Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Skallagrim, just an alert that the Clockwork Man has through story means gained access to the Clockwork Spider again, this is its details.

Clockwork Spider

The new and improved Clockwork Spider still resembles the animal it was named after. Roughly 12 inches in diameter, and now cloaked in fancy new Elmorium metal, it’s significantly more durable. Inside however, is where the real magic occurred. George had his Mystan allies provide him with a computerized A.I functionality for his little machine, allowing it to access technology George himself has trouble with. (High futuristic tech, George being from a steampunk world as he is has had limited experience with computers and their predecessors.) He did this for reasons which will be explained in the story, but essentially it gives the spider the ability to physically hack into more impressive and futuristic technology through technological means, rather than with magic like George has to.

On top of durability and A.I, the Clockwork Spider can now inject foes with Elmorium, causing it to spread as the Clockwork Man wills like a parasite, but only through other metals. This can give him limited control over sections of other people’s metallic objects, though this form of Elmorium is unstable and only ‘coats’ the things effected, causing them to be slowed or damaged, and after a short period of time it falls away like a dry coating of mud completely useless. It also retained the ability to electrocute foes with a powerful shocking attack from its mandibles, though now it’s more akin to being struck by lightning, which can be lethal.

It can move across any surface, like a real spider, it's powered by the magic which sustains the Clockwork Man, which is why it remains immobile charging most of the time. It's max speed is roughly 50mph, and it has the ability to stick to metallic structures with magnetic fixtures on its feet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alright then edit it in and you are good.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enarr
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Michael 'Mike' Aaron Faraday
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human Elemental

Random Descriptors:
Weight: 185 Lbs
Height: 5'10"
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Copper

Character Tier:

Character Type:
Critical Character - Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description:
Michael Faraday has somewhat tan skin, a coppery brown color on a shaggy, yet fine, head of hair. He is lean with a slightly athletic build, honed from frequent free-running, having high speed and agility with only slightly above average muscle mass. Mike's attire usually consists of a thick black jacket with a tribal Phoenix-design colored red on the back, fingerless gloves, dark blue jeans, single colored T-shirts, a maroon beanie, and a pair of monochrome running shoes. He tends to stand tall with a constant air of confidence and a light swagger with swaying arms where he leads with his chest. When talking, he tends to drum his fingers against his thighs or any object near him. He frequently stuffs his hands in his pockets when he's walking or talking, and occasionally does a little whistle.

Personality Description:
Michael Faraday well embodies the element of fire due to his destructive nature. He is rebellious against authority and his outbursts can be very difficult to sedate. He enjoys making displays of his power for the entertainment of others as well as boosting his general confidence in doing so. Michael has many insecurities, which he does well to hide by cramming them behind a façade of narcissism and self confidence. At times he can become quite a tad bit impatient, despite a learned habit and tendency to plan ahead for typically unexpected situations. The tendency to plan gives him anxiety when he is unprepared and can be considered a paranoid behavior. He often worries about letting everyone else down, it is for fear of failing to protect his homeworld and avenge his loved ones that he has joined the hunt for the Nexus of Worlds.

Skills, powers and abilities: The elemental spirit of fire chose Michael as it's human representative, bestowing many abilities upon him and in some ways influencing his personality. The basics of his abilities are that he can summon fires, exercise pyrokinesis, charge items, and heal using external heat.

(Intermediate) Pyrogenesis: By concentrating and focusing his energy, Michael can create fire that always is initially created as a ball of flame within the palm of either hand. This fire burns, consistantly, at a temperature of 1000 degrees. Because Michael's source of power is the fire elemental, it is no mere fire. A unique property of it is that when it comes in contact with intrinsically evil beings, it will emotionally hurt them by sharing with them the pain that they have caused others.

(Intermediate/High) Pyrokinesis: Michael can relocate and reshape the fires that he creates, or absorb fires from outside sources into his influence. With the fire that he creates, it can be expanded (doubles in size for every post detailing it's growth), at no cost to it's heat or brightness, or it can be shrunk (being halved with every post). He can reshape his fires into walls that actually gain solidity, as well as swords or other things (They can only maintain the shape for the length of every post detailing them being in his command previous to their reshaping). When they are in the form he pleases, he can direct them through the air in any direction he pleases.

