Hello there. I'm trying to make a posting format, and I would like to have a picture to one side, while the text goes down the other side. Something like this:
New chat room. As usual, discussing ongoing operations is off limits. That's what the magicoms are for. Remember to treat everyone with respect, Trixy.
[table][row][cell][url=Nicetrylolz.com][color=red]Cradle.net[/color][/url][/cell][cell]Chat room # 4[/cell][/row][row][cell][center] [img]i.imgur.com/oBCiGlB.png[/img] [/center][/cell][cell]New chat room. As usual, discussing ongoing operations is off limits. That's what the magicoms are for. Remember to treat everyone with respect, Trixy.[/cell][/row][/table]
Just keep in mind that the first line on a table will always be bold, and you might have to double the image size, as it shrinks 50% when there's a lot of text on one side
I'm not sure I follow. All a different size means is that you'll have more/less room for text. You could also have a standard template that is always the same size. So a smaller picture would be made bigger by the transparent template around it.
The trouble is that the amount of writing I do per post varies. Sometimes it's a paragraph, sometimes much more than that. When I was working in a test thread, the picture's size was going up and down according to how much text was there. Just one line keeping full size, a paragraph turning it down to about half like you mentioned, any further text bringing it down to about 1/4th.
I was trying to get the picture to just be on one side, static, and then the writing portion on the other.
I think @OwO knows more about tables, but I don't know if they'll be able to help you with wrap text.
Could just take the extra effort to wrap text outside the guild and make the post look fancy for a screenshot of it instead, like what @Feyblue does, too.
"The site seems to favor a darker, red-and-black scheme for the most part. But why is it that names have a pumpkin-orange coloring to them? Not the biggest fan of the brown coloring, either, but it doesn't contrast as badly. And speaking of the brown coloring, is there a bug with the website? It says you have over a thousand posts in a single day. That can't be right."
”Actually, I’ve been on for two days, so it’s not as many posts as you think. That and I tend to write short responses in the chat room so that I don’t get cut off by someone else.” She laughed.
"I see."
Silhouette did not actually, in fact, see.
She ran the math in her head, and even if every single post took at most 3 seconds, she would've spent an entire hour of her day merely doing the act of writing and submitting those posts, not factoring in other things such as how long it took her to come up with the reply, or how long she had to wait to get something to reply to. Silhouette was honestly reminded of the time when she learned people typically spend at least two hours of the day with their eyes closed due to blinking -- it was rather jarring in a way.
”But uh, good points about the colors. It’s just that red and black are sort of, I dunno, don’t they almost scream ‘super edgy and evil organization incoming’? ” She sighed. ”Alright I’m going to level with you. I was in mexico for a time and left the coding to a guy I found there. He built this forum from the ground up, coded it and everything. Stuff breaks and we saw a lot of random down time. But I just really liked having something that only we understood that he made from scratch. Now that I’ve been called back to Penrose I just kind of handed the code to Veronica, and she retooled it to be Cradlenet. I do like those colors but I can see about making those changes. I don’t want to change it too much though.”
"...I think I can see why you'd have issues, but the truth of the matter is that this is supposed to be used for the betterment of the Crimson Cradle now. And given what we tend to do, is the 'super edgy' vibe really all that unfitting for us?" she refuted. "We're definitely not what the Beacon pretends to be: some rainbow and unicorn-loving faction that brings hope and joy to every soul we meet. Or if we are, I was never informed. That said, I am merely giving my opinion on what I feel would fit the organization's image best. Consider it a suggestion from someone not exactly talented in this field. My purpose here is less to give input on what the site should be and more to make sure things don't get out of hand in regards to your behavior."
”I think that’s fair. But, uh.” Trixy hummed. ”What is our mission right now anyway? I mean the mint wants information, Beacon wants rainbows and ice cream, but I don’t feel like Cradle fits either of those.”
"Ours is but to do or die." Sil replied. "...But now that you mention it, I suppose we haven't explicitly established a particular goal that I am aware of. But Veronica would not create a faction like this without purpose."
