Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

"No matter the cost, the world fights on."
[ ♫ ]

No one knew when the first arrival happened. Some theorized humanity was visited as far back as its early years of creation, during the darkest parts of history. If this is true, then is it any wonder why legends and tales around the globe share one trope in common? Monsters; giant behemoths whose forms rain fire and despair to the world below, immortalized in humanity’s scriptures. No one believed them to be true, to be real and indefinite. No one was prepared for the first Warp Quake either.

They come now in all different shapes and forms, but always the same size. Towering titans with an innate instinct and desire to destroy. Nobody knows where they come from and why they seek out our planet specifically; but everyone knows that when the world shakes, when a Warp Quake grips the ground and sky, a monster emerges from whatever depths it comes from and into our plane. They all come as female for whatever purpose that eludes our best and brightest, all resemble some lingering visage of humanity.

But these aren’t people. These are monsters through and through, monsters who cannot be reasoned or bartered with. That’s why the Monster Federation Force was formed, to fight back against the invading threat and make claim this planet as our own. Thousands of brave men and women enlist into the global faction for the sole purpose of protecting their homes from these outsiders. Armed with weapons, spirit, and their drive to survive, the MFF is deadest determined on defending the frontlines and eradicating the monster threat forever.

There are rumors, as there always will be; rumors of something greater sending these beasts to our home and rumors they walk among us in plain sight. These are only lies to deafen the morale of the MFF, the few of the many who will take no other answer than the end of the threat. Where do you fall in this never-ending war? Do you stand with your planet for rightly justice? Or do you seek a darker path and side with the monsters high above?

That choice is yours alone.

Event Log

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Earth's defenders never surrender!"
[ ♫ ]

In Center City, the sound of blaring alarms was commonplace for its citizens. Loud and rapturous, the sharp noise of warning bells and long droning sirens cut through the idyllic peace inhabited by the city and the world. It was a reminder to Center City that peace was but a fleeting moment often undercut by ripples of strife. Chaos came in many forms and for those of the planet, it came in the shape of GMGs. Even now, the citizens of Center City dropped what they were doing and scurried off to the designated bunkers. All of this was routine by now.

Like robots, they followed the direction of military personnel. Large sections of the city’s roads rooted themselves out of the ground, opening like a landing platform. Darkness was all that could be seen in the void but the mass pockets all over the city were in fact massive bunkers. From there every citizen not a part of the military would be rushed into these great maws, as if swallowed into the jaws of some beast in the ground. Then the roads closed again to seal the citizens safe and sound underground as the battle for their city rained fire above them.

In next to no time, the MFF deployed and marched into the streets of Center City. Above the skies roared a great number of helicopters, more so than usual when it came to combatting GMGs. That could mean only one thing and the bird-like humanoid that now towered over the buildings confirmed it to be so. Terrorkeet had struck again, ready to lay waste to the city below in a maelstrom of destruction and ruin. The choppers advanced long before the ground troops could mobilize into proper position, firing off their missiles at the GMG.

Little to their knowledge was where Terrorkeet came from. One moment the skies were clear and devoid of abnormal activity and the next, the great monster was visible for all to see. Still, there was no question to the why and how, only the assurance the beast would be put down before casualties were given. Only Terrorkeet would know of her sudden transformation, a wave of invisible power triggering her transformation back into her monstrous state from whatever she was doing. It was good for her then that she was alone at the time of incident.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Yeshua Sands - Terrorkeet

A maelstrom of missiles and rockets streaked the cityscape with claws of black smoke along their contrails, striking out against a towering giant of emerald and amethyst. Feathers bristled and grew outwards along her limbs as a bestial scream shook the tempered windows of Center City’s skyscrapers with the raw power of a GMG.

Terrorkeat raised her arms and thrust downwards, and despite all pretexts of gravity’s dominion over the universe, the Kaiju was whisked skyward contemptuous ease. The air in her passage bore a deceptive stillness till the first MFF missile came upon her former position, only to be swept skyward in a wild frenetic curl as a tunnel of hurricane force winds compressed itself into a Terrorkeet sized tunnel to rise above the clouds.

The errant missile did not last long and would pose no concern to the city as it was joined swiftly by dozens other such explosive armaments, and it only took one collision for the twister to erupt in a flash of heat and force that seared the retina with its brilliance. Like the lance of an angry god, this too was borne to the heaven’s and pierced the nimbus layer, revealing the Kaiju hovering in wait upon spread wings. She looked every part the fierce kaiju, even as her singed tail shed it’s blackened coating to slowly grow a fresh layer of green hair anew.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Utena Soriyu

Utena's expression was stonefaced as she looked out at the mighty Terrorkeet, not a hint of her inner turmoil leaking outwards as she passed off the binoculars to some random techie. There were mumblings about how serious she was taking this, some rookies talking amongst themselves about how she must be really committed to be taking this so seriously.