(Intermediate) Charging: Using his pyrokinetic and elemental abilities, Michael can 'charge' an object with energy from his elemental status. Applications of 'charging' objects include augmenting weaponry, illuminating surfaces, and increasing a vehicle's maximum speed (charging an object takes one post of preparation before using it in it's 'charged' form, but by then it holds it's charge until he loses physical contact with it).

(Low) Ingestion: When touching an object that is unusually hot, or alternatively flames that he didn't create, he can draw power from them and heal his wounds or satisfy his hunger. Additionally, breathing in smoke satisfies his natural thirst. Prolonged exposure to smoke or extreme heat grant him renewed vitality, endurance, speed, stamina, and strength.

(High) Summoning: Across dimensional boundaries he is still recognized as a fire elemental and can summon totems to his aid, assuming that there are any around. The creatures that would come to his aid include dragons, phoenixes, geckos, and lions. Additionally, if there is one in the area, he can will a volcano to erupt, or in some cases, create a heat wave in a general area depending on the presence of sun visibilty.

(Low) Traceur: After gaining much practice through direct application, Michael is very capable of free-running through city environments and escaping capture, sven by trained individuals like policemen. He is very light on his feet, talented at climbing, and quick to respond.

Tangent - For millenia this world had been much like our own. For a long time the development of the world had been exactly identical as far as the organisms on the planet, geological arrangement, and social order. This changed in the year 100 BC, when a group of men invented a means to fully unlock the power of the human mind. In doing so, they empowered every man to shape the world around them. This led to religious practices, in which many people firmly believed in, gaining a physical presence and manifestation. It led to the creation of nature spirits, gods, hidden realms, and beasts of many sorts that coexist regardless of contradicting lore.

Fast forwarding a few thousand years, mankind's influence and sheer willpower has led to a variety of technological breakthroughs such as the invention of genetic modification, marijuana being harmless, the ocean having an undertow, evolution being rather fast, and physics being exaggerated, simplified, or streamlined. However, the world is managed by a group of warlocks who use their abilities to shape society as corporate bankers and celebrities. Many people have obscure abilities and use them in a small scale. To a certain extent, the nature spirits are at war with the western world, and their warlock masters particularly, though nature has slowly been losing it's strength in general as less people begin to care or believe. However, on the other hand, the people's system of beliefs has made it so that the Earth is unlikely to run out of natural resources in the foreseeable future.

Within the urban areas 'monsters' are relatively scarce, though, due to some beliefs, werewolves and vampires do hide amongst city dwellers. In less developed territory however, the wildlife is largely dependant on the legends developed by the people who inhabit, or had inhabited, the areas. In many lands the gods still exist and so do their children in a way reminiscent of the Percy Jackson books. Aliens also exist, however they existed on Earth before they'd existed on Mars because of the growing reach and immediate effectiveness of human influence.

Character Equipment:
(Low) Torch: A modern day electric torch that runs on batteries with LED lights. In itself it is nothing special, but when 'charged' with elemental power, it immediately illuminates the entire area that it is inside. Michael obtained it from a Wal-Mart in his hometown.

(Low) The Pepperspray of Pain: Purchased from Wal-Mart, Michael uses a can of aerosol pepper spray that is disabling to an attackers eyes, respiratory system, and causes massive sneazing. It has no magical properties, but when 'charged', the spray is searingly hot.

(Intermediate) Blade of Bane: Passed down the family line for generations, it is a magical sword, crafted from steel obtained from a golem's body, that is especially effective against monsters, allegedly capable of piercing any armor or hide. Michael's ancestors had reportedly used it to slay dragons in New England and to end a Werewolf's reign of terror. It has something of a reputation as a legendary sword, and monsters can smell the dead beasts it had slain on it to this day. Michael had been given it by his uncle shortly before he departed from home.

(Intermediate) Shield of the Shaman: Also passed down for generations, this shield is a circular wooden concave shield with an outer layer of silver. It is very lightweight, yet still very resistant to attacks from monsters and unscientific threats, against which it has been used countless times. It has a diameter of one yard and half an inch of total thickness. It was passed to Michael from his uncle before he began his quest.

Character History:
Born in Seattle, Michael Faraday was born to a loving household that consisted of his parents, several oldsr siblings, and himself. He'd been four years old when a fire burnt their house to the ground while the family slept. Only Michael survived, though he was entirely unharmed. Police investigations showed that it was an arson performed by a spellcasting hitman who'd likely been long gone. But investigators realized something else, the child was an elemental.

