Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Ray gave a shrug at the mention of visitors, "I wouldn't have a clue..." She started, "I don't have anyone who would visit me. Better to ask Marc or Sara." She poked her food with her fork. She wasn't really hungry anymore but if she didn't eat they would pull her up on it.
She moved to lift a bit of potato and bit down on it. "I'm sorry you haven't contacted your family. She started, "I'm guessing you were close to everyone?"

Sara only nodded at his mumbling as he mumbled along, freezing up as he spoke clearly; as if a bolt of lightning shot through her.
She didn't say anything, but her Spirit gained control for a moment, "How?" She almost hissed, Sara moving to bite her tongue when she regained control.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Benjamin looked at Ray, maybe it had been an insenstive question, but that hadn't been his intention. He decided he would ask Marc about it.
"I was," Benjamin answered the question, shrugging slightly. "Too bad no-one could help me fight the recommendation to be put in this place. The psychiatrist I was first sent to, because I saw things no-one else could, was quick to say that this place would be the best for me. I refused, but it was decided since I'm the delusional one I couldn't decide for myself. Sadly, my parents thought this really would help me." He put some beans in his mouth. "Honestly, they're good people, but like everyone else, they don't believe in ghosts. Plus, the psychiatrist had a silver tongue, he was able to take away any doubt my parents had and grossly exaggerated my condition. Even when my father carefully opted for looking around for mental hospitals and pick one that suited me, he was able to persuade them this was the best place he knew."

Geoffry didn't answer the question, he shook his head and muttered things about dogs and bullets and roses. Wherever he was in his mind, he didn't seem to be grounded in the present.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Ray's frown deepened when he spoke about his family. She wanted to mention that he definitely had it luckier than her, but didn't want to bring attention back to herself.
"Hey." She said, looking him in the eyes, "We'll get outta here, okay?" She continued, "We're gonna fight tooth and nail and we'll survive this hell. We have each other, that's all we need."

Sara retained control before she continued to help Geoffry, she didn't speak while she was helping him eat. She didn't know what to say.
"We're in a dangerous place." The voice of her spirit hissed, "They've been lying to you. That Ghost-seeker speaks truth...."
"I know... But there's not much we can-" Sara spoke back before the voice interjected.
"We murder every last head person here."
"WHAT??! No! No we're not doing that!" Her face flushed its colour as she looked surprised, unable to hold back her worry of what her spirit said.
"It will be the only way to survive."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Benjamin nodded and smiled, they had each other and they would find a way to get out. He was glad he had found a friend here, alone it would seem like an impossible task, but he wasn't alone. If they wouldn't or couldn't be released through official means, they would just have to break out.
He continued his meal, there was little else to do anyway.

Marc had finished feeding Carol and wiped her mouth before he brought the platter with the empty plate to the big cart that was used to keep the food warm while it was transported from the kitchen. He looked around to see how things were looking. The patients were behaving well, sometimes they had outbursts of whatever plagued them, but today it seemed to go smoothly. And his shift was coming to an end too. just two more hours and he could go home. He looked at Sara, who was already home. Maybe he'd ask her out, he had gotten permission for that. But that would have to wait for after lunch was over.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Ray returned her attention back to her food. She almost didn't want to eat it, but she felt eyes of staff watching her.
Dia swayed before she moved quickly, pushing Ray out of her body before she started to quickly eat the food.
"Whoa Hey!" Ray said as she stumbled back away from her body, "I was getting to that!" She crossed her arms and sighed.

Sara stayed silent the rest of the time she spent feeding Geoffry. Moving to rub some of the food off his face before she grabbed the cutlery and reached to grab the plate.
"Thank you for letting me do that for you Geoff." She said with a small smile, "I hope the food was good for you."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 13 hrs ago

Benjamin watched the exchange of souls as he ate his own food. He was soon done and looked at Ray's body, currently occupied by Dia. "You always look after her, don't you?" he asked. "Quite a sacrifice you're making, this meal is boring. It lacks all kind of flavour, but I suppose it is at least nourishing."
He was soon done with his own meal and put everything down. At least he wasn't hungry anymore, so that was a good thing. Desert would probably more tasteful, pudding or fruit from a can, it usually was something like that. "I suppose we should be grateful they actually make a three-course meal for lunch," he sighed.

"Thank you," Geoffry said without looking at Sara. He stared in the distance as he often did.

Marc stood next to the cart and looked at the staff that started to collect the platters of the patients who were done. He looked at Carol and sighed, but soon turned his attention to Sara, who seemed to be done with helping Geoffry. He smiled, that happened almost instantly.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Dia gave a bit of a grin as she finished the food, "Well someone has to." She said towards his question, she finished the food quickly and leaned back. Ray went to take control before Dia seemed to not let her. "Not until the meal settled Ray. I'm not allowing you to vomit things up again."
"That was only like, three times!" Ray argued before she sighed and waited for her turn in her own body.

