Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

ImportantNobody said
Did Evvie's other abilities labeled as high sound high to you? I might just lower them if I overestimated her. She will still be pretty physically tough for an intermediate though...right? I hope she doesn't punch someone and crumble like a wet tissue paper.

It is up to you. Leave it and you are more dangerous than the average dragon drop it and you will find more dance partners.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Asuras said
Well shit. I miscalculated. I tried to go a quarter of that temperature (the sun's surface temp). I'll fix that.

While looking up Evvie's temperatures I found that a lot of things are hotter then the sun such as plasma torches. I've had to lower temperature stuff in the past because saying that they can use fire many times hotter then the sun sounds OP even if common manmade objects can do it.

Skallagrim said
It is up to you. Leave it and you are more dangerous than the average dragon drop it and you will find more dance partners.

I'll leave her as if. If she seems broken then I can just alter the sheet later and say this is a different reincarnation or something.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Double post.

I'm leaving it as is.

EDIT: Guess you noticed. :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nasty monster. His healing factor will not be an issue if your opponent does substantial damage to him correct, He cannot heal right away. He is beatable by smart opponents of equal tier.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Is there a list of confirmed characters?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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Skallagrim said
Nasty monster. His healing factor will not be an issue if your opponent does substantial damage to him correct, He cannot heal right away. He is beatable by smart opponents of equal tier.

No, it takes a long time just to heal minor wounds, maybe longer then it needs to be, and no amount of healing will save him from a beheading.

Plus it can be overloaded with numerous injuries. I imagine many ppl will take advantage of his slowness. >.>

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

ImportantNobody said
Is there a list of confirmed characters?

I suppose I can make one,
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Note, for anyone who remembers the 'old' Fury, this is his alternate time-line where the Disjunction never occurred, and therefore he floated in space until being found by the Angar Ryllan, he went mad in this time, and the Void matured hence why he's stronger.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ok Melon write him where you want place him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Thompson "The Guns" Clangston

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Random descriptors:

Weight: 165 pounds (450 pounds are added to his weight when the suit is worn)

Eye color: Brown

Height: 5'9

Character Tier: Low (immediately becomes intermediate to 'semi-high' when in his power armor)

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description:

Personality Description: Thompson learned much from navigating the Oregon Wastes---most important of these lessons being that trusting others can---and will---get you killed. He comes off as selfish and self-centered, disregarding most human life for the sake of his own.

Skills, powers and abilities: Thompson himself isn't much to look at. Tall, with a lean muscular build about him, while years as a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin have given him considerable experience in hand-to-hand combat and in the use of various types of infantry arms and heavy weapons. However, when Thompson steps into power armor--specifically the Pre-war T-51b power armor--he becomes more than a mere man. Thompson has modified his suit over the years, replacing its standard servomotors with unconventional silicon-based artificial muscle fibers, while the outer casing of the suit has been enhanced using cutting-edge chemical-based hardening techniques, augmentative ablative layering and trace amounts of carbon nanotubes threaded throughout the new and improved armor plating.

Additional protection for the wearer is provided by way of a powerful electromagnetic field. The EMF is not constantly active however; passive in its operation, the shield only goes live when Thompson's on-board observation systems detects an incoming threat, stopping or deflecting incoming ballistic rounds (including artillery shells fired from high-powered weapons like coilguns, railguns or charged particle beams) and halting melee attacks entirely. Because of its vast power requirement, the field can only remain operable for twenty seconds (1 turn) before a recharge of the powerful capacitors it is slaved to is needed. When active, the field damages foes that draw too close, wrecking havoc on electrical equipment, organic and non-organic matter over time.