"You think she's gonna kill her?"

"Nah man, she's too professional to disobey the top brass like that."

"You idiots, she is the top brass! She's the one who said we need to start capturing them..."

She tuned out the rest of the conversation, booting up her jetpack and taking off with nary a word to the rest of the MFF. She was never one for motivational speeches. Besides, if she tried talking about Terrorkeet she would mess up. Then they would know, all of them would know her deepest secret.

It was only when she was a hundred yards away from base camp that she let herself squeal in joy. Finally, she could get up close and personal with Terrorkeet! She was the one who proposed that name, said it was a really complicated acronym that she doesn't even remember anymore. She just thought the name fit perfectly with such a big cute birdie! Gah, she was already getting closer to the cute birdie, these jetpacks were too damn good! Back into business mode, stone cold face. Oh man, she was gonna have to talk to Terrorkeet! How was she supposed to keep a straight face while talking to such a cute girl!?

Utena landed on a nearby building, looking up at Terrorkeet and activating the voice amplifier that all MFF personnel carried when interacting with GMGs. "Attention Terrorkeet! This is Major Utena Soriyu of the Monster Federation Force! We are ordering you to stand down and let yourself be transported to MFF headquarters for testing! Should you come with us peacefully, I can promise you that we will treat you hospitably and fairly! Should you resist, we will have no choice but to resort to violent force! Please stand down!" The whole diatribe would have been threatening, were it not for a minor detail. Utena was looking down the entire time at her feet, knowing if she looked at such a cute thing directly there's no way she would be able to keep her composure.

"Woah, she's so pissed! She can't even look at the GMG!"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago


Akari Chiyoda
"HQ, this is Alpha, we've seem to have engaged the enemy, though some of us are... much more energetic than the others," Akari said as soon as she touched the ground and began skating towards their target.

She questioned whoever named that creature Terrorkeet, but shrugged as soon as the explosions began to rock the engagement area and she realized that thinking too much wouldn't help her.

"HQ, Do you have any readings on the location of possible trapped victims? If there isn't any, I'll wait the green light before initiating combat action," she said as she skated up the side of a building with the help of her boosters right in time to see one of the flygirls try to bully their foe and stood her ground far away, ready to dodge in case anything came her way.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Yeshua Sands - Terrorkeet

The GMG was alighting downwards from her ascent, wings popping in that glorious way when once stretches out the kinks after a long nights sleep. Or morning's sleep in this case, as she very much enjoyed the night life. Funny though, as Yeshua didn't remember waking up. Just a strong gust of a wind and then the feeling of falling from height.

Ah, must have fallen out of the hammock and spooked myself. Her gaze flicked away from the MFF, to the top of a skyscraper where her avian eye easily saw a hammock stretched between two antenna, one of which had bent at an odd angle and sent her tumbling off with ease. She winced, hoping her stuff was okay up there, but a very high pitched broadcast was having her turn down to face the approaching the military force.

Testing? Ooh, is that like an eye exam, or is multiple choice? I'm good at both of them! Yeshua would have said as such, but in her present state what came out was a shrill shriek and chattering that had windows vibrating in their frames and soldiers wincing for hundreds of meters around. It was so inconvenient not being able to talk as she was naturally. Otherwise they wouldn't given her that silly name that made her sound like a bad GMG.

The kaiju alighted upon the ground before Utena, still dwarfing her and the building she stood upon as she slowly reached a single claw towards the downcast blob of moe in armor. Handshakes were a near universal sign of agreement and even if she was too big for a whole hand, no one could misconstrue this, certainly.

She put on a smile as she drew closer, but a lingering puff of smoke wafted up her nose and it construed into a horrible expression bearing too much teeth before the unthinkable happened.

Terrorkeet sneezed, and feathers the size of planes and stuff as razors shot randomly from her plumage while her finger lurched forward to stab through the roof besides Utena, naturally taking the footing out from beneath her as concrete was crushed with the ease of butter under a warm knife.

Bleh, the air in cities is icky. God bless me...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Negative, there are no readings of civilians trapped and in need of rescue. You are all clear to engage the enemy.”

The statement was a response to Akari’s sentiment, but it was radioed throughout all MFF unit coms as a universal order. Capture was one attempt at proceeding, but most of the MFF believed extermination was the final answer. That was why someone gave the order to fire another volley of rockets right at Terrorkeat. Whatever hesitation there was before was changed now when the giant bird clearly meant nothing but ill will and harmful intent towards their commanding officer.

