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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Aboard the Resurgence

While the various delegations from the other ships arrived and were led to the briefing room that had been chosen to host the various people and beings, Jason stood in his quarters, donning his armor, a gift from his SWAT unit before he'd joined up with the Republic Military during the Clone Wars. He could still remember the engagements he'd fought in, guided his previous flagship through alongside Jedi Master Siyen, who had lead the 237th through numerous successful campaigns on the ground. But in the end, it hadn't mattered, as indisputable evidence was exposed proving that the Jedi and the Republic, an institution far too many good soldiers had died to protect, was doomed from the moment the Senate went to war.

None of it mattered though, as he retrieved his blaster cannon from it's place on a weapons rack and slid it into position on his back, followed shortly after by his vibroknife, sheathed on his shoulder, and his R-30017 Aikion blaster pistol, holstered on his right hip. The helmet to match his armor remained on its place on the armor rack as he turned and left the room, unneeded for the time being.

Outside, he was met by Hammer, Lieutenant Jerus, and Ice Squad, the commandos who'd lead many of the covert operations that had made victory against the Imperial Remnants. The team consisted of their sniper, a clone by the name of Sharp, who specialized in force recon and long range support. On his back rested a small droid that was deploy-able as both a small portable shield and defensive turret, the technology based on the Droidekas from the Clone Wars. Next was Eighty, their assassin and close combat specialist. While his expertise lay primarily in wielding bladed weaponry, particularly those attached to his armor, he was no slouch with his Blast Cannon when the situation called for it and he was a decent shot with his pistol as well. The third member of their team was Niner, assault specialist extraordinaire. If it's a rifle and it can be tuned or improved, he can do it, and he never misses a shot, even if his target doesn't make sense.

Finally, at the head of their squad, was the squad commander, Winter. He was their anti-armor specialist and pretty damn good with a sword, though he still couldn't best Sharp, even on the CQC specialist's off days. Their commando gear gave them a rather imposing presence and the group left the front of the Supreme Commander's quarters in silence, no words exchanged as they walked. As requested, the long metal cylinder that made up Jerus' lightsaber hung visibly from his belt, swinging with each step he took and reaffirming to those who hadn't seen him yet that he was, indeed, trained in the ways of the Force

Outside the briefing room stood a small collection red and grey armored members of the 302nd Clone Legion, placed there in case the room got messy and Jason needed to remind the various factions that they were on his ship and would play by his rules. Nodding to each one as he passed them, he opened the door to find himself face to face with the strangest amalgamation of people and non-human species he'd ever seen. He recognized the creature from the biological ship immediately, though seeing her in person gave no clarification on where she might actually be from unfortunately. Around her sat four smaller creatures that seemed to be attack animals of some kind, though again, he didn't recognize them

Then there were the heavily armored humans, who's suits vent exhaust and servos whined as they moved nervously about. It was hard to miss the glances they tossed the creature and the look of concern in them. Then there was the humans who simply sat in military uniforms he'd never seen before, not that that would matter. There was a trio of octopus-leg using creatures to add to the strangeness and a potentially human person sitting in orange and yellow armor of some kind, along with aliens with...Is that four jaws? Definitely new... and unique armor and weapons from the last. Lastly were the humans who all seemed to be members of a ship, but their uniforms carried various differences that failed to clarify what role they served on their ship for the Supreme Commander.

Once he had reached the podium at the front of the room, he speaks. "First and foremost, I'd like to welcome you all aboard the Resurgence. I understand that coming here wasn't easy, as we all seem to have been thrust into an unexpected situation for whatever reason. As I stated in my initial hail, things here in our home aren't how we left it, as the Galactic Empire is still showing a strong presence. But rather than simply attempt to explain everything I can at once, let's start with questions you all may have. If it's not confidential for us or outside my area of expertise, I'll do what I to answer it." He levels a gaze with each creature and person in the room. "So, let's keep this civilized then."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Palpatine walked past the tall warriors dressed in black. A sneer on his face. Anubis had already taken to increase his own power sevenfold since he had arrived. These new Kull-Troopers were stronger than Clone Troopers, more deadly, obedient. They could heal from their wounds, should they ever get wounded. The armour they wore was incredible, it absorbed energy attacks from blasters of varying sizes and strength. From his tests, there wasn't much that could destroy one of these Kull-Troopers other than a strike from a turbo laser. With these forces, Palpatine would be able to solidify his place as Emperor of the galaxy ahead of his planned schedule. The only minor obstacle was Anubis himself.

