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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 hr ago

For as long as the written word has existed, legends were told of seven mythical spheres called Dragon Balls. Scattered around the Earth, the legends say that whosoever can gather them together, they need only to call forth the mighty dragon that sleeps within and he will grant them any wish their heart desires. No records exist of anyone ever summoning the Dragon, but myths surrounding the Balls can be found in multiple cultures, lending credence to their legitimacy. But the Dragon Balls are not Earth's only legend. In fact it has a rich history of warriors and martial arts masters. Even in the modern day, the Martial Arts are revered with a tournament that is only held once every three years called the Tenkaichi Budokai. As that name suggests, it is a tournament held to determine who is the Strongest Under the Heavens. But the Earth is about to learn that they are not alone in the Universe.

In another Galaxy, a race of warriors called the Saiyans make a name for themselves on a galactic scale. Craving battle, they became known for roaming planet to planet, each conquered by only one or two Saiyans at a time at most. But they are few in number, their home planet lost to a disastrous meteor strike five years ago. What remains of the race is a handful of survivors under the command of one who calls himself their King. Their invasion of other planets is an effort to find a new world suitable for them to make a new home. In all of this, a pair of Saiyans find themselves eying the Earth itself. Their Scouter devices have alerted them to several individuals with high battle power residing on the planet. But rather than approach this cautiously, they instead have decided to see this as a challenge to test their mettle as proud warriors. And they may also have come to Earth in pursuit of another goal as well.


1. Follow all the usual rules of Roleplayer Guild.
2. The GM's word is law, and that is final. This also applies to Co-Gms as well.
3. We'll playing it fairly loosely concerning power levels. This will give players a bit of leeway in letting battles be more story-driven rather than always boil down to a numbers game.
4. Numerical power levels will exist, but as the above rule implies, they are not the end-all-be-all of character capability. In fact I predict we'll be ditching the numbers after a couple of arcs.
5. The RP will progress over a series of Arcs and Sagas. Yes, there's a difference. Arcs will be characterized as being shorter and often more fillery, while Sagas will be longer and more plot relevant. In fact it's even possible for an Arc to happen within the events of a Saga.
6. Everyone is welcome to submit ideas and suggestions for both Arcs and Sagas. In fact I encourage it, as it will give us more opportunity to explore each of the characters and actually try to give everyone a legit character arc rather than just defaulting all the focus onto one or two protagonists.
7. For the time being, I'm limiting players to one character each.
8. Saiyans are allowed, but they are not allowed to already be living on Earth for plot reasons.
9. I reserve the right to add or change the rules as the need demands it.


Humans: The dominant species of Earth. Humans as a race are mostly all-rounders, decently average in all fields and through training can become more focused or specialized in specific areas or disciplines. Humans are also believed to embody the power of potential, and such is characterized by their innate talent for mastering techniques. At any time when characters would normally be allowed to have their character learn a new Technique, human characters will instead be allowed to learn two.

Beastmen: The second-most dominant race on Earth. They aren't really a single race, as the name is a catch-all to refer to the many animal-like people that also populate Earth. Like humans, they are mostly all-rounders, but their animal features (claws, fangs, etc) can be used to give them an edge in melee combat. They also have sharper senses, both physically and in terms of sensing Ki.

Saiyans: Human-like warriors that originated from the Planet Vegeta. In fact their monkey-like tails are the only feature that physically distinguishes them from humans, that and the fact that Saiyans keep the same hairstyle from birth until death. A race of born-warriors, Saiyans are infamous for being born with higher power levels and having a greater aptitude for battle than other races. Saiyans are also infamous for their power levels increasing exponentially when they recover from near-death. But the Saiyans' greatest weapon is the Oozaru, a giant ape-like transformation that occurs under the full moon and while the Saiyans still have their tails. But that tail also serves as their greatest weakness, as simply squeezing it can render a Saiyan helpless and in pain. Saiyan characters tend to have the highest raw power levels, but lack the refined training and discipline that a human martial artist might have.

Namekians: Genderless slug-men that come from the remote planet of Namek. Namekians have a similar aptitude for Ki that Saiyans possess, but often have a greater control over it. Their ability to elongate their limbs and become giant-sized almost at will can make them quite a powerhouse and heavy hitter. On top of that, Namekians can use their Ki for a powerful form of self-healing, even able to regrow their lost limbs. Overall, this can make Namekians among the most durable fighters there is. They aren't without their flaws, though, as regeneration can render them with far less Ki then they had previously. Growing Giant can only be done for a short period as they have to burn Ki in order to maintain the increased size. Their ears, while able to hear even tiny sounds from farther away, are also sensitive and very susceptible to high-pitch sounds like whistling.

