Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dirk gave Phantom a confused look. He wasn't exactly sure what the hero was talking about when he said earthly elements. "It's fine," he said, shrugging. He watched Phantom grab his arm and found himself smirking at the green energy that suddenly appeared. He'd been flown around before and it had been pretty fun then. One of guys in the old group knew how to fly. Sandra Lynn, the girl who once called herself "Red Jenny", had a red hot passion for justice matched only by the flames she could conjure. Dirk remembered her now, in this moment, as she once had been. Red Jenny was always throwing herself into danger. She would do whatever possible to catch the bad guy or save whoever was in need. If the girl was here today, she would have flown into the quarantine without hesitation, burning whomever stood in her way.

Dirk missed her.

He closed his eyes and nodded. "I'm ready, Phantom."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tom nodded in response, and rose into the air. the spiritual energy he surrounded Dirk in would allow Tom to in the air without much trouble. they soon went higher until they were above several buildings, and he made sure to not rise too high, otherwise they would be too high and probably have trouble spotting where the place Dirk's friend was. he hoped that they were high enough to be above the breathable chemicals and safe from the radiation that was all over the quarantine zone.

"so where is your friend? are they in a building or are they stuck in the main streets of the zone?" he asked Dirk as they began to fly over the quarantine zone. he hoped that it wasn't too far because flying was easy and didn't use too much energy, but keeping someone else in the air along with himself took a good amount of energy. if he got the hero to his destination and was too low on spiritual energy in his reserves then he would be pretty much useless.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 1 yr ago

It's not his problem, none of this is, the "heros" of this city will take care of it. These thoughts ran through Adrian's mind as he walked putting his hands in the pockets of that coat. He could "hear" the two from earlier, the shiftier was yelling about not being a pet, and the male was clearly trying to to get her to cover up. But still this simply wasn't his problem, he kept telling him self as he took in a deep breath. His mind flashed back to the crash, too his little sisters. Growing up he was always protective of them, always their hero. Standing there for a moment he looked down at the ground, he wondered what they would of said if he told them about his powers. Closing his eyes he turned sending a fist into the Barricade before opening his eyes and looking back.

He turned around and started walking as the sounds hit him, flowing through his body as it was...Music? Metallica to be exact. Sounded like search and destroy, oddly fitting he thought as walked up watching that speedster running back over the barricade as he stood next to the nude girl. He was tall and towered over her as he looked. His face that same angry scowl he always had as he didn't even seem to notice or care about her lack of clothes. Soon he was walking up light bridge with his hands in his pockets.

The 2nd time in he looked around, those cold steal blue eyes scanning before he focused on that guitar. But he wanted a sharper picture, Closing his eyes his body suddnly emitted a alternating frequency pulse, the frequency was to high for anybody but him to hear. Three quick chirping sounds, waiting a moment he sent it out again. It was a decent return and soon he changed it again, this time the frequency rose in a quick incline in one longer pulse. That seemed to work better. He honestly didn't know how any of this sonar business worked. But then like your ears you don't know how they work for them to, they just do. It was all instinct to him, how far something away was based on the time it transmitted to the time he got a return, rough size, and it even bounced around walls some. He mostly assumed it was the instincts of a bat, a bat dosen't know how complex what it is doing is, it just does it. So he just didn't think about it, and it worked just as if a centipede tried to think about walking with a 100 legs it would probably fail, it simply did it.

With a better picture he started walking towards that sound, the person was playing the music on a guitar, there was no radio as it lacked the sound loss and distortion you get from radio. Something he noticed working at a club. When ever there was a live band he realized that he hears every subtle note and undertone and frequency most people didn't pick up. Over a radio however it was all cut down and no mater how good the speaker was to him it just sounded bland. So he figured since this person wasn't in danger, seeing as he was Playing his guitar, he was more cautious then last time, instead of just rushing in he walked around the zombies, and though his body was emitting that pink every few seconds it was thousands of hertz high, to high for the human ear to detect as he simply was walking around the zombies, and turning away from some that he couldn't even see yet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aura
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Watching the 'super hero' in front of her she rolled her eyes at he just stared at him in shock. She should have expected something like this was going to happen, it usually did when she transformed back into a human form around men. What she didn't expect what was what came out of his mouth after. Now it was her turn to look at him in shock, before angrily replying, "Yes because the kids are fine with seeing people being ripped to pieces but god forbid they see a naked woman!"