While wearing his suit, Thompson can reach running speeds of over seventy miles per hour, while the T-51b---with its reinforced endoframe---is capable of lifting over ten tons. Coupled with the advanced alloys and composites incorporated into its overall design, Thompson's T-51b can endure attacks that would see a main battle tank crippled,

Character Equipment:

Type-62 DEW (or commonly referred to as the 'Tesla Cannon') [High]: Based on Tesla's proposed 'death ray' directed-energy weapon, the Type-62 DEW fires a stream of neutralized particles at a target using a combination of strong electromagnetic fields and a revolutionary from of plasma acceleration developed by the Canadian Enclave, with said particles achieving a maximum speed of nearly 297,750,000 meters per second. As the Type-62 is, for the most part, a light-speed weapon, dodging its destructive fury is virtually unfeasible save for the most extreme cases (with these cases normally dealing with the paranormal or the divine). The Type-62, on account of its characteristic and fundamental method of operation, is a infantry-scale anti-tank weapon with destructive power akin to that of an antimatter weapon, with most objects that suffer a hit from its payload normally outright exploding from the instantaneous excitement of their inherent molecules.

Heat, range and energy consumption are two issues that prevent Thompson's signature weapon from being used in a customary manner. The cannon is equipped with its own independent power source, though its capacitors require a brief moment (one turn) to fully charge, with the cannon demanding additional cooling time (1 turn) before it can be used again. The Type-62 has an effective range of 3 miles, with the inverse-square law (and the overall instability of the particle stream) ensuring that the beam rapidly loses power as travel distance is accumulated.

The 'Juiced' Fat Bomb [Intermediate]: 'Juiced' Fat Bombs are miniaturized nuclear fusion munitions that bear an unusual resemblance to the gun-type atomic bombs deployed against the Empire of Japan during WWII. Thompson never did get his hands on a Fat Man, so he merely arms the bombs with a twist of a button located at their noses and then proceeds to toss them as though they were footballs at a distant target. His helmet's computerized systems ensures that he is accurate in his throw, accounting for wind resistance, wind direction and even the world's gravitational field. A rocket motor mounted in the Fat Bombs do not explode on impact, but rather detonate when their integrated LIDAR systems report that their target is within their area-of-effect. Fat Bombs can trace their yields to that of a weak nuclear fission weapon, approximately 10,000 tons of TNT.

Model 1887 [Low]: Nothing special about this lever-action shotgun. Forged using pre-war firearm blueprints (and a little luck), Thompson's Model 1887 has served him faithfully for nearly a decade.

Character History: Thompson was born and raised in a pre-war Brotherhood of Steel bunker located within the Oregon Wasteland. Once he became of age and passed the necessary trials and and met the required formal expectations, Thompson was indoctrinated into the full-fledged military arm of the brotherhood. Doning power armor and energy weapon, Thompson and his comrades conducted strike missions against select Enclave targets over a period of five years. Still filled with wanderlust and loathing the rigid lifestyle of the Brotherhood of Steel, Clangston fled the bunker, striking out on his own, with his journeys taking him all throughout the western areas of the US and deep into the Canadian provinces.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras Into her woven halls, her children cover the walls

Member Seen 23 days ago

"Cathrel at your serivce!"

Name: Cathrel the Janus
Aliases/Nicknames: Janus, Mirroness, The Mailman
Gender: Female
Race: Empowered Human
Cathrel was born a common human, but by happenstance way into the Nexus, was granted great powers by the Dreamers.

Age: 16

Origin: Nexus of Worlds

Height: 5'5
Weight: 110 lbs

Family: Long-forgotten nuclear family
Occupation: Founder of the Multiverse Postal Service/employee

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Personality: Dutiful, Adventurous, Sincere
Cathrel lives and breathes her work, including some form of its operation in every aspect of her daily life, vague as it may seem. More than anything else, Cathrel desires to travel and -being human unlike her Dreamer superiors- finds quite often that little can prepare her for what amazing journey lies around the corner. Even with her powers allowing for her to carry out tasks or intentions with incredible haste, she remains sensible and considerate, applying supernatural abilities only where they are needed, and not when she wants them.

Character Tier: High

Natural Skills/Abilities:

None, Cathrel was originally a common human (and a pretty weak one at that) and so exerts no natural prowess in anything except maybe for running.