He was placed into the care of his uncle and aunt, who raised him as though he were their own son. They ensured he recieved a proper education in the public school system as well as seeing to his education in the magic arts. He was taught to control his influence over the element of fire, and then he learned how to make application of it. In school he became the class clown as well as the closest thing the student body had to an activist. The administration often had him in detention for his misbehavior and rebellion against certain protocols, though he grew comfortable with it.

Eventually though, he got into trouble with more than just the school. He ended up vandalizing property and defacing buildings with political graffiti to attract the attention of anyone he could. Occasionally he was 'interrupted', however, and he took off running away, getting better at making escapes as he familiarized himself with the layout of the entire city. But then, his life changed forever.

One day he returned home after a day at school, only to find his uncle at home sobbing beside two policeman who'd told him that Michael's aunt had been killed. Michael angrily demanded to know who'd killed her, and he was then told that it was a group of otherworldly invaders from Angar-Rylla. Rushing to the scene, Michael saw his aunt's corpse amongst others lying in the streets and vowed that he would avenge her and everyone else that had died at the hands of the Angar-Rylla Empire and their treasure hunt. So, gathering a group of his friends, he found a clairvoyant who told them how to pursue the Angar-Ryllans and destroy them most effectively, using the Nexus of Worlds.

Michael returned to his uncle to say goodbye shortly after, but his uncle gave him a gift and told him a story. Apparently the Faradays came from a long line of heroes and knights that all went on crusades in the name of justice, and the family heirlooms had even been passed down to the point where his uncle possessed them. Seeing as Michael could actually benefit from having them, his uncle gifted him several artifacts that were supposed to help him on his journey. So, departing with his uncle's blessing, Michael and his friends went on a quest to find their way from one world to another, hunting for wrongdoings that needed to see vengeance, or oppression in need of liberation, so that they could eventually avenge his aunt's passing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

(Low) The Pepperspray of Pain: Purchased from Wal-Mart, Michael uses a can of aerosol pepper spray that is disabling to an attackers eyes, respiratory system, and causes massive sneazing. It has no magical properties, but when 'charged', the spray is searingly hot.

LOL I want to shoot Evvie in the face with this.

I will approve this but if anyone has issues they can pose them and we can hash it out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enarr
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Skallagrim said
LOL I want to shoot Evvie in the face with this.I will approve this but if anyone has issues they can pose them and we can hash it out.

Thank you, Skall. Now, can I still get that lesson in T1?

EDIT: Just saw your note in the OOC. Nevermind that. I'll learn quick enough, I s'pose.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yep. I will post a thread and we will go through the process of attack/defense/counter and preps.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enarr
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Skallagrim said
Yep. I will post a thread and we will go through the process of attack/defense/counter and preps.

Thank you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Arthur Greystoke

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Random descriptors: 6'4", 220 pounds, dirty blonde hair (cut short), grey-blue eyes, fit, well-muscled physique.

Character Tier: Intermediate (without armor), high (with armor).

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant.

Physical Description:
When out of his armor, Arty tends to wear clothing that befits someone of his financial station. Tailored suits are a staple of his fashion choices as much as fast cars, pretty girls, and Rolex watches are the things he accessorizes with.

Personality Description:
While in public, Arty presents a carefree play-boy attitude that is at once both endearing and misleading to the public at large. He will spend millions on what seems to be idle flights of fancy, and his closest 'friends' are of the sort that love to party and hate when it ends. Fortunately, it never seems to end with Arty.

That is, until everyone else is passed out or too high to pay any attention. Despite all the appearances to the contrary, Arthur Greystoke is the kind of man who never really fit in anywhere. The kind of man who reasons and thinks on a different wavelength than everyone else. Some would call him a sociopath, others simply insane. The truth of the matter however, is that his magnificent power comes with its very own curse. Unlike people with normal nervous systems, Arty can't truly feel emotion. Sure, he can feel and respond instinctively to the immediate effects of external stimuli, but once that stimuli is gone, so is the feeling. He has no notion of what it feels like to be in love, or to truly hate, or even to feel content. Fortunately, he's a genius and a magnificent actor, and so has little trouble blending in and appearing relatively normal during the day, but at night he becomes an entirely different animal, stalking the streets of his city with no remorse or mercy for the wicked denizens thereof. After all, if it could work for Batman, why couldn't it work for him too?

