it is terrible)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thirteen 13
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Thirteen 13 They - Them

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Thanks to Emily's encouragement, Samantha was able to collect herself back together and relaxed. Although her heart continued to race rapidly from the realization that George has now heard her accent, Samantha was at least no longer running around the room like a headless chicken. When Emily began fidgeting with the pendant hanging elegantly from around her neck, this caught Samantha's attention. Traveling to England was something that she knew, deep within her heart, Emily truly wanted. They both had made friendships, albeit through pen pals, in the other country.

"Ye (You) really waant (want) me tae (to) gang (tag) alang (along)?" Samantha found it difficult to give a reason why she shouldn't accept her cousin's request. After all, America did bore her quite greatly. England was a new place, somewhere she had yet to visit. If Emily insisted, Samantha would not be able to resist her. Besides, perhaps seeing their pen pals would be a great adventure? At least, that's the theory Samantha held at the moment.

Samantha's love for her cousin was able to override her fear towards traveling. She'd do absolutely anything for her cousin, even facing her fears. " Ahright (Alright)," she agreed with a series of sighs. "Ah'll (I'll) go."

* * *

Home was such a strange place for him to be now. Nothing felt the same. Sure, having the loving embraces of his family was wonderful, but Charlie could sense the undertones of everyone's behavior. Simple, little things that someone else might have never even noticed. For example, his mother's eyes seemed to linger upon George. Specifically his left side and that's how Charlie finally became aware that his brother had sustained a terrible injury. He didn't say anything, though. It wasn't just his mother that showed this uneasiness.

Even Ginny, his innocent and precious sister, seemed unsettled whenever she'd glance out a window to the sky. England was becoming torn to pieces and everyone knew it. Some might not accept it, but that's just an action driven by fear and discomfort. When Charlie awoke the next morning, he discovered the house quite. No one else was yet to rise from their beds. Understandable, considering Charlie has always been the first to wake up in the early mornings.

Enjoying the silence for a while, the letter was once again held in Charlie's hands. He debated on opening it now. Curious to read what Emily had written inside, but still refused to break the seal. Suddenly the echoes of footsteps caught his attention. Charlie hurried to stuff the letter beneath his pillow and feigned being asleep. The door opened, two eyes of amber peering inside cautiously.

"Charlie?" That voice was so shaken, on the brink of tears. "Charlie?"

Overwhelmed by his mother's tone, the ginger-haired male lifted from his bed and slowly walked to her. She immediately embraced him once again. He felt the dampness of his night-shirt and that's when he knew. His mother was crying.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Emily continued to fiddle with her necklace while she awaited her cousin's answer. It took a moment after she finally answered to comprehend it, and she stopped playing with her necklace. She got up and flung her arms around her cousin in a tight hug. "I'm so glad! You've just made my day!" It wasn't the total truth, but Sam didn't need to know all of that.

She finally let her cousin go and sat down. "We will be heading to England soon. Have to book us a flight, and get in touch with Nature Boy." She said before she noted a note flying into the window. It was for Sam she knew. "I have to go get some things out of my car for the night, I will be right back in."

Emily knew better than to intrude on Sam reading her letter. Emily got defensive when people tried to do that to her and she could only imagine how her cousin would react. When she got to her car, Emily quickly signed a few papers and the enchanted envelope she put them in zoomed off. She was smiling from ear to ear, and she wrote a very short letter to Charlie before folding it into a swan and sending it off.

Nature Boy,

Guess who will be in England soon? That is right, me! And Sammy of course, but I have to get going. I have a lot to do.


Quickly, she threw some things in a small knapsack and headed back up to her cousin's flat. She loved the idea of not sleeping in her car for a night, and having some time with her cousin.


George didn't sleep well that night. He had been in a lot more pain than he let on, but when he woke early in the morning, he could tell Fred knew. His twin was asleep in the desk chair and before George headed downstairs for a cuppa, he helped Fred into his bed. It was rather endearing, but George knew it was taxing and things could get worse at any given time.

Still, with a champion sort of attitude, the sleepy George made his way down the stairs, and what he was welcomed with was a very saddening sight. Charlie was holding their mother, who was crying. George's normally cheery expression wouldn't show, not when seeing the strongest woman he knew reduced to tears from stress and worry. George couldn't help it, he walked over and hugged his mother and brother before taking his mother into a full embrace.

"George?"she asked, and he nodded. Normally, he and Fred would have teased and confused her, but not this time. Not when she was so vulnerable.

