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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 2 mos ago

You will add in that she can shoot webs.

Right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Dude, you have no idea how gross that would be. And it'd be way dangerous as a weapon man, but if that's how you want it.

I guess.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

LeeRoy said
That isn't how webbing works! Spider Man has a legitimate reason for shooting his, because it's not actual webbing. It's a chemical mixture designed to work at range, webbing has to be placed.

Gladiator spiders launch their webs like spears.

I should know, your character is incredibly similar to the Archivist I entered in NoW.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

There are a few exceptions, but for the most part it's limited to the actual weaving.

And the Archivist is one of the reasons I didn't enter Jessibelle.
Didn't want two characters who could be paralleled in the same tournament.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 9 days ago

LeeRoy said
Dude, you have no idea how gross that would be. And it'd be way dangerous as a weapon man, but if that's how you want it.

She needs the ability to secrete explosive feces now, just to add on the gross and dangerous.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Yeah there's no way, she's a high class individual.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Skallagrim said
(Low) The Pepperspray of Pain: Purchased from Wal-Mart, Michael uses a can of aerosol pepper spray that is disabling to an attackers eyes, respiratory system, and causes massive sneazing. It has no magical properties, but when 'charged', the spray is searingly hot.

LOL I want to shoot Evvie in the face with this.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tantalum


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Name: Kanitah Noraha Ayna

Age: 53

Gender: Male

Theme Song:

Race: Pundambayan.

Random descriptors:
-Height: 5'3"
-Weight: 398 lbs
-Hair Color: Salt and pepper grey
-Eyes: Single long pupil stretching in a horizontal rectangle surrounded by a solid soft creamy orange mixture.
-Skin Color: A dim creamy skin tone, almost appearing caucasian but not quite. Somewhere a bit closer to yellow than your average caucasian man.

Character Tier: Intermediate (With potential for high tier, with the right equipment.)

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description: Pundambayan's are only slightly different from humans in biology, in fact they're just more evolved humans. Their muscle structure is less primative and more tightly packed, making the larger ones a huge threat. And that's just what Kanitah is. Kanitah looks like a lumberjack took up the hobby of also being a body builder.

Though he's getting along in years Kanitah's physical fitness has always been a prime concern. Daily strength training and vitamin supplements keep him at his physical peak. The top of his head is covered in unkempt salt and pepper hair and it's contrasted with a thick and bushy beard, the damn thing is so thick that you could punch it and your fist might get stuck. That's happened before. His mustache is so well tamed that you could hit it with a hammer and it would pop back into shape before you withdrew the weapon.

Kanitah's got a sense of importance about him. As though he's destined for even greater things. Appropriately he carries himself like a really big man, chest out and chin up. His arms constantly swing as he walks, hoisting them unnecessarily high with every swing.

He dresses simply, wearing long sleeved collared button up shirts and pants that fit nicely. He does not wear fancy clothes. He does not dress in body armor. He does not wear anything that would suggest that he's anything more than the ordinary man.

Underneath his clothing is a Herculean form, a body that looks chiseled from stone. It's actually not made of stone, he's just incredibly fit. He would look good standing beside a young Lou Ferrigno. On his back are four scars that are placed just above and below vital organs, they appear to be remnants of old wounds from battles long since ended. From chest to toe he's riddled with finely shaped hair. If you're not catching it, he loves to shape his hair. Like everywhere.

To be honest, on more than one occasion he's been called cartoonish and overly masculine. These are true in many ways, and yet they belie something more.

Personality Description: From a young age Kanitah has seen the future as a bright and vibrant place, full of possibility and potential. His dreams of a better world and a bright future have not waned as the years have passed. Though he has become a bit more serious as time has gone by, learning that not everything is going to go his way, but still withholding a hope for the future.

At the current time he's as heroic as one can possibly be, seriously, he's the kind of hero who will lay down his life for you twice. If at all possible.