Dia gave a small cough and a hiccup, she seemed surprised for a moment before she grinned slightly. "It's not tasteful, no." She started, "but it's enough to tide Ray over. She tends to stop eating if she gets to anxious or Panics. They look over the 'smaller' things like Anxiety and Stress Disorders when it comes to this 'Craziness' that others claim we have. Ari is the same, she plays off Ray's emotion more than I do."
"We have a stronger tie, thats why." Ari added as she returned to the others with a narrowing look towards the staff.

Sara smiled happily at the thank you, she didn't get that often. She moved to take the plate up to the cart and looked towards Marc with a smile.
"That wasn't too bad." She said, she didn't want to mention anything about what Geoffry had said towards her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 13 hrs ago

"I suppose..." Benjamin said as he stood up. "I will bring this back myself. I really don't need them to walk for me if I have a pair of perfectly working legs myself." He picked up the tray and brought it to the cart. There wasn't much to do here for physical activity anyway, he might as well use the opportunity to stretch his legs.

Marc turned to Sara when she joined him. "Yeah..." he said. "Hey Sara, after my shift is over, would you like to go out and have a drink somewhere?"

Vivian stood in the doorway and examined all the patients there. Of course Benjamin and Ray were sitting together, they both had a history of not taking their medication and they needed to be split up. Most patients seemed to be absorbed in their own thoughts and world, there weren't a lot communication with each other. She'd have a meeting with the warden, a change in policy had to be approved by him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Dia nodded as Benjamin left, she stayed in her seat. She waited for a moment before she allowed Ray back in control.
Ray slightly jolted when she was allowed back in, blinking and looking around before looking at her empty plate, which was quickly picked up from another staff member.
"Why do you do this to me.." She whispered under her breath before she sighed.
At least she had eaten now, even if Dia did it without her control.

Sara glanced over to Marc when he asked her out, her face bright with Blush.
"Oh.. Uh" She started, "I... I don't know if I'd be... Allowed?" She continued, trying not to stammer over her words, "I mean, I...I'd love to! B...But I don't know if Au- Vivian w...would let me."

The car drove up to the institute, Josh stepping out of the car with a hood over his head.
He flexed his hands as he slowly blinked. He breathed out shakily before he steadied himself.
"Right." He said as he moved to enter, "New work day. Feeding done."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 13 hrs ago

"You could ask her," Marc said as he nodded his head sideways, to let Sara know the psychiatrist was standing in the doorway to observe everyone. It wasn't unlike her to do so at random times, so her pressence wasn't much of a surprise. He watched Benjamin bring his own things back to the cart. It was almost strange to see him behave so normal, even though he had those hallucinations he just refused to treat.
He looked at Carol again, he always took care of her when he was here. He had witnessed her decline and enter this catatonic state of which she didn't seem able to break free. It was really sad.

After Benjamin put his platter away he looked around to see what else he could do, but then he realized the staff probably wouldn't be okay with doing too much of the things he wasn't supposed to do. As if boredom was part of the treatment.
"Can I help?" he asked one of the female nurses.
"No, you can go back to your seat. We'll hand out dessert soon."
"Yeah, I noticed the standard pudding wasn't on the tray."
"It's the wardens birthday. You get a slice of cake. Now sit down."
Benjamin decided he didn't want to be barked at for trying to help, so he went back to the table with Ray. He saw Dia wasn't in the body anymore and Ray wasn't here, so it seemed Ray was in control. "How does it feel to have a full stomach?" he asked her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Sara swallowed when Marc mentioned about her asking Vivian if she could go out.
"Y...Yeah." She started, "I'll do that. I'll be back!" She said before she briskly walked over to Vivian.
"H..Hey... A..Aunt Vivian?" She asked shakily, trying to steel herself. "I wanted to... Ask you... something."

Ray looked to Benjamin with a small smile, she gave a small shrug.
"It's... Different." She started with a weak chuckle, "It'd sounds bad but I kinda got used to not eating that much."
"Of course that sounds bad, it is bad!" Dia said with a grumble, looking to Ari as she seemed to watch Sara move.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Vivian turned her attention to Sara when she approached her and let a smile appear on her face. "Of course, dear," she said, giving Sara her full attention. "What's on your mind?"

Benjamin frowned and leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms. "Dia is right. That is bad." He recalled Ray had explained they had starved her during her isolation. Inhumane practices, how could an organisation like this get away with that? "You will need your strength if we..." he glanced around and leaned forward so he could lower his voice. "If we decide to try and escape, you will need your strength. So eat what you can, they aren't overly generous with their food anyway."

The staff started to hand out plates with a small slice of chocolate cake on them. A few patients reacted overly excited about it, while others reacted hardly at all.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Sara moved her arm and ran her hand through her hair.
"M..Marc asked if... I wanted to go out with him... Tonight and I... was wondering if you would let me?" She stammered, trying to think of the right words. "I know you don't like me leaving the compound but I would really love to actually go out somewhere for once and I'm not on nightshift for the rest of this week." She suddenly rambled, all of the words she wanted to say just pouring out of her mouth.