"Mum. Want me to fix you a cuppa?" he asked her, and she gave a nod. She removed herself from his side and sat at the table, wiping her eyes.

"You're up early, George." She commented and he nodded.

"Fred's snoring." He said with a little chuckle. His mum gave a slight smile, and once prepared, George placed his mother's cuppa in her hands. He then made his own and sat at the table. "Just like always, Charlie and Mum up bright and early."

"There is a lot to do. Have you heard from Sam? Is she coming to the wedding?" Molly asked her younger son before turning to Charlie. "Speaking of which, what of Emily? Bill and Fleur were wanting to know if you would have a plus one, and they said Emily is very welcome to come if she can, just like Sam."

George shrugged."I don't know, Mum, I haven't heard back from her yet." He admitted before taking a sip of his cuppa, and sighed. It would be a long day.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thirteen 13
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Thirteen 13 They - Them

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Morning are always difficult for Samantha and have been a reoccurring struggle since her mother's death. Once sunlight's breaks through the bedroom window, Samantha raises from the comfort of her bed and reluctantly carries herself across the room to the bathroom where she begins a repetitive routine without even needing to be fully functional. Even while under the confusion of sleep, Samantha is perfectly capable of getting herself through simple tasks. These include having a shower, cleaning her teeth and getting herself presentable for the new day. Although the process would be much easier with the assistance from her magic, Samantha refuses to rely on it unless she absolutely has no other option.

Once showered and dressed for the day, Samantha left her bathroom with dampened hair still leaking droplets to her floor, but didn't care to wrap it in a towel. She prefers to let her hair 'air-dry' rather than use magic or a Muggle hairdryer. Considering she's not that current with fashion trends, nor does she care to be, Samantha's choice of clothing was extremely casual. The best way to describe her sense of style would have to be something along the lines of 'comfortable college student casual' or anything closely related to that.

Samantha's blue jeans are snug, but rather loose compared to how other woman have taken to wearing their pants. The bottom half of her jeans tucked inside a pair of comfortable boots, grey and rise halfway up her calf. A belt is not necessary. A simple white t-shit is hidden underneath Samantha's favorite sweater. Warm, comfy and dark blue with some color fading as a sign of its constant usage. Unlike Emily, the only jewelry on her entire body is her mother's ring. Samantha doesn't opt to wear makeup, aside from perhaps some concealer if experiencing a horrible acne breakout. Fortunately, her skin has been quite clear for a while.

"Good morning," she greeted upon entering the kitchen. Samantha poured herself a cuppa tea, adding a splash of milk and sat down at the table. The letter from last night was still resting there, unopened. Samantha's lips swelled slightly as she nursed her beverage without taking a moment to blow on the steaming hot drink before consuming. She debated on opening the letter, but decided to leave it be for now. Unaffected by hunger, Samantha was left waiting for Emily to get herself ready for the day.


* * *

When Emily became the topic of conversation, at his mother's behest, Charlie immediately fell into an uncomfortable silence. Speaking in regard to Emily has always made him uneasy. She is, perhaps, the happiest area of his life as of currently and that's frightening for someone like him. An individual that has devoted years of his life to a career and has allowed his romantic life to be discarded aside. Charlie became lost to his thoughts while George continued to converse with their mother.

Would Emily be coming to the wedding? Even if she did decide to come, what would her first impression be when she saw him in person?

Countless theories swam freely inside Charlie's subconscious and none of them were pleasant. Unlike his siblings, especially the twins, Charlie is not, in his opinion, blessed with handsome features. His body has adapted to the environments required to train and manage dragons. Creatures of destruction are dangerous and those that choose to be subjected to their temperament must take precautions. This includes developing their bodies to withstand attacks.

Charlie's freckled skin has several scars, white and pronounced against his tanned body. His hands and fingers are calloused, not exactly the type of hands a woman wants to have caressing their sensitive bodies. Charlie's left arm is currently bandaged and occasionally bleeds when the wound happens to reopen from movement. Even without an idea of what she appears to be, Charlie is well aware that compared to her, he's nothing special. George may be missing an ear, but he still has undeniable charms. Charlie has the natural ability to charm dragons, not women.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Emily hadn't slept as well as she had hoped, getting things in place for her and Sam to get to England soon had consumed most of her time the previous night, and she woke just as Sam was getting out of the shower. She quickly grabbed her things and headed into the bathroom. After showering and drying off, using a towel for her body and her blow dryer for her hair, she began dressing. Now, Emily, though not fully a tashionista, was very fashion forward and loved her clothes and shoes. She dressed for the day in a pair.of skinny jeans that showed off her black heeled booties. Her off white, three quarter sleeve shirt was under a grey cardigan and as always, it was topped off with her dragon necklace. She applied a bit of make up and tousled her hair bit, giving it a bit of form before she exited the bathroom and made herself a cuppa.