Skills, powers and abilities:

Character Equipment:

Character History:
Born on planet Pundambaya 1, Kanitah was naturally blessed with a cheerful demeanor and a hopeful outlook on everything in the world. So cheerful that it began to get weird. After his father passed down Daligrov to his son Kanitah joined the military and was sent to hostile worlds to train in extreme conditions to become one of the greatest breeds of warrior in the universe. Possibly in the entire multiverse, I mean they can be mass produced by the hundreds. The only thing that makes Kanitah stand out is his incredible Daligrov powers, and his incredibly positive attitude.

Later, after leaving the military he met up with an odd scientist on his homeworld who was fascinated with the mystical abilities that he demonstrated. He stayed there and gave the scientist a full battery of tests before leaving to have some down time on the peaceful and less hostile Pundambaya 2. It was three years before he heard from the scientist again, and when he did oh boy was it urgent. He rushed to his homeworld and found the scientist with one foot in the grave, the guy had perfected something for him as his last and greatest invention. The Daligrov Engine was his final creation, and to be honest it couldn't have come at a better time. From the nearest star system came an invading force of power armored supersoldiers, they attacked both planets at the same time. And the only person who was able to fight at full ability on Pundambaya 2 was Kanitah.

And did he fight.

As the soldiers were in their landing gear they tried to attack in waves, the great gravity of their homeworld was far too much for them to move at a dangerous speed. Kanitah plugged the machine into his back and proceeded to sweep his planet clean of invading forces. It was like an incredibly painful dream state, while he was completely sane for the duration he felt odd. Likely due to his nerves being regulated by the machine now, it took some getting used to but by the time he had saved the planet it felt as natural as the day he became a man.

Yes, in that way.

He was regailed as a hero among supermen, and spent a good portion of his life in relative comfort. Recieving huge payment from the mutual world governments for saving their planet, and their birthing planet. Multiplanet politics are weird. Since then he has retired, making sound investments here and there to make sure he never has to work again in his life.

Until he found the portal. Well, you know where it goes from here.

Important Information:
The Darligrov word of power does nothing to amplify his lifting weight, as the rings MOVE to multiply the force.
Making it a single instance thing, rather than a sustained effect.
His total lifting force is 10 in intermediate and 30 in high.
Darligrov amplifies strike force more than anything else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragQueen


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Drag Sag Bag "Queen"

Age: Probably around 21, he hasn't kept track.

Gender: Male

Race: Was once a man but drank like, half of a potion to turn into a dragon. So somewhere between human and dragon. He has rad antlers, though.

Random descriptors: 7'2", 260 pounds, Brown Hair/ Brown Eyes. Generally quite unintelligent, Determined.

Character Tier: Intermediate

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description: A 7'2" hint of mint colored dragon-man-abomination. Constantly wearing a green hoodie/jeans combination of clothing, and has jet black-brown eyes. He tends to alternate in between having facial hair, and not having facial hair, (when he does, it's quite heavy). Oddly enough he doesn't have terribly sharp of claws, and they're more of nubs then anything else.

Personality Description: Originally driven on avenging his fallen feline friend, Drag's earlier part of his life was absolutely nothing but just sort of trying to find people and do things. He's not terribly educated, in fact he's kinda dumb sometimes. His logic is mad backwards, and this in and of itself is almost a superpower. Using his inane and sometimes entirely illogical thought process he can divine information in an unnatural way.

Skills, powers and abilities:
(Intermediate Basic Form)- In his normal state he is a very well balanced guy, as far as super-humans-dragon-guys go.

(Intermediate) Projectile Lava: His tum is full to the brim with an almost unlimited amount of magma, this is clearly magical and all that. It's not biology it's because he only drank half of the potion. So whenever he goes to spit fire he actually vomits lava, this lava is at usual lava temperatures of 2000 degrees. Though he can't breathe in while he does it he can shoot either a big stream of it or small balls of melted rock from his mouth like cannonballs.

(Intermediate) Super Strong-ness: Drag's dragon body is super strong, able to toss about small vehicles for fun. At last measurement he can bench around eight tons.