Attained Skills/Abilities:

-The Janus: Given the highest power from the Dreamers themselves, Cathrel stands as the dominant force of supernatural transportation in the multiverse. Save for the Dreamers themselves, no other entity is capable of opening perfectly stable portals between universes as swiftly as she. Still, the effect is not instantaneous; Cathrel must make a motion to generate a portal between universes, and must apply appropriate distances as movement to generate a portal of larger size. For example, if she were to wish to create a portal between universes a mile wide and high, she must apply her power while traveling from one point to another totaling one mile. The portal then "sweeps open" as if it were a stage curtain, allowing for anything of proper size to proceed through until she closes it with the snap of her fingers or creates another portal (no matter the size, Cathrel can close it in an instance) (Cathrel can generate only one portal at a time). Unless the Dreamers forbid it, Cathrel is capable of entering any universe she desires.

-Teleportation: Besides creating portals, Cathrel is capable of instant transmission between two points in the same universe (she cannot transmit to another universe without generating the proper portal). Cathrel cannot teleport into solid objects, lest she become stuck or potentially be displaced herself (it is random which event occurs), and the effects of energy or magic-based shielding bar her from entering unless the shield is directional. No matter the distance, short or long, teleporting has a universal cooldown of two minutes for Cathrel.

-Linked Intra-Universal Portals: Rather than creating portals between two universes, Cathrel can also create a number of portals within a single universe. Creation of these portals requires the same distance protocol as stated before, but does not have the count limitation; Cathrel can generate and maintain any number of portals within a single universe which remain for an indefinite period of time, or until she leaves the universe. Like inter-universal portals, these are generated in space rather than on any specific surface, meaning that 99.99% of the time, they appear in thin air, or close enough to a surface that they appear bound to them. Momentum is maintained when going through portals.

-Indirect Teleportation: Cathrel can teleport nearby objects as well, but is limited to moving them to a location within sight, or within 100 meters if not in sight. This ability affects whole objects, and not parts of them. Cathrel considers the object in her thoughts, but cannot distinguish certain chunks of it. For example, if Cathrel were to try and teleport a section of lamppost, it would teleport the entire lampost rather than her desired section. Cathrel cannot teleport sentient entities due to their high seidhr concentration.

-Portify!: Cathrel can apply a rather peculiar aspect to objects that converts them into three-dimensional portal-like substances. The objects in question become portals in themselves, though Cathrel can ignore their effects herself (so picking up a "portalized" object won't affect her in the same way it would affect anything else). These portals then, can act as a sort of cutting substance, as the surfaces it is applied to are transported to a specific location (which Cathrel defines beforehand). Portalized objects are hindered by the effects of magic or energetic barriers, and seem to be influenced by the seidhr coursing through sentient beings; even physical, common shielding used by a human being can stall the effects of portalized weaponry due to the seidhr emanating from their bodies.


-Hammerspace Bag: Cathrel carries with her a bag of holding that responds to her thoughts. She does not need to fish around for what she is looking for, and can immediately reach in to receive what she desires (given the object has already been stored there before). This bag tends to carry mail and packages, but can store just about anything she can fit through the opening.

-Beacon of Tranquility: A large staff that Cathrel carries, given to her by the Dreamers. The Beacon of Tranquility serves in many functions, namely the closing of portals and portal-like entities that she has not created, as a counter to the ambition of the Angar-Ryllans. It is not capable of instant closure like possible with her own portals, though serves its purpose nicely. Particularly weak portals that are generated in her vicinity can be tampered with due to the aura it emits; those who would use portals for nefarious purposes in her presence (and given they are vastly under her power level) will find their portals instead leading to a random point nearby, instead of their intended destination. Within the staff is contained an immense map of the Multiverse, allowing for Cathrel to find her way around.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Great character. Post when you are ready.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Descartes
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Descartes Give her the D

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I will finish this character soon.