"Morning, she greeted, placing her wand in the waistband of her pants, and she smiled to her cousin. "So, everything is arranged. We can have ourselves to England tomorrow, but the plane doesn't leave until later on tonight. So, we can have the.morning to ourselves and pack this afternoon, or vica versa." She informed her cousin, rather happily. Emily, shockingly enough, was a rather.pleasant person in the morning.

But something had settled in. Nerves. This would be the first time she would be meeting Charlie, and this would be the first time she met his family. She would be thoroughly bombarded with everything, and with the wedding just around the corner, she knew she needed to find a gift for the bride and groom. She began fiddling with her necklace again. A habit. A very noticable one, but still she smiled to Sam. "So, are you excited?"


George sat there, looking between his mother and brother before speaking. "So, Charlie, are you ever going to read those letters that came for you?" He asked. He knew how much he hated waiting to read his, so Charlie was bound to be anxious. "I will help mum with breakfast." He offered and Molly looked to George. It was an odd offer, considering George never offered to help with cooking. Eating, definitely, but cooking...

"How nice.of you. Thank you."Molly smiled to her son. George stood and got out the eggs and bacon before he saw his mother get up and fetch the pots and pans for the breakfast. It was going to be grand, and George smiled to his mother. The things he would do for his mother and family in general were nothing short of amazing. He hated tension. He truly did.

"Alright, George, you cook the bacon. I need to cut the vegetables for the omletes." Molly sid, and George.obeyed. He was truly glad to see his.mother's mood lightening. It made him feel loads better.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thirteen 13
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Samantha couldn't lie, not to directly in Emily's presence. Besides, lying would be pointless. Of course she's nervous. The terrified expression, although weakly hidden in her attempts to remain calm and composed, could not be mistaken. However, even consumed by her fears, Samantha was excited to be visiting another country. Samantha was never given the opportunity to explore England, since her father decided to move the family from Scotland. Understandably so, though.

When Emily asked her question, Samantha merely shrugged in reply and busied herself with small tasks. She wanted to avoid this conversation. Finishing up her tea, cleaning the dishes and straightening up the small apartment could only keep Samantha occupied for so long. "How about we go to the local market?" It was a suggestion. Something to do together, since they haven't seen each other in a while. "We can buy some things to bring along?"

* * *

Charlie stood in the opened doorway to the kitchen, watching his brother and mother together. He'd known that coming back would be difficult. He expected it to be. Yet, Charlie was unable to shake the discomfort of being back in the Burrow. This was his childhood home, it held precious memories and despite all that, Charlie felt himself to be an intruder.

"George?" He called for the other's attention. "Can I speak with you?"

When the younger brother came into the living room, Charlie sat down on the couch and looked down to the floor with furrowed brows.

"What if Emily does decide to come? I'm sure she's picturing someone more like you in her mind." His voice was solemn.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

George looked to his older brother when he pulled him aside, and the words that came from his mouth truly shocked him. Charlie may actually like this girl, really like her, and for the first time in George's life he saw his older brother unsure of something. It was almost foreign, as Charlie always seemed sure of what he wasdoing amd didn't much care what others thought of him. George gave his brother a smile though.

"Charlie, I can still remember when you started writing to her, what was it, eleven, maybe twelve, years ago? I am sure this Emily will expect what she sees and will like it. Besides, Charlie, she is probably just as nervous." He reassured him. "If she comes."

Unbeknownst to George and Charlie, however, a letter had just arrived to their mother, whose face had brightened immensely upon reading it.

Dear Mr. And Mrs. Weasley,

This is Emily Reaver on behalf of myself and Samantha Carson. We have each been writing to your sons in apen pal format for numerous years, and as of recently find ourselves heading to England. Samantha has informed me of her invitation to the wedding of your eldest son William to Fleur. So, we will boarding our flight over tonight, and should be arriving at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning. I hope we can meet up, but iI must go, I have to arrange a.place to stay for Samantha and myself.



Molly was overjoyed at the news, and wrote a quick response back before her sons came back.

Dear Emily and Sam,

There is no need, there is plenty of room here for you girls to stay until after the wedding. Arthur will be there.to collect you both.

Can't wait to finally meet you both.