(Intermediate) Flight: Drag has wings, these wings help him fly. They're hidden away underneath his hoodie and are really big, when spread out all the way he can lift up the weight of three humans in flight. He can fly at forty mph.

(Intermediate) Super Speed: Drag's muscly legs can carry him super fast, Usain Bolt can eat his dust in a foot race. Drag can run at almost ninety five miles per hour.

(Low) Super Endurance: While tough he's not extremely tough, his scales and super body can withstand car crashes and any kind of vicious beating from people who are a lot stronger than he is. But he's not impressive compared to like, the Hulk. Plus an understood immunity to heat.

Spontaneous Beard Growth: Like some kind of super animal he can force a beard to grow from his scaled face and it completely changes his personality and the way he fights.

(Intermediate) Beard Form- When he grows a beard his entire body changes in the strangest way. He can't spit lava from his mouth anymore and he gets a hammerspace backpack from nowhere. It appears out of thin air. Like poof. And he loses his mind, turning into a wildman who can do things that nobody should be able to do. And he can't fly, his bag is way too heavy.

(Intermediate) Even Greater Super Strength: Drag can benchpress fourteen solid tons when he grows his beard. With his almost weightless weapon he can swing it so fast that normal human people can't see it coming.

(Intermediate) Super Endurance: Losing his speed in compensation he gains a solid boost to his defense and energy. When he's got a beard he never gets tired and can no longer feel pain, at all, the nerves just stop registering it. He can tank attacks that would kill people from the shock without a care in the world. For some reason the beard allows him to resist the urge to get exhausted, giving him the power to never stop fighting. Plus an understood immunity to heat.

(Low) Speed: In beard form he cannot run faster than a normal human. With a top sprinting speed of twelve miles per hour.

Spontaneous Beard Degrowth: In the same way that first one works he can make his beard go away entirely.

Character Equipment:
(High) Plasma Hilt: On his belt Drag carries the weapon that the Lightsaber wishes to be. The Plasma Hilt was actually stolen from his Robottic Clone after he fought him to the death, Drag's old battleaxe was destroyed in the fight but in the rubble he found the Plasma hilt. Engraved on it is the face of a small cat, for some reason his robot clone had the same cat engraving as his old axe. Which was, at the time, totally overlooked but it's now super weird. The hilt makes a force field in the shape of about five different weapons. A battleaxe, a greatsword, a whip, a spear, and a giant boxing glove. Then, once the forcefield is made, it fills it up with red hot plasma. The one that hurts people, not runs Tvs. It's about five thousand degrees to the touch and if Drag weren't a dragon it would kill him.

The blade, because it's super hot, can cut through just about anything that melts below five thousand degrees. The edge is also razor sharp, can cut through flesh that is resistant to heat as easily as a well sharpened sword. The weapon can also reform in battle on the fly. It takes a button press but it changes almost instantly. The hilt runs cool to the touch but the heat that the weapon it creates radiates closely to his hand, as he is a half-dragon man with lava inside his belly he is completely immune to heat. The weapon forms almost immediately once it is turned on.

(Low) Hammerspace Backpack: This bag has stuff that is super convenient, it doesn't have any weapons inside of it unless he puts them in there himself, but anytime he reaches into it he can pull any object out. Anything ranging from apples to entire zebras. It can only pull out what has been put in, it cannot pull out stuff that has not been put in. For convenience's sake it does not have any weapons, wild animals, and cannot have items that are larger than a volkswagen beetle.