This man was ridiculous and she was going to have nothing to do with him. Lucina was just about to leave and maybe even try to find that weird guy with the squid monster, but that was until Mr.Hero said that were more survivors. Sighing, she couldn't help but think that she should go help them. She had seen what could happen to people around here and it wasn't pretty. Lucina couldn't help but hate that she was going to be joining with this costumed up prude though.

That was about when the guy covered in a hoodie came back and looked at her. She looked at him curiously and then watched him head off to the light bridge. Sighing, Lucina transformed into her usual wolf form and started to follow after the men.

Walking next to Mr.Broody she kept in pace as her ears perked up listening to the Metallica song and following it to where the survivors would be.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The one in the hood attempted to walk away and get back to doing whatever it was he was doing before getting the hoodie that night. But he came back. The wolf girl also trailed behind just a few more feet back than the one who would later be called Shockwave by the newspapers. More melted ones began appearing in the area of Carter Hills below them, roughly thirty feet down below the yellow tinted construct road. Fastlane wasn't running for once, he took his time and tried to hear the music again. It was pointless next to a guy who does stuff with sound and an animal shifter with heightened senses. If they wielded guns it would almost seem like a Resident Evil game. The deeper the three of them got into the 'Hills the more the noise echoed. The guy in the hood motioned towards a larger two story house that was pretty well boarded up with over a dozen or so melted civilians in the surrounding yard, two of which were eating a neighborhood cat that got a little too curious.

"I only see this working one way. Who knows how many people are inside that place..." Fastlane began saying noticing more melted ones coming into the area, probably 30 total now below the construct road and leading toward the house, "Can you concentrate a blast of sound or whatever to blow a hole in that wall on the side of the house without killing any survivors?"

The man in the hood gave Fastlane the nod. If you're a man you know how sacred the nod is. The team was in business and Fastlane constructed more road now closing in at about twenty feet from the house itself still about thirty feet over the ground.

"When the people inside know what's going on, the two of you occupy the melt men until I get everyone on the high road. Then we'll get you two onto a turning lane into the road we're all on and get the H outta here..." Fastlane said before getting goosebumps, "...And if either of you see a chick making ice blades just howl or... stay completely silent." Mal said sighing at the end and eventually just talking into a mumble.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Adrian walked on that light bridge fallowing the sound of the music. For the most part he was just directing the man with the direction of the light bridge using his hands, as soon they got closer and he motioned to the house. He looked at Fastlane talking about blowing a hole in the side as he nodded, He pointed to the wall with his right hand then held it flat up vertically, his left pointed to the track and he laid it horizontal before pushing it to the hand that was supposed to be the wall. Hopefully he made that clear enough, and it seemed to have as they were standing right next to it. His hand pushed against the wall as he closed his eyes, touching the object he searched for it's resonate frequency, the wall started to shake a bit as he got closer until soon it was rattling hard, the whole building started to shake, tiles falling from the roof the ground below as he was focusing the sound in a small area, soon that wood started cracking out from his hands, chunks of it falling as it was shaking apart at the molecular level now. Once that area was rather brittle now he simply punched it, his fist tearing right through it as he ripped boards away. Soon the hole large enough for people to get out maybe four of five at a time.

That done it was onto job two, He looked down from his height hopped off the side dropping down onto an over hang half way to the ground. Walking to the edge of that he held out his right arm making a fist s he jumped up and fell down, landing on the ground with one knee down he punched the ground, it cracked under him as as powerful shockwave flew out much like it did before, those creatures closest to him being ripped apart by the force and flying back in gore as the further of them survived but were getting scattered about smashing into walls and going splat while others simply bounced off the ground before getting up, missing parts but still moving. When fighting you couldn't really hear anything from his attacks, mostly due to the human ears inability to detect the frequency's so high or so low. Though you get get the initial sound pulse before he adjusted it, so when he landed it sounded like rather large explosion before going silent. Not in the way he muted every thing before.