With love,

Molly Weasley

With that, Molly happily went on with cooking breakfast, and when Arthur came down, Molly informed him of the news.


Emily has spent most of the afternoon before enchanting her bags with undetectable extension charms to bring her things with her. She was rather sad to leave her car behind, but being on the plane with Samantha was comforting. She had put a little extra effort into herself today, having selected a dark toned floral dress for the day, and her eyes were.high lighted with a bit of make-up. She wore a pair of black heels and her hair down in loose.curls. Her fingers continued to fiddle with her dragon pendant. She hadn't slept the entire.plane ride, and she was nervous.

"Please fasten your seat belts, we are beginning our descent." The PA said, and Emily found hers still fastened from lift off, and she looked to Sam.

"Here we are." She said, trying to disguise her nervousness. She gave a brilliant smile, and once they were landed and off the plane, it was hard not to miss Arthur and a younger girl with fire red hair. Emily took hold of Sam's hand, pulling her bag over her shoulder, and smiled to the red heads who were awaiting their arrivaal.

"Hello, you must be Mr. Weasley, and you must be Ginny. I'm Emily Reaver, and this is my cousin Samantha Carson." Emily introduced, and Arthur smiled as did Ginny.

"Mum can be so evil sometimes. Charlie and George won't know what hit them." Ginny said, and Arthur nodded.

"Girls, please, call me Arthur, and Molly decided to keep your arrival from our sons, so they will be a bit surprised to see the both of you." He informed and Emily smiled, her fingers she clutching her dragon pendant.

"Well, let's do this then." Emily smiled.


The morning was crazy at the Weasley household, as per usual. "Arthur! Ginny! Come on, you two are running late, get going!" Molly shouted as Arthur and Ginny left the house, and George was in the living room with Fred and Charlie, sorting out which boxes of faerie.lights went to which part of the Burrow, and soon they would be hanging them. Still in their pajamas, George watched their mother walk in. "Boys, go get dressed, we have more guests arriving today."

George gave a confused look, "I thought they were all here already." He said as he got up with his brothers.

"Not quite." Molly said as she went back into the kitchen to prepare lunch, and George brought himself up into his shared room, and began dressing.

"Who else is coming?" George asked, and Fred shrugged, but just as soon as he pulled on his shirt, he heard his mother absolutely gushing.

"Oh my! Welcome, it is so nice.to meet you. I'm Molly Weasley!"

"Whoever it is, mum was really excited to meet." Fred said, and then it clicked, and George headed down the stairs to see a red head and a blonde, and once the red head spoke, he approached.

"Sam?" He asked, and he noticed a dragon pendant on the other girl's neck.

"Yes George, Sam and Emily. Is Charlie dressed yet?" Molly asked, and George.shrugged but watched as the blonde started.smoothing herself out.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thirteen 13
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The Burrow was exactly what Samantha had pictured, thousands of times, within her mind. Upon her first introductions with Arthur, Ginny and Molly, Samantha felt welcomed into the family. So far, she wasn't regretting her decision to tag along with Emily. Molly gushed over the girls for several minutes and silence only appeared when someone else joined the conversation. The voice was clearly male, and the accent had Samantha's heart racing. She's always had a weakness for British accents. Hesitantly turning towards the speaker's direction, Samantha immediately felt the burning of both cheeks.

Molly had already taken the liberty of identifying the mysterious addition to the room. It was George. The man Samantha has only known through communications with letters, he was standing right in front of her now! Shuffling her feet nervously, lighting scuffing the sides of her black flats, Samantha averted her eyes from George's presence. Molly clapped her hands together quite loudly, causing Samantha to jolt upwards at the noise. "Oh," Molly quickly chuckled. "Sorry, dearies."

Not speaking a word, Samantha just smiled. She decided to walk around the living room, finding herself attracted to the grand clock. It had spoons with the names and photos of everyone in the family. Such a cute object. Samantha's lips spread wider, almost displaying a full smile as she continued to search.

Ginny came to her brother's side, whispering some vital information. "Samantha doesn't like to speak. She has a heavy Scottish accent."

"She has a really boring sense of style too," Fred butted in, appearing at George's side. "Compared to her cousin, at least."

"Oi!" Ginny scolded, smacking Fred's arm at his offensive comment. "I think she looks pretty!"

Fred chuckled, scoffing at his sister's defensive behavior. "It only matters what George thinks anyway~"

"She already kinda looks like a Weasley, huh?" Ron suddenly suggested, having come downstairs after hearing the commotion. "Red hair, freckles and pale skin. She practically is one of the family."

