The Laughing Hyena
"Are you sure they'll come, Des–" Nyla corrected herself. "Prince Deston?"
It had been two days since the Prince and his companion had arrived in Bruvell, choosing to stay at the Laughing Hyena for the time being until the others arrived. Waiting, however, had been the bane of the prince, who was almost ready to keel over with anticipation. Any ancient ruins or treasure would be in the same place as they would've been if they were to leave now, but the thought of being an adventurer was distracting, even to the young prince. For now, though, they had to wait.
"I thought I told you to stop calling me prince. I'm the same Deston you've known all these years, aren't I?" Deston replied. A smile graced his cheeks. "Anyhow, they'll come. I'm sure of it." He continued; his eyes looking to the tavern door at the sound of it opening.
It had been two days since the Prince and his companion had arrived in Bruvell, choosing to stay at the Laughing Hyena for the time being until the others arrived. Waiting, however, had been the bane of the prince, who was almost ready to keel over with anticipation. Any ancient ruins or treasure would be in the same place as they would've been if they were to leave now, but the thought of being an adventurer was distracting, even to the young prince. For now, though, they had to wait.
"I thought I told you to stop calling me prince. I'm the same Deston you've known all these years, aren't I?" Deston replied. A smile graced his cheeks. "Anyhow, they'll come. I'm sure of it." He continued; his eyes looking to the tavern door at the sound of it opening.