”I see…” Sil couldn’t help but get the feeling that Trixy didn’t actually see
But you can also manually hit enter on each line at the correct length to make the picture bigger. The shorter each line is, the bigger the picture will get, without ever stretching past the max size you've set. the trick is to make each line small enough that the picture can appear without needing to be shrunk to accomidate the size of the longest line.
"The site seems to favor a darker, red-and-black scheme for the most part. But why is it that names have a pumpkin-orange coloring to them? Not the biggest fan of the brown coloring, either, but it doesn't contrast as badly. And speaking of the brown coloring, is there a bug with the website? It says you have over a thousand posts in a single day. That can't be right."
”Actually, I’ve been on for two days, so it’s not as many posts as you think. That and I tend to write short responses in the chat room so that I don’t get cut off by someone else.” She laughed.
"I see."
Silhouette did not actually, in fact, see.
She ran the math in her head, and even if every single post took at most 3 seconds, she would've spent an entire hour of her day merely doing the act of writing and submitting those posts, not factoring in other things such as how long it took her to come up with the reply, or how long she had to wait to get something to reply to. Silhouette was honestly reminded of the time when she learned people typically spend at least two hours of the day with their eyes closed due to blinking -- it was rather jarring in a way.
”But uh, good points about the colors. It’s just that red and black are sort of, I dunno, don’t they almost scream ‘super edgy and evil organization incoming’? ” She sighed. ”Alright I’m going to level with you. I was in mexico for a time and left the coding to a guy I found there. He built this forum from the ground up, coded it and everything. Stuff breaks and we saw a lot of random down time. But I just really liked having something that only we understood that he made from scratch. Now that I’ve been called back to Penrose I just kind of handed the code to Veronica, and she retooled it to be Cradlenet. I do like those colors but I can see about making those changes. I don’t want to change it too much though.”
"...I think I can see why you'd have issues, but the truth of the matter is that this is supposed to be used for the betterment of the Crimson Cradle now. And given what we tend to do, is the 'super edgy' vibe really all that unfitting for us?" she refuted. "We're definitely not what the Beacon pretends to be: some rainbow and unicorn-loving faction that brings hope and joy to every soul we meet. Or if we are, I was never informed. That said, I am merely giving my opinion on what I feel would fit the organization's image best. Consider it a suggestion from someone not exactly talented in this field. My purpose here is less to give input on what the site should be and more to make sure things don't get out of hand in regards to your behavior."
”I think that’s fair. But, uh.” Trixy hummed. ”What is our mission right now anyway? I mean the mint wants information, Beacon wants rainbows and ice cream, but I don’t feel like Cradle fits either of those.”
"Ours is but to do or die." Sil replied. "...But now that you mention it, I suppose we haven't explicitly established a particular goal that I am aware of. But Veronica would not create a faction like this without purpose."
”I see…” Sil couldn’t help but get the feeling that Trixy didn’t actually see
It's not user friendly, but if you want to avoid going to your paint software for that look, I don't think you have a lot of options.
Putting some text that is the same color as the guild BG might help stretch the other side to what you want. It's nothing I've tried but in theory it should work.
Also, if you're just posting character sheets and stuff like that, keeping everything in the same table on different rows should keep all the pictures about the same size.
honestly just learn to love vertical character sheets/posts
i've experimented and fucked around with tables for hours on end and i can say that there is no other system that's more inconvenient, inconsistent, frustrating, and confusing than tables.
brokenpromise's way of hitting enter each line works for monitors, but it's absolutely scuffed on mobile. the 'invisible text' also works, but it's slightly less scuffed on mobile.
images are decent, but they don't scale since it's raster. basically mobile gets shafted if they try to zoom in.
I also found a fucking table that has the same size no matter what text you put in it. It makes me incredibly angry because it fucking works and I don't know why.
I also found a fucking table that has the same size no matter what text you put in it. It makes me incredibly angry because it fucking works and I don't know why.
this fucking CS. i have a feeling it's because of the indents and shit, but by all accounts i have no idea how it works
i have learned how it works. the [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] is what protects the left side from being shrunk.
i have mastered tables.
i will be unstoppable.