Ginny's eyes rolled at her brother's stupidity. "She's Scottish, of course she'd have red hair and freckles!"

Overhearing the siblings speaking about her, the embarrassed young woman excused herself outside. Sitting down on the porch, hands nervously picking at the wet grass.

* * *

"Charlie!" Molly called once again, annoyed with her son's sleeping habits. She reached over to Ginny, calling the girl over. "Will you please go wake up your brother and tell him Emily is waiting for him?"

Ginny nodded, rushing up the stairs without a second of hesitation.

Molly apologized on behalf of her son, "He usually sleeps during the day while in Romania. Old habits die hard." She escorted Emily into the kitchen, pouring a glass of tea for the blond woman. "Would you like a spot of breakfast, my'dear?" Molly was already preparing Emily a plate before the girl had a chance to answer. "Charlie is quite taken with Dragons," she commented, having caught a glance at Emily's pendent. "Do you share that fascination?"

* * *

"She's here?" Charlie panicked, falling from his bed and wasn't comforted by Ginny's laughter as she left the room. Emily was downstairs. Emily was here! Charlie immediately rushed himself to the shower, quickly getting dressed and now stood before his mirror in confusion. Sunlight has washed out the ginger coloring of his hair while over in Romania. His short hair has taken on a shade of blond in the recent months, although the red hue is still unmistakable. Idly he ran a hand through the mild stubble which has grown along his chin. Normally he wouldn't have shaven it off, but under the circumstances...he wanted to make a good impression on Emily.

After returning to the mirror, now with a smooth face, Charlie continued to analyze his features. The freckles, he accepted them. The white-scars along his flesh, usually worn as badges of pride, now made him self conscious. Deciding to try and distract from his imperfections, Charlie picked himself out a semi-formal attire. A long sleeved sweater that would cover his bandaged left arm, jeans that actually fit his shape and enhanced the toned muscles hidden beneath along with black boots that had served him loyally while training Dragons.

Sparing a second, or third, glance in the mirror before feeling confident enough to leave the room, Charlie made his way, slowly, to the kitchen. Just as he made an entrance from the opened doorway, Molly welcomed him in with a warm embrace. Her short height putting Charlie's own height on display. As the tallest of the family, Charlie has always been uncomfortable about being 6'5". An insecurity he's kept hidden from everyone.

"Emily!" Molly called for the blond, waving her over with a hand. "I'd like to introduce you to my boy, Charlie."

As Emily came walking towards him, Charlie's entire body tensed unknowingly. Just as he'd expected, she was unbelievably beautiful. Long, slightly styled, blond hair and eyes that seemed so expressive, even from a distance. She walked with grace, balance and carried herself confidently. Something Charlie has never been able to do without being in the presence of Dragons.

"....Hello," his voice almost cracked. "It's nice to meet you, Emily."

Speaking her name was difficult now, as she stood right before him. His throat had gone dry so suddenly, causing him to speak as if in pain.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

George barely listened to his siblings as he was joined by them, though he hit Fred's side for more than one comment he made. Sam looked beautiful, even if her attire was plain. It was suiting for her, and George turned to his siblings. "Calm down." He said, receiving looks, but he headed out after Samantha. He watched her a moment before he approached her. He was being careful, and he felt a little awkward to be quite honest, but soon he took a seat beside Sam and gave her a smile.

"Hello, love. I am George Weasley in the flesh. It is very nice to finally meet you." He said to her. "And don't mind my siblings, they're just being a bunch of gits is all."

He awkwardly shifted in his sitting position. He wasn't the lady killer that Fred was, but he also wasn't completely unaware as to how to act around women. Sam was different though. She knew things about him that only Fred knew, and a couple of things he had kept to himself as well. She knew him inside out, and he was rather glad to be.meeting her for the first time. However, he wished it were sooner and that the circumstances were different. It would have been easier for him to have collected her, he thought, but the surprise was nice.

He stood up and held a hand out to her. "Well, Miss Carson," he began, "I would be honored if you would accompany me around the yard. Mum will have lunch prepared soon, so I can give you a more proper tour after we eat."

At least he could have a moment or two with her before his mum and siblings started hounding them. "How was your trip here? Hopefully calm and easy."