The puff of dark smoke barely concealed the monster’s attack on the Major, the world exploding in sounds of screeching metal as Terrorkeat went on the offensive. Utena’s attempts at warning went unheeded as great pinions of feathers smashed into the buildings around her, littering the city ground with large speckles of green. That was all the indication the MFF needed to attack, leading up to the aforementioned rocket barrage. The choppers from before circled back and again, weaving through empty buildings and continuing their assault.

By now, more than enough ground troops were deployed with each one directing the focus of their fire on Terrorkeat. A mixture of bullets sprayed the air, cutting through any lingering smoke, and pelting the big bird mostly at her front. Confident in their abilities, the MFF units moved forward at a steady pace, slowly pelting the creature with more and more ferocity, though the more experienced and less trigger-happy waited patiently in case the bird decided to run again.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Utena Soriyu

Utena winced at the shrill shriek, inwardly disappointed that once again the cute girl couldn't speak. Well this has been a running theme with Terrorkeat for a while now, but she still held out hope every time. Even now she held out hope as Terrorkeat landed, staring down at Utena in just the cutest most menacing way, slowly reaching out a single claw for her. Maybe? Just maybe this one was going to be the one who came peacefully? Utena's head raised slowly as she looked Terrorkeat in the eye, hope in her gaze as she reached out-

The GMG snarled and thrust her claw out to skewer the commander, launching feathers all over and destroying several buildings in her rage. Yet Utena was a veteran, she didn't hesitate for even a second as she activated her jetpack and thrust out of the way of the stab, drawing her own blade and cutting the claw in retaliation. A shame really, she was hoping Terrorkeat would be the one to surrender and come to headquarters. Even so, Utena just...

'Gah, even when she's trying to kill me she's so cute!' She squealed internally, darting around Terrorkeat like a particularly deadly mosquito and slashing at her wings. She switched on her comms just as her dumb kouhais decided to get trigger happy, time to be a commander. "Alright troops, listen up! She's gonna try to make a run for it now that you all decided to blow your load, so we're gonna have to focus fire on her wings! Don't worry about hitting me, I can take a stray shot or two, just make sure Terrorkeat doesn't get away this time!" With orders given, it was time to get to work.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Akane Yurei

Akane sat behind her desk in her plush, blossom-decorated chair, throwing a fit.

“...but why is there still paperwork! In this day and age! PAPER! WORK!” She was shouting. “Mariiiisaaaa, my hand hurts!” She complained.

Marisa, the unlucky one to get assigned as Akane’s secretary, sighed and wondered, not for the first time how this woman ever made it into the top brass. She pushed up her glasses and called through the open door, from the other room. “You know why. Some of this is classified material. A piece of paper is much easier to keep track of, and dispose of, then digital bits and bytes. ...ma’am.” The last word came out with all the professionalism the woman could muster. Which made it more pointed than mere snark.

The white haired woman pouted. “Ooh. You know how much I hate being called ‘ma’am’. It makes me feel old.”

“Yes ma’am. Please let me get back to work.”

Yeah but...” She sniffed and gazed mournfully upon the piles of paper that covered her desk. “There’s so much. Electronics make signing so much easier. And this is so old fashioned. Why don’t we just carve things on tablets of stone instead?!”

“Because they don’t stack well. Speaking of stacks.”


A stack of papers hit her desk with a vindictive thud.

“Here’s another.”

“Nooooo...” Akane wailed.


A jarring concussive thud shuddered through the facility. Some plaster fell the the ceiling and a stack of papers fell over.

Both women instinctively looked up. “Another GMG?” Akane asked, suddenly serious.

Her secretary still gazed at the ceiling. “Indeed. There’s been more and more lately. Damn monsters.”

Inwardly Akane sighed. Outwardly, just she looked concerned. “Do you know which one?”

“Hm...I think the chatter on the line said it was the one we call Terrorkeet.”

Akane nearly dropped her pen. Yeshua?! What was that fool girl doing? Ooh just you wait. I’m going to give you a thorough haranguing when I next see you. She should know better than to cause trouble, especially here! But...she wasn’t normally the violent sort. Was something amiss?

Well. The answer was moot. There was nothing she could do right now, buried under work.

She sighed, and laid back in her chair. “Aww. I guess that means all the clothing shops will be closed. So inconvenient...”

Marisa rolled her eyes at her boss and coughed. “Well, if that’s all, I have work of my own to get done. By your leave, ma’am.” She turned to the door.

