In the continent of Giltena, there is a small island called Kaia. Approximately fourty percent of the inhabitants are mages, the rest are normal human beings. The people who live at the island do not have a single clue about what is going on between the mages of Ishgar and the mages of the Alvarez Empire, they are still leading their lives like usual.
However, a dark guild called Catamount was founded five years ago and they were so strong that none of the other mages could win against them. They made every single human being their slave, both mages and humans without magic. At the moment, the inhabitants are divided in three groups based on where they live. The first group has to build a new place for the guild to stay at the north side of the island, because one of the members of the guild has destroyed the building while doing some training. The second group has to fight against the Forest Vulcans at the south side of the island. The Forest Vulcans want to invade the island, so the mages have to fight against them almost every day to keep them in the forest. However, some of the members of Catamount watch the mages of the second group, because if they become too strong, they can become a thread to the threat to Catamount. The third group is responsible for growing the food at the east side of the island.
Zane, 19 years old, lives on the north side of the island, so he belongs to the first group. He recently discovered that he has the ability to use magic, so that gave him the idea to found a new guild. A guild consisting of mages who will train together with the goal of defeating Catamount. Opinions about him founding a guild are divided. Some normal human beings think that it is awesome and sometimes ask them to do something for them in return for money, while others think that it is stupid or dangerous. Some mages want to join the guild, while others are just making a joke out of them.
The roleplay will start at the moment that all the members are gathering in the forest at the south side of the island. As the members of Catamount can't know that a new guild will be created, they gather at midnight. All of the members are scouted by Zane himself, so a lot of them might not know each other.
Things you should know
- The new guild will be called White Gull, because gulls are the symbol of freedom and Zane wants to free everyone from Catamount's dictatorship. The color white is added, because it means innocence. When Zane was young, he constantly asked his parents what the people had done to Catamount that they were so angry at them. Never did he get an answer, so he chose his own: everyone is innocent, the members of Catamount are the ones who are wrong.
- All of you will be playing mages who are scouted by Zane.
- You can't be too powerful, all the mages of White Gull are beginners at using magic.
- You can create a new type of magic, but you have to explain it to me and get permission BEFORE filling in the character sheet.
- Romance is allowed, but smut is not.
- Do not kill someone's character without their permission.
- Do not control someone else's character without their permission.
- Be able to write at least two paragraphs with good grammar (I mean that other people must be able to understand your post without putting in much effort), this is the minimum. You should also write this amount when you are in dialogue with someone.
- The usual rules: be nice, etc.
Character Sheet
- A picture: Both real life and anime are allowed. However, anime is prefered. Drawn pictures are not allowed.
- Full name
- Gender
- Age: Your age has to be between 15 years and 25 years old.
- Heterosexual, homosexual, ...
- Personality
- 3 things your character likes
- 3 things your character doesn't like
- Your character's goal (in life or what your character wants to achieve by joining White Gull)
- Your character's biggest fear
- How your character decided to join White Gull: Zane must be named somewhere in your story as he scouted all the members himself, he is the founder.
- Where on your body is the Guild Mark located and in which color?
- Magic type: Explain your type of magic if it is a type of magic that you created yourself.
- Which of the three groups is your character part of?
- Family
- Background: This doesn't have to be long, a paragraph is already enough.
- Extra information (if you want to add something else)