The Legend of...
P R E M I S E:
A P P L I C A T I O N:
"Witty Quote"
══════ C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T ══════ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ═══════ C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y ══════ Character Name _______________________________________________ Age | ♀/♂ | Species _______________________________________________ Marital Status | Occupation
═══════ P H Y S I C A L P R O F I L E ═══════
▼ P H Y S I C A L T R A I T S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Build - Descriptor ► Fur Colour - Colour ► Eye Colour - Colour ► Other - Scars, Tattoos, Piercings etc -
═════ M I S C E L L A N E O U S I T E M S ═════
▼ C H A R A C T E R N O T E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Note - Related Information
▼ P A R A P H E R N A L I A ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Item - Description/Relevance
▼ O T H E R ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Other - Description/Relevance -
══════ D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E ══════
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sed ex ac ante accumsan varius. Sed eget risus at ligula auctor aliquam. Integer bibendum hendrerit fermentum. Vestibulum vel elit volutpat mi pulvinar pulvinar at quis mauris. Aenean convallis egestas lobortis. Nunc vitae massa efficitur, viverra justo in, vehicula ex. Praesent id porttitor massa. Donec varius nisi at nisl posuere sodales. Morbi leo magna, fringilla at ante eu, aliquet auctor quam. Duis quis lorem in nunc pharetra porttitor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut sed erat hendrerit, interdum justo nec, lacinia leo. Sed pretium justo id risus auctor, at bibendum nibh sollicitudin. Donec non tempus nisl. Curabitur mi dui, congue sit amet arcu ultrices, dictum molestie elit. Sed varius neque eu purus blandit mattis. Proin dignissim sagittis luctus. Donec rutrum sapien urna, dapibus mattis tortor malesuada nec. Mauris sit amet lorem et ipsum rhoncus dictum. Nulla ipsum urna, bibendum vel luctus nec, venenatis consectetur dolor. Suspendisse ornare, ligula et commodo bibendum, tellus ipsum varius ipsum, id dictum risus justo eu justo. Suspendisse eu lacinia arcu. Nullam dictum justo in odio pharetra, quis ullamcorper risus placerat. Suspendisse magna ex, volutpat a tellus eget, laoreet porttitor eros. Fusce ut lacinia odio. Phasellus facilisis gravida est, at dapibus risus elementum id. Cras ullamcorper, lorem et vulputate accumsan, diam ligula luctus nisi, nec ultrices neque erat in enim. Vestibulum a lacus ut neque vulputate porta. Cras arcu nisl, dignissim sed hendrerit et, faucibus sit amet leo. Fusce faucibus urna tincidunt, dapibus mi in, viverra nunc. Nulla tincidunt vulputate facilisis. Suspendisse ullamcorper pretium nisi. Curabitur luctus pulvinar ante quis mollis. Nam maximus semper sodales. Nunc nec leo nunc. Maecenas et enim in mauris faucibus tincidunt eget nec purus. Donec diam leo, pellentesque a auctor id, faucibus id est. Aenean porttitor at ante a luctus. Nulla volutpat faucibus luctus. Praesent ac nunc et orci mattis pharetra quis id libero. Nam lacinia dolor a scelerisque lacinia. Sed gravida, eros eu pellentesque tempor, ipsum felis sollicitudin nunc, non facilisis risus diam sed nisi. Nam volutpat vehicula turpis sed lobortis. Vestibulum fermentum eleifend ante eu fringilla. Proin egestas, dolor sed vestibulum ornare, odio sem venenatis velit, maximus luctus purus felis eget enim. Pellentesque viverra mattis elit, a interdum dolor venenatis a. Fusce tempor nisl a est auctor, eget mattis purus commodo. Mauris vehicula ligula et laoreet elementum. Donec rutrum volutpat euismod. Curabitur at elit elementum, lacinia