He really didn't want those things getting close to him as he held out his hands and started sending out sound waves as the concussive force was knocking them back. But this would only hold them at bay as they were getting closer around him. His foot slammed down in another powerful shock wave blasted out as he looked around and picked up a metal bat. He twirled the weapon in his hand as he grabbed it and swung hard bashing a shamble in the side of the head, the metal bat rang out louder then it should have as the shamble's head burst into chunks and he turned hitting another in the stomach, this ones torso blew off before she shifted. A shamble tackled him, or it stripped and was shambling he wasn't sure, but the latter is probably the most likely. He brought his knee up into its stomach as it lifted up into the air and that bat came swinging down throwing it to the ground in a splattering mess. He turned and kicked another, through his sound waves were powerful, he had less control then people might thing. Most of the time he has to be very careful not to kill anyone, but right now that didn't matter, he didn't hold back.

He was grinning as he fought, sweat dripping down his brow as he kicked a shamble sending it flying off into a fence. This was the most fun he has had in awhile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

It was by the time Andrew had gotten to the solo riff by the time the building really began to shake. No it wasn’t quite from his rocking guitar skills, more like the building suddenly breaking open like Styrofoam. “Shit…” Andrew glanced around, did those melt monster things break in? Andrew quickly dropped the guitar, a resulting “CLUNK” coming out of the amps before they got turned off. Andrew quickly looked around the room. Finding his superhero outfit, and after having to undress to his special elastic underwear, practially leaped directly into his gear with only a little adjusting needed before Andrew Smith was transformed into elastic hero Elastik.

Elastik knew he probably stunk to high heaven by now, he hadn't been able to shower or shave since everything happened and had a face full of silver stubble to prove it. Still Elastik didn't have time to think about it, hurrying back up the stairs he looked around frantically. “WHAT THE HELL IS… oh.” He was actually relieved to see the fellow heroes all at the new big hole in his house. Though still… “Hey can you guys maybe not blow massive holes into my house?!” Elastik asked to the group, his upper half stretched out to Fastlane. He retracted quickly though, helping get the numerous people guided out safely. “Hey by the way Fastlane, things been good? I haven’t heard crap since all this started. Did the Mustangs win any games lately?” Elastik asked finally coming out of the hole himself. Referring to the city’s pro basketball team.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aura
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lucina walked towards the music with the other two men and when she got there she was about to transform into something such as a rhino to break the wall down but Mr.bossy seemed to have another idea. She didn't like to take orders but she had to admit, a rhino form might get a bit dangerous. So she sighed at following someone elses plan and got ready for Mr.broody to open up the wall in front of them.

Watching him make the whole house shake made her stare in shock though. She knew this guy was powerful but this was a whole other level. Lucina watch the hooded man punching through the wall and couldn't help but think that she never wanted to be on his bad side.

Quickly turning around she got herself ready for the melted creatures coming forward to meet the menu of people that were now available. Lunging at the nearest creature she ripped off it's arm and then attacked the next closest one. She was definitely going to have to rinse out her mouth after this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Elli stands quickly after remaining still for several minutes as she looks off down the street..
She can still see it falling from the sky, she knows that it happened in the past but to her it's as if the event was forced to endlessly repeat that tragic day. Scaning the now around her she runs and launches herself off the roof in what to others would appear a suicidal leap of faith.
She's already judged her safest route long before she took her jump. She lands rolling to a stop then takes off at a dead run down the street towards the crash site. She knows that the government types will have swept all the wreckage they could find but her advantage is that she can see it all.
She soon arrives at the area she was looking for and watches as the pieces fall and later as they are retrieved. The Government types do a good job cleaning up but even they can't see it all. She moves deliberately towards one of those pieces and retrieves it. Once she has her prize she doesn't linger less she find herself caught by government or zombie.
She heads once more for safety so that she can perform another history search. She knows if she can then she'll be able to trace the craft's point of origin and what happened to it and Tox
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Deep in the quarantine zone
The man ran through the streets, His eyes were filled with fear as tears ran down his face as he looked behind himself "oh god...oh god please let me live" He murmured shuffling and stumbling along, his foot dragging behind him as the bones were broken and useless. His right arm reached across, holding the bleeding flesh that is his left shoulder, as his arm was missing, blood flowing down as it looked like it was ripped from his body. It was easy to tell the man was a super hero, the red mask with a matching red tank top and black jeans. His name was Hot streak, he had been at the hero business for a few years now, even had a decent name for himself. But now he was simply another man running for his life. Looking back at him.