“Hey, Marisa?”

She stopped and turned around slowly.

Akane gave her a winsome smile. ”Could you be a dear and get me some tea? Doughnuts too, please?”

A slow sigh. “Yes ma’am.” She left, closing the door.

After she left, Akane relaxed. That should take a little while. She felt bad for putting Marisa through so much. The secretary was rather cute, maybe Akane could do something for her to make it up. But, such things where necessary. Now she could actually get some work done.

She flexed her fingers and picked up the pen. Then she started filling out forms at with superhuman speed. Her pen and eyes flicked across the page after page, comprehending and writing at an astonishing rate.

Being a Kitsune had its perks.

Ten minutes later, Marisa came back with coffee and doughnuts in hand. She unlocked the door and found Akane fast asleep on the desk, pen in hand, poised to write. To her left was a significant amount of paperwork, done. Although, there was still an inch-high stack on the right.

“Sleeping on the job. Only you.” She shook her head and set the food down. She leaned over and nudged her boss. “Hey, wakey wakey.”

With a little cajoling, and a shot of caffeine, Akane was back to work, only complaining a little and mostly under her breath. Marisa also went back to her work, boss placated. Though, she couldn’t blame her. The surge in GMG attacks had everyone working overtime, and this newest one only promised more work. Marisa settled in and put her boss’s idiosyncrasies out of her head.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Yeshua Sands - Terrorkeet

The gathered humans were exceptionally rude for not pardoning Terrorkeat's sneeze, leaving the Kaiju to rub a claw under her nose as the bullets pinged off of her feathers and flattened themselves to her skin. The sensation was liking standing in a very heavy rainshower that was being blown sideways directly torwards her, something that was bearable but still an irritant. Worse yet, they were sending more of those missiles to pollute the air around her, no doubt part of some insidious scheme to make her sneeze herself senseless.

She was going to blow the whole slew of projectiles upwards and let the cloud cover diffuse the noxious payload safely overhead when an angry papercut smarted across her wing, the limb spasming and stretching outwards to alleviate the sting of Utena's blade.

I can't send her upwards, her lungs will go 'POP!' and then she'll go splat. Umm, oh! I know what to do! The GMG chirped excitedly, spreading her arms and wins out wide before pulling the air inwards as they curled tight around her chest, pulling Utena like a vaccuum into a kaiju's embrace as her wings curled over and around them in an shell of vibrant, hardened pinions. Not the comfiest way, but hey, at least I can blow the stink clouds away.

Even if from the outside it looked like she'd just crushed their field commander between her buxom before squatting down to lay an egg beneath the layers of her curled wings, she really did have the best intentions.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Woah, this doesn't look good! Please, stay inside the shelter until everything is clear again," Akari said as she finished bringing the last of the stranded civilians, a little girl who went out of of the shelter to look for her missing doll, back to safety right as the scuffle with Terrorkeet got much more heated. In a very literal way.

"It seems like the flyboys and girls are having a tough time. I guess that I better help them now that all civilians are safe," she said to herself as she dashed away towards the GMG, taking shelter from the rain of projectiles and buffeting winds, behind the many buildings in her path.

However, as it turns out, getting close enough to support Utena wouldn't be that easy, now that the bird girl retreated in a defensive position, leaving no openings to approach her from above ground level. Sadly for the flier people, verticality went both ways, with Akari taking the low path down through a subway tunnel to get under the GMG's wings.

"Uff, this place is hotter than a sauna! And dark too," she thought as she came out right under Terrorkeet's feet... talons? And began to search for the other agent. "To think that I would need to rescue one of our own..." that could only be irony.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by XoXKieroBombXoX
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XoXKieroBombXoX Starting Fresh

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Lt. Dice Amaro

Dice opens his bag and reaches for one of his large radio sets. His troops he was assigned to monitor in battle watch him with some confusion. He pulls out a long cord that attached to a microphone, breaking a small sweat setting up the system, but it was worth it, when he was finally able to open a communication channel with the heads up at HQ. He pops his weary knuckles, then prepares to send the message out. He adjusts the radio to the correct volume and send out the message.

"This is Lieutenant Amaro of the Missing Eye counter-guardian squad. Things are sounding pretty nasty out there Mother Eagle. You sound like you need some heavier fire power, how about I send out a back-up group? My guys are getting pretty cramped up in here. Over."

