Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Of course I can answer those questions.

Ox-Body: Basically, Ysolda can endure a hit that would leave most beings writhing in agony or dead. I stated a normal Exalt's "Health Levels" within the charm for reference. She is simply more durable and hardy than someone without those charms. No further benefits.

Durability of Oak: No, she takes LESS damage from it, relative to the strength of her essence. At Essence 8 (Maximum Essence rating being 10) Ysolda would resist a significant portion of the damage, but not all.

Adamant Skin Technique: Correct. This technique can resist any and all damage from an incoming attack. You could drop a nuke on her head... if she uses this charm, she would be fine. However... with that flaw, if she makes any defensive maneuvers (running, jumping, etc) for two turns prior to using it, the charm fails and she takes the damage. Thus making this technique fairly tricky to use in combat. It's not a "use this THEN don't move"... it's a "Don't move so you can use this".

Seven Shadow Evasion: Currently, he motivation is assisting the realm of Necropoli. However, her grand motive is finding new and wondrous technology to assist the Solar Exalted in reclaiming their place in Creation. She's simply confused as to how to do this, and it's taking a back-seat while the more apparent goal is attainable. If a character shook her will to help others, then she could not use this technique. And once she affirms her goal to help the Solars, they would then have to shake her from THAT goal.

Yes, it can be used to dodge attacks that should even be undodgeable. Example: A character uses an acid rain technique that creates thousands of drops per minute per square yard. She would move with such speed and precision that she would actually move between each and every drop of acid... much like Agents in the Matrix can dodge automatic fire with ease. However. This does NOT work against surprise attacks unless combined with another charm that allows that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

My only problem is the absolute invulnerability and the absolute ability to dodge attacks.In text based combat there are no absolutes because it breaks the system. Your example of falling acid rain and by virtue of the ability, you can move between each and every individual drop of rain, can be viewed as a god-mode defense. It stretches the realms of credulity to say a human body form can avoid every single drop of rain that falls. And bullets are not the same, rain can be considered an area of effect attack over a very wide area.

I like the character concept but in text combat those are deal breakers, to have absolutes, with no way to negate them, I just cannot approve her at this time. There is no other character in the role-play that is absolutely immune to damage by virtue of a power, can dodge an attack the way you can. I am sorry they have to be reworked to removed from the character.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

You say this as though I plan to just sit there and spam the "You can't hurt me" button all day long. I would have hoped that to one with an eye for detail as yourself would see that I am a highly experienced player, with a penchant for what makes fights and character interactions as awesome and cinematic as possible.

That said, the defenses only last for a single action. If you have a long-term thing such as a spell that conjures a lightning storm or a city-consuming vortex or whatever else... I would have to sit there and use perfect defense after perfect defense... spending motes faster than a crack addict spends their welfare check... all to simply avoid harm.. Damage-over-time and AoE are this character's Kryptonite. While she CAN hold out against it for a time, if she focuses purely on defense, she's fucked in the shitcan. Example being that Nuke I presented earlier. She could easily ignore the blast itself... but what about the resulting shockwave, residual heat, radiation, etc.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Vol’Nardoc The Tyrant/Liberator of Vol’Kariz
Age: 4,276
Gender: Male
Race: Demigod, Son of Maev’Sil’Vien and the former high king of the Lorenvolk
Random descriptors:
Height- 15 feet tall.
Weight- 2,500 pounds unarmored.
Skin- Pale milk white
Hair Color- Gold mixed with strands of white.
Eye Color- Gold
Character Tier: High
Character Type: Critical Character

Physical Description:
The Tyrant of Vol’Kariz is a being possessed of a certain dread majesty that resonates outwards from his physical form. His form towers over lesser creatures and causes fear in the hearts of the staunchest men and beasts that would dare to face him. Due to his 15 foot height there is very little that looks him in the eye. His body structure is like the Lorenvolk that he is descended from quite similar to a massive human, though everything is scaled up appropriately. The Tyrant has almost flawless features unmarked by the ravages of time or disease. But marring these flawless features is a mark of war. Both of his cheeks bare a thick ropey scar from a past injury that was only a hair short of killing him and that nearly severed his lower jaw. Despite his thousands of years of age he still appears to be in the prime of his youth. His hair is golden and mixed with threads of the purest white also traits that he inherited from Maev’Sil’Vien.

When he goes to battle the Tyrant is clad in armor forged from the purest deposits of Mriswring metal. It is truly an awe inspiring work that he wears when he enters into battles and it reflects both his glories and the glory that his mother once embodied. The armor is a suit of full plate that covers the entirety of his body. His helm is cast in the shape of Maev’Sil’Vien’s ancient natural crown, it covers his head and only shows his eyes through slits that are too narrow to allow blades or projectiles entry. From the top of this helm emerge six spines that point skyward as if they were the peaks of a crown. Further from his back and his shoulders emerge another of set of four spines in total, two of these spines are black in coloration and the other two are of the purest white.

He moves with casual arrogance and confidence in his own power. The Tyrant of Vol’Kariz is utterly convinced of his own destiny to one day undergo apotheosis and truly ascend to the divinity that his mother once held and this conviction is evident in the very set of his body. His moments always appear to have a plan and a purpose rather than being random even when his movements actually are made in the spur of the moment.

Personality Description: (WIP)

Skills, powers and abilities:

The Tyrant’s Call (High)- Such is the power of the Tyrant that his will can transcend worlds and pull at those who are aligned with his purpose to him in all their glory and splendor. Beings that he pulls from other worlds or even his own at times will always be aligned with him or willing to serve his will when they are summoned. In truth there is an option for the being that is called to refuse the summons and in that case it simply pulls another who is willing in the place of the first. The Tyrant’s own version of the call is much more powerful than that of his daughter and does not require charging to be used at full efficiency. He can also do this in bulk if necessary, calling forth entire armies at times. Further the Tyrant can also summon forth artifacts associated with himself as well as actual living beings.

Draconic Dominion (High)- Maev’Sil’Vien is the mother of dragons and her son has inherited her mantle and control over his mother’s creations. Even the most powerful draconic beings find their wills subject to his own. While it is true that it is possible to resist his commands it requires an act of great will to do so and even then the next command he gives would bear the same if not greater weight. This power is especially potent in conjunction with Tyrant’s Call.

My Life For You (Intermediate)- Whenever the Tyrant should be wounded and he has a servant within several hundred yards of his position the wound will be automatically diverted from him onto his subject. This does not stop momentum or force from still having impacted him and should something strike with force sufficient to send him flying he would still be sent flying, simply taking none of the damaging effects. For example if he walked through a sheet of high power flames, one of his servants might well burst into flames as the fire simply washes around him instead of burning him.

Shadows of Divinity (High)- The Tyrant is the first and only child of Maev’Sil’Vien and with her death her mantle of power was passed on to him. Maev’Sil’Vien was the Goddess of Creation and Destruction, and Light and Dark. Both the light and the dark are capable of working feats of great destruction as well as nurturing in different ways. The Tyrant possesses extreme control over both light and dark, he can conjure light in almost any state necessary from the gentle light to illuminate a room to rays that scorch and burn with pure undiluted power. Similarly his control over the Darkness is also highly potent.

Divine Body (High)- The Tyrant is a being that is both Lorenvolk the strongest of mortal races upon his home world and a child of she who was the most powerful of the world’s gods. His physical body is difficult to damage even without armor and many blows that would inflict staggering wounds instead barely scratch him. This resilience is at its greatest against physical or mundane weapons as the weapons of mortals are by their nature ineffective against those who are divine. Further his strength is obscene as he can lift many tons with little effort and throw them around. On the inverse however his speed while greater than human is not nearly as inflated as his resilience and sheer physical strength.

Character Equipment:

The blade of Oris’Sion’In (High): The Tyrant gained this blade when the panicked deity dropped it in his haste to escape from the rise of the Mriswring dragons. This sword is supernaturally sharp and capable of adjusting its size and length at the will of the wielder. Should the Tyrant wish it the blade is capable of growing to nearly 30 feet in length or shrinking till it was scarcely a blade at all. Wounds dealt by this weapon cannot be healed unless power equal to the power of the wielder is poured into the effort. Other metals, even the magical metal Mriswring part like butter before this blade and weaker beings are simply turned to ash at the slightest cut from it. Stronger beings will be afflicted with a rot that slowly saps their strength unless they are healed of it.

Mriswring Armor (high): The Tyrant’s armor is described visually above. Due to advances and the nature of Mriswring a series of interlaced rods within the armor allow for him to draw upon the magic of leylines or any magic that his armor absorbs and use it to enhance his own physical attributes such as strength. Further this system also makes the entirety of the body a suitable point for magical discharges. Like all Mriswring his armor is most effective against magic as the magic is simply absorbed and then used to increase his own power as he sees fit. It is possible to overwhelm the defense that his armor offers with suitable charged attacks.