mi eu, congue nunc. Quisque erat nisl, posuere vel enim a, laoreet rhoncus nulla. Quisque eget pretium tortor. Aenean vitae iaculis lectus. Donec lectus lectus, ultricies eu lorem ac, vehicula efficitur nisi. Sed id odio vitae mi venenatis condimentum. Curabitur sagittis lacus sit amet mauris varius porta. Sed id dolor odio. Cras rutrum, mauris ac mollis laoreet, ex orci dignissim lectus, nec ultrices nisl ligula ac nunc. Nullam ullamcorper iaculis nunc, in facilisis felis blandit a. Phasellus sed molestie diam, a semper tellus. Donec interdum sapien at risus iaculis rhoncus. Proin mattis fermentum nisl, a tincidunt turpis elementum vitae. ═══════ C H A R A C T E R S Y N O P S I S ══════
Etiam eu purus id justo cursus sagittis ut a risus. In mollis eu erat eu dictum. Ut blandit felis urna, a imperdiet ante eleifend vitae. Curabitur condimentum leo id pellentesque scelerisque. Ut imperdiet turpis sed facilisis ultricies. Suspendisse porttitor elit elit, eu sagittis turpis aliquam ac. Praesent id eros id risus vehicula aliquet. Vivamus consequat leo vitae justo placerat, sed commodo sapien aliquam. Vestibulum facilisis turpis quis diam condimentum, sed aliquam lorem ultricies. Duis luctus tortor eu vestibulum tristique. Pellentesque scelerisque quam eget pellentesque dignissim. Proin ac tellus vitae ex finibus condimentum et ac justo. Phasellus blandit odio quam, et semper nisl lacinia id. Duis eu pulvinar mauris. Proin facilisis venenatis ullamcorper. Donec a nunc ac sem aliquet lobortis.
Duis quis mi nisi. Aenean posuere nulla et orci condimentum lobortis. Donec gravida libero id eros elementum vehicula. Curabitur sit amet justo tempor magna aliquam aliquam vitae eu elit. Suspendisse semper ex nec magna auctor vestibulum. Proin nunc nunc, luctus sit amet lacinia sed, volutpat vel ligula. Vivamus porttitor pulvinar augue, sed lacinia quam egestas et. Etiam ut sapien mollis, faucibus quam sit amet, vehicula erat. Praesent cursus tortor ipsum, at sodales magna ullamcorper ornare. Aliquam leo sapien, facilisis nec tempus sed, condimentum a mauris. Aliquam tempus felis a quam ultrices, sit amet lobortis lacus tincidunt. Phasellus odio ante, congue ut tellus eget, pellentesque placerat dolor. Nulla sed turpis fermentum, faucibus eros quis, tempus massa. Nullam facilisis justo id faucibus ullamcorper. Nam orci tellus, laoreet elementum faucibus ac, maximus ac neque.
Etiam luctus vitae felis sed vestibulum. Etiam commodo massa mollis mi maximus placerat. Donec sed vestibulum neque. Nullam eu metus sit amet velit interdum suscipit. Pellentesque quis aliquet augue. Duis tincidunt, mi a placerat maximus, nisi ante tempor diam, et pharetra nunc augue ac mauris. Curabitur sit amet mi suscipit, scelerisque justo in, placerat felis. Vestibulum sed urna convallis, sodales dolor non, venenatis neque.
Cras euismod mi neque, a euismod neque maximus non. Morbi et dolor aliquam, finibus ipsum ac, sodales sem. Fusce eget turpis vitae magna venenatis dapibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum quis nibh nec mauris malesuada bibendum sit amet a lacus. Proin a eros sit amet est sodales hendrerit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus consectetur turpis ullamcorper odio elementum consequat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam metus mauris, semper vel orci sit amet, aliquet rutrum lectus. Nam vel nulla dignissim, auctor justo quis, semper ante. Mauris pharetra sapien quam, et posuere tellus laoreet at. Praesent metus elit, efficitur eget tempus sit amet, imperdiet vel quam.
As long as there is like, a single paragraph on the right side, it will be balanced. IE, if you delete the big lorem ipsum, it'll get fucked, but no matter how long it is, it will work.
It works on mobile, but is a tiny bit jank because of long headers with all of the -------------
My god... that is confusing as hell, but glad it works! I might have to experiment with that later... when I feel like putting the work in instead of just posting xD
Edit : @BrokenPromise lol I was typing that up before refreshing the page, had this tab open for a while (was looking over a character sheet from someone while talking to a friend), and now that I posted see you letting me know. Thanks :3
I haven't really used tables enough to confidently write a guide about them. Only thing I did in recent memory is this skit that looks like a forum conversation. I'm sure it looks horrible on mobile since I didn't know about the "sub" trick.
Veronica Admin 8 posts in 2 days Last seen 2 hrs ago
New chat room. As usual, discussing ongoing operations is off limits. That's what the magicoms are for. Remember to treat everyone with respect, Trixy.
Trix N Traps Agent 1024 posts in 2 days Online
Hey! HEY! This forum was all my idea! This is a great way to show people outside of CC what we are all about. That, and getting all you cute girls in one place so that I cat with you all day long is good too!
Medi Girl Agent 32 posts in 2 days Last seen 1 hrs ago
Are you Implying our Magicom conversations don't do the exact same thing?
Blair Agent 97 posts in 2 days Last seen 4 hrs ago
Typing is such a drag too. It's a lot easier to just have a group over coms.
B3H Agent 312 posts in 2 days Last seen 2 hrs ago
It's nice to have a log of our conversations though. We can also talk to people outside of CC. I see the benefit of having a forum.
Trix N Traps Agent 1024 posts in 2 days Online
That's the spirit! Now who wants to talk about their favorite flavor of ice cream?
B3H Agent 312 posts in 2 days Last seen 2 hrs ago
I think all ice cream is great. But I like strawberry most.
Trix N Traps Agent 1024 posts in 2 days Online
I've been meaning to get a lick of Betty myself.
Veronica Admin 8 posts in 2 days Last seen 2 hrs ago
You've been warned on multiple occasions not to make advances on Betty, Trixy. I have spoken with the others, and we all agree that this has become little more than your personal hangout. I'm pulling the plug immediately.
Trix N Traps Agent 1024 posts in 2 days Online
Wait! Give me another chance!
Faith in Bananas Member 1 posts in 1 Hours Online
Strawberry and banana flavored ice cream is my favorite!
If I had time to write a guide, I'd like to do "Writing collabs like a total boss" first.
Yeah, the secret to stopping image shrinkage is to type stuff into the image's cell. This balances them out (if text causes one side to grow then it follows that it'll cause the other side to grow as well). And if you use color code #2E2C2C then it'll be totally invisible against the Guild's background. Alternatively you can place actual relevant information on that side of the sheet. Like I like to put the one-word answer stuff there under the image, like age, gender, profession, maybe a short image caption, that sort of thing.
𝕊ome twenty years ago, a man stepped aboard a chariot and rode for a commune in the desert. He wore gold looped around his fingers and stricken through his ears, spun into his beard and the hilt of his sword. He had seen feathers in a dream, feathers like forge-fresh bronze, bright and glowing, which fell from a great wing in the sky. Their heat melted the desert sands into glass, dried up the Silken Sea; rendered the peoples there all to ash. Only an oracle, a witch of Yivir, would know what tragedy this foretold.
The king who arrived at this commune was good and gentle. He kept only one wife and loved her as dearly as he loved all the cities' subjects. He danced with them during the many festivals to their gods, and executed the landowners who beat their slaves, and listened carefully to all woes brought to his court. But the king who left—he locked the door to his chamber and let no one else inside, not the girls of his harem, not his servants or stewards. He sent caravans east past Sarsis, and ships deep into the lands of the barbarians, where they searched for the strongest weapons and armors in all the world. He poisoned the teas and soups that his cooks brought to his pregnant wife. He neglected state duties as his empire withered around him.
For quoth the oracle: the feathers are sons of a great golden eagle, and the eagle is Ārtammat, and all kings are born of His most sacred lineage. Three feathers fall and the first shall burn the others, burn the land and sea, burn all it sees and touches.