Emily was overwhelmed when all of the people began coming from upstairs, and she zoned out moment before she heard Molly. Immediately, when she asked about dragons, Emily's fingers went to her pendant, and she looked to the ground. "They are rather interesting creatures." She said, but she never told anyone the truth about it. She had gotten it because of Charlie and his love of dragons. In one of the darker times of her life, it helped her through because it reminded her that she had people who cared for her. Her eyes shifted to the tattoos on her wrists that were being hidden under a few bracelets, and she looked up when Molly called her over.

She walked over as she would any other time. She had dropped the pendant from her fingers and when she stood before Charlie, she could feel her heart pounding. He was handsome, and she could see a few scars, but it made her smile. It made him more handsome, and his voice made her heart drop into her stomach . She was quiet for a moment, and she smiled. "Nice? Nature Boy, this is amazing. Finally getting to meet you,it is surreal."

She barely could contain herself, and she placed her bag down and she wrapped her arms around Charlie. "This is not how I had imagined meeting you." She whispered before letting go of him, and she looked up to him. The eyes on her dragon pendant had changed to a brilliant shade of yellow. Sometimes, it changed with her mood if she was feeling strongly enough. "This is better."

"Charlie, Emily, come and eat your breakfast before I get started on lunch." Molly said. Emily looked to Charlie, and she smiled. Molly couldn't help but to smile at the two, and she placed their breakfasts on the table for them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thirteen 13
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George's sudden company came as a surprise for Samantha, she hadn't been expecting him to appear so quickly. Nevertheless, she smiled and welcomed him to her side. When he began asking her several questions, she physically recoiled herself. Scooting away from him, lifting her eyes to the sky and tuning out his voice altogether. Samantha turned back towards him when George stood up, glancing with confusion at his offered him. She sighed, forcing herself to relax and gently slipped her hand into his own.

When they walked to the yard, George guiding the way, Samantha felt uncomfortable in the silence. "Ah(I) lik'(like) yer(your) hame(home." She concealed her accent, or at least sincerely tried to. Speaking to anyone outside of her own family has always been difficult for her. Even to George, someone she has communicated with through letters for a few years now. From her angle, his missing ear was very noticeable.

However, Samantha said nothing about it. She didn't want to come across as insensitive or rude. Especially not during their first introduction. "Mah(My) mither(mother) wid(would) hae)have) loved tae(to) come 'ere(here)." Unconsciously, Samantha fingered the ring without realizing it. A strong wing blew up from behind, forcing Samantha's locks to spill over her shoulders. She giggled, tucking the loose hair behind her ears. Afterwards, she cast a sincere smile to George and slowly started walking around with both hands behind her back.

* * *

Nature Boy?

The term of endearment sounded even more amazing in person, with her voice speaking it. When Emily spontaneously brought him into an embrace, Charlie's eyes widened and neither hand knew where to go. They paused in midair, unable to touch her. She was perfect, in every single way. The Dragon pendent around her neck caught his attention fairly quickly, although he said nothing, he smiled happily. At least she wasn't lying about sharing his interest in those magnificent creatures.

"It's really nice to meet you in person, Emily." Charlie spoke this time with more conviction. Gently letting a hand rest down on her shoulder, he squeezed it firmly. Taking a moment to chuckle inwardly before he moved his hand away, surprised to find his hand was larger than her shoulder. Not that he shouldn't have expected any different. "Is your cousin already with George?" He wanted to meet her, but much preferred Emily's company at the moment.

"She's with George in the yard," Molly interjected, setting their plates onto the table. "Now," her hands clapped, "Come eat."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

George suddenly felt the awkwardness when Sam shied away from him, and he was glad that she took his hand and began walking with him. He could feel her eyes where his ear once was, but rather than addressing it, he remained qauiet and listened to her. He loved her voice, it was beautiful, and it was different, so it made it more alluring. With a smile, he nodded. "Well, there is a lot to love."

He remembered her telling him about her mother passing when she was young, so he didn't pry. Instead, he decided to just go with the flow and soon they came around to the back where the garden was, half decorated for the wedding. The fountain was placed, but the faerie lights still needed to be hung, but that was a task for later on that day. "This is our garden, it is a little chaotic, but we are still preparing for the wedding." He said.

A gnome showed itself, and soon took off. "Don't know if you have those little buggers in America, but gnomes are not very good for the garden. Fred and I actually have to degnome the garden today. If you would like to watch or help, you are more than welcomed. I know Charlie will likely be on reptile duty." He said. "You haven't gotten to meet him yet, but I am sure he is up now. With Emily here too."

George could still hear Charlie's words echoing in his mind from the day prior, and it broke his heart that Charlie was so self-conscious, and it was due to the fact that he was one of the strongest people he knew. So, he was curious to see how things were.going inside, and he was sure Charlie would want to meet Sam as much as he wanted to meet Emily.