The Spear of Durhz (Intermediate): The Tyrant gained this weapon when he slew the necromancer known as Morgarath and took it as a prize. The spear of Durhz is an ancient reddish brown shard of metal that is known for being nigh indestructible. But its true power is an ability to conjure up the shades of the dead and for the fact that any soul that is slain by this weapon is imprisoned within it rather than escaping to afterlife, ect. The shades conjured by this spear count as minions if used.

Character History: Once in the days long ago, the days before the world was shattered and before the first of the gods had departed the goddess Maev’Sil’Vien in her desperate efforts to even the odds against the coalition of her siblings did the unimaginable and allowed for her blood to be mixed with that of her mortal children. From this brief union came the man who would one day become the Tyrant of Vol’Kariz.

For a time the demigod served beneath his mother in the wars of the gods. The Lorenvolk marched to war at the wills of their creator and despite their sheer power and the essence that Maev’Sil’Vien had poured into them in their creation they were not enough. Maev’Sil’Vien was cast down and her seat of power in Vol’Kariz was sacked and left as a symbol to the fate of those arrogant enough to set themselves against the collective of the gods. While Maev’Sil’Vien had been cast down the other gods had not destroyed the Lorenvolk, nor had they in the end killed the being they viewed as an abomination, the spawn of god and mortal.

In time Maev’Sil’Vien’s son surfaced again and with power that echoed his mother’s he called to the Lorenvolk. Such was his majesty and such was the remnant of the faith in his mother that the Lorenvolk answered his calls and hailed him as their new god. He seized the ancient stronghold of Vol’Kariz for his own and declared his war against the gods.

And the gods gave answer to his challenge. Though the Lorenvolk were the greatest of all mortal races even they were swept aside again like chaff before the power of the gods when they gave answer themselves and soon the Tyrant found that he had been arrogant. But he stayed the course and instead of suing for pardon and begging for mercy he issued forth from the citadel to fight. And his defeat was staggering. His power allowed him to contend with the gods but he could barely avoid his own demise and in the end he was struck down and his cry of pain and rage echoed throughout the land.

It would have been the end then had it not been for his mother’s final legacy. In the days before her fall she had bred one last creation, but they had grown slowly and at the time of her fall they had been too young to aid her. The cry of a being that shared so much with her awakened them from their slumber. The earth shook and from their caves within it came beings that split the sky with their cries and the thunder of their wings, as they burnt the world with their very breath. Even the gods were caught off guard by the onslaught of the mighty beasts and they were thrown back. Oris’Sion’In, The Life Ender who had wounded the Tyrant with his own blade caught the worst of the onslaught and in his haste to preserve existence dropped the sword for which he was known.

And in the aftermath the Tyrant licked his wounds, but sent forth what remained of his armies on a mission of conquest. The Lorenvolk were successful in this crusade, and much of his mother’s old domain was returned to the fold. It was this conquest that led the gods themselves to curse him and name him Vol’Nadoc or The Tyrant of Vol Kariz, enemy of the world. But his power continued to grow, and while there was a lull as he attempted to heal the wound that Oris’Sion’In had left upon his very soul as well as body, a lull that lasted several thousand years and witnessed the birth of his daughter Elisara, he was not idle.

With the secrets of his mother and the time to implement them he wrought great plans and ordained great works of power. The ley lines that ran beneath the surface of the world were raised and harnessed into great sources of energy. Mriswring constructs powered by these ley lines came as well, great metal golems that shrugged off magic. So too did the discovery that stored energy in Mriswring rods could be unleashed in regular blasts of power and so the first of the ‘sticks’ were created. While the Tyrant bided his time and waited his army grew ever more powerful as more of his Mother’s vision came to be fulfilled and his own ideas also revolutionized the Lorenvolk.

Eventually his armies were ready and the Tyrant called up the great forces that he had brought into being and once more marched upon the gods. The other nations upon the world were poorly suited to withstand what was coming and those that stood in his way were obliterated. But final victory was not to be his, for even as his armies drew closer to the land the gods had taken as their own their final judgment was cast upon him.

Their power was unleashed and the world was sundered and split in two. And try though the Tyrant did his power could not undo this act. The gods had removed themselves from the world and taken a large part of it with them. His rage was unimaginable as he had been denied the victory that he had bent all of his existence towards.

But there had to be a way to reach them, to find this realm that the gods had created in which to hide from him. And so the Tyrant delved deep into the powers that he had inherited and the knowledge that Maev’Sil’Vien had left behind. He spoke with the greatest of his own artisans who had played such a role in the building of the new industry and forging the future for the Lorenvolk. He searched the world that he now controlled for an answer. And in the end he found once, with the power of the ley lines and the proper construct it would be possible to travel between worlds.

Such was his will that they be constructed and such was done, the great gateways were raised at the loci of power from which the ley lines flowed. The Lorenvolk in their entire splendor marched through these portals at his will and his empire grew ever larger. Even worlds inimical to magic could be changed, forced to harbor the ley lines if enough was poured into them and so his dominion spread. But he has not found the realm that the gods created to hide from him and this is his true objective.

The first encounter between the Lorenvolk and the arrogant beings known as the Angar Ryllans ended in a bizarre stalemate of mutual destruction. The Tyrants’ legions had invaded a world and begun the process to converting it to serve as yet another stepping stone in the search for the gods when the Angar Ryllans arrived in the system upon their great ships.

The resulting battle was notable for its oddity, great dragons and constructs powered by leylines and Mriswring fighting a death battle against space ships and other forces of technological advancement in the skies over a world. And it was to be the world that was the ultimate casualty of the encounter, great sticks were built and set up with the power to blaze through the atmosphere itself to strike at the ships in orbit and the Tyrant unleashed the forces of the Mriswring Wraiths, spirits possessing ancient armor, gluttonous vampires of the souls of all they slew upon the Angar Ryllans when they landed.

This arms race came to end when the world itself was rendered uninhabitable, most of the fleet that the Angar Ryllans had sent to the world had ceased to exist, but so had the army that the Tyrant had poured into the conquest and defense.

However with a new threat that possesses such power the Tyrant has been persuaded to alter his search for the gods into a crusade against the Angar Ryllans. For they are the more immediate threat if not the targets of his ancient grudge.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The character is interesting and has some great potential as an opponent but these issues need to be addressed.

The Tyrant’s Call (High)- Such is the power of the Tyrant that his will can transcend worlds and pull at those who are aligned with his purpose to him in all their glory and splendor. Beings that he pulls from other worlds or even his own at times will always be aligned with him or willing to serve his will when they are summoned. In truth there is an option for the being that is called to refuse the summons and in that case it simply pulls another who is willing in the place of the first. The Tyrant’s own version of the call is much more powerful than that of his daughter and does not require charging to be used at full efficiency. He can also do this in bulk if necessary, calling forth entire armies at times. Further the Tyrant can also summon forth artifacts associated with himself as well as actual living beings.

How do you “pull” them to you? Also define transcend worlds please. Are these worlds in your home universe? Or are you saying you can command others from across the multiverse to “travel inter-dimensionally” to you. If so how?

Define aligned to his purpose. This statement “…will always be aligned with him or willing to serve his will when summoned.” What do you mena by aligned to him

Used in bulk to summon an army of minion tier critters that can be done with as your opponent wills I assume. Or are you planning to create a series of individual characters to be summoned and fight for you?

Draconic Dominion (High)- Maev’Sil’Vien is the mother of dragons and her son has inherited her mantle and control over his mother’s creations. Even the most powerful draconic beings find their wills subject to his own. While it is true that it is possible to resist his commands it requires an act of great will to do so and even then the next command he gives would bear the same if not greater weight. This power is especially potent in conjunction with Tyrant’s Call.

This is a bit over powering the way it is worded. You cannot compel another person’s dragon character to succumb to your will because of your back story. A player character can resist this power no matter what tier they are. Otherwise you are taking away their control.

My Life For You (Intermediate)- Whenever the Tyrant should be wounded and he has a servant within several hundred yards of his position the wound will be automatically diverted from him onto his subject. This does not stop momentum or force from still having impacted him and should something strike with force sufficient to send him flying he would still be sent flying, simply taking none of the damaging effects. For example if he walked through a sheet of high power flames, one of his servants might well burst into flames as the fire simply washes around him instead of burning him.

Ummm no this needs to be toned down otherwise; you will never be hurt because someone else will take the damage, thus rending a fight with you moot. Everyone in the multiverse is capable of dying. Define the range…what is several hundred yards? 200? 300?

Shadows of Divinity (High)- The Tyrant is the first and only child of Maev’Sil’Vien and with her death her mantle of power was passed on to him. Maev’Sil’Vien was the Goddess of Creation and Destruction, and Light and Dark. Both the light and the dark are capable of working feats of great destruction as well as nurturing in different ways. The Tyrant possesses extreme control over both light and dark, he can conjure light in almost any state necessary from the gentle light to illuminate a room to rays that scorch and burn with pure undiluted power. Similarly his control over the Darkness is also highly potent.