He sets the mic down and turn it off, in order to wait for a response. He looks at his group silently then pops a piece of gum into his mouth. He does his signature yawn, then puts his hat over his eyes, to take a short minute or two to himself, blowing bubbles of gum, and tossing his compact armor pack into the air. Most of the troops in the Missing Eye were novices who were sent to Amaro, one of the deadshots of the MFF. His group was mostly disciplinary, teaching troops who have gotten in trouble recently the ropes of the Monster Federation Force. One of the women in the group would have the courage to question Amaro.

"Sir, I hate to question your "authority", but shouldn't you be less cavalier?! There might well still be people dying out there due to what Terrokeet is doing! You should be more worried."

She is met with a sarcastic chuckle, which would follow into a nearly hysterical laugh. Some tears drip out of Dice's eye from laughing so hard. He rubs his eye dry, soon gasping for air, then looking at the girl who said that. "Private, I don't think you understand. They want her captured. They usually wait to send me out, because when they do..." He pulls out his Rationalizer with a demeaning smirk, "There won't be anything left to capture."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kodama Koji

Koji was extremely nervous at the moment. Sure the fact that Terrorkeet was once again out and about and wrecking stuff was real bad, but was he was more nervous about was how his mech would perform in a proper fight with a GMG. So far, the large mech had performed quite well on all the tests it had been subjected to, there were a few slight kinks to be solved, but Command had deemed the "Juggernaut" to be ready for real combat testing on an actual live opponent and one so powerful as well.

When the all clear order to engage was given, Koji took in a deep breath and decided to do a final systems check on the mech to make sure no issues would suddenly pop up during combat:

- Sensors Online

- Communication Online

- Swarmer Missiles Online

- Plasma Blasters Online

- Thrusters Online

- Power Core Stable

- Power levels: 98%

- All Systems Optimal

With the final reassurance that his mech would perform to the best of its capabilities, Koji returned an answer back to Command. "Command, this Prototype Mech, codename Juggernaut, moving to engage the hostile!" And with those final words, light slowly started to flood through to his mech as the roof opened up to allow his mech to exit into the city proper from a landing platform very similar to what had been used to evacuate the people of the city down. He didn't need to be nervous, his mech would perform perfectly and who knew, maybe it would not have to fight at all, everyone deployed was very well trained, they would be able to take Terrorkeet down now problem.

Or that would have been the issue, however, from the look of things things were far worse than she had thought. Not only were projectiles shot at the creature virtually useless, the creature had also kidnapped their commanding officer and placed her in her bussom. This also meant that most long range weapons were no longer viable weapons for use, unless they wanted to harm their own officer, that is.

The last option here would be melee combat, which was particularly bad considering that the creature was that much bigger than his own mech. Well, he just had to hope that his mech was tough enough to take that damage and strong enough to deal more damage to the bird creature. So, without as much a second thought, the mech began charging towards Terrorkeet, in the last moment before getting next to her, activating the thrusters on his legs to give his charge that much more force when and if it would hit.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Akane Yashiro"

"Battle Preparations"

Direct Mentions: @Crimson Raven

"All hands! Prepare to engage the enemy."

That was the statement that Commander Yashiro ordered as she walked determinedly towards the command module straight ahead. Her metallic gunmetal armor sheened against the harsh light that shined from above, with her ruby-red eye scanning the general vicinity around her. Already, the MFF units were being deployed to combat the threat at hand and by now several had already been engaging the kaiju. She had trained her lieutenants well to ensure such hasty deployments, especially against more dangerous and immediate threats.

Yet despite her armor signifying that she was combat ready, Commander Yashiro's role in this battle would - as usual - remain in the command module to overlook and order her units around. While she had good faith in her subjects, the commander always remained on standby to give out potential orders and strategies if needed. Still, she would always have an audience surrounding her, who also monitored the battlefield through statistical measurements of various features. From the basic temperature readings of the battlefield, to the physical and energy statistics of the monsters, they all did their best to make her feel like she was with them.

Speaking of assistance, Yashiro could already spot a particular someone who could assist with her. It was Miss Yurei, a veteran of the MFF, one who'd seemed to have a knack in GMG activity and behavior. The Commander would walk towards her general direction before tapping her on her shoulder.

"Miss Yurei," she bluntly ordered as she kept walking, "Your presence is required. Follow me."

As she entered the module, she could see the giant screen in front monitoring the target kaiju from multiple different angles. Her assistants were all on deck as they monitored the situation at hand, with the field commander doing a fair job in instructing the other members. For now, Kiryu stood silently as she crossed her arms and continued to observe the battle at hand.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Akane Yurei

MFF Base Direct interaction: @Lmpkio

Akane was busy getting more food and working on a plan to help Yeshua when she felt the presence of a familiar mind, wrapped in iron and heavily guarded, approach. Seconds later she felt a tap on her shoulder. She knew who it was without even turning around.