Meta Data

Character Tier: Intermediate
Character Type: Critical Character
Character Use: Main Character
Writing Level: Mediocre


Basic Information

Name: Shane Lee "Hell Man"
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Great Dimension)
World of Origin: Great Dimension


Aesthetic Details

Height and Weight: Though a bit taller than his people, Shane stands at about an average if not below average for normal humans, at about 5'10" or 183 centimeters exactly. His weight is 140 pounds, his bulk (or lack thereof) consisting primarily of muscle, with the rest of his weight being in enough of whatever else a human can have and still live a healthy life style.
Facial Features: Shane has a diamond facial shape; wide cheek bones with a narrower forehead and chin. Relative to his face, Shane's nose is a little large but not cartoonishly so. His nose has a round tip with a long but more or less shallow bridge. His eyebrows are wedge shaped and also fairly thick. He has black eyes capable of reflecting a variety of human emotions as well as some non-human emotions. Though his mouth is small, Shane has reasonably thick lips. Though he is clearly masculine, the roundness of his features make Shane seem more androgynous should a person look only at his face.
Hair Style: Frankly put, Shane's hair is stylishly messy. That is, it has this style as if Shane had tried to slick it back yet the forces of nature decided to push against his hand and win, thus moving a bit forward, looking quite disheveled in the process, this is an unnecessarily long run-on. It is naturally very dark in color, shaded jet black. Recently, however, Shane had his hair bleached slightly just enough so that when he is standing in direct light, his hair appears brown.
General Figure: Shane is more or less physically fit, or at least enough to be above average for a normal person. His low body fat allows Shane to have a moderately well shaped set of abdominal muscles, though the lack of training in them make them appear more or less flat compared to steroid using body builders. Due to the type of training he does and his not-so-strict gaining diet, Shane's muscles are bulkier than toned, though feature enough definition that Shane doesn't look fat.
Mundane Clothing: For underwear, Shane wears long johns and a pair of white socks, regardless of weather. He typically dons white converse shoes which are always visibly dirty; with the same amount of grime, but never the exact same looking dirt. Over his long johns are a pair of dark raw jeans which appear spartan, featuring only two deep side pockets. For a top, he wears a white button-up oxford shirt, the front pocket always empty, the sleeves always rolled up, and the buttons always never buttoned up all the way. Along with the shirt is a loose tie which always shows a different pattern, similar to his shoes. Over his shirt is a black leather biker jacket with the sleeves rolled up and the zipper left undone.
Mundane Accessories: A pair of magnetic earrings, and a pair of aviator sun glasses.


Basic Combat Data

Raw Physical Strength: 4 plate deadlift, 4 plate squat, 2 plate bench press, 1 plate over head press
Running Speed: ~20 mph
Endurance: Can run at full speed for ~5 minutes
Pain Tolerance: Average humans levels
Range Unarmed: ~2 feet
Dexterity: Right handed and can only use right hand to write, however most other things which require less fine tuning can be done in both hands. Though he occasionally fumbles, Shane can accomplish quite a few interesting feats with his hands, though not to the point where he can juggle more than three objects at once. He is capable of a one handed pull-up and will often do it to show off, claiming whichever hand he uses is also the hand he uses to masturbate,
Flexibility: Can bend his arms all the way back to scratch his own lower back then pull them back front in one single linear motion. Can also put both legs behind his head (at the same time) and do splits as well as a trained gymnast can.
Fighting Style: Fast and spontaneous yet also calculated and technical, Shane's fighting style is characterized by feints as well as various long term gambits in the guise of small moves to gain momentary advantage. When setting up for a big attack, Shane will always disguise it as a minute action, distracting his opponent before finally setting off the trap.


Personality Description: Most would say Shane doesn't actually have a personality. This is true to some extent as he doesn't have a personality, hence why nobody likes him. The thing is, he actually does have a personality and nobody just pays attention to it- or maybe it's just that nobody pays attention to him. Actually, Shane can be described in three different ways. He can be rather eccentric, often showing some kind of strange quirk; a Lothario in that he tends to flirt with women regardless of what world or social standing; and also a little hard headed in that he tends to force things.
Quirks: Sleeps between two mattresses, brushes his teeth in the shower, stares at passing cats, stares at passing cars, stares at passing cans, eats everything with rice (including rice), spouts random and often inane facts at random.
Interests: Music, architecture, sculptures, drawing, card games, pokemon.






Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Dynoz Tarr
Age: 345
Gender: Male
Race: Elf

Random Descriptors:
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 155 lbs.
Hair color: White
Eye color: Icy Blue with silver flecks

Character Tier: Intermediate

Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description: Dynoz Tarr wears the dusky black armor of a Wolf Rider. His hair is in a top knot with the long ponytail extending down his back. Like all Elves he wears fetishes of those he has killed, depending on the creature it either is on his armor, weapons or on his saddle. Dynoz walks in a slightly bow-legged and hunched walk, giving the appearance he creeping when he moves.

Personality Description: Dynoz is insane, although he can function extremely well in society and appears essentially a sane individual he is not. When in combat the more blood, pain and suffering he sees and inflicts his insanity to come to the fore. He is sadistic and enjoys causing suffering and death.

Skills, powers and abilities

(Intermediate) Accomplished melee and hand to hand combatant. Dynoz has been trained it various weapon and unarmed disciplines, he prefers his bone daggers over all other forms of combat though.

(Intermediate) Blood Summoner. Dynoz can summon supernatural creatures by spilling his blood and speaking the ritual. Normally these creatures are shadowy, monstrosities that attack whom or whatever Dynoz commands. (These are minon creatures unless he is summoning another player character allied with him)

(Low) Druidic powers. Able to use nature based powers to heal, however these powers are only cursory and a part of his nature. He does not exert any effort to expand them to any degree.

(Intermediate) Accomplished Hunter.There are very few creatures that Dynoz cannot track, across a variety of environments.

(Intermediate) Dynoz’s sense of smell is highly developed. The distance at which any scent can be detected is governed by atmospheric conditions but, even under the most favorable conditions, 1.75 miles is the extent of his olfactory senses.

(intermediate) Dynoz’s sense of hearing is the most acute of his senses. He can hear as far as six miles away in the forest and ten miles in the open. Dynoz can hear well up to a frequency of 25 khz. However the actual maximum frequency detected by Dynoz is actually much higher, perhaps up to 80 khz (the upper auditory limits for humans is 20 khz).

(Intermediate)Wolf Kin- Dynoz Tarr can shift into a werewolf form. Growing in height by half, making him 9’5” tall and gains another 300% in weight, making him 455 lbs. His head changes to a wolf's maw, and the fangs and claws are now fully grown. His arms become long and apelike, and as a werewolf can move either on two legs or all fours. Dynoz also grows a tail, which helps with balance.

In this form, he is extremely strong and fast, able to move up to 70 miles per hour, matching a cheetah for about an hour. His strength has increased; he is able to lift/press around 4 tons and can cleave through hardened metal as if it was butter. The bone daggers fuse with Dynoz becoming the basis for his claws and confer the same powers as before.

In this form all his sense are more acute, with the ranges doubling easily.

Character Equipment:

(Intermediate) Armor of the Wolf Rider. This magically enhanced armor grants Dynoz several abilities. Like a wolf he can walk, trot, lope, or gallop. Walking at about 6 miles (9.6 kilometers) per hour, but can reach speeds of 35 mph during a chase. He can jog or trot, at various speeds, generally between 8 to 10 miles (12.8 to 16 kilometers) per hour.

Dynoz can keep up this pace for hours on end and has been known to cover 60 miles (96 kilometers) in a single night. When forced to run down prey or escape he can accelerate to speeds of over 40 miles (64 kilometers) per hour for a distance of several miles.

(High) Bone Daggers, Dynoz carries two 18-inch wickedly serrated daggers made from the bones of a long forgotten beast. In addition to being extremely sharp and unbelievably sturdy, on command each of the daggers can assume an elemental aspect these usually take the form of Fire, Ice, Acid or Lighting.

These daggers also confer a high resistance to the elements currently employed. While able to blunt normal attacks to a great degree the elemental defenses require concentrated strenghtening to ward off greater elemental assaults.