I don’t understand what extreme control means. Define this power more. So this character has the ability to control light. That’s fine I will allow you to control light, what are the parameters of light in this context.

What is darkness? That is such an ambiguous statement, I cannot grasp it. Do you mean shadows? Are shadows part of this darkness? What can this darkness do? Define highly potent.

Divine Body (High)- The Tyrant is a being that is both Lorenvolk the strongest of mortal races upon his home world and a child of she who was the most powerful of the world’s gods. His physical body is difficult to damage even without armor and many blows that would inflict staggering wounds instead barely scratch him. This resilience is at its greatest against physical or mundane weapons as the weapons of mortals are by their nature ineffective against those who are divine. Further his strength is obscene as he can lift many tons with little effort and throw them around. On the inverse however his speed while greater than human is not nearly as inflated as his resilience and sheer physical strength.

Give a defined static strength rating. If he is bare-chested and an equal tiered opponent hits him, it will do more than scratch him, it will actually hurt him. Reword it to reflect that only lesser tiered opponents have trouble hurting him.

Character Equipment:

The blade of Oris’Sion’In (High): The Tyrant gained this blade when the panicked deity dropped it in his haste to escape from the rise of the Mriswring dragons. This sword is supernaturally sharp and capable of adjusting its size and length at the will of the wielder. Should the Tyrant wish it the blade is capable of growing to nearly 30 feet in length or shrinking till it was scarcely a blade at all.
Wounds dealt by this weapon cannot be healed unless power equal to the power of the wielder is poured into the effort.

So you are saying anyone less than a high tier opponent cannot heal this wound?

Other metals, even the magical metal Mriswring part like butter before this blade and weaker beings are simply turned to ash at the slightest cut from it.

You can cleave through someone else magical armor? That’s a bit much, equal tiered metals will resist the cut, requiring you to put effort into the fight. Define lesser beings. Are these low tier beings? Intermediate tier? If so then you can insta-kill anyone you happen to hit? Again a bit much.

Stronger beings will be afflicted with a rot that slowly saps their strength unless they are healed of it.

Why are they affected and not given a chance to resist if they can? You need to reword this so it reflects that it can be resisted.

Mriswring Armor (high): The Tyrant’s armor is described visually above. Due to advances and the nature of Mriswring a series of interlaced rods within the armor allow for him to draw upon the magic of leylines or any magic that his armor absorbs and use it to enhance his own physical attributes such as strength. Further this system also makes the entirety of the body a suitable point for magical discharges. Like all Mriswring his armor is most effective against magic as the magic is simply absorbed and then used to increase his own power as he sees fit. It is possible to overwhelm the defense that his armor offers with suitable charged attacks.

You say it enhances the physical strength and other attributes. How so?

You say this simply absorbs magic and adds to your own. Does this mean that you are able to absorb and negate any magical attack directed at you? If that is the case then this needs to be reevaluated to not be an absolute. Negating another person’s attack this way is a subtle form of dismissing their actions/attacks.

The Spear of Durhz (Intermediate): The Tyrant gained this weapon when he slew the necromancer known as Morgarath and took it as a prize. The spear of Durhz is an ancient reddish brown shard of metal that is known for being nigh indestructible. But its true power is an ability to conjure up the shades of the dead and for the fact that any soul that is slain by this weapon is imprisoned within it rather than escaping to afterlife, ect. The shades conjured by this spear count as minions if used.

So you can summon an army from anywhere (see my prior notes) and can also summon an army of undead? If these are absolute zero-tier minions and have no leader type then it is acceptable as they can be handled by the opponent at their leisure.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Samuel the Lion God

Age: What is time, lol. Dude's old as balls.

Gender: Male. 100 percent dude.

Race: Lion God. A god of all things lions.

Random descriptors: Very large. Heavy. Smells of bread. Constantly baking bread. The best of bread.

Character Tier: High Five

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description: Standing at eight foot five, Samuel is a very imposing presence on or off of the battlefield. He is a very dense man, weighing in at about 6 tons. As a god of all things lion, he is in fact, a lion person. Imagine Simba, but also a person. He wears armor, the kind you find in a JRPG, with exactly ONE shoulder pauldron, no more, no less, because why would you need more than one piece of protective wear? Ah, you know what, have a picture. Its the one on the right, if you couldn't tell. As a participant, Samuel wears a couple of absolutely indestructible, enormously dense metal bindings of his own construction that he pours excess power into to make it a bit more fair. Imagine giant metal cuffs on his wrists, and a chrome crown. Pretty fucking cool, if you ask me.

Personality Description: Sam's a pretty chill dude. There's really no reason to get upset about things when you're an all powerful fothermucker who don't need NO man. He tried the whole "Douchebag god" schtick for a couple years. Totally boring. He's a total paladin who always does the right thing. Hahha yeah right. Absolutely Chaotic Good. He does the right thing, when he wants to, which is admittedly most of the time, but if he doesn't feel like it, he won't, and there ain't a damn thing that can make him.

Skills, Abilities, and Powers:

Character Equipment: Limiter bands on his forearms and head, created by him for him, to limit his own power to play nice with the lesser beings of the universe(s). Only problem with these limiter bands, is that once he puts them on, he cannot take them off. At least for a few hundred years. Until he can focus enough energy to destroy them. Each of them weighs almost nothing, and they float just above his skin. Connected solely by energy flow. They cannot and will not be removed, unless you want to get your shit stomped. Because he is still a god, never forget that bit.

Character History: In space, several hundred warriors stood on a battlefield. Commanded by the psychic king of their people to watch for any signs of lion. The air soon filled itself with the smell of bread and cat hair as an enormous rift tore itself in the very space above their planet. From this gargantuan space crack poured a literal trillion lions, enough lion to form not one, but two earth sized bodies in space.

Literally everyone in that situation died, not even joking, they're really dead. But the two earths worth of lions crashed together and somehow a blackhole got into the mix and crushed literally every lion there into one entity. Exploding out the rest of the material to create a gargantuan lion head universe. At least 150,000 times the size of your average universe.

In the center of this new universe the lion god Samuel was born. And since then he has dicked around in cosmic...Stuff. For the past few million or so years. Recently he has taken a liking to the internet, and it shows. Effectively making him the largest lolcat in history.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras Into her woven halls, her children cover the walls

Member Seen 23 days ago

"Have mercy on the unfortunate, and halt the spread of darkness."

Name: Mercedes Kane
Gender: Female
Race: Human

Origin: Denius
A gothic-horror universe overseen by the omnipresent might that is the Church of Denius. While extensive and important to its people, the flow of darkness and evil is powerful throughout the world. Dark horrors and monstrosities lurk in every corner, and the Order of Necessarius seeks to eliminate these threats from the peace of innocent lives.

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 138 lbs

Family: Abandoned
Occupation: Necessarius Slayer-Apprentice

Alignment: Neutral Good
Personality: Sympathetic, careful, unwavering
Mercedes is the type of individual who would carry a dangerous spider outside rather than simply quash it for fear of being bitten. Despite her considerate attitude to all life, she displays an innate hatred for those creatures of the night that squander the image of the misunderstood; the so-called evil that Necessarius hunts in part due to their actions. Whereas Mercedes debates killing her quarry, the Church takes little time to consider their fate. Do not think, however, that Mercedes is incapable of annihilating an individual if it is clear they are blameworthy or inherently evil. She does not rest in hunting down such entities.

Character Tier: Low

Natural Skills/Abilities:
Agility/Acrobatic Adept: Through teaching under Necessarius, Mercedes adopted a particularly incredible acrobatic prowess fit to compete with even the most potent of assassins and thieves. Scaling buildings without any special gear, or dodging a single arrow in her sight is but child's play to her agility.

Marksman: With all forms of projectile weaponry (in her world, this would be bows, crossbows, explosive powder projectiles, ballista, slingshots, etc) and thrown weapons such as knives or shuriken. Even blindfolded she could hit her target given enough sound is being made (which is quite little, regardless).

Martial Artist: While not a master, Mercedes is capable of holding her own in any particularly notable fist fight; common street brawls very rarely present any sort of difficulty or danger to her skills.

Supernatural Knowledge: Through studying and experience, Mercedes has become an expert of the supernatural goings-on of her world, such as arcane magic (though she cannot perform it) and the weaknesses of supernatural creatures and their habits.

Escape Artist: On numerous occasions she has had to evade the searches of various entities and individuals, and has put her acrobatics to good use in aiding her escape etiquette. Mercedes is adept at hiding in plain sight, using the environment around her to move around, and setting up before certain events to aid in escaping or helping her cause, whatever it may be.

Supernatural Skills/Abilities:
Badass Normal: Mercedes is devoid of any supernatural qualities, instead relying on what equipment she has and the unbelievable but wholly possible physical abilities she exerts.