A tall man with long blond hair fallowed the man running for his life. He was skinny, easy to see as he wasn't wearing a shirt and just swim trunks. He looked like a surfer from California. He raised up his right arm, holding the mans left in his hand "Hey dude, You like totally forgot this!" he shouted laughing some as he looked to the dismembered arm as he walked. "and to think you two used to be so attached, the nerve of some people just leaving you behind like that" he said looking at the arm, as he held it by the wrist and sqeezed the bones to make the hand open and close and spoke in a high pitched voice.
"I know He is always so mean, not a nice like you Mr.Apex"
"Oh Thank you Mr. Armington!"
'of course Mr.Apex, your the bestest in the world.'
"your so kind!"
"Well then how bout" he paused for a moment before smiling and his voice going deep and sinister "we Liberate your breathern!"
"yay!!!" he shouted out in the high pitched voice again as they took off running

Hot streak panicked running around the corner. He had to do something bout his arm or he would bleed out. Shaking he moved his right arm "fuck...fuck...fuck." he said looking down at the torn flesh where his arm "oh god...I just wanted to help people" he murmured. As soon a blast of fire shot out of his hand and he screamed burning his arm to cauterize the wound. He looked back around the corner as that psychopath seemed to be gone. He turned around as Apex was staring over his shoulder "shh he might find you" he whispered as Hot streak screamed falling over as Apex was waving to him with his own arm. "You dropped poor Mr. Armington he misses his brothers." Doing the hand puppet routine again with the high pitched voice "your a bad man, and we will free my brothers from your tyranny" Hot streaked looked at him crawling away.

All this commotion was attracting a horde of zombies as they were swarming towards the pair as Apex rose his hand, it shifted and changed into a large blade with a bone base "Let My people GO!" he shouted as he looked down at the screaming hot streak. The zombies were on him, pulling him a part and ripping him open as Apex stared at him blinking some "Ewww...he is being eated" he said as a zombie bit down on his neck from behind, they started to swarm him ripping off chunks of him as he blinked "hey, I'm not food...or Am I, do i taste good?" he asked as he lifted up his left arm and bit into him self ripping off a piece of himself chewing. He spit out that chunk his tongue hanging out "ewww I ast ike icken" he said talking with his tongue out before pulling it back in "I hate the taste of Chicken" he said with the deep sinister voice again. Suddenly all those zombies were ripped to shreds from the inside as little chunks of red meat squiggled back to him reforming as he looked down, he didn't notice one of the zombies took that arm as it was bleeding and ripped apart. "NO!" he shouted falling to his knees "you bastereds...You killed Mr. Armington...he had such dreams" he said looked over as the sreaming man had fell silent "you will all pay" he said shifting both his arms into blades as he started to slice through them.

"Apex" A suddenly voice in his head spoke as he stopped looking up "God?" he asked "No..it's me" it said as Apex hit his head face palming himself. "oh, duhh how are you Mr. Disembodied voice" he asked as the voice spoke again. "there is a hero, she is using her power to gather intelligence. Find her, and kill your" Apex snapped to attention saluting, with his left hand and his palm up "yes Mr. ma'am" he stated as he soon started to run off.

The face behind that voice grinned monitoring Apex. It was destiny that brought that weapon to him, fools once tried to control him, but he was deemed to unstable. So they tried to kill him, but He couldn't see such a waste of the perfect weapon. The value was lost to those simpletons. Nobody could ever control a weapon like that, he wasn't so arrogant to belive that he was any different, you simply pushed him in a direction and watched.