Ray furrowed her brow, she hated when Dia was right; this wasn't Dia's body, why would she know how it would work...
She nodded at Benjamin's words, giving a small sigh before she leaned back in her chair. She looked at the staff handing out cakes and her eyes drifted over to Vivian and Sara; her eyes narrowing even more.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Vivian looked at her niece and put a hand in her hip. "I will allow it," she said. "If you promise me you will take your pills as you should. If your illness is under control then I will let you have a night out. I will let you go out every night. But, that right will be revoked if I learn your illness flares up again. So take your pills, Sara. You know they help you." She smiled at her niece. "You have a good time, my dear. I'm sure you'll have fun. Marc seems like a decent guy."

When the cake was placed in front of him, Benjamin looked at it and took a bite from it Shop-bought, nothing special, but the gesture was nice. "So I get to talk with her?" he asked before taking a second bite, looking between Ray and Ari. "Someplace where it won't cause you any trouble."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Sara held her stance for a second, holding back on furrowing her brow.
"I have been taking it." She said defensively, "I don't know why you don't trust me enough with these things."
She smiled when Vivian said she could go. She moved to almost hug her before she realized it would give their biggest secret away. She smiled softly, "Thank you Aunt Vivian." She said before turning to walk back to Marc.

Ray poked at the cake, before she glanced towards Dia, who loomed towards her host threateningly. Ray sighed and moved to take a bite of the cake.
She looked up when Benjamin mentioned talking to Ari. She glanced towards the other spirit, who watched Sara closely before she gave a small nod.
"Of course." She said quietly, "It won't be too hard to keep her in control long enough to have a good conversation."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 13 hrs ago

Vivian smiled back at her and watched her walk back to Marc. Maybe being with Marc would help her be normal. After a final glance around the room, watching everyone, Vivian turned around and left. Ray and Benjamin were trouble, they enforced each others noncompliance and that wasn't good. At least she had an idea about how to deal with that.

Marc noticed Sara return and he waited for her to join him. Judging by her smile the talk had gone well. He turned his attention to one of the staff as they brought back one of the plates with cake, refused by one of the patients. Marc nodded and wrote down the name, it was unusual for people to decline cake, it was most likely because of an underlying condition, thinking it was poisoned or that they would get fat from it, so he'd have a talk with the patient later.

Benjamin finished the cake and leaned back, drinking a bit of water. He saw the psychiatrist had left again, but he didn't really care about that. Most people seemed to be finished up their meal and the first patients were leaving. He looked at the clock, he still had to kill half a day before he could go to bed. After he realised he still had half a day to go he sighed, but at least he had a few appointments the afternoon.
"When you're ready, let's go to my room," he said to Ray. He could have his talks with the staff after that.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Sara stopped beside Marc before she smiled, "Au- I mean.. Vivian said I can go out with you tonight." She said before frowning slightly, "I have to take those damn Meds though." She said as she sighed, "But if it means I can leave this prison of a place then I'll do it."

Ray had finished the cake before she gently nodded.
"Yeah, I guess." She said. Why did he want to talk to her spirits all of a sudden? Why did she suddenly care about his attention? Was she... Jealous?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 13 hrs ago

Marc smiled at her, that was nice to hear. "Well, I mean, the meds help, right? That's why we give them to patients." Surely Sara knew that being a patient and working as a staff. He looked at the table with Ray and Benjamin. "We should really talk to Benjamin though, he might get privileges stripped if he won't start taking his pills. I heard it came up during the meeting of his therapists this morning. It wasn't good he missed the group-meeting either, they think he skipped it on purpose."

"Okay," Benjamin said as he got up. "Let's go." He waited for Ray to join him before he would go to the door, it wouldn't be polite to quickly walk off and he enjoyed Ray's company. And Dia too. He wasn't sure about Ari yet, but maybe he would feel differently about her after he talked to her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Sara gave a small sigh at Marc mentioning the Meds helping. She knew first hand that they didn't help with the second mind clawing at her own mind for its own control.
"Yeah..." She trailed off, not really listening to him as she looked over towards Benjamin and Ray, especially when they got up to leave together.

Ray stood quietly, pushing in her chair in as she followed Benjamin quietly. She glanced back and caught Sara's gaze before looking away back to her spirits.
Ari stayed back from everyone for a moment before she glanced to Dia, who watched her quietly.
"You'll be okay."
"It's not that. It's Sara."
"She'll be fine. She's handled her demons before, she can do it again."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 13 hrs ago

When Ray was with him, Benjamin continued to his room. He had seen the spirits were talking to each other, but he was certain they'd follow Ray. Most of the time they stayed close to her after all. And it was the point that Ari would be there, so he did stay for a moment to see if she would join them.
Of course the pause made one of the staff notice him and approached him. "Benjamin, about the group session today."
"Yes, I'm sorry, I forgot," Benjamin said. "I lost track of time, it won't happen again."
"I will see you tomorrow then. Be on time."
Benjamin managed to show a smile and nodded. "I will."
He waited for her to be a little distance away before he turned to Ray. "That went well, didn't it?"

After Benjamin and Ray had left, Marc turned to Sara. "When the next shift arrived I can go home," he said, "Shall we have that drink straight after work?" If he could he would have left earlier, but he had been called in because they were understaffed, so he had to wait for the people of the next shift to arrive.
He stayed with the medicine cart as he looked at Sara, he didn't see a reason why he would postpone the date if she had her permission now.
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