Necessarius Crossbow: An advanced crossbow that can fire bolts as fast as 400 feet per second. The design is such that reloading bolts is a relatively easy process, and have been modified to be capable of firing four bolts in quick succession before reloading is even required. The bolts can be tipped with any number of compounds, materials, or substances catering to the elimination of whatever its target is.

Cross Dagger: Bladed knives shaped like crosses, and blessed as such to counter evil.

Silver Rapier "Carmine": A beautifully designed rapier with an elaborate hilt and guard. 40 inches in length. Blessed to maintain sturdiness no matter what surface it contacts.

Grapple Gun: A technologically advanced device for its time, the grapple gun can pierce many objects and hook itself appropriately to allow for fast escape across divides or to lower positions, as well as to prevent damage from falling as a sort of swinging device.

History: Mercedes Kane was born in a large but remote village in the mountains of Uberwald which had previously become plagued by tales of a vampire lord living in a nearby small castle. While peace remained in the village for a time, it soon turned to paranoia and superstition; people looked for remedies to illnesses they didn't have, to deterrents for creatures they never saw. As paranoia turned to madness, Mercedes was 'offered' as a sacrifice to the supposed vampire lord, and sent of by crazed parents and red-eyed villagers. Arriving at the castle in question and walking slowly inside, she came to find that the menace the entire village was terrified of was simply unwarranted fear of the unknown.

The man in the castle, a certain Rogald Tiamat, was a quiet and humble individual. A vampire he was, but terrifying and evil he was not. Where the village was filled with turmoil and madness, Mercedes found solace in Rogald's household, being quite clean, spacious, and above all else, free to explore. Even in the so-called safety of the village, Mercedes found little opportunity amidst the paranoia to venture far into any place but her local neighborhood. The vampire had several family members, all of whom (including he) were reluctant to do any harm to humans. Unlike tales of most vampires she'd heard of, this family in particular expressed a solemn despair for the circumstances; they did not ask to become vampires, and were once humans.

"Pride does not come with turning," Rogald once said to her, "It is instilled in you by the one who committed the act."

Eventually though, her peace in the castle was disturbed by the village she was sent away from. They were fed up with simply "waiting by as they were disturbed" and decided to act. The village stormed the castle, and feeling no need to defend themselves, the vampire family stayed put and accepted their fate. Rogald left Mercedes with one final statement:

"Prevent what has occurred to us, and have mercy on those you are all too late for."

Believing her to infected with vampirism as well, Mercedes was attacked as well, though she managed to escape. Fleeing to the greater of civilization in the nation, she became an orphan and was picked up by a certain Father Alder of the Church, who, seeing her hidden ability in escaping an armed mob, offered her a spot as an apprentice under the guidance of Necessarius. Until then she had never heard of such an organization, but understanding its connection to the evil underlying her world, sought to integrate within it. Slow as it might be, the road ahead, Mercedes resolved to try and change the Church's views from inside out. She has since served as Father Alder's apprentice in hunting down dark beings.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Name: Keezheekoni, the Aspect of Phlogiston (Calls herself Keezi)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Random descriptors: Hot headed, hot blooded, easily angered, short, stubborn as a mule, and stupidly brave. Stands five foot two inches.

Character Tier: Intermediate

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description: A young and reasonably attractive Native American Woman of Aztec heritage. She's got short hair, a rather unhealthily thin figure, and not much in the way of breasts. Her hair is charcoal in color and her eyes are brown, in fact there's really not all that much special about her. In fact she doesn't even dress in a spectacular way, she's just a normal person when you look at her.

Personality Description: Keezi is unnaturally confident in herself, like, to the point where it's not actually safe. She has absolutely no qualms facing those who are more powerful than she is. It's not safe, it's not smart, but it's what she does. Her confidence is her greatest feature, acting like the biggest bad out there. Sometimes saying that you're something can make you into what you're acting like.

Skills, powers and abilities:

- [Intermediate] Blessing of Huehueteotl: As the champion of the Flame God Huehueteotl she was given dominion over one aspect of fire. A long since outdated theory given by man, Phlogiston. Now known as oxidation it is what happens when oxygen reacts with temperature and other materials. Primarily related with fire and metabolism in modern science. With dominion over phlogiston she can produce heat in, around, above, and below her body. Manipulating it with her mind and in her hands, able to form visible material that she refers to as 'Pure Phlogiston.'

Pure Phlogiston is a moldable and wild material, almost magical in its existence. On contact it's a liquid, when moving through it it's like a gas, and when it's struck/moving quickly it's a solid. Usually, in the hands of Keezi, it is formed into balls and struck with a baseball bat. This sends them sailing farther and faster than she could throw them.

Phlogiston exists in anything that is combustable, good sources are coal and wood. Bad sources are metals. When near these materials Keezi can passively draw phlogiston out of them. When phlogiston is drawn from materials they oxidize, wood burns and metal rusts. Along with countless other reactions to oxidizing. This effect has a minimum radius of seven inches away from her skin, and a maximum range of nine feet. This effect is sped up exponentially on contact, wood incinerates and metals oxidize near immediately. The best way to describe pure phlogiston is by calling it "Oxidation Encarnate"

What I mean by this is. Phlogiston, the material's name, actually comes from the theory that emerged before oxidation was truly discovered. And now, Oxidation doesn't sound like the name of a superhero's tool, does it? It doesn't. So phlogiston's abilities, aside from its material form, are all composed around oxidation and its effects. Along with production of heat, it can cause cells to rapidly age and die on contact (This does not age the person, it just causes their cell to die. Skin gradually thins out as the fight goes on. If it penetrates flesh, it will cause the muscle to thin, then bones. So on and so forth.), it can kill plant life, it can cause metals to rust, and even

This blessing allows her to project heat from her body at exactly 2,000 degrees fahrenheit (1,093 degrees celsius.) Rock and dirt melt in the general area of her body when she projects this heat. On average her body is heated to a natural temperature of 250 degrees on contact. This temperature relies heavily on her mood, and at its hottest is 1,250 degrees.

With a recent boost to her power she can now control her powers much more efficiency, including the temperatures listed above a series of new abilities were added and augmented to be more effective. Now capable of spreading the phlogiston out in wide waves to provide much more area and combat coverage to be a more devastating assault. With her control of heat she can decrease the pressure around her body and increase her lift for a moment and create something similar to walking on air.

And by similar, I mean spot on.

Keezheekoni's prime ability is generation of phlogiston, heat happens to be a byproduct. As hot air is lighter than air, Keezi can produce lift underneath her feet to allow herself to move through the air with ease. Flight is not impossible, but walking on air requires little to no concentration on her part. Aside from sustaining the lift underneath herself. If she is knocked over she can use phlogiston gas to prevent herself from hitting the ground as well.

Another manipulation is a barrier of projected phlogiston, this is pure phlogiston being exuded from her body. As all pure phlogiston it is a strange but predictable material, it burns up to 2,000 degrees fahrenheit same as all other heat produced from her body. It is incredibly useful as a shield since many things melt at below 2,000 degrees. It slows down attackers, albeit only marginally, since it is a fluid and stops only fast moving projectiles in their tracks. Incredibly fast moving foes, running 100 mph and higher will be incredibly sluggish in a field of phlogiston. As its transformat properties cause it to shift between a gas and a liquid, so when a fast moving target moves into the field, they will immediately lose a large portion of their speed.

The most potent manipulation is coating her entire body with a liquid layer of phlogiston. This armor requires absolute focus, she cannot sustain it and project at the same time. This suit of flowing phlogiston serves two purposes:

  • Protection From Melee Attacks: Two factors add in here. The liquid coating that is suspended on her skin dampens all strikes on her. Preventing them from having their full effect on her. And the destructive nature of phlogiston, at 2k+ degrees it will cause severe burns on sustained contact with flesh. Combined with the forced aging of cells on contact with the material itself. Like all forms of phlogiston, it prevents ranged weapons from having full effect.

  • Increased Damage Output: Keezi's body is now a sustained 2k+ degrees, everything that she touches is at risk of being incinerated. Keezi burns at temperatures hotter than most crematoriums, so sustained contact with her in this form is near suicidal.

- [Low] Well toned human fitness: Her lithe form betrays her physical wellness, all 130 lbs of her body is trained pretty well.

Long Distance Running Speed: 24 Mph

Short Distance Sprinting Speed: 44 Mph

Benchpress Max: 300 lbs

Deadlift Max: 360 lbs

Character Equipment:
- [Low] Tungsten Carbide Self Defense Bat: To give her a weapon that she's used to, and to ensure that she always has a weapon in her hands, Huehueteotl gave her a much more effective and devastating human weapon. A baseball bat made from tungsten carbide, a material that you don't want to fuck with on a tuesday. Or any day of the week. It's resistant to temperatures upwards of five thousand degrees, much greater than her output. And it's so hard that you couldn't cut it with even the sharpest of steel blades. It's a mean club, and it gets real hot when her hands get wrapped around this Louisville Slugger.