After walking through the garden, George looked to her. "Are you hungry? I am sure mum still has some breakfast made. And I am sure she has you a plate ready if you are." He asked her.


His hands were warm. And his smile... Emily found herself getting hotter, but she quickly caught the glance Charlie made to her pendant but she didn't say anything about it. She went to answer him, but Molly spoke before she could, and she went and sat at the table beside Charlie. "Thank you, Mrs. Weasley." She said, andMolly gave a warm smile.

"You are quite welcome dear. I am so glad to finally meet you, and I am sure Charlie is too." She said, and she held up the swan paper that was flapping its enchanted wings, and Emily blushed. "I love how your letters are so beautifully folded."

Emily looked to Charlie before Molly continued and Emily began eating. "And thank you for telling me, it was.wonderful to surprise Charlie like this. And George."

Emily swallowed, and she nodded. "You are welcome. I wasn't sure if my letters had made it to Charlie, so I figured I would let someone know we were.coming."

Emily gave Charlie's hand a gentle squeeze before she continued eating, and she saw her tattoos showing, and she prayed no one said anything.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thirteen 13
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Gnomes were not something often seen in America, nor Scotland. Catching sight of the little creatures, Samantha knelt down to the grass and watched them curiously. While studying their odd behaviors, Samantha also made sure to keep listening in on whatever George said. She wanted to study the Gnomes further, but a sudden growl within her stomach made her current hunger very obvious. "Sorry." She didn't want to come across as rude, finding these unwanted creatures so interesting.

Samantha returned back to her height, which was quite short compared to George. The top of her head brushed just below his chin, she felt rather meek in his presence. At the mentioning of food, Samantha's stomach unleashed another growl. It demanded food, even if Samantha was too bashful to ask for anything. She followed George back inside the Burrow, walking past his siblings in their approach to the kitchen.

Along the way, Ron happened to stop the pair and immediately began questioning Samantha. "So, you're a witch from Scotland, yeah?"

She nodded, shyly moving herself behind George without knowing.

"That's cool. You know about Harry Potter, though, right?" Ron stepped forward, closing the distance between them.

The lack of personal space caused Samantha to react without thinking. She grabbed onto George's hand and through the contact, he would be able to feel her shaking. With an introverted personality type, behavior such as Ron was demonstrating would only succeed in surfacing a state of panic for Samantha.

* * *

Charlie joined Emily at the table, but was reluctant to begin eating. With the current state of his stomach, consuming anything right now would not be wise. Instead of acknowledging the food his mother had prepared, Charlie chose to redirect his attention to Emily. Happening to glance down, having felt her hand gently on his own, Charlie caught sight of ink that he knew had to be a tattoo. Although his family is rather traditional, not to imply that Molly or Arthur would forbid their children from getting tattoos, Charlie found it interesting that she'd hide such lovely artwork. He wanted to see it properly. Such a viewing would have to wait until later, though.

"Mum!" Ginny whined, entering the room with Harry Potter at her side. The poor lad looked a bit pale, no doubt troubled from the restless nights and constant paranoia of being Voldemort's pride target. "Ron is harassing Sam!"

"Honestly, Ronald." Quipped Hermione, her curled locks of brown bouncing as she walked up behind her classmate and tugged firmly at his ear. She offered an apology to Samantha and George, dragging the loudmouth Weasley away.

Molly would correct her son's rudeness later, for now she was busy feeding everyone in the household. Including her husband, Arthur, whom returned from the garage with wonderful news. His eyes alight and smile widespread. "Bill and Fleur will be arriving later this afternoon. We must have everything finished before they get here."

"Bill?" It has been ages from Charlie last saw his elder brother. Having the opportunity to see him was enough to bring a genuine smile to his lips.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BeautifulNightmare


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

George looked to his younger brother, offering a warning look, but George already had the perfect punishment in mind for his brother. He would go on with his plan later though, and he brought Sam towards the table. He had to admit, feeling her hand in his was surreal, and George chuckled, softly, as he saw Hermione drag Ron away. Then he looked to the blonde across the table, whose eyes went fierce a moment before she relaxed. "Bill and Fleur are nice, I think they will really like meeting you. They are nice people."

George tuned out the other conversation that was ensuing, and he grabbed the plate and cuppa that his mother had prepared for Sam and set them before her. He gave a warm smile. "Mum's cooking is awesome," he said to her before slipping into the seat beside her. He had made himself a cuppa and sipped on it before he finally realized the site in front of him. Charlie and Emily.