The door opened into the ornate chambers that Anubis had designed for himself, he bowed his head slightly at Anubis as he entered. A sign of respect. "Tarkin reports that he will arrive at the Separatist holdout soon with three of our new ships. He doesn't expect they'll pose much of a problem given the specifications of the new Assimilators. That said I have still commissioned for the Imperial Star Destroyers I had designed to be built, albeit in much smaller numbers. With the technology you have provided they can be built much faster to increase the bulk of the Imperial Fleet, and we have found ways to incorporate some of your technology into the designs. They won't be nearly as powerful as the Assimilator but they'll still be a formidable vessel."

Anubis walked away, his back turned to Palpatine as he worked on a terminal. Would now be a good time to strike? He already had the technological specifications he needed. He didn't need much more from Anubis to further his power. "What of your Apprentice?"

"I have just dispatched Darth Vader to Mustafar to kill the remaining Separatist war leaders, then he will send the droid deactivation signal throughout the Galaxy. Any remaining Separatist holdout that uses droids for their armies will fall apart. Then it is a simple task of moving in and garrisoning the planet. With your improvements to the cloning process, Kamino should be outputting more Clone Troopers and Kull Troopers within the month. The Kaminoans have tried to resist, however, your last visit to them seems to have tempered them."

"Good. Inform Tarkin that I want this vessel-" A hologram appeared of the Eggman's ship. "-captured intact. It is emitting a radiation signature I am rather curious about, and the droids it used seem far more advanced than anything this universe boasts. I wish to speak to its commander to determine how they came to this place. I have my theories, and if they are correct all that I have planned is at risk if we do not move swiftly."

"All you have planned?" Anger welled in Palpatine. "You arrogant fool!" He raised his arms letting loose electricity as he let his anger go. "You would be nothing without me!" Anubis' robes burned, and the terminal crackled as the energy burst through it destroying it. Palpatine stopped in shock as the robes burnt away, leaving a strange dark cloud where Anubis had stood, it turned to him as the lights in the room darkened.

"You are what I made you." Palpatine felt himself slam against the wall, but he hadn't sensed any use of the Force. "I could not do this in my reality, without fear of the Others coming down on me, but they are not here." Palpatine was raised and flung against another wall. "I saved your life from the Jedi. Gave you power beyond what you could ever imagine, and you dare threaten me." Palpatine's entire body was engulfed in pain. Then it stopped. "You will bow before your God. Swear fealty before me, or be destroyed."

Palpatine stood up, a defiant look of hatred in his eyes before he bowed. "I swear to you, my Lord." Looking up he had nothing but hatred in his eyes. "Now if you'll excuse me, I sensed a great disturbance in the void between stars near Kuat. I must dispatch a ship to find the source of the disturbance."

"Do so, and Palpatine." Palpatine turned back to face Anubis. "Try and betray me again, and I will destroy you."

While the remaining Separatist forces were already outnumbered by the Imperial Venators and their escorts. Four green windows opened in space, as four Large Ships dropped out of Hyperspace. On the bridge of one stood an ageing figure, recently promoted to Admiral. Willhulf Tarkin.

Surrounding the planet, launching fighters. He stood watching as the Separatist ships tried desperately to create a formation that would give them the slightest chance of victory. "Attention all vessels. This is Admiral Tarkin of the newly formed Galactic Empire. Stand down or be destroyed. To Princess Sonia Acorn. Your ship is also in violation of Imperial Space, and have previously instigated attacks against Imperial Forces. You are hereby ordered to power down your engines. The Emperor himself has questions for you and your vessel in where your vessel came from. You have my word you will not be harmed. Your technology intrigues us, and perhaps we can offer some form of arrangement. This is your one chance to negotiate with us peacefully, attack again or if you do not comply you will be deemed an enemy of the Empire, and dealt with as such."