- [Low] Survival Backpack:
Mess Kit: Frying Pan, Pot, Knife, Fork, Spoon, Wooden Spatula.
Rain Coat: A yellow plastic coat that covers her from head to thighs.
Length of Rope: Twelve feet of coiled hemp rope.
Flashlight: An LED sunlight recharged flashlight. Range: 40 ft.
Lantern: A small lamp that provides a flood light over a 10 ft area.
Swiss Army Knife: Contains a wrench, three inch knife, tweezers, ice pick, nail clippers, nail file, flathead screwdriver.
Two Changes of Clothes: Clothes. What else?
Sleeping Bag: A thick cloth sack that's rain proof and thick enough to keep wild animals from clawing through it.

Character History: Born in Seattle she was literally just a normal person, enjoying hikes and exploring. She sold nick-nacks at a corner store during the day and traveled the countryside during the night and every vacation opportunity that she got. One day she took a hiking trip to Mount Rainier and unfortunately she got overconfident and climbed onto the edge of the volcano.

She fell in and would have died, had the hand of Huehueteotl stayed her fall. The god set her down and she immediately pulled out her bat and started swinging, thinking that he was some sorta monster. Which, in the eyes of a young woman who had never seen a god before, was pretty reasonable. Before being reasoned with she got in one good hit on the fire god with her bat. The god was impressed with her firey spirit and inconsolable aggression. After a few hours of conversation Huehueteotl granted her some of his power. Now, there was really no reason behind it, but he didn't need a reason. He was a god.

So now she has superpowers, what about that? Honestly she has no reason to have them, no big bad evil guy that she has to fight. She's just got power. That is, until she was sucked into the Nexus itself. (She was actually sent by Huehueteotl to be his champion in a fight with great warriors across the multiverse.)Upon entering the Nexus itself Keezheekoni was met with another champion of another god. And her patron god was rather jealous of how strong the other champion was, so he gave her a new weapon and a big boost to her power and physical ability.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Blank 1-C (often called Onesie)

Age: 3 months and 20 days

Gender: Female

Race: Organic Android

Random descriptors: Shoulder length straight white hair, icy blue eyes, pale skin, athletic body

Character Tier: Low

Character Type: Critical Character

Physical Description: She appears to be a teenager but doesn't age. She has naturally straight white hair that's in a style of simple upkeep; straight bangs that go across her forehead just above her eyebrows, a thick lock of hair on either side of her face reaching down to the level of her mouth, and straight hair reaching down to her shoulders. She doesn't bother with any hair accessories or makeup. Her eyes are an icy blue. She has a heart shaped expressionless face and pale skin. Her height is 5'5'' and her weight is 110 pounds, usually kept precise. She has an athletic, slender, body. She's only an A cup in breast size and has no nipples. Nothing about her facial features stand out, being what you'd consider a typical girl.

She wears a black, tight fitting futuristic one-piece suit which cuts off at the mid thigh and the upper arms. On top of that is a blue half length jacket with the all white symbol of her organization on the back, a pair of angle wings wrapped around a Chinese dragon with bird talons, a bolt of electricity aching above it from it's open mouth. She wears silver knee high boots.

She doesn't have many mannerisms unless counting her lack of mannerisms as a mannerism. She doesn't do many unnecessary movements. When in "standby" she often stands around with a dull stare on her face, hands clasped lightly at her waist. She can be seen lightly rocking lightly on her heels while in thought, however.

Personality Description: She doesn't have much personality at the moment, her creator claiming that she doesn't even have a soul (and truly believing that rather then it being an insult), so of course she wouldn't have any feelings. She's as stoic as they come, her mind always on her mission rather then her own safety or the safety of others, although getting herself killed for no good reason is a waste of resources, so she does have a basic notion of self preservation. She waits for an order to do almost anything besides the obvious, basic necessities. She's 100% loyal to those she's supposed to be, having no sense of morality other then doing as she's told.

Skills, powers and abilities:

Physical Abilities- (Low) She's able to perform at high levels of demand placed on her body in both stamina and durability, keeping up with strenuous physical activity for twice as long as normal humans. As for durability, her actual defense is only slightly better then a normal human but she appears almost immune to pain, even able to continue fighting with bullet wounds as long as they aren't in vital spots or areas that would inhibit movement. She would still bleed out eventually and can still be killed through normal means, it's just more difficult. She has peak human performance (male or female) in reaction time, hand eye coordination, five senses, strength, and speed. She's really flexible as well, being double jointed.

Fighting Styles- (Low) She's most famous for using Baji Quan, but she can actually switch on the fly to any fighting style with proficiency. Yes, even things like sumo wrestling is in her programming. As long as the fighting style has purpose and it's reasonable for her to know if it's existence, she can more then likely use it.

Knowledge Programming- (Low) She has knowledge of anything deemed important to her missions programmed into her head. She cannot know everything both because her programmers didn't know everything and not everything can fit into her brain without causing problems, but she does know quite a bit. Sometimes she learns a whole lot for a certain mission and then is made to forget the useless stuff afterwards so she can learn more stuff for other missions. She has photographic memory to aid in this.

Skill Programming- (Low) What is said of knowledge programming can be said here as well. They can program her to be good at piano or fighting, for example. A lot of the time she goes undercover as a traveling pianist. She can never be as good as a true pro who trained their way to the top this way, but she does become proficient in any skill learned this way. Unfortunately, things that require emotion to be truly good at are still lost to her. A dancer instructor might say that technically she's one of the best, but there's just something missing about her performances.

Intellect- (Intermediate) With all of her knowledge, it goes without saying that she's quite intelligent as well. Her brain is considered her most important quality.

Character Equipment:

Body: (Low) Her one-pieces suit is made out of fibers that have bulletproof properties for small caliber bullets while still maintaining maximum flexibility. It's also fire and ice resistant, although would eventually fail because it's not completely fireproof or ice proof. Due to the expense of the suit it doesn't cover her whole body.

Weapons: Crossroad Blaster- (Low) Her signature weapon, appearing to be a pistol. It has two primary modes. The first ignores defense quite well and shoots a stunning blast of electricity once every five seconds and an effective range of 6 meters. The second mode is concentrated into a lethal electric bullet that fires once every half a second and a 2,000 meter effective range, which doesn't arch down due to gravity and travels at the speed of lightning. It's not effective against defense so usually requires multiple hits, but unarmed objects are quickly and accurately obliterated. The third mode drains all of the guns energy to fire it all at once, requiring 30 seconds of charge time if used when the gun is full. To get to full energy from nothing requires 30 hours.

Character History:

She was created to have both the advantages of an organic being and a computer by an organization wanting her and her fellow androids to gain as much knowledge as possible about all events taking place in the multiverse. Basically, they're information brokers of the highest quality, selling said information for sometimes insane prices to the highest bidder. Their information can tip the scales of even the most massive of conflicts.

She has since bent sent to the nexus of worlds and all the other worlds around it to gather as much new information as possible. For some odd reason she has lot contact with the organization, however, so is right now on her own.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Kholodny Zima, the Scion of Stribog



Race: Russian

Random descriptors: Average+ height, lanky, pale as a bitch

Character Tier: Upper Intermediate

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description: Kholodny is not your typical ideal Russian man. Instead of being a great bear of a man, he's really more of a mediocre giraffe. He's not super tall, being only about 6'2, but he's a skinny sonuvabitch. Look up lanky in the dictionary, there he is. He is also INCREDIBLY pale, with a blue tint, though for reasons not quite his own. We'll get to that in a second. He's got what looks like almost bleached blonde hair that is forever slicked back and spiky off to the sides, almost like ice cicles. Again, not his fault. He normally (Always) wears incredibly heavy coats, sweaters, and long sleave shirts, in that order. He wears two pairs of sweat pants when he can get away with it, but normally goes for just thick jeans. He's got extremely piercing blue eyes and perfectly white teeth. He shivers too. A lot. Actually, make that constantly. This dude shivers all the time, like he's got a frozen core instead of a heart or something. He doesn't, but its an apt description.

Personality Description: Zima isn't a super fun person to be around. One, because the air always seems just a little bit colder around him, and two, his personality leaves a lot to be desired. Yeah, he's a nice guy, but he's honestly super depressing. He's kinda mopey sometimes, and his self confidence levels are low, and he whines all the time (With good reason). Also, he's a coward. He has no confidence in his ability to win fights and will run whenever humanly possible. What a disgrace to the motherland.

Character History: Kholodny Zima lives a life full of irony. Delicious delicious irony. Born in Russia, his family was a member of a anti communist faction. Unfortunately, this led to them being exiled to Siberia while he was still just a babe. Well, Siberia in the middle of winter isn't good for anybody. His parents died. Oh no, not from the cold. His mother was eaten by wolves, and then his father died from a bear attack. But not before taking out the bear, skinning it, and making a blanket for little Kholodny to help protect him from the cold. Daddy Zima was a badass. But surprise!