Character History: Drag was born into a mildly average human family, until one day his parents were randomly assassinated by a vampire. Instead of taking the generic path of becoming depressed, he had moved on with his life, and hung out with his cat. This went on until his only love, his cat, was assassinated as well. This flipped the younger Drag into a rage so deep that he did everything in his power to get revenge. And by everything in his power, he went to his local pawn shop, had about half a drink of a random elixir and then kinda did whatever for a solid ten years. He did eventually kill his vampire-menace, fought a clone of himself, had a solid 56 kids, and had many other random life achievements, but it wasn't terribly important. Nowadays, he sleeps among the many streets of the universe, using his puffy beard as a blanket, and picking fights with civillians.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Melon (Human undercover name. Real name undisclosed)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Regalnian

Random descriptors: Short light green hair, bright blue eyes, pale, slim, elf-like in attractiveness

Character Tier: Intermediate

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description: He looks like a slender human boy with short, semi-spiky light green hair and pale skin. His eyes are a very bright blue, almost appearing to glitter. Like his body his pale face is also slim. Some people would find him quite attractive, but he has more of the mysterious looking face rather then any rugged handsomeness. People might compare him to how elves tend to look, but as a child.

For mannerisms he's often using the proper poster while at rest, his back straight and his hands clenched lightly together at his waist. He does head tilts quite often, especially when he's intently examining or is otherwise interested in something. When he wishes to emote then he's very expressive in his actions, only subdued when he's in this concentrating state, which sometimes causes him to absent mindedly make "hmmmmmmmmm..." sounds. Where he comes from the person space is much smaller, so he often stands closer to others then two humans would.

Personality Description: He's very outgoing, charismatic, playful, and open to new things. His main flaw is his mischievousness, playing pranks and getting into things he shouldn't. Due to anime being unintentionally broadcast into space, this was one of his first contacts with human culture, making him believe that being "kawaii" (cute) was the proper way to react in social situations. Therefore, a lot of his actions might make him seem rather gay coming from a male, but he's only gay in the original term for happy (this might be further cause for confusion of people ask him if he's gay). He does "love" everyone, but is only physically attracted to women in a romantic way, even if it might seem otherwise with his friendly antics. He dislikes killing so he only uses weapons that can only incapacitate. He believes that everyone deserves a second chance and has good in them. He's very naive and kind of dense, but mostly in matters he doesn't understand such as certain aspects of human culture, although through his mandatory Earth Study course before traveling there he does know the basics.

Skills, powers and abilities:

Character Equipment: He got all of his equipment from his home planet, a highly advanced civilization. His parents are wealthy, his dad a business executive and her mother a doctor, and they both spoil him with whatever he desired to start his adventure in "saving the galaxy".

Character History: Born on the home world of the Regalnian, Regalantia, he lived a typical childhood for a spoiled only child. He got picked on because of this at school, but being a pacifist he never fought back, making it all the easier for bullies to target him. He knew people all around the galaxy and beyond had it much worse then him, being killed without being able to defend themselves. He was eventually able to peacefully convince the bullies to see the error of their ways and their lives were reformed for the better, so he was inspired to try out his technique all over the universe, not knowing that not everyone would give in as easily as the Regalnian children who had bullied him. He wanted to change the universe in any way that he could, even if it's just a little bit at the time to make life better, even if he could convince just one criminal to see the error of their ways and improve themselves and their environment because of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Here's the updated part of my sheet:

Stun Ray- (Intermediate) It fires off yellow glowing circles at speeds of 100 miles an hour that can stun a normal human at a distance of up to 12 feet away, armor having little effect against this unless magically protected or advanced shielding. If taken effect with a hit on the central nervous system then it will knock the target out for roughly a minute on it's default 1 shot every 5 seconds setting, although at full power can send them off to la la land for up to an entire hour. However, this shot requires a charge time of 20 seconds and overloads the gun so it can't be used again for that hour. Glancing blows (any hit not on the central nervous system), even at full power, would just numb the area for a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

You couldn't just edit the post... why?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I did. I'd have to tell you or you wouldn't know when/if it's edited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I check those things. I am a rather thorough reviewer. I would have seen it when next I checked the sheet. Which was going to be here in a little while. But the secondary post drew my attention to just that, the secondary post... rather than the edit you made in the CS.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll randomly edit it in the far future and hope you spot the edit, you character sheet lurker you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Unless I have reason to look, such as a requested edit that needs to be confirmed, I rarely look at CS's more than once or twice unless I REALLY like the character... or if it's mine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

To be added to main list:

Drag Queen
Kanitah Noraha Ayna
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