Apex ran through the streets, using his sword arms he was randomly slicing zombies as he moved and singing. "Spiderman, Spiderman, does what ever a spider can, Spins a web, any size, catches thieves just like flys. Look out, here comes the spider man, Injects them with venom, liquefies there insides, then sucks it out with a straw. Look out, here comes the Spiderman" He sang as soon he saw a girl running. "that is her, Elliot Sinclare, Aka Cypher" that voice interrupted 'hey hey, you ruined my song" he said shaking his head as he ran after the girl, she was slow as he ran up the wall and lept forward and landed in front of her, his sword arm was held out so she would run into the blade if she just kept going straight. "Hi Miss. Elliot Sinclare Aka Cypher , i'm here to remove your head from you body, please keep running forward. Thank you!" He shouted out standing there.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Hi Miss. Elliot Sinclare Aka Cypher , I'm here to remove your head from you body, please keep running forward. Thank you!" shouted a strange looking man.
Elli did a quick appraisal of the man and decided he was dangerous. She slid off to the side knowing that he would pursue an that he intended to kill he even though it wasn't his idea.
Someone is trying to stop me from going any farther, from finding out why this happened.
"Hello Mr Potatohead, could you please tell whoever controls your strings thank you for confirming that I'm on the right track she says with a giggle
His movements though chaotic and possibly even without logic within his own mind were still bound by the movement of his body's own limitations, terrain and her own movements as his target.
She knew this wasn't going to be easy, that he would cause massive amounts of destruction trying to kill her but she had to try because she didn't want to die.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Potato head!" he shouted in anger before feeling his face with his right hand "I think this is more of a squash head" he stated as he looked at her confused as he waves his hand over his head, he was checking for strings "I have no idea what your talking about, I just want to make you Un alive!" He laughed some as he didn't move as she stepped out of the way of his outstretched blade/arm "Yay! you want to play" he said with a high pitched and excited voice before his voice went back to a deep one "Well then, lets have fun before I un alive you!" He watched as she ran spinning he took off running. It wasn't hard for him to catch up to her as he ran next to her, giving chase he jumped landing on the side of a building and running along it before his right arm morphed into a giant hammer. His left a blade and his wright a hammer he landed in front of her and pressed the attack, the flurry of blows came fast as there was no rhythm to them, his sword arm slicing through metal mail box as it fell and his right would occasionally hit things causing small craters. The mans speed and strength was immense as he laughed hysterically, he was having fun.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The madman was fast and his random movements did make him more difficult to predict but physics an biology still applied. She knew that inevitably even his actions would display a pattern especially if she were to create one he found irresistible.
I'm sorry I called you Mr. Potatohead, Mr Squishy Squashy.
I know you just want to be a real boy so you call make Geppetto smile.
she giggles mockingly.
Her model of defense quickly forms as all elements combine to form a 3 dimensional maze that will define his movements.
Her model of his intelligence and emotional response reveal he is as reactive as any primate in predatory mode.
She begins singing as soon as he lands in front of her and tries desperately to strike her.
He delivers a flurry of blows which have no rhythm to them and waste enormous amounts of energy and effort, his sword blade arm slices through a mail box causing a blizzard of flying paper. His Hammer hand struck building and pavement causing small craters as he laughed hysterically like a child on the playground,
"This is the song that doesn't end
Yes, it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that doesn't end
Yes, it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that doesn't end
Yes, it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . .

It is a single verse long song, written in an infinite-loop motif in a march style, such that it naturally flows in a cyclical fashion, repeating the same verse over and over. It is still a very popular tune, typically sung when doing something repetitive or boring.
Cypher's voice rings out the worlds most annoying song as sweetly as any children's show host while she moves in a non-modulated pattern of staggering actions that show no pattern that can be predicted by anyone but herself
She knows she can't defeat the madman but the sweeper teams roaming the area will soon be attracted by the noise and when they engage him give her ample power and opportunity.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"The Mustangs lost to the Miami Heat last week 87 - 94. I didn't know you lived in Carter Hills!?!" Fastlane replied getting the rest of the survivors on his track hovering up over fifteen feet above the creatures. "They did? Dammit!" Elastik shouted, staggering onto his feet with the track, even after knowing his fellow hero for some time he was still not used to the floating tracks he could make. "Well yeah, DJing makes good money these days."