Demons: Beings originating from the mysterious Demon Realm. Very little is known about them, or even how many varieties there are. A Demon character's traits and characteristics are up to the player to decide on, the GM or Co-GMs will either approve it or ask for changes to be made.

Alien: This one will be similar to Demons, giving an option for a player to create their own alien race.

Other races such as Freeza Race or Artificial Humans (Androids) will become available for player characters later on.

Character Sheet




[b]Techniques[/b] - List four to start with. Things like flying and sensing Ki will not count as Techniques and everyone will be assumed to know them already unless you specify otherwise.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Name: Po
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Race: Saiyan


Personality: Po has 4 major personality:

Po: A shy, but happy-go-lucky sort, that just wants to be friends with people. He is the weakest of the personalities, despite being the dominant one, and clearly resents this fact, looking up to Tah.
Tah: Tah is a confident, eager fighter, who takes over as soon as Po is in danger. Constantly throwing quips succeeding in annoying just about anyone that he fights, Tah is the Po's best friend.
Toh: Toh is a Po's gentle giant of a personality, in love with nature, but a pacifist at heart, Toh comes out when the moon is full and the blutz-waves are thick.
Es: Es is... We don't like to talk about Es. Cruel, sadistic, completely lacking any notions of mercy, Es is what happens when Po is in danger that Tah can't handle. When Es takes over, Po's power-level explodes to its peak. Whereas Tah fights with a modicum of skill and finesse, Es is a beast of pure aggression, he just rushes forward, relentlessly attacking, shrugging off damage, seemingly enjoying all pain, especially his own. Es is not allowed out under any circumstances, Toh and Tah see to that.
History: His earliest memories are of fire. Lots of fire, but the one he can remember most clearly was that pod opening and looking upon the face of the man he would call "Mother" He fell asleep and awoke later, in the presence of the woman. The woman explained who she was, a scientist by the name of Braddock and that they were on the planet of "Ry-Gal 7" a former member of the Tuffle Republic. She explained that she had previously created terraforming equipment to benefit her people, but they had gone to war with the Saiyans and when they went looking for allies, she had turned them down. Being a foremost scientist of her planet, she had been kidnapped and forced to teach the Tuffles how to build weapons to defend themselves, these weapons allowed the Tuffles to actually fight the bruteish Saiyans to a stand-still.

Although she had built it for them, she still did not like the Tuffles. The Saiyan leading the invasion, Prince Okura managed to break through the defenses of one of the cities and found Braddock. Before he could slaughter Braddock, he saw the weapons that she had created. Intregued by the fact that her last request was simply to make sure that the Tuffles paid for what they had made her do, he instead took Braddock as a servant and used her knowledge and technologies to overwhelm and destroy them. She had created an artificial moon for the assistance of developing oceans on new planets, but Okura used it for the purposes of calling on the Great Apes. After the conquest, he granted her a residence and laboratory on his newly conquered world. He left on an urgent errand to the homeworld and left her there. She had finished her daily exercises when she found the pod and awoke the boy. His arrival was quite the shock, why would the Saiyans have sent one of their battle-seeds to an already conquered planet?

She assumed it was an accident and built a training facility for the boy to learn how to fight, but noticed that he would keep changing throughout the day, different personalities, but took little notice of him. Okura returned after a few years and told her that he was now king and hunting for his young brother. He saw the child, so young, but well trained and decided to send him off to the planet Earth, as it was one of the few hospitable planets in that area of space. It would make for a good spot to launch some new world conquest campaigns from.

Po is now heading for Earth in his pod, ready conquer the planet in the name of his king.

Techniques -

Judgement Rain (Tah fires a large ki ball straight upwards, which splits into hundreds of smaller beams that seek their target.)
Great Rage (Toh blasts a large blue beam from his mouth.)
Sadistic Glee (Es' melee special attack. Grabbing his opponent by the leg or tail, he will proceed to spin them around his head before smashing them against the ground and wall a few times, before finally grabbing them in both hands and smashing their spine with his knee)
Overflowing Power (Beams of ki rush across his skin as he holds both hands above his head, the beams rush up his arms to his palms and a ball of ki forms, before bringing it down to his chest, holding it whilst he taunts his opponent. He then lets loose a beam of power to destroy his enemies.)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Headhunter
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Headhunter I AM A WARRIOR!!!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

In the process of creating my character. Still deciding between a human and alien since android is off the table for now.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@mattmanganon That backstory takes a bit too many liberties with the Saiyans and their history. I'm afraid I'm going to have to reject that submission.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@Double Can you define "liberties"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Double Can you define "liberties"

Well, there's two big ones. One, no Saiyan would ever call a human their Master, so Okura being so impressed with a woman he decides to make her his teacher? That's a no-go. And second one is smaller, but the Saiyans and Tuffles come from the same planet. Saiyans took over and wiped out their neighbors a long time ago and ruled over Planet Vegeta ever since until its destruction.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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I would like to be apart of this rp, Is their room for one more? I did have a Frieza race character at the ready, However i can not use him if permitted.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 15 hrs ago


1) That's entirely fair, it was mainly designed to answer why Okuta would send a child earth "Because this is the Saiyan that would know the most about earth" seemed like a good idea. Would you mind his master simply being Okuta's subordinate, conscripted due to her familiarity with the enemy?