A baby out in the middle of the Siberian Tundra isn't going to last long, bear skin coat or not. Kholodny died too. Well, almost died. Mostly died, which is different than all dead. Right before he drew his final breath a great rush of wind surrounded him and lifted him off of the ground. "Обычно я не ввязываться в дела, такие, как этот, но я не могу позволить ребенок, как этот, чтобы умереть в моей земле. Не бойся, малое один, ибо Я Бог Стрибог, будет заботиться о вас и позволит вам жить." Now, being a baby, Kholodny have no fucking idea what this spirit was saying, but the god Stribog, father of the four winds, had decided to take care of him and allow him to live. Entering Kholodny's body, Stribog filled the baby's being with his essence and power, causing the child to undergo immediate changes (You can probably figure out which ones) and saved his life. Eventually, little Zima was rescued and brought back to civilization, where he eveeentually moved to Florida to try and live someplace warmer. He fucking hates the cold and everything to do with it. Irony, huh? Stribog and Kholodny are still on great terms, with the god of the winds trying his best to stop his Scion from being a coward when it comes to fighting.

Character Equipment: [intermediate] Kholodny doesn't have much in terms of equipment. He has a tremendously heavy coat that he always wears to try and stay as warm as he can. This coat isn't made of any particular special material, but after having been worn by the Scion of Stribog for so long, it has picked up its own characteristics. If anyone else were to wear his coat, they would almost immediately (2 or 3 posts) freeze solid. It also provides pretty substantial defense, Stribog has woven magical ice into the threads, making it far tougher than you'd expect, you know, cause it looks like a fucking coat. Coming into contact with the jacket will begin to freeze whatever is directly touching it solid. It's not super fast, but it is almost impossible to avoid. If something maintains contact, it will be frozen. Good rule of thumb. (Again, 2-3 turns.)

Skills, powers and abilities: Whats cooler than cool?

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: S'kara, Madman of the Void

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Race: Humanoid

Random descriptors: Rampantly mad, incredibly intelligent, does not age due to the temporal distortions created by his method of trans-universal travel, known to toy with his 'subjects'.

Theme Song: Breaking Benjamin - I Will Not Bow

Character Tier: Intermediate

Character Type: Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description: Click HERE

Personality Description: S'kara is joyfully mad. He delights in telling others of the joys of his dead universe, and even asks if they would like to help him spread that joy to the current universe he inhabits. Most dismiss him as a doomsayer, nutcase, crazy, etc. While used to this, he does not hesitate to occasionally inform people about the error of their ways... by robbing them of the universe they love so much (taking their lives). He is not without compassion, in his mind. For the comforting embrace of silence and death is so final and without equal that he feels everyone should experience it at least once.

His technology might seem either hyper-advanced or crude depending on the society he encounters. But neither of the scenarios is seen as an obstacle. Instead he sees backward or less technological societies as easy pickings, and more advanced ones as opportunities for more skilled devotees. And if he cannot convert people to the Faith of the Void, he can simply use his ship to bombard them from the sky or even level a city from orbit.

Skills, powers and abilities:

Arm Cannons: Intermediate - Laser Cannons grafted into S'kara's arms are powered by the cold fusion engine implanted into his body. They have an approximate range of a hundred and fifty meters before the energy in the beams starts becoming too spread out to maintain cohesion. They are as hot and precise as any laser weapon is expected to be, and thus can only be fired every few seconds each. Overheating the systems is possible if fired rapidly, and doing so would cause serious damage to S'kara's arms.

Oculus Attractor: Intermediate - The gravitic field generator in S'kara's right eye is capable of creating a potent field of gravity around his body, or a directed gravitic pulse toward a specific object or person. The limit for the general field is a combined weight of 200kg at a range of twenty meters, where the directed pulse has a draw limit of twice that amount, and a range of one hundred meters. This technique temporarily drains power from the cybernetic eye that was used to replace his original, robbing it of sight for around a half a minute after the gravity field is de-activated. The field lasts for approximately ten seconds.

Matter Repeller: Intermediate - The Cold Fusion Engine within S'kara's chest also powers a potent anti-gravity generator. This can be used to create a brief but incredibly powerful burst of power that repels any and all matter within a spherical radius of up to fifty meters. Every five meters of this burst increases the strain on the repeller, and it must power-down for a time comparable to the strain. Every five-meters of range causes the repeller to power down for thirty seconds. incredibly short-range bursts on a personal-level (approximately 1m) count for little strain, and only create a brief power-down of approximately five to ten seconds.

Character Equipment: Arm Cannons, Oculus Attractor, Cold Fusion Engine/Matter Repeller (in chest).

Ship: Enlightening Destructor

Ship Armaments: Dual 300mm Auto-Cannon turrets x 25 ( x 6 belly-mounted, each w/ 500rd chains ), Dual Laser Turrets x 6 ( x 3 belly-mounted ), Thermonuclear Missile Tubes x 10 ( x 2 belly-mounted ) ( 4 missiles each, 1.5mt yield )

Character History: S'kara comes from a doomed universe. He was the last being alive when the last star burned out and his universe fell into eternal slumber. The synthetic foods and advanced filtration systems for recycling fluids and food waste aboard his ship ensured he would live comfortably... but what was life without others to share it with? The solitude drove him to madness. He began researching any and all information archives that pertained to either fusing heavy elements and re-birthing a star, or wormhole theories.

This led him to even deeper madness, as he experimented with technologies he little understood. Horrible things such as blood rites once thought only as barbaric, all in an attempt to figure a way to breathe life back into his lost universe. He was scarred, insane, and had even become the subject of his own absurd tinkering. Going so far as to graft weaponry and power sources into his own body.

However, his research eventually paid off. He discovered that if he could manage to swing his ship near the event-horizon of a black hole, and slingshot it into the next nearest one at or above light-speed... that the resonant ionization of the ship's hull from the accretion disk of the first black hole would destabilize the second and created a sort of temporal distortion, allowing him to travel into an entirely new universe... in theory.

Having nothing to lose, S'kara went for it. Traversing into the galactic core where his sensors detected a cluster of black holes... he chose to go all or nothing and slingshot around the supermassive black hole that was still faintly glowing as it consumed the gas and debris from thousands of dead stars. The forces of the maneuver nearly sheared the ship in two as S'kara skirted the edge of the event horizon... but he managed to successfully avoid oblivion in the hole's crushing gravity.

Screaming across space at the speed of light, S'kara was barely able to maneuver the ship into the throat of the second black hole, not even a half of a light-year away. And even then, that gave him a couple months to continue experimenting as he reached his final destination. In that time, he managed to unlock further secrets of black holes. ... specifically how to harness the incredible gravity they created.

He moved to the lab in the ship's heart and attempted his test... to weaponize the force of gravity. Tweaking the power source he had implanted within his chest, S'kara cranked it up, condensed the energy, and unleashed it. The pain was phenomenal, as he had effectively increased his own magnetic and gravitic field without increasing his personal mass. His muscles ached, his bones creaked under the stress, and objects flew from across the room and struck him forcefully.

It had worked... it had actually worked! Now to refine it! Ove the next month and a half, he tinkered with the settings of the grafted weaponry in his arms, eye, and chest... each was capable of interacting with the forces of gravity and the electromagnetic properties of matter. He would become a living weapon, and spread the wonderful madness of a dead universe to the cultures of others.

His arms were capable of firing off bursts of pure electromagnetic energy in the form of visible light... a laser, if you would. They are also capable of infusing any held object with enhanced weight by altering the properties of the matter the item is composed of. The generator in his eye is capable of creating a short-range burst of gravity that can be used to draw in objects and organic beings. The power source in his chest is capable of the exact opposite... altering the gravitic field around S'kara to create an intense shockwave of anti-gravity, repelling objects and organic beings alike.

His ship is armed with significant firepower, scavenged from dead worlds before S'kara embarked on his journey to a new universe. Already capable of fair amounts of combat before the fitting, the robotic drones installed additional missile tubes, long-range lasers, and even a few extra auto-cannon turrets.The weapon maintainence is handled by the same robotic drones that installed them.

These drones also handle things such as loading new shell chains into the auto-cannons if the 500-shell chains run out amid a battle. However, S'kara knows if it comes to that, he is likely going to lose anyway, so he does not keep much in the way of extra ammunition laying around his ship. Instead he has found that scavenging the wrecks of folks from this new universe is much more efficient.

Little does he know that he will soon find individuals that do not take kindly to his apparent piracy, nor his preaching. Will he come to serve them? Will they convert to his faith? Will he be killed? Only time will tell.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maxwell the Golden Flame

Name: Maxwell the Golden Flame, Grand Paladin of the Church of War

Age: 34

Gender: Male, 100% Mancake

Race: Human (But not normal, by any stretch.)

Random descriptors: Viciously devout, incredibly imposing, massive form.