The man who would later be called Shockwave and the animal shape shifter were cleaning house down below but once the twenty or so survivors got up on the black and yellow clad hero's construct it was time to get the H outta there. Elastik now among their group it didn't take long for the team to get the larger group to the quarantine line and the EMT's already on the scene. The heroes had done good work for the night, however Fastlane's suit was almost out of juice and couldn't make many more construct tracks in and out of the quarantined zone. Buildings cracking and falling apart could be heard in the distance. A sweeper team perhaps, or maybe another mercenary. Either way somebody should check it out, and Fastlane was still the fastest one around.

"Can I get a hit or two of that oxygen, ma'am?" Mal asked walking up to an EMT along with other survivors.

After Mal had his oxygen shot Elastik had come up next to him, arm drapped on his shoulder as he gave him a smile that would make anyone who knew him a bit worried. "Hey man, listen. I really appreciate you saving my bacon back there from drippy and his sloppy friends." Elastik had no clue what to really call those names, so it was usually just something stupid. "Here's the thing though... since my home is now still in that really bad area, and because of Shockwave probably going to collapse very soon. I don't suppose I can come crash with you? You know... until all this clears up." Truthfully, the man was very thankful he had his home insured for just such a moment. Still he didn't want to house hunt until things had calmed down, plus Fastlane seemed like he'd have a fine place to crash in. Better than a lot of Elastik's other friends at least.

"Did anyone else hear demolition work back in the 'zone?" he asked later walking back in the general direction of the other heroes.

"I'm almost tapped for constructs for the night, but somebody should go in and see what's going on. We've done a lot of good work tonight, but I'm still the fastest one here. I'll run back in, if somebody can cover my tail you'd be doing me a favooooor..." Fastlane said speeding off and up a construct ramp to leap over the fences and barricades while glancing over and reading a street sign that said "Wilson Way."

He darted in between homes and through dozens of melt men. Mal just knew he heard cracking concrete and falling debris moments earlier...

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 1 yr ago

That voice rang in his head "her powers of predicting are incredible, they can even slightly read your chaotic motion, Hmmm, she must be reading the bodies limitations" A grin formed on his face "Stop predicting my movements, and stand still so I can un-alive you!" as then something holy unexpected happened, his arms bent backwards against any persons range of motion should. Then they started bending a points that the arm doesn't bend, this body was after all just a shape, a form he has taken as it only gives the illusion of a normal body. Soon spines started shooting out of his torso and he flipped as his legs shifted into blades. bringing them down.

Cypher Smiles beneath her full face tactical mask as he foe shifts his attack pattern to include T-2 types of range of motion.
"This is the song that never ends ....."She continues to sing as she increases her own range of unpredictability.
She now is using basic laws of cover and attack angles coupled with structural engineering. Her tactic are still evasive and designed to minimize her exposure to attack.
His shift in tactics does expose another truth and that is that he is controlled or advised by an outside force.
Now she begins looking him over trying to find a commo rig.

This man behind that voice only smiled watching. She was simply tring to survive it seemed, trying to outlast his weapon. But that was the great thing about weapons, they never get tired. Silenly he observed as she was singing. Possiably trying to enrage him? that was funny.

Apex laughed smiling "thank you for providing the music, this would be so boring other wise haha!" he said as he attacked, as her own change of movment went wholly un-noticed to him, simply because he wasn't trying to predict her movements. Just attacking as he grined and showed no signs of tiring, the simple fact was if this kept up her body would soon reach it's limits, while his own had yet to show any.

Elli smiled as she watched another crater form in a nearby wall where head had just been. Her movements became even more erratic and unpredictable outside of her own ability an knowledge of her actions.
Her dance an the song became like a fog shrouding her intent. The terrain and structures around her were beginning to look as if an urban battle with heavy weapons had been raging here for several weeks.
She could see that his actions remained without pattern and without natural movement. She knew she should be afraid but for reasons unknown to her she was actually beginning to enjoy the test of her limits. Survival was a strong motivational force and her's had always been stronger than most.