Skills, powers and abilities:

Enhanced Durability (intermediate):
Arty's primary ability is the generation and manipulation of bio-electric fields both in and around his body. Originating from his bones, these fields extend through his muscles and skin, generating intense amounts of van der waals force as they do, which in turn greatly increases the bonding force between his molecules and therefore his durability. This durability renders his bones functionally ten times as hard as diamond and increases the durability of his soft tissue in proportion to how close it is to his bones. This means that while he can catch a 9mm bullet in his hand, that same bullet would pierce the skin and lodge itself in the muscle if it were to hit his chest (also, edged weapons that rely on slicing will do more damage than blunt weapons and bullets that rely on impact force). He is likewise reinforced against intense heat and cold, due to his molecular motion being much more resistant to changes in vibrational speed. He can withstand temperatures of 1,000 Celsius on the positive side, and -200 Celsius on the negative side with no apparent harm. He is also entirely immune to the harmful effects of electricity and never gets tired or requires sleep, food, or water (he doesn't fully realize this though and still eats and drinks), and should he be deprived of oxygen for an extended period his body will enter a catatonic state, during which time he is sustained solely by his power and will re-awaken once oxygen again becomes available.

Enhanced Regeneration (intermediate):
Despite his resistance to it, Arty is far from immune to physical damage and in the event he is wounded, his body will harness the bio-electric energy coursing through him in order to repair itself much more rapidly than any normal human. Small cuts heal in seconds and high-caliber bullet wounds in mere minutes, while severe extensive trauma may take hours to heal. With uninterrupted focus, Arty can consciously enhance the speed of this ability, allowing him to heal even faster when not otherwise engaged.

Enhanced Nervous System (Intermediate):
Perhaps the most versatile function of his power is the near-absolute control it grants him over his own nervous system. Not only can he deaden nerves to blunt pain and ignore injury (barring those that actually prohibit a body part from functioning at all), and manipulate his ability to appear completely human on any type of scanner, but it is also nearly impossible to knock him unconscious via sensory overload. Additionally, his nervous system functions at a baseline level that is 10 times faster than that of a normal human in peak condition, and in times of stress such as combat that number can as much as triple. This ability also grants him greatly enhanced sensory perception, allowing him to see several miles with perfect clarity and in near-total darkness, hear a human heart beat 20 meters away, feel the individual threads in silk, and detect scents that would elude a bloodhound. His power also grants him a sixth sense that is unavailable to normal humans, and that is the ability to sense both matter and electrical energy in his vicinity. This sense allows him to accurately determine the position and velocity of any object within 10 meters of himself, as well as sense electrical energy out to a distance of 100 meters, while beyond that distance his ability to sense current begins to dwindle until it is completely gone at a distance of roughly 200 meters. The level of current that constantly runs through Arty himself also makes him exceedingly resistant to psychic abilities, and has a tendency to disrupt other touch-based powers.

Enhanced Condition (intermediate):
While not as drastic as the enhancements to his nervous system, Arty's power also provides an increase in the performance of his musculature and other organs. While this performance increase does not grant him truly superhuman strength, it does allow every muscle and organ in his body to function at the peak of human potential, thus providing him with exceptional might, speed, balance, and agility that allows him to perform physical feats that some would assume to be on a superhuman level. By focusing his bio-electric energy into his own muscles, rather than emitting it as energy bursts or generating elaborate cohesion fields, he is also capable of enhancing his strength by up to a factor of 10, allowing him to lift 5 tons above his head when fully focused on enhancing his physique. When in this state, Arty also gains a slight speed boost due to the increase in his strength-to-mass ratio, but loses his ability to fire bio-electric bolts and can only utilize his cohesion fields to bind to or enhance solid objects.

Electrocution (intermediate):
The primary offensive function of Arty's power, this technique allows him to charge up his hands (or in rare cases, feet) and then discharge his bio-electric energy into another being for the purposes of causing pain, paralysis, unconsciousness, and even death. These bio-electric discharges have an effective range of roughly 100 meters, and a maximum range roughly twice that. When charged and fired in a single burst, they can generate up to 3,000 degrees of heat (Celsius) in addition to the electrical charge they carry due to the ionization of the air they pass through. A single un-charged bolt is capable of outright killing a human, leaving burn marks and smoke rising from their remains, but the output of these bolts can also be varied in order to inflict non-lethal damage such as unconsciousness, paralysis, muscle spasms, or simple pain. When fired as a maintained attack, the temperature of the bio-electric bolts rarely rises above 1,000 degrees Celsius, as doing so would begin to cause harm to Arty himself if maintained for extended periods (in the form of burns on the fingers and hands). When physical contact is made with the target, these electrocution abilities double in potency.