Character Tier: High

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description: Towering at an amazing ten feet and two inches tall, his shoulders are four feet wide. From head to toe he's clad in thick steel plating, lined with trim of glistening gold. The armor is inhumanely bright, grossly incandescent is the only appropriate description. His head is adorned with a helm that resembles a Greek Stage Mask, this mask is of a bearded figure with intense fury burning in its burning gaze. The armor itself is heavy, ludicrously so, heavily adorned with spikes and plates to provide extra protection.

Beneath this armor is no less terrifying, Maxwell is a fierce individual with features cut from marble. The Church's blessing of their patron god gave him a form that no man could dream to compare with. His muscles are like stone plates, so dense and thick that you could crack coconuts on them. A chin so chisseled it puts the thinker to shame. The man's what the Greeks dreamed about at night, prayed to during the day, and hoped for during battle.

On his person he hauls three tools of his trade. In his left hand he carries Defaeco Ignis, a massive bastardization of the claymore blade. It is as long as he is tall and nine inches wide, the weapon is sheathed in his right hand tool, a ten foot tall grand tower shield. The shield is named Sol Vituperium. On his back he lugs a massive greatbow, a weapon usually mounted on a wall and fired by two men, he weilds it as though it were a toy. It's called O Arcus. He is also infused with the golden Cleansing Flame of his god, though he cannot project it to it's full capacity without his gloves.

Personality Description: Absolutely and unrelentingly set in his ways, if he decides to do something. Or do somethng to someone. There is literally nothing that you can do to stop him. This paladin is so incredibly devout that he wouldn't question an order even if you presented evidence against it. He's very rough, incredibly determined, but he's not evil. In fact he does not like evil, he goes out of his way to stop evil. Evil is a loose term, however, he deems assholes as evil.

Skills, powers and abilities:

Character Equipment:
[high] The Gloves of Holy Flame: Something you'd see on your average every day paladin, holy cleansing fire, but with a twist. These gauntlets allow him to use his inner flame to a greater outwardly potential. Whatever weapon held in the hands of these gauntlets is encased in a bright golden flame. This flame can burn at up to 2000 degrees, depending on his level of fighting spirit and concentration, and encases arrows as they are let fly, turning them into incredibly powerful missiles of destruction. The Gauntlets themselves are more durable than steel, able to stay bullets and stop minor explosives. The Golden flame has three enchantments on it, each of them are incredibly powerful:
-The Cleansing Flame, this is the fire itself. It is golden flames that burn hot and cut through flesh like a very hot knife through butter.
- Turn Undead, an enchantment given by the Church Of War to prevent undead from infecting their paladins. It drives away the undead, making the paladin look unappetizing and on contact instills a primal fear in any undead that can survive the contact. Lesser undead burn away just by coming close, and only the most powerful can survive contact from the flame itself.
- The third enchantment is Unbreakable Weilder. This enchantment is a steadfast magical casing around whatever it enchants. Acting as a protective layer to prevent breakage. It is as hard as the tool, effectively making whatever the paladin holds twice as hard. It also covers his armor in a golden sheen, making it twice as durable as steel, just like it does to his weapons. It generates a shielding effect that can help to stay the damage from even the most powerful of natural and supernatural forces. It does NOT equal invulnerability, especially to those masters of strength equal to Maxwell. With a prep, the shield grows stronger and more effective.

[Intermediate] Incredibly heavy armor of Maxwell: This armor is nothing special in the magic area, the only thing special about it is its great heft. The armor is fifteen hundred pounds of solid steel hanging from his body. It is inches thick and covers every single part of his body. It is gloriously shining though, almost magical in appearance. But otherwise unremarkable.

[High] Defaeco Ignis (Cleansing Flame): Defaeco Ignis is a magical claymore, so incredibly long (8 feet) and heavy that it is unweildable to lesser men. The blade is made of hyper dense folded steel, forged in temperatures in excess of fifteen thousand degrees, hotter than the surface of the sun, crafted by his patron God of War personally. Now, this doesn't make it heat resistant. That's not what the heat forging was for. No, this forging lead to such awe-inspiring density that it is only useable by Maxwell. This blade is upwards of five hundred pounds and he uses it well. It's sharpened to a very fine edge, and can cut through trees with ease. In addition, it was hand made to work especially with the Golden Flame of Judgement. When used by Maxwell and the Flame, the flame extends off of the blade, giving Maxwell the ability to cast waves of golden fire that follow the line of his slices, effectively extending his range.

[High] Sol Vituperium (Supple Sun): Supple Sun is honestly two ornate slabs of solid steel welded together with two slots. One for his arm, the other for his blade. It's about seven inches thick of steel plating, and weighs in excess of a thousand or so pounds. It's ten feet tall and five feet wide, capable of shielding him from all frontal assault. Basically becoming a wall between him and his foe. It also helps to deflect and block attacks of the magical variety, though it must be prepared in order to do so. Sorcerers of a lower caliber tremble in front of the mighty shield, as most of their spells will fizzle on contact.

[High] O Arcus (The Bow): Maxwell himself crafted this out of the strongest, most ancient tree in the land, a monster of a tree standing at 600 feet tall (He didn't chop down the whole tree, just took a bit of wood and had a mage patch the tree up. Maxwell isn't one for wantonly disrupting nature). It is seven feet long and has enough tensile strength on a full draw to send arrows launching gargantuan spears of wood and steel five miles through the air at a neck breaking 780 mph. This bow turns Maxwell into a one man siege weapon, as no normal castle wall can stand up to a bow that launches what can be the equivalent to small meteors. Again, on the very best of fighters, it is less effective, as they normally have the reaction time to dodge it, but on untrained fighters and monsters, even the toughest ones can be brought down.

[Intermediate] Quiver of Arrows: This thing isn't filled with your little toothpick arrows, these are spears. Entire spears length arrows, they're steel tipped with a brass shaft. They do not break easily, and he carries around two hundred of them in a large pouch on his back. They are each nine feet long from point to end.

Other than that, Maxwell has nothing but his experiences and reflexes. His knowledge of magic and technology is lacking at best. He's strong, fast, and powerful. But that's it. He's a one trick pony that, while very effective and brutal at what he does, is admittedly fairly predictable. That being said, that doesn't help most people on the end of his fury.

Character History From a young age, Maxwell had been trained in the art of war. He lived in a country of devout priests and kings, going to battle with other nations under the cause of their god. However, there was a slight problem. Maxwell was never the biggest dude in the class. He was devout to a point, he never really believed in gods himself, but he enjoyed the battle and through applying himself, he was usually the one who enjoyed victory too, learning to put his small body to its fullest potential, fully controlling his movements and actions. This made him a force to be reckoned with on, and off of the battlefield. At the age of 15, he was enrolled into the draft, where a selective process would decide which branch of the military would be best suited for his abilities and mental processes. Now, as great a soldier that he was, a person of as little faith as Maxwell was at the time would never get far in the army of this country, so he was put in as a normal grunt. He fought some battles, won em all, and moved his ranks up. One day, when he was trekking through a particularly dangerous part of the landscape, he happened upon an old shrine dedicated to the most powerful god of the opposing forces, who also belong to a very religious king and government. As he moved to attack it, a massive hand reaches out and grabs him, pulling him into the shrine. “YOUNG ONE, I SENSE THE LOVE OF BATTLE IN YOU. YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT (and he didn't) BUT YOUR COUNTRY IS VERY EVIL. IF YOU FIGHT FOR ME, I WILL GIVE YOU THE POWER TO NEVER LOSE ANOTHER BATTLE AGAIN.” Propaganda or not (It wasn't, Maxwell's home country was super corrupt), he accepted, turning into the monster of a paladin you see today.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Edmund Bask.
Codename: Genocide
Renown: The beast of Paradiso
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Pureblood Paradisonian)
Faction: Paradiso - Unit Null: Number 8.
Random descriptors: Height: 5'9 Weight: 160 lbs. Hair: Black. Eyes: Brown

Character Tier: Low

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description: He wears a slightly personified Null unit uniform. Black full-body protective mesh bodysuit underneath everything else, gray combat boots, and a gray unbuttoned uniform jacket that has wrapped it sleeves up to his elbows, and with the number eight written on it's shoulders in bright white. His hands find themselves graced by the awesome that is fingerless black leather gloves. While his legs are covered by bland black combat pants. A white cravat adorns his neck, hanging down loosely. His skin is pale from the lack of sunlight, and he has noticeable darkened eyelids. Paranoia and sleep deprivation has taken it's toll on his body and psyche, and it shows. His body is quick and shifty. Expecting every person he meets to stick a blade in his back, he unconsciously keeps himself at least an arms length away from everyone he meets. He often hunches over, and lets his arms hang loosely towards the ground. His head darting back and forth like an animal. When he feels in control, this changes drastically. He gains a more noble, controlled demeanor; standing upright and expressing a lot more presence. He speaks more softly as well. Where he normally speaks in an overly rough, very aggressive manner, once in control, he speaks gently. His words carrying a hint of charm, but only for a moment. Beneath the momentarily gentle exterior, hides a paranoid monster.

