Holly Vertila
The Crimson Chevalier
Gender: Holly is female.
Age: Though she has never spoken her real age, when asked, Holly will always speak a random number from fifteen to nineteen.
Sexuality: Holly is a varioriented heteroromantic bisexual.
Personality: Holly’s appearance alone should tell you that she is not an easily heated individual, not one to outburst her anger but to remain calm and steady in the face of doom. She is sensible and incorruptible, with a strong mind. Of course, nobody is perfect, and while she is able to stand her ground she can sometimes make conclusions a little too quickly. This is often a minor flaw, however, and she can make proper decisions if she has the right information in front of her, or the ability to gain more information easily.
Likes: - Holly likes capes and cloaks, primarily when they do not inhibit movement.
- Holly likes people who put themselves before other people, but balance it out with taking care of themselves, too.
- Of course, Holly’s biggest like is to win.
Dislikes:- Holly does not like people that lack common sense.
- Holly hates mud. Even though she is strong enough for it not to, she feels that it bogs her down a little. She also does not like having to clean it off of her armour.
- Holly does not like those who disregard the wishes of others.
Goals: Quite simply, Holly wishes to see life through. She wants to see where it brings her, and what will happen during it, knowing if that if she were not to be here, she could miss out on something big, and something fun. She knows she can’t see what life itself could bring her, but she wants to see what
her life can bring her.
Fears: Holly’s biggest fear is loss of any of her senses, but primarily of hearing. She doesn’t want any of her senses to be removed permanently, or often even temporarily (unless she knows she is going to get them back).
How Holly joined White Gull: Holly was unhappy at being trapped. Not trapped in the physical sense, but that she knew she was being observed, being watched and having Catamount above her to make sure she didn’t grow too far in her magic. She was hard to miss, wearing armour that concealed herself yet made her so prominent, a recognisable figure within the second group that was looked up to. It was perhaps this that brought Zane to her, that, in a way, she was a public figure. If she publicly stood up to Catamount, others would perhaps join her.
Guild Mark (location and colour): Holly’s guild mark is on the back of her left hand, where she let it be placed without removing her armour. She also has a guild mark on her armour’s left pauldron. Both of the guild marks are red.
Magic: Thrust Magic;
Thrust magic allows the user to suddenly push themselves in a direction specified by the user. This means that the user is able to suddenly leap forward in a surprise against their attacker, or allows them to dodge a sudden and unexpected attack with great speed. Beginners to thrust magic often find their footing a little unsteady upon using it if they are not already well-versed in controlling their balance.
In the early stages of learning Thrust Magic, a user can do what’s on the tin; Thrust, though only over small distances. As the user becomes more proficient in the magic, it can further itself; Thrusting over longer distances, leaving temporary visions of themselves from the position they last thrusted from, or even managing to thrust
through someone and behind them.
Which of the three groups is the character a part of: Holly is a prominent figure of the second group.
Family: Holly does not have any surviving family, nor anyone that she sees as family.
Background: Holly was born to a man and a woman who could not take care of themselves, both because they could not be bothered to learn how to do so and because it was too late to do so, for they were too old, having decided to have a child on the edge of the latest time that they could. It meant that young Holly was required to do a lot of the household work, work that she did not want to do. She would much rather be doing something other than being stuck within her home, caring for two adults who did not care for their child. Nobody knew Holly, because Holly could not leave the house. It was like she did not exist.
Most would see the death of their family as a turning point, a point where they would mourn, a time where they would be lost, and perhaps if murder, give them the purpose of revenge. When Holly lost her parents to the attacks of the Forest Vulcans, she did not mourn for the pair that had held her back, had made sure that the outside was only visible through a window - evidence enough was when the battered home was checked after the attack and surprise came that the couple that lived there had a girl to call their own.
Holly did, however, have a goal. Holly wished to join those defending against the Forest Vulcans, though not just because they were a threat to others. It was also because they were the only thing she really knew was bad outside of her home. She knew that if she were to give herself a goal like that, she would learn other things along the way, things that she would never have known if she was still trapped within her parents’ walls.
Holly still, however, found herself unable to exist. Nobody knew her when she was forbidden from leaving her home, and she decided to keep it that way - she didn’t want to be known as the abused daughter of the Vertilla couple, a girl who knew only to cook and fold clothes. That is what made her encase herself in armour, to conceal herself and make herself known as someone stronger than she was. However, as she learned and developed, there was no need to make herself look stronger, as she grew stronger
for real.
The armour Holly wore no longer no longer gave her the appearance of strength alone for the wearer of the armour herself was strong and steadfast. Those who fought the Forest Vulcans and held the line knew her well due to the armour that she wore and with the speed of which she fought, speed which Holly thought was natural, but was dubbed as Thrust Magic as soon as it was discovered that it was magic. Though the name Holly Vertila was not hidden, she soon noticed herself being called the Crimson Chevalier.
Fights against Forest Vulcans were however quite different compared to fighting a dark guild. Holly soon found herself not fighting for the true inhabitants of Kaia but to protect those that she did not want to protect; Catamount. Whilst she had no chance of fighting them alone, and those defending against the Vulcans were torn between continuing to defend those they loved or trying to throw themselves at Catamount, there was one thing that she had against them that Catamount knew that she had - her position.
It was apparently realised by Catamount that if the Crimson Chevalier were to fight against them, those undecided would most likely choose to fight alongside her, and if they were to kill her to stop that threat, those fighting the Vulcans may rebel, and with them, the people may rebel, too, leaving nothing left. Leaving her alive, but on a leash, was the best option. With the knowledge that any action from her would result in the mass deaths of the island’s inhabitants, one way or another, Holly was forced to continue what she was doing, and bear being watched by Catamount. She was trapped all over again.
Extra Information: Whilst she is a recognised figure in the second group due to her armour and distinct appearance because of it, she doesn’t hold any actual power.