Character History: Dynoz Tarr is an elfin male of the once noble Tarr family. He developed his hatred for humans when a raiding party of humans came across his mother and sisters when he was a boy. After the humans had their way they killed the women. Dynoz found the mutilated bodies. That is when his mind snapped and a deep seated hatred for humans developed.

No longer a youngster, Dynoz has thrown his allegiances to the Overlord and has developed a certain perverse taste for hunting down the humans and their villages that have sprung up across the land.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vordak


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Ysolda Corinthus

Age: 686

Gender: Female

Race: Human Solar Exalted, Twilight Caste

Random descriptors: Solar Exalted of the Twilight Caste may channel Essence through their animas as a last-ditch protective act. If after damage has been rolled, a Twilight Exalt will lose health levels, she may instead spend five motes of Essence to strengthen her anima in an attempt to resist the attack. Damage from incoming attacks is reduced relative to the strength of the Solar's Essence. This effect can turn an otherwise deadly blow or reduce a weak attack to harmlessness. This effect comes into play automatically once the Solar spends 11-15 motes of Peripheral Essence.

The caste mark of the Twilight Caste Solars is a golden circle, filled in with gold on the top, but having only an empty ring as its bottom half. At the “Iconic” level of 16+ peripheral motes spent, Ysolda's anima banner envelops her body in a form resembling this example. However, it does not further enhance the defensive capabilities of her Anima, nor is it capable of augmenting her attacks. If used in conjunction with certain powers, the Anima Banner enlarges to encompass the ability in question.

Character Tier: High-Tier

Character Type: Active Multiverse Participant

Physical Description: She looks like THIS.

Personality Description: Ysolda is not the most trusting woman in the world, due to her status as a Solar and her life of hiding from the Immaculate Order. However, she is almost always unable to resist helping people in need. Her skills as a healer are second only to her prowess as a sorceress, but she tends to avoid spellcasting if it can be avoided as the after-effects are usually... messy.

As attractive as she is powerful, Ysolda is not above usig her allure and silver tongue to get what she needs. Considering she generally prefers peace to war, she is even willing to go so far as offering her services as a healer, mage, or otherwise... to individuals if doing so secures peaceful resolutions. That said, if a particular party proves to be deceitful and breaks any peace she helps to forge... Ysolda will not hesitate to unleash the full fury of her power upon them.

She loves to laugh, loves to have a good time, and loves when everyone is getting along. Disrupting any sort of peace tends to get her very upset, but often times Ysolda is willing to warn people to back down before things get out of hand. If peace resumes, then she will always carry on like nothing happened whatsoever.

Skills, powers and abilities:

Character Equipment:

Speed: 6
Accuracy: +3
Damage: +3L
Defense: +4
Rate: 2
Range: 300yds
Attune: 4m
Tags: 2, B

No Armor Equipped

Character History: The Solar soul that gave Ysolda her Exalted might is a truly renowned one indeed. Once known as Sophrosyne Rasasvada ( Sophrosyne meaning “A healthy state of mind, characterized by self-control, moderation, and a deep understanding of one's true self, and leading to true happiness. Rasasvada meaning the bliss in absence of all thought), Her former self was not so different from how she turned out in this Exaltation. A skilled sorcerer and healer, and a loyal follower to a mighty Solar General in the War of the Usurpation.

Killed during an assault on the Blessed Isle, her soul remained inert for a very long period of time. It was only when a young woman from north of Farhold was spared by a horde of marauding beastmen (because she was at the nearby creek with her brother) when they attacked her small town. Hearing the commotion, Ysolda and her sibling hid until the danger had passed. Once safe, the duo ran back to town. Many people lay injured, some were already dead, and others still were dragged away for unknown purposes.

Ysolda rushed to aid anyone that was still alive, trying desperately in the face of adversity to save whatever lives she could. However, she was merely a child... and had little medical training beyond how to stop small cuts and scrapes from bleeding. While the rare person came forward with minimal injuries, most were cut deeply enough that they were at risk of death, had broken bones and severe internal wounds, or were simply dead on the spot. There was nothing the girl could do for them.