"Miss Yurei, Your presence is required. Follow me."

Uh-oh. This would complicate things. She glanced back and smiled at her serious expression. "Salutations, Commander. Ya sure you need little ol' me for such a small disturbance?" She asked. In typical fashion, there was no reply. Yashiro kept walking. The kitsune sighed and left a note for her secretary. She followed the MFF leader into the familiar command module and immediately started scanning screens and talking to people, catching up on the battle so far.

Terrorkeet had appeared out of nowhere, but not really done much. A recording of her only 'attack', which Akane immediately identified as a sneeze, almost had the woman in stiches. Her capture of the agent was odd. She wasn't quite sure what was going though her mind, but from what she knew of Yeshua, she doubted it was anything malicious.

She relayed her findings to Yashiro, "...as I thought. Hey, commander. Terrorkeet doesn't seem to be hostile right now. She seems more...surprised. I recommended against using deadly force, or any force. We don't want to provoke her. Capture and Contain, keeping collateral damage to a minimum."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Utena Soriyu

She was able to score a single straight cut along Terrorkeat's wing, which clearly had some effect as the GMG swept it's arm out in response to the pain. The angry chirp of Terrorkeat was the only warning Utena got to brace for impact, moments later the winds around her were kicked into a frenzy as Terrorkeat pulled her wings in close and turtled up to defend. The world went dark as Utena was smooshed into the giant bird's chest, but not because she was unconscious or anything like that. It was just very dark in this embrace of feathers and flesh Utena found herself in.

It was a good thing her communicator had been swept away by the sudden hurricane that brought Utena in here, because she was absolutely squealing as she pressed her face into the soft and feathery bosom of Terrorkeat. Not only is she getting to directly touch a GMG, but she's getting hugged by one too! This totally counts as a hug, she didn't care what anyone else may think about this. Sure there were many things she could do to get out of this chokehold Terrorkeat had on her. She could try slashing her chest, maybe activating her jet boosters and flying upwards to attack Terrorkeat's face directly.

But she could also just wait patiently for the rest of the MFF to capture the GMG. And then she could hug and interact with her as much as she wanted back at base! Or even better, maybe Terrorkeat would retreat and take her to wherever GMGs came from! Oh man, this is the best day ever.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by XoXKieroBombXoX
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XoXKieroBombXoX Starting Fresh

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Lt. Dice Amaro

On Comm. Chat: @Lmpkio@Crimson Raven | Direct interaction with @Lonewolf685

After the voice of Commander Yashiro blasting through the group intercoms gave the command to engage Terrokeet, Amaro would chuckle in delight, meaning that he was in cheerful mood. He would yet again pop his knuckles, and look at the screen above the battle station he and his troops were being stalled in. Stopping his compact armor pack in midair, he clenches it in his fist. He looks back at his troops and blows another bubble, then stores it in a garbage bin.

"Alright boys and girls, that's the word. Pack your bags and get ready to do this thing!" Grinning his iconic battle smirk, he unloaded his bag, grabbing his Horder. He opens his compact armor pack, similar to an Iron Man MK3 outfit, opening up to fit his body shape, and then condensing around his body. Loading his gun, and looking at his troops, he spoke in a metallic covered tone. Almost none of his soldiers were ready, so he sat, monitoring the group, waiting for them to finish at some point. He would sigh and tap his foot. "Seriously guys? When I was done with my training I could put on a set of heavy armor in under a minute. I'm gonna start timing your asses. Common! I wanna kill that huge ass bird!!!" (Disclaimer, he probably won't. Thought that would be necessary.) He would fire his Horder into the roof, rushing he slow group. Scampering to finish, his group finally managed to put the rest of their gear on. He opens a communication channel with his troops and says, "Stay on comm channel 63b. I'll be on the call." He presses a button on the side of his helmet to open a battle communication with
Commander Akane and the Desk woman Akane.

His voice translates to the HQ where operations were held. "Evening Commander Yashiro. This is Lieutenant Amaro on Comm Channel 3A. My troops are heading out for a tactical take down of the target. We'll attempt to subdue the target, then bring her in. If all goes wrong, we'll go for total brutality. I'll... I'll try my best to 'properly' take down the target this time, and NOT kill it. This is Amaro sending the Missing Eye counter guardian squad. Over."

