Whilst this is a jump-in thread, please read the rules before posting.

Adventure. Or at least for the time being.
The Casthier dynasty has had no shortage of heirs; too many, in fact. Rather than bicker over who gets to claim the throne, one prince–Deston–has chosen to forgo the crown for a life of adventure, preferring the open road over the claustrophobic halls of the palace. Being someone that values companionship, however, the prince has sent messengers to various towns and cities his family rules, seeking guild members or anyone willing to travel with him. Those willing to follow Deston into whatever silly heroics he finds himself in are to meet him at Bruvell, where our story begins.
The Casthier dynasty has had no shortage of heirs; too many, in fact. Rather than bicker over who gets to claim the throne, one prince–Deston–has chosen to forgo the crown for a life of adventure, preferring the open road over the claustrophobic halls of the palace. Being someone that values companionship, however, the prince has sent messengers to various towns and cities his family rules, seeking guild members or anyone willing to travel with him. Those willing to follow Deston into whatever silly heroics he finds himself in are to meet him at Bruvell, where our story begins.
- This is a jump-in roleplay, but post a character sheet in the CS tab before posting in the IC.
- Any race is allowed. Extremely rare or generally evil races must be GM approved, however.
- In addition with the above rule, characters with edgy or evil personalities will not be allowed.
- Feel free to add to the world. Major plot points (like countries) must be discussed first.
- Naming is fantasy-inspired. Cerwyn, Pyrebrooke, Jack being written Jax, etc.
- Please post at least a full paragraph or two whenever posting in the IC.
- Magic is loosely inspired by this system of magic.