2) I know, but since this was a different continuity, i thought that we could change a few things around as i had an idea for a future plot arc involving the Tuffles, but if that's a no-go, then i'll change it to a random alien species.

If i make those changes, would that be better?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Eviledd1984 That's correct. Throwing in Freeza and his race right at the start feels a bit like blowing our load too soon, in a way.

@mattmanganon I can let you keep the second point if it's for the sake of giving us an Arc or Saga in the future. But as for the first, I'd prefer the lady not be human. Otherwise we'd have to work out how long ago Tuffles came to Earth and that might throw things into a wack a bit. Maybe she was a Tuffle herself? Po could just have easily been sent to Planet Tuffle as a baby to conquer it but his multiple personalities kept him from doing it and he was simply found and taken in by one of the natives? Okura would have come later on in search of any surviving Saiyans he could find and that can be how Po gets conscripted to work for him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Eviledd1984 Oh, forgot to add that, yes, we're still accepting.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Okay i was thinking of a Brench-Seijin https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Brench-seijin , A Kanassan https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Kanassan , Or a Neko Majin https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Neko_Majin_(race) . Which one do you think would be better character race for me to use?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@Double Did some changes to it, like you said. It also actually fits a little better with what i had in mind for later.

So, i had a choice, go with a meaningful and deep relationship... Or go for the meme's. The answer was pretty obvious...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Eviledd1984 Majins are out. They're origins require Buu to be around long enough to get lonely, and there's no guarantee I'll even bother using Buu at all. Either of the other two options are acceptable though.

@mattmanganon But why exactly was Po sent to that planet? There's no explanation for that and it leaves the ending of the bio not making a whole lot of sense.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by NylaofShadows
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NylaofShadows The Drakest Fae

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Hey hey umm i posted my cs in the character tab look at it and let me know of any changes youd make.@Double
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by NylaofShadows
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NylaofShadows The Drakest Fae

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name Chayot
Age 23
Gender Female
Race Sayain

Personality Chayot is one of those silent but deadly types. She prefers to stay to herself and work alone. She usually has no expression on her face, even during that hardest of times, she is unphased. Some would see her as non caring or gloomy. Thruth is she does care about human and sayain life. When she does conversate, she speaks softly and in monotone. She absolutely hates sunlite, it merely irritates her.The way she carries herself in and out of battle, or in general is very un-feminine. It was very rare to see, but sometimes you could catch her out and about at night, gracefully, enjoying the nature around her.

History: Chayot was abandoned on planet Vegeta by her father, though she wasnt entirely alone, her sayain mother Raised her until she persished by a heart attack when Cayot was sevnteen. Since then she wanted to be like her father or even like her father, she wanted to be better than him actually. Cayot wanted to be the best sayain there was, a fresh new face for the sayain race. Ever since her mother passed, she put herself through years of rigourous training in preperstiin for her first goal in her endavours, winning the world tournament.

Gallick Gun
Eraser Beam
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@Double It says in the bio.

He saw the child, so young, but well trained and decided to send him off to the planet Earth, as it was one of the few hospitable planets in that area of space. It would make for a good spot to launch some new world conquest campaigns from.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Double It says in the bio.

<Snipped quote by mattmanganon>

I meant why was Po sent to the Tuffle planet? If Okura personally led the conquest then I'm not clear on why a baby would be brought along or left behind.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@NylaofShadows Couple things. Firstly, there's no tournament any time soon. I alluded to it but it's still a full year away. But secondly, is she living on Earth? Because Negi is the only Saiyan living on Earth and I'd like to keep it that way for plot reasons. And finally, no reference to Planet Vegetas destruction or the short civil war that broke out between the two Princes?
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by NylaofShadows
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NylaofShadows The Drakest Fae

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Double No she lives in Planet Vegeta. And though there may have been war she took no prat or even cared for it for it most limely hapoened when she was far to young to understand. As for world tortament if it become availabe she will participate
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@Double That is a plot point that will come up later, tying into the multiple personalities. But, essentially, he wasn't supposed to arrive there at that point, he was supposed to arrive quite some time ago. Also, i do see what you mean with a few of the things, so i editted it to make a little more sense.
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