As his group was rushing out of the bunker, he was dashing ahead of them, obviously anticipating meeting the GMG he had heard so many stories about. He somewhat envied the pilot who got to pilot the first experimental Battle Mech. He would shrug and smirk underneath his helmet. He has a better chance of terminating this nuisance. He would rush to the top of the closest building, scaling it at close to near Mach 1. He soon arrived at the top of the building, looked down at Terrorkeet, waved at her friendly, trying to gain her attention. He would take his helmet off, then point his revolver at Terrokeet. He would use his big boy outside voice. "Hello subject! I am Dice Amaro, lieutenant of the Monster Federation Force. We are pushed to believe that your collateral damage of the city is accidental, and from a curiosity of the human race. BUT, shall you continue this rampage, I will have to put a swift end to your existence. I respectfully request that you stand down, and let us peacefully take you in." He smiles in a demeaning way, that is not obvious, but he makes it clear that he is truthful in both the aspect of killing her, or capturing her. To Amaro.... There was no middle of the road.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Yeshua Sands - Terrorkeet

Wow, there are a lot of humans out there today. Did I interrupt some kind of parade or gun fair when I rolled out of the hammock? The Kaiju thought as her wings strained under the volley of missiles, feather's ringing like a cathedral belfry on Easter Sunday. It wasn't as easy as Yeshua made it look, squatted down as she was and unwilling to lash out. She felt an oddly ticklish sensation in her chest, a phantom itch she wanted to scratch before her mind caught up to her claws and remembered there was a human stuffed between them.

Well, she isn't stabbing it, so I'll have to deal with-

Her train of thought was derailed harshly, wings buckling inwards and her massive body sprawling backwards as the Juggernaut collided with her unbalanced bulk. A screech of horror tore from her as her wings snapped back, smashing buildings apart, several floors pulverized instantly with the rest collapsing atop the remnants, dust and debris billowing out across the streets. She hoped there was no one inside even as she moved to prop herself upwards.

The humans were screaming at her from every direction, so many egos vying for her attention and demanding her surrender. It was cute when the blushing one did it but now the city was actually in danger over a simple missunderstanding! "Nothing to it now. I hope you people can back up your barking!"

With her declaration lost to the other combatants, she raised a talon skyward and slashed downwards, stabbing it through the roadway beneath her as a twister of violently circulating wind dropped from the cloudbanks above, shrouding her sight and sensor as it pulled the dust into the air funnel. It lasted hardly a minute before the tornado burst outwards, leaving the gathered forces to stare at a ruined roadway with only the impression of a GMG to show for Terrorkeet's whereabouts.

"Phew, that was a rough one."

Her voice rang crystal clear as she shrank down to human form, alighting upon the subway tracks beneath where she'd fallen. She worked her palms to the small of her back and pushed, stretching the kinks out from the brief exchange up above. "Those people where way too negative. Not like you, Miss- Oh. Umm, this is awkward..."

The green haired monster girl looked sheepishly down at the MFF officer who'd be resting in her chest and who know was left on her knees with her face to Yeshua's mid-riff. "Ah crud, could you just, I don't know, forget this happened? I'd really appreciate it. I'd be your best friend if you just, you know, stayed right there while I run off before your shooty-shooty friends think to look down here."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Akane Yashiro"

Direct Mentions: @Crimson Raven, @XoXKieroBombXoX, (Everyone)

"That's always the primary goal." the metallic commander replied as her scarlet eye panned briefly over Miss Yurei, "However, it appears as if Terrorkeet is resisting our requests for her surrender. At this rate, some force will be necessary and some damages will be expected. You know the rest."

The commander would turn her gaze back onto the screen, as she continued observed the battle. Just then, she would be hailed by one of the units on the battlefield.

"Evening Commander Yashiro. This is Lieutenant Amaro on Comm Channel 3A."

Yashiro would link herself into the comms channel and directly communicate with him.

"Greetings lieutenant." the Commander responded positively, "What's your status."

"My troops are heading out for a tactical take down of the target. We'll attempt to subdue the target, then bring her in. If all goes wrong, we'll go for total brutality."

She would make a quick, almost unintentional, glance at Yurei before sharing her own concerns.

"Negative, lieutenant." the commander bluntly added, "We need that kaiju alive and in one piece. We do not want to repeat your last mission's blunder, understood?"

" I'll... I'll try my best to 'properly' take down the target this time, and NOT kill it. This is Amaro sending the Missing Eye counter guardian squad. Over."

"Roger." the Commander acknowledged, "M.E.C.G usage is authorized. Be careful out there."

But before the battle could get anymore intense, they would bear witness to the kaiju unleashing a terrible tornado across the main road. Yashiro would lurch forward as her eyes sunk into her metallic stomach.

"All units, take cover!" she declared to all the units.