"Oh! Charlie, this is Samantha Carson." George introduced. "I almost completely forgot you weren't quite up yet when she got here."

The blonde then smiled to him. "And you must be George. I'm Emily Reaver." She said, "I would shake your hand, but I don't want to reach across the table."

George nodded, and he smiled. "It's nice to meet you."

"Better to meet Sam though?" She quipped, taking a bite of her food, and George turned a little pink around the ears, and he saw Fred come in.

"You should have seen him the other night. Oh he was-" Fred began and George stood and covered his brother's mouth. His fingers were being licked, but George did not want to be any more embarrassed than he already was.


Emily gave a soft smile to Charlie when her eyes caught the sight near the door. Sam was shying away from a couple of people and hiding behind George, or who she assumed to be George. Emily felt a little defensive and tensed up, watching the scene, her eyes narrowing. Sam was like her sister, and Emily didn't want anything to happen to her. Her attention turned away, briefly, and she heard the names.

"Wait, as in Fleur Delacour?" She asked, and Molly nodded.

"You know her?" Molly asked, and Emily shrugged.

"Sort of. I went to Beauxbatons for a while, and a few years back I went there to orient a class full of students wanting to be auror's. I met Fleur while I was there. Granted, she had no interest in being an auror, but I owed our Headmistress a favor, and we hit it off." Emily said.

Molly smiled. "Well, then I am sure this will be a pleasant surprise."

Emily nodded before the introductions came between Charlie and Sam and her and George. She couldn't help herself but to tease him, but it seemed the boy identical to him was doing that just fine. Then Frd's mouth was uncovered, and he happened to catch sight of her pendant.

"Charlie, I see you found a girl as I to dragons as you are." Fred's eyebrows wiggled a bit, and Emily immediately brought her hand to her pendant. A rather nervous habit indeed.

"They are strong, beautiful, misunderstood creatures. Not to mention dangerous, kind of like a few people I know. So, yes, I do admire them." Emily said, finishing off her breakfast and taking her plate and washing it in the sink.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thirteen 13
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Samantha stayed silent as everyone else chattered among themselves. Such a large family is a foreign concept to her and she's not exactly comfortable with crowds. Despite the family's warmth and kindness, Samantha is incapable of relaxing in their presence. Thankfully, the bountiful food that was served gave her a reasonable distraction. She enjoys the deliciousness of Molly's cooking, allowing her insecurities to subside for the moment. Samantha observes everyone at the table with careful glances in their directions.

Although, her eyes seem to linger on George. He doesn't catch the prolonged stares, though. He's too sidetracked with his family at the moment. Samantha smiles inwardly to herself, having successfully surveyed everyone without being caught. Molly and Arthur are quite taken with her cousin, asking Emily all kinds of questions. They don't appear to have taken an interest in Samantha, but offense is taken. Unlike her cousin, Samantha is not all that interesting.

Samantha overhears the conversation from further down along the table, sipping softly from her cup and lifts her eyes briefly to gauge her cousin's reaction. As expected, the Dragon pendant her cousin wears has drawn everyone's attention to her. Emily has a fancy towards Dragons and always has. No doubt this fascination has only developed further since discovering her pen pal's shared interest in them.

"I completely agree with you," Charlie praised, his eyes brightening as he lingered on the pendant. The way in which she held it so affectionately in her hand, Charlie found her connection to Dragons very endearing. When Emily excused herself and went to the sink, Charlie followed behind at a reasonable distance. He brought along his own plate and dropped it gently into the sink. "How long have you fancied Dragons?"

Feeling comfortable with the topic of conversation, Charlie seemed to relax around Emily. His tensed shoulders dropped back down, a smile effortlessly spread at his lips and a genuine interest was apparent. Molly, Arthur, Bill and Fleur went off into the living room to discuss wedding arrangements. Harry, Hermione and Ron had their own personal business to discuss, so they left to the bedrooms they shared together. Ginny decided now would be a perfect time to relax in her bedroom and Fred chose to continue nagging his beloved twin.

Considering Charlie and Emily had the kitchen now to themselves, Samantha and George had gone to the backyard. As they sat together on the bench, Samantha shifting herself off to the side and further down the bench away from George, his identical twin made an appearance. "So, you're cousins with that blond right?" Fred inquired, seating himself right beside Samantha.

"She's my cousin, yes, and her name is Emily." Samantha spoke quietly, fiddling with both hands in her lap.
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