Cohesion Fields (intermediate):
By projecting his bio-electric energy into other objects, Arty is capable reinforcing them with van der waals force in much the same way as his own body, increasing an item's durability by a factor of 100. This can also be used to increase the effectiveness of bladed weapons, projecting an edge that is the width of a single molecule. In conductive weapons, he can extend this ability from simple molecular reinforcement to the transmission of actual electricity through the weapon, granting him the ability to electrocute targets for the purposes of stunning, paralyzing, or outright killing them. Furthermore, by projecting his bio-electric aura into the surfaces, items, and beings he touches, Arty can create an incredibly strong application of van der waals force that will effectively anchor him to any surface. The strength of this anchoring varies, but has a maximum clinging force of roughly 10 tons. The most offensively potent use of this ability comes in the form of cohesion fields created in the air itself, shaped elaborately to form weapons and defenses, then filled with ionized air to become superheated (generally in a range between 1,000 and 3,000 Celsius), increasing their effectiveness even further. These cohesion fields can extend up to 10 meters away from Arty himself, but must always originate from his own body. When used to simply "grip" the air itself, Arty can use these fields to pull himself through it, achieving speeds unheard of even for someone as physically adept as himself, attaining up to 500 kph in short bursts, and a steady pace of 100 kph over long distances. If he also anchors himself to the ground while using cohesion fields to force air around his body, he can generate intense winds that can equal his movement speed in power.

Character Equipment:

Armor (high):
The outermost layer of Arty's matte black body armor makes use of carbon nanotubes to create plating that is extremely light and moderately flexible, while also being both harder than diamond and stronger than steel. This flexibility makes the plating an excellent shock absorber, while its strength and hardness render it practically impenetrable to all conventional projectile weaponry.

While the outer layer is impressive, it's the inner layer that really makes the armor stand out. Composed of hyper-conductive high-strength carbon nano-fibers arranged in patterns that mimic actual muscles, the inner layer of the armor is perfectly "tuned" to Arty's bio-electric aura, giving it a significant damage resistance boost over that which it would normally possess, allowing it to withstand impacts from superhumans with tremendous physical strength (80-90 tonners). In addition to the increased damage resistance, advanced circuitry and multiple carbon batteries allow the armor to "feed" off Arty's aura and increase his physical stats to truly superhuman levels (allowing him to lift in the 10 ton range and run in the 200 mph range), and increase his cohesion field and bio-electric projection abilities by a factor of 10.

This overall boost to his capabilities allows Arty to generate charged bursts of lightning that can reach 30,000 degrees Celsius, maintain attacks of up to 10,000 Celsius, extend the range of his cohesion fields to 100 meters and the speed he can move when utilizing them to a steady 1,000 kph, or mach 4 in bursts, and fire his bio-electric attacks at ranges of up to 2 kilometers (though half that is their optimal range). Additionally, by focusing his energy inwards and infusing his own muscles and those of his armor, he is capable of lifting up to 100 tons above his head (or lifting 50 tons with relative ease), though the same limitations apply as when he enhances just his own body, in addition to a 10 second cooldown period afterward as the armor resets itself, during which he is returned to the armor's base strength and cannot yet use his ranged abilities.

Weapons (intermediate):
2 - .50 caliber pistols. Hold 12 rounds per magazine and are constructed of advanced high-strength polymers with carbon nano-fiber reinforcement.
2 - Single edged swords. 36" titanium-carbon alloy blade. More durable than his armor, though also less flexible. With Arty's strength behind it, this blade is capable of slicing cleanly through a conventional steel blade with no damage to itself.
2 - Retractable staves. Titanium-carbon shaft. Length varies between 2' and 6'. The entire length of the staff, whether retracted or extended, is hyper-conductive and grants Arty the ability to discharge electrical attacks through it and into any opponent he strikes. Through the use of high-output carbon batteries the staff is capable of storing up a charge of its own that allows it to double the effectiveness of Arty's electrical discharges (subtract 1 prep post from each level).
2 - Gauntlet blades. 12" titanium-carbon alloy blades that extend from the armor's gauntlets over the back of Arty's hands (armor only).
4 - Fighting knives. 8" titanium-carbon alloy blade, dual edged.