For a brief moment, the command screens were filled only with a light-grey smoke and debris flailing in the intense gale before it all died down. Yashiro's gaze never left the screens, yet when the dust settled there would be no visuals on Terrorkeet.

"Where did she~?" she breathed confusingly as her eye widened before turning to her subordinates, "Can anyone get a visual on the kaiju?"

A quick pause would ensure before a response was given.

"Negative Commander," a female operator unfortunately responded, "Our scanners do not pick up any sign of GMG activity."

Yashiro stood silently in place as she tried to connect the dots. The kaiju must've used the tornado attack to make her escape, however one would still be able to detect it retreating even after going several miles out. But to suddenly vanish just like that? It was a mystery. The Commander quickly proceeded to get on the open comms with all the units in the area.

"All units," she bluntly spoke, "Status report on the situation. Can anyone identify where the kaiju went off?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Akane Yurei

Direct interaction with @Lmpkio

Akane watched Yashiro curiously as she worked. Some thirty years in the Force, and she knew little about this particular human, who had emerged to lead it. Her attempts to quietly find out more had come up empty. Even more interesting, the woman's mind was a iron fortress. It was possible most anyone to learn to shield their minds, but doing so took practice, dedication, and massive amounts of self-control. To do so constantly, never relaxing was...hng.


Amaro. Now there was a name that made her fur crawl. Lieutenant Amaro was a violent, dangerous MFF member, who was responsible for the death of several kaiju in the past. It wasn't their deaths that bothered her as much as it was the reckless destruction he left in his wake.

Her musing were interrupted by a shout. A massive tornado sprung into existence, temporarily blinding their monitors. Then, it vanished, taking Yeshua along with it.

The room erupted into outcries of shock, then a rapid series of multiple overlapping conversations as reports of damages came in and orders to find the GMG went out. Rescue operations to recover missing MFF members were underway too.

Meanwhile, Akane mentally let out a sigh of relief. Yeshua had come to her sensed and escaped. Well, almost escaped. She was probably on the ground somewhere. Maybe Akane could give her some more time...

She caught the commander's eye. "We should focus our search on the skies. The buildings are mostly intact, so she must have flown straight up and flown fast. Maybe even into the stratosphere, far enough to be out of range of our scanners, where she could also travel around the earth quicker. With speed like that she could be pretty far already, so we should widen our search perimeter more than usual."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

If it was more time that Yurei wanted, it was more time she would inevitably receive. By a miracle, or perhaps a cruel twist of fate, the GMG that caused so much damage in such short time disappeared without a trace. Terrorkeat was nowhere to be found, body unable to be picked up by the MFF’s toughest scanners. Even those closest to her physically wouldn’t have caught a glimpse of her true escape, the massive tornado doing well to give space to the avian monster. Most concerning, especially to Yeshua perhaps, was the trigger to her forced transformation that started this whole mess. Because seemingly, there was none…

Regardless, it wasn’t long before the MFF were alerted to a renewed threat. Yurei’s suggestion to scan the skies and greater atmosphere yielded itself fruit as scanners all over, from troops on the ground to those in command, were set off with red alert. But there was no Terrorkeat to emerge. The signature of this creature was bigger, much bigger compared to the bird from just a minute before. Bigger and somehow faster too because there were only precious seconds left before the new monster announced itself with a horrendous crash.

A building nearby where Yeshua hid caved as a great weight slammed into it from the top. Like a meteor from the heavens, the new GMG flashed its wings to hover itself, stopping it from completely flattening the building. Yet it was uncaring to the damage and output of its force and when the dust settled once more, the hearts of most MFF troops stifled at the sight of the newcomer. There, staring down at them and perched on the building’s ruins like a gargoyle was the GMG nicknamed Dragon Queen.

An elusive GMG in her own right, the beast was noted to have the least amount of appearances since the first Warp Quake. Since that time, her whereabouts and behavior could only be estimated and inferred, though by the stoic expression on her face it was clear she was just as disinterested in human life as always. The situation instantly went from bad to worse as the most mysterious, and perhaps to some, the most powerful of the GMGs settled in all her glory at the gathered MFF troops.

Dragon Queen’s gaze flickered to the first battalion, those gathered in the first row to be decimated. Expression narrowing with a callous disposition, her great wings flapped forward once to send a shockwave of hardened air right towards them. If Terrorkeat’s attack batted them away like flies, this one was fully meant to crush and tear by the sharpness of the wind. If that wasn’t enough, Dragon Queen’s mouth slowly leaked out a mist of hot energy, an attack clearly mounting ready to be unleashed on the humans of this world.

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