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DELETED jdl3932
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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

The Resurgence

Location: Resurgence - Briefing Room.
Star Date: Unknown.
Communications: All species onboard the Resurgence.

Yiithren was the first to break the silence that followed Erthos speech.

"So commander Erthos was it? I am captain Yiithren and this is my first mate Kurqruik-" He waved a tentacle in her direction. "-and my chief engineer Strevrols." Another wave. "Now that the introductions are out of the way, on our behalf anyway, lets get down to business hmm?" Leaning forward slightly, Yiithren focused each of his four eyes on the others gathered in the room. The intimidating looking humanoid female and her insect-like pets especially. They looked and acted far too similar to some of the hive minded hordes that had arisen on the remote worlds his people had found for his liking.

"First, how we ended up here to begin with." He said, absentmindedly flicking his tentacles, as though making hand gestures. "My crew and I were on a routine patrol of the Sawomia system when our sensors registered a space-time disturbance. A few minutes later and our ship was engulfed by a bright light. Next thing we knew-" Yiithren shrugged. "-we were here."

"Bahrun, luth'adan…" Strevrols paused, letting out a deep burble as he tapped the side of his head. "Damn neural translator. Anyway, where was I? Oh that's right, as I was saying, I think this phenomenon we, and possibly all of you, experienced was some sort of universal shift. To put it even more simply so your primitive minds can understand, I believe we have all ended up in another universe. It would explain why most of us are so confused and why the constellations are so unrecognizable. Now as to why you and your crew are here commander Erthos… that I cannot say. It may have been a strict case of temporal disturbance when your ship was transported, but without knowing the specifics of how you arrived here, I can't say for sure."

Kurqruik and Yiithren cast brief glances at their colleague, a bit shocked that he had been so... demeaning to those sitting around them, but then again, they were primitives.

Yiithren returned his attention to Erthos. "Erm, yes. As Strevrols says, the most likely answer to our current predicament is universal or at the very least dimensional travel. All that aside however, I do have some questions for you. The first being about this empire you seem so intent on avoiding. I take it they aren't exactly the most... hospitable group of people in this universe?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Sheppard sat at the table, Teyla at one side and McKay at the other. Ronan stood further back with a view on everyone else in the room. Should anything develop he had a shot on anyone in the room. Sheppard had his money on the fact that he would be able to fire first, but then again he was outside of his comfort zone too. He had seen two sentient alien species with physical forms, the Wraith and the Asgard. One ate them and the other he met as they didn't quite trust Earth and humanity with intergalactic travel yet. As the tentacle mushroom things spoke first Sheppard looked at McKay to see if any of it made sense. There was a lot of talk of dimensional, universal and temporal travel. He knew that the SGC had some scenarios where they encountered versions of themselves from an Alternate Universe however it wasn't something he had come across yet, and hopefully after this wouldn't come across again.

Before Sheppard could get a chance to speak McKay had to counter. "The fact all of us are experiencing this at the same time makes me doubt that this is some form of accident. I feel like it's more likely that something dragged us here, from our ship signatures I doubt we were all doing something similar to drag us all here. Our ships are all dramatically different after all, the only energy signature we've scanned that's the same across the board is whatever leftover radiation there is from bringing us here."

Sheppard cut in next. "I honestly don't think it's important how we got here. I think its more important that we get ourselves out of here and back to where we came from. I don't know about you guys but we have people relying on us back in our universe."

Teyla meanwhile was retreating in her mind, making herself as small a presence as possible to try and escape the notice of this Queen that was in the meeting room. "It is true, while I am sure we all have much to offer one another I am sure we all require to make our way back to our own parallel universe-"


Teyla raised an eyebrow at McKay as he interrupted. "Alternate Universe, not parallel. A parallel universe would be much like our own, as it is parallel with minor differences. If this one is drastically different then it is more likely an alternate. However, it could be parallel and we're simply so far away from home that we see no resemblance to our own reality."