Character History:
Arty was born into a world in which one out of every ten thousand individuals possessed some kind of superhuman gift, and while the governments of the world struggled to maintain order, the "gifted" were quickly claiming the world for chaos. Government sanctions and curfews were placed on the citizens of nearly every country in the world, and a bounty was placed on any information leading to the capture of one of the gifted, as well as the capture of a gifted themselves. Mercenary bands formed and took to the streets, making the lives of citizens far more unpleasant than the gifted ever had as they forced their way into homes and businesses in search of their bounties. The great wealth possessed by Arty's family was all that kept him from being swept away in the madness, though even that was barely enough to shield him.

Thirty years later, the world governments had managed to regain control of the mercenaries by rescinding the bounties and offering them positions in a world-wide anti-meta police force, put together to hunt down and imprison the gifted while still remaining relatively within the law. While most "metas", as the government now called them, went into hiding or tried to blend in to everyday life, there were some who fought back, and not all countries granted access to the anti-meta police force officers. These countries became havens for the gifted, and a large percentage of them thrived there. Arty, however, chose to stay and continue running his father's company, which ironically was the designer and provider of the state-of-the-art weapons and technology used to hunt and track his fellow gifted. That mattered little to Arty, however, and was simply another layer in the disguise of normalcy he had crafted for himself and which allowed him to operate virtually unhindered as his masked alter-ego.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 9 days ago

Name: Ade'er Ra'gn Ectr

Age: Old

Gender: Male majority of the time.

Race: Dregas

Random Descriptor: The Cartographer, The Drifter, not-so-random appearance.

Character Tier: High. (or somewhere between high-intermediate and intermediate-high)

Character Type: Secondary Character

He either chooses to be a boy or a girl, he's taken a particular liking to the boy though.

Personality Description: This Dregas is a ball of happiness, some might describe him as happy-go-lucky in a sense, others might just call him annoying. Whatever you call him, he just seems to beam with a aura of positive energy. He is also quite curious, always trying to find what makes things tick. With his interest main invested in history and magical study, he would often seen around ruins or library, reading and asking around. He is also often seen around a fair or a festival, joining in the merriment of the day.

Skills, powers and abilities:
-[High]Elemental Mastery (Lightning and Wind): The ability to absorb, generate and manipulate his elements in his general vicinity. Immune to electricity and wind based attack, and can absorb/devour them to replenish or strengthen himself. While there's no limit on how much he can eat, there's a limit on how fast he can do it.
-[High]Weather Manipulation: As a wind Dregas, Are had the privilege of altering the weather in a certain range. Although there was a limit on what kind of weather he can create on his own. His elements means he can cause Windy (or Clear), Tornado (he's the Eye), and Lightning Storm on his own. If certain requirements is met, he can cause rainfall. (Expect this when things heated up.)
-[Intermediate]Avatar: All Dregas can create an avatar, a magical construct that allows them to operate outside of their realm freely. As it's a magical construct, any physical damage are superficial and can be repaired within moments as long as they have magical power to do it. In term of physical ability, his avatar can lift 10 ton heavy object and run/accelerate to 1 mps in short notice. Max speed unknown, he can further increase the speed through his magic.
-[Low]Combat Adept: Over the course of his adventure, there are several times where he was involved in brawls where he couldn't use his power for one reason or another. This end up with him learning hand-to-hand combat focusing on his mobility. He never develop it far as usually, his Avatar's physical strength make short work of most the brawlers that went against him.

Other Important Information:
To wizards, his presence would be detected as a very strong attuned individual, although he had learned how to hide it. Other Spirits would know about his true self no matter what though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Skallagrim said
LOL I want to shoot Evvie in the face with this.I will approve this but if anyone has issues they can pose them and we can hash it out.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shush you leaving me with a crazed dragon girl with bad fashion sense.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I have faith in you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Wrong place
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Don't you worry Skallagrim, you won't regret this. You can trust me.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oh I know Melon, go ahead. I will update the character list later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Since I've shut down Keezi and I still want a female character. I'm posting a much more intimidating and fleshed out character into the mix.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Webbing: No, she cannot shoot it. That's not how webbing works

Denied on these grounds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

That isn't how webbing works! Spider Man has a legitimate reason for shooting his, because it's not actual webbing. It's a chemical mixture designed to work at range, webbing has to be placed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

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; ~;
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