Ephaerzes could not bring himself to kill his darling wife, nor to cut her open and scoop the baby from her belly. Not while he loved her still. How she cried; how the sound of it rent his heart! But on the day of the birth she was cast from his palace to live with the beggars. She found a home there, taken in by a kind family with two little ones of their own. Here she raised her boy, the only she would ever bear. The reason for all her suffering and her only reason to live.
𝔻āmaxāriš I
King of All Eshkhep, King of the Nhirians, King of Kings, Lord of the River, Highest Priest of Ārtammat, Steward of the Flame-Eternal
Her husband sent merchants bearing gifts to her new home, to ensure that she was never without necessities. In the same breath he sent assassins to follow the boy as he made mischief in the marketplace, watching and ever biding. It had to look like an accident, lest he become the scourge of his darling Kažhrys, and the very ruin of whom the oracle had forewarned. No, a simple knife to the throat would not do, not when it would drive her away from him, for a life without his one and only love was not worth all the peace and prosperity in the world.
His chance finally came when the boy had reached his twilight years. At the dawn of adulthood he had grown weary of his mother's doting, her obsessing over his safety and whereabouts. He had wearied too of manual labor and the sick and the stink and of sleeping on the floor of a hut where the other boys looked at him strangely. So he asked of his only and most unlikely friend, an officer's son named Mitruya, that he secure a horse and wagon and as many provisions as would fit inside. They set off together to see the world and find a place which would accept them as they came. The assassins followed, and Ephaerzes rested easily, thinking his troubles had ended. He sired two more sons with his new wife, formerly his favorite concubine, and began to groom them as heirs.
Only, some years had passed and the boy had returned. With an army at his back and hatred in his heart for whatever he had seen on the other side of the world. Immediately he imprisoned his own father and began to cull the sycophants of his court. The conquests of an urchin turned emperor, of King Dāmaxāriš, had begun. The all-devouring flame had come at last for the people of Eshkhep.
Actually his reign started off amicably. After choosing a new staff (including Mitruya, now the general of his armies), he quelled the rebellions of the frontier territories. Then he began charity work for the poor, giving merchants and traders tax incentives to make donations to a new dole. Flour, medicine, and clothing became available to the capital's most destitute and desperate like never before. He funded the arts and the full calendar of festivals,, even for those gods whose stewards slandered and disowned his rule, and began a campaign to eliminate piracy beyond the city docks. He even lifted the ban on lepers, political prisoners, and other untouchables, allowing those who had been exiled across the River Mesphoth to return to their homes, assuming they had family to wait for them.
Of course this generosity was draining the royal treasury. There were more people to feed and they all ate better than before. Further straining this money was the military, which the new king was reforming for a strange and personal conquest. Suddenly it was larger than it had ever been under the Nhirian rulers of Eshkhep. The king was gathering the larger, faster horses from eastern lands and training cavalrymen to shoot from horseback, rather than the clumsy chariots they had been using before. He was shrinking baggage-trains and forbidding women and children from the march. He was training professional heavy infantry from skirmishers and levied peasants. It appeared he planned to pay for his policies through conquest, and, unlike the past few kings, he planned to win.
He has not shared his reasons for hating the Uzûrenids, and for warring with them, well beyond the fathoming of their two countries' past emperors. Should it matter anymore, now that they have been so utterly crushed on the battlefield? It was like nothing the world had seen before: sailing an army across an ocean, marching it across hostile territory and through a treacherous mountain range during wintertime, all with only the barest of baggage and burden-animals. Rendezvousing with their cavalry at an enemy port which they first had to conquer with barely half of their army (itself half the size of their enemies'). Besieging an "unsiegable" city and winning.
The suit for peace has begun. Dāmaxāriš must decide not only how he will keep his new subjects in line, but also how to manage the affairs of the western plots from afar. He must appease his nobility both old and new, with their never-ceasing squabbles over land and wealth and power. He must decide what to do with the allies he has made beyond his walls ... and the enemies within.