Personality Description: Edmund is an overly aggressive, paranoid freak who doesn't know right from wrong. He solves most problems head on with violence or vile threats, while keeping himself at arms length from any emotional attachments that might occur. In his mind, everyone is out to get him. Even those without any motive to do so, believing them to be working with someone who does. He has severe abandonment issues, and nasty war traumas. He doesn't handle rejection well, and has no clue how to deal with his emotional problems. That being said, deep within his terrifying exterior, is a frightened little boy who was meant for a better life. His closest friend and companion is his trademark mecha, who he often speaks with, and can spend up to weeks locked up within it. It is, of course, not an actual living being, and is completely unable to hear him, or respond.

Skills, powers and abilities:

Body - (Low) He's fast, strong, and durable. Able to hold his own in a fight against his peers, but is easily outmatched by higher tiers. He's at the peak of what he can accomplish physically.

Close combat - (Low) While he haven't mastered any martial arts, he fights with a brutality that easily makes up for it. Pressing himself to shrug off pain and keep going until either he, or his enemy, is dead.

Pilot - (Intermediate) A natural talent at piloting mechas and aircraft, he is easily considered one of the best pilots in the fleet. Able to pilot such vehicles as if they were an extension of his own body. There is nowhere he is more at home, than in a cockpit.

Firearms - (Low) He has received basic training with most weaponry employed by the Paradiso military.

Mecha expertise - (Intermediate) He has spent years upon years of studies and practise, and knows his way around a Mecha like the back of his thumb. He is, due to this, able to build and design new Mechas, provided he has access to enough resources and a workforce of sufficient size. This does, however, not apply to the weaponry often installed in them, and requires a weapon expert of proficient skill to apply.

Character Equipment:

- Hell hound (High)
- Blood hound (Intermediate)
- Black hound (Intermediate)

Character History:
Edmund Bask was born on the tropical planet of Paradiso, into the line of James and Katherine Bask, killing the latter upon birth. His father took the loss heavily, and ultimately blamed his son for her death. He was reminded of her every time he laid his eyes upon the boy, and decided to send him off-world to serve in the military in hopes of never seeing him again. Once there, Edmund got no special treatment for being pureblood, and was ridiculed for it by his peers throughout his childhood. He was assigned to the 560th battalion, who at the time was fighting a war with the arachnids of the Yargan nebula for three years, which had long since degraded into a trench war stalemate. They had been trying to breach their last line of defense for months, and losses were great on both sides.

Edmund and the rest of his squad was sent down in by drop pod. Steel and fire rained down upon the battlefield that day, and less than half of their forces made it to the ground in one piece. It was hell. The squad's pod had taken a hit by a dud, and been knocked miles off course, landing deep behind the enemy lines. They lost their gunner, Grubs, the biggest and oldest of the group, upon impact. They buried him that same night. A terrible storm followed, and lightning struck their communication expert, frying both him and the invaluable equipment he carried. With nowhere to go, and essentially walking blind, their Sergeant made a decision. Activate the drop pod's emergency beacon, dig in, and sit tight until backup arrived. And so they did. It was a long wait, days had passed, and their supplies were running short. They could hear footsteps approaching in the distance. Help, at last. The Sergeant lit a torch, and stepped out of the trench; he waved it back and forth. "Friendly!" He shouted. Edmund still remember, in vivid detail, the broken bones and pieces of brain that hit him like a cold beef square in the face as the resulting firefight took place. Three arachnids, a scouting group, versus their squad of five. Edmund and two others were the only survivors. They left their trench behind, knowing that a much larger enemy force would soon come upon it, and headed for a series of underground caverns they had spotted a few days earlier.

It soon became evident that their enemy was far greater at tracking them down than they had anticipated, and they took massive fire from two gunships and four arachnid squads at the mouth of the cavern. Their scout, got his leg torn clean off, and it was a miracle that the three of them managed to get into the cave and seal off the entrance with a few well-placed explosive charges. Still, it was only a temporary solution. Outside, they could hear the arachnids pull and tear at the rocks blocking their path, and it was only a matter of time before they could get through. It was Edmund's fateful decision to further explore the caverns that proved to be their salvation. Deep within the darkest depths of it, they came upon a long forgotten relic. A machine left there by an unknown civilization decades ago. Perhaps a trace of the species that had inhabited the planet before the foul arachnids came upon it. Wherever it came from, it saved their asses. Edmund inspected the massive metallic creation, and discovered a cockpit. The weapon had rusted limbs, and broken pieces of weaponry attached to it. It was some kind of mecha. An old one. If they were lucky, it still had enough juice to get them out of the pickle they were in. If they were lucky. Edmund climbed in, and searched for a power switch. He was well familiar with the interior of such a weapon. It was one of the few things he had learned by his own desire during his time at the academy. He flipped something he reckoned was the on-switch, it was labeled in some foreign language he didn't understand. There was an indescribable comforting vibration as the mech powered up. A mechanical voice emitted into the cockpit in jibberish. Edmund was more focused on it's controls. Luckily enough, they were pretty basic. No buttons needed to be pressed. He simply pulled the right stick to handle the right arm, and the left for the other. The legs had a similar control scheme, but were located beneath him. His feet were barely long enough to reach it. His squad mates climbed into the cockpit. It was big enough for the three of them, but their scout was bleeding all over the place. Edmund clumsily got the mech moving.

It is unknown how the arachnids reacted to the sudden turn of events, but some say that when the mech burst through the cavern wall, and tore one of the gunships in half, they were faced with an ancient enemy of such vastly vengeful proportions and familiarity, that they simply dropped their weapons and surrendered. That didn't stop Edmund, however, who continued his relentless assault until every single one of their scrawny little bodies were crushed beneath his feet. Even when the remaining gunship retreated, he gave chase, and hunted it down. All the way back to it's base, fifteen miles away. Demolishing it as well. Even when faced with the colors of the 560th, did he refuse to stop. His squad mates desperately tried to wrestle control of the vehicle, but he could not be halted. Only after tearing his way through half of the battalion, did his mech finally run out of juice. And he was forevermore known as the beast of Paradiso. This event caused so much chaos in the arachnid ranks, that the 560th battalion were able to breach their line of defense, wiping their species from the face of history.

It was at that point in time, at the age of thirteen, that he was contacted by the Null unit. During his rampage, he had unintentionally killed number thirteen of the assault branch, and was immediately recruited into their ranks. Given this new status, command saw fit to repair, and modify, the mech he had found on the arachnid homeworld. As the years passed, he built several different mechs, all based on the first one, and at the same time, fought his way up to becoming number eight. He had repelled several attempts on his own life, as well as gained the codename Genocide. He had become a weapon of mass destruction. A destroyer of worlds.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Going to be introducing a secondary character to pair with Beowulf---perhaps his 'pilot' or something. Thompson (who, to my knowledge, has never been approved) will be undergoing revisions as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shinichi-san


Member Offline since relaunch

this is interesting, but I want to ask a question
Are classes like Ninjas or Samurais accepted? or if I join, what would happen to my character, does he start with the others?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shinichi why not ask in the OOC and not the CS section where it might go unnoticed? I don't understand the first part of the question. This is a multiversal role-play, anything and everything is possible as long as it fits one of the parameters for the tier you want to place the character in. You pick a world setting and start there, I would make sure to find a setting with equal tier opponents to face.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

ASTA said
Going to be introducing a secondary character to pair with Beowulf---perhaps his 'pilot' or something. Thompson (who, to my knowledge, has never been approved) will be undergoing revisions as well.

The worm-holes can be problematic as they can unleash screams of God-mode from people. I will have to see the rest of the character and see how it works in practice, if it becomes used to blatantly god-mode to avoid damage and make ridiculously mary-sueish escape the character will need to be shelved.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Skallagrim said
The worm-holes can be problematic as they can unleash screams of God-mode from people. I will have to see the rest of the character and see how it works in practice, if it becomes used to blatantly god-mode to avoid damage and make ridiculously mary-sueish escape the character will need to be shelved.

Normally, yes they could. I have some pretty solid (if rather laymen-level) knowledge on wormholes; their capabilities and the applications attached them or grossly underrepresented in most science fiction. Some of the more 'destructive' abilities tied to them will not be used by Beowulf of Trinity, since these would result in literal one-hit kills on most material objects that they come across. I think it's obvious I've pretty much watered them down to 'high-tier' level, especially in regards to the maximum travel distance Beowulfs wormholes would allow. Beowulf of Trinity could (according to actual theories proposed by physicists) traverse the entire length of the entire universe, but that was just one of the many features of them I cut out for the sake of fairness and balance.

However, seeing as how we have people that can pretty much cause all life on a planet to die out with a single attack in this MV setting, I don't see how wormholes are an issue.
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