Apex laughed more as he attacked, smiling "Ahh it's been so long since I've had so much fun" he shouted pressing his attack more. Blades and hammer swinging widly as his pace was only increasing, as the joy could be seen in his crazed eyes.

The destruction Apex was causing was beginning to show on the crumbling structures all around them. He was like a wrecking machine as his powerful blows caused the already neglected structures to begin groaning with their effort to remain standing.
"Just a few more strikes and I'll be able to leave this mad man behind" thinks Cypher as she feels the buildings trembling.
She is slightly wounded by flying mortar an concrete but her injuries are minor and she plans on that being all the damage she'll allow herself to take.
She shift her pattern radically this time as she sets her escape plan in motion.

As she twists and turns in her wild dance of evasion as her eyes take in all the data she will soon need. She memorizes all pertinent land marks and fixes her cardinal directions in her mind.
She is a mad dervish of motion who seems locked in a death struggle she can't win but so long as even the slimmest chance remains she knows she will survive.
Cypher is not given to overconfident thoughts for her intellect will not allow it. Logic rules her universe and knowledge is her creed. She is happy to see that today it will not fail her and that her study of structural stress loads will come in handy.
Soon she will be able to look deeply into the well of time and see the past and where the next clue will present it's self.
When she dose she's sure that judging by the fact that Apex has attacked her she will know the truth.
As Apex struck several more points another noise joined that which the two combatants were already making. It was a rumble like an approaching train or perhaps a landslide. It's source finally revealed it's self when one of the buildings that Cypher was just passing began falling as if it had suffered implosion by an experienced demolitions firm. It's fall was the straw that broke the camel's back as all the other buildings around them began falling and raising up a dust cloud.
Cypher's course lead her near an exposed storm drain which Apex's hammer hand had opened like a gaping pit.
She timed her pass near it to coincide with the collapse of three nearby structures that raised a cloud of dust so thick that had she not spent time counting her steps she might have missed. Under cover of the dust Cypher dropped into the hole falling 15 feet to the bottom and ducked into the drainage tunnel just ahead of several huge chunks of concrete that blocked they way behind her. She wasn't happy that her present course lead her parallel to her goal but as she needed to rest after her fight for survival an was thankful for the respite.
She didn't for a moment believe that the mad man wouldn't try to come after her. She knew that presently whoever had been directing the Lunatic would be using their resources to figure out where she'd headed.
It was a good thing that storm drains followed the laws of hydrodynamics and flowed down hill towards the canal.
Emerging from her concrete tunnels Cypher sought cover from which she could use her retrocognitive abilities to see her next target location

As all the buildings started to collapse Apex kept swinging before he noticed that the girl was gone. Soon though he was watching all the buildings fall down like Dominos "ohh...that looks like fun" he stated already forgetting what he was doing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Zero had found the uproar far less than her liking, she had to turn her back on a gathering or travel to what was clearly a brawl. The Ice swordsman found herself standing in the center of the street. Her mist had began to add a layer of ice to the ground beneath her feet whilst she was more than metaphorically frozen in thought. Her irritation became visible as she raised her singular eyebrow, and slid her sword partly out of its sheath a few times. The rhythm of it clicking back to the secure position seemed to help her asses the situation.
The sound was obviously something colliding with a building with great force, likely ravaging it. Chances of the building's contents being spared along with the foundation itself is slim to none. Behind me they are unaware of my position and seem distracted. The chance for ambush is high. I shall observe and wait for an opening.
The sword clicked a final time into its sheath as she finalized her plan. It took only a minute or two for her to return to the area taking perch on a nearby building, watching the events pass. Much to her internal glee, the group seemed to break apart as fast as it had gathered.
Thankfully not only had it spread, some where even content with their roles. Only two seemed to be a factor in the future and they where heading to the same destination that she had plans for, perhaps she could allow them the head start and use their false sense of security as an advantage? Only time would tell as she began to trace the orange hue from rooftops, a parallel path of frost would make for an interesting topographical view for certain.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aura
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

After finishing off the melted people that could possibly hurt the frantic looking survivors, Lucina jumped back on to weird road that Mr.Proud to be a hero made.

Getting the hell out of there, she was just happy to be away from the smell off the area and those creatures. That didn't help the taste in her mouth though, normally not one to ask for medical help, she went to the EMT and quickly changed back into her human form before grabbing a bottle of water. Quickly washing her mouth out she spat the water on to the ground. She never wanted to taste that foul bubbly skin again.

Hearing a voice ask if they heard demolition work, all Lucina could think was who cares. She whipped her mouth clean with the back of her hand and looked up to see if she was going to get in trouble again for naked. Mr.Prude seemed to be gone though, already running off to see what ever was making that noise. Lucina didn't care though, there were no screams from what she could hear and it was probably just melted creatures destroying whatever was in their way. She honestly rather not bother with them again, especially if it meant her having to taste them.

Handing the water back to a surprised EMT, Lucina gave the rest of the superheroes a small finger salute, "Nice meeting you all," She said simply before transforming back into what looked like a stray dog. With that she started to slowly head off out of the area and back to what hopefully could be a warm meal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tom flew Dirk to where he needed to go, and dropped him off at the entrance of a building. Tom then flew away to go and help whoever was still in need of rescuing. he then heard the sound of destruction which he knew couldn't have been the corpses. it had to have been made by a being with incredible strength, and no hero was that reckless. he quickly flew towards the cause of the noise and destruction. he spotted the destroyed area where it looked like a battle had taken place and Tom wondered who or what had been responsible for this destruction. it must have been a super villain, and not the rotting ghouls, none displayed superhuman strength.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Adrian turned his head watching as all the others started to run, though once he was out of the fight making his way back towards the wall he could hear it. Fighting, destruction on a large scale. Looking over in the direction he could feel it though, as he looked down at his hands. If anyone looked at him close enough they could see it, his entire body was vibrating softly. This wasn't a tremble of fear, or shaking with excitement, there was no emotion tied to this. He had never used his powers so much in a day, and it was taking a toll on him, his entire body was vibrating softly as his very cells were becoming more active and shaking. Putting down his hands he could feel it all over his body, that tiny feeling of being pulled and ripped apart at the cellular level, though for now it was light and would fade as long as he didn't over extended himself. He pulled up his hood to cover his face as he looked around, columns of smoke started to fill the air as buildings were collapsing, though there were no explosions, he could of heard it. Of course in his current state he might of missed them.

He watched as the shapshifter was leaving, fast lane spoke of the sounds he had been hearing for awhile now. He looked over the crowd of civilians, seeing children holding on to there parents. He had prevented more people growing up like him, alone and afraid. He turned back, walking back into the zone. He didn't want to be here, had no desire to be a hero, but the simple fact was now that he was here, now that he saw everything with his own eyes. He couldn't turn back, not to be a hero nor for people to thank him. No, guilt was all he felt, guilt for killing his family, guilt for those that were already lost. He sighed jumping back down and took off running, he had long turned of that active sonar of his, even now he was trying to use his powers as little as possible, avoiding the dead running off towards all that chaos and destruction.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Elastik started to have his mental debate on if he was going to try and go get some of his things from the old house or not. The important, costly stuff at least. But before he could really start into his own personal point/counterpoint. He saw Lucina saying her goodbyes and leaving as a stray dog. Although Elastik's first reaction was more along the lines of "WHOA HOT BABE NAKED OMG YESH!" He quickly got up from where he sat, chasing down Lucina before she could get too far. "Hey hey whoa hold on." Elastik got next to him. Quickly turning his fingers on his hand into a pair of scissors, and trimmed off the entire right sleeve of his costume. Holding it out for the shapeshifting hero. "Here, its made from adaptable nanomachines. Put it on and it should help keep you from being naked when your human." Elastik desperately held back on the 'even though I wouldn't complain otherwise' comment he was about to make. "Go ahead, take it, my suit should go back to normal looking in about an hour."
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