She kept trying, however. She tore clothing from the deceased and tried to make tourniquets for those with bleeding wounds, tried using sticks and cloth to splint broken limbs, and worked her fingers to bleeding in futile attempts to save the lives of those too injured to save. Oddly enough, she found her efforts began to work. She felt renewed, full of energy, and with a renewed desire to help the fallen. She had Exalted, and was enveloped in a brilliant golden light as she instictively used her newfound gifts to heal those injured in the attack.

Many were saved that day, but many others lost their fight for life. This was something that she could not let happen again. Or rather, something she didn't WANT to let happen again. Despite the fact that she had saved the lives of dozens of people that day, the inhabitants of the town were all devout followers of the Immaculate Faith. They chose to chase her away, rather than let her stay in peace. However, they did not report her to the Dragon Blooded, as she HAD helped them. Though that was of little consolation to a young exalt, now homeless and with nowhere to go.

Years passed, turned into decades, and then into centuries. Ysolda traveled with Lunar Exalts for the most part, who were happy to have her healing skills. In time, she developed abilities to supplement these. A basic understanding of Solar Martial Arts, defensive abilities to both dodge and endure attacks, and even an impressive arsenal of sorcerous abilities. Eventually, she began to wander Creation in search of... something. Something that she did not know she was yet searching for.

She met other Lunars, an occasional God, helpful Mortals, monsters, and all manner of various wonders. But even after over a century of wandering, she was still seeking something. That something, as it turned out, would find HER. When trying to develop a new spell, it backfired. The Essence channeled into the spell seemed to tear a hole in existance and suck the mighty sorceress into it. When she re-emerged from the vortex, she was on a dark world with little light... with air that was thin and would hinder most mortals. There was even a slight hint of methane in the air that caused the Solar to make a slightly disgusted face upon smelling it.

Fresh from casting the spell that went awry, Ysolda's Caste Mark glowed brightly on her forehead. The landscape she saw was a gloomy one that reflected the darkness of the sky and the stench in the air. Plants that were mangled and grew at odd angles, trees that had branches resembling wicked claws, and even an occasional small animal that seemed to shy away from the light emanating from Ysolda. This was a dark place... one in need of help. One that needed her. And so the story of Ysolda Corinthus continues... in a place far from the world she knows.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Beta- I have issues with these abilities. Can you answer the following questions regarding this powers. Your character is interesting, I just need to understand how these powers will translate when you engage in a fight.

OX-BODY TECHNIQUE x 4 – Intermediate Tier Enhancement Ability. This Charm gives the Lawgiver additional health levels.

1) How does this translate to textual combat?

DURABILITY OF OAK MEDITATION – Intermediate Tier Defensive Ability. The Solar invokes this Charm after an attack hits but before damage is determined.

1) How will this work? If you get hit you take no damage?

ADAMANT SKIN TECHNIQUE – High Tier Defensive Ability. Driven by her purpose and her Virtues, the Exalt becomes invincible. The Solar invokes this Charm after receiving an attack, but immediately before the damage of a physical attack or similar effect is determined.
Temperance Flaw: The Exalt cannot take movement actions such as move, dash, flight, teleportation or jumping for two full posts. Being moved as the result of a foes attack or ability does not count as movement for this flaw.

1) How does this work?
2) You take no damage after you get hit?
3) How does your inability to move after being hit offset the invulnerability aspect.

SEVEN SHADOW EVASION – High Tier Defensive Ability. The Solar hero is too quick for his enemies to land a blow. The Exalt invokes this Charm in response to an attack. The attack must not be unexpected. This Charm is a dodge that perfectly defends against the attack―even if the attack is normally undodgeable
Conviction Flaw: This Charm does not function when a Solar’s actions are contrary to his Motivation. The GM should assume that a Solar’s actions qualify unless an enemy deliberately arranges for terms of conflict that dispirit and shake the purpose of the Exalt

1) Ok. How does this work? You can dodge any attack that you see coming? Even undodgeable attacks?
2) Your flaw how exactly does that work in this setting? Explain how it can be contrary to your motivation.
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