Sheppard shot McKay a look. "You're not helping McKay."

"I'm just saying, for all we know this could be all our home universes and we're just so far away from home we don't realise it."

"McKay." Sheppard shot daggers at the scientist. "Not the time. In all seriousness." He looked directly at the commander. "With all due respect Sir, what my superior officer is interested in is Navigational Data and basic intel of any important systems."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Aboard the Resurgence

"The Galactic Empire, to keep things short, is a tyrannical government with strong anti-Alien sentiments and an iron ruling fist. In our own time, there were only remnants by the time we were ready to move on them, having been defeated by the Rebellion before the completion of a second planet destroying weapon." Then one of the mismatched human's spoke, who another identified as McKay, adding explanation for how they all got there.

As Jason opened his mouth to cut in, the same person who'd identified McKay spoke for what they wanted. "The problem with simply adding out that information is that you are in a VERY hostile galaxy. Almost every system we can travel to now has an Imperial presence and they still have Phase 2 clones at their disposal."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Glasgow Crew- Currently aboard The Resurgence

As one of the aliens arrogantly expressed what was clearly on everyone's mind, Travis couldn't help but chuckle. Most of these people in the room had been travelling the galaxy, or the stars in one way, or another. He was sure they knew about interuniversal travel. Be it by science fiction vids, theories, or what have you. "The real question is what would have the ability to move ships like ours from different universes, and different locations in our galaxies. It would have to be some near omnipresent, god like being. And why would it do it? Needless to say maybe this Empire has answers, after all somehow we all ended up in this universe in some form, or another. So I suggest we be proactive then." Travis proposed to the room before looking around at the others.

He studied the other species long, and hard before finally speaking again. "I suggest our generous friend here open their star charts so we can get a picture of the galaxy we are looking at, and so we can plan our next move. Which I suggest being infiltration, and data extraction." He continued, and brought up his omni-tool. Prepared to copy the star charts of The Resurgence, and as a secondary he moved data files from the logs aboard The Glasgow, and used her transmitter to beam copies of his part of humanities data. History including the war with the machine like reapers, the council, and humanities role in saving the galaxy. data on their weapons, and technology though also secured plenty with black ink so he didn't give away all their secrets, just enough for them to know how their weapons worked, how they traveled through the relays, and of course star charts with their current course before they disappeared. "I've taken the liberty of sharing some of the Glasgow's data with everyone here, if our friend over there with the biological ship needs physical copies, we can send some over of course. But I suggest we start working together from here on out, so we should share as much data as we feel comfortable with. Especially those that were residing in the milky way galaxy so we can compare notes on where we were in the galaxy before we got pulled in. That's really all I have to say." He ended the conversation, with a quick nod to everyone at the table. And sat back waiting for the commander to give them star chart data.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Samus initially remained quiet as several questions were beamed to the commander. From the sounds of it, the Galactic Empire was a tyrannical force built to conquer their home galaxy, but would be destroyed by a rebellion years later. Obviously, it would appear as if they were stuck in the time where the Empire was at its prime, or at the very least a more significant threat. The bounty hunter never had to deal with such an extended threat in her galaxy, the most being the ravenous hordes of Space Pirates or even the notorious Phazon plague army, unless she could consider them to be the equivalent to a more tyrannical Galactic Federation. The latter was more on the side of good - or so they appear most of the time - and considering how much of her early life was spent there, she didn't truly consider them a significant threat. They aren't always the most trustworthy all the time, sure, but they seemed far better then this Imperial Empire. Especially the fact that, as far as she knew, the Federation would never be able nor allowed to make "planet-killing weapons".

She also contemplated the fact that she and the others were in some inter-dimensional universe, a concept Samus was well-aware of, but not necessarily to this extent. The aether and the dark aether were two such examples, being separated by an interdimensional void, and she both had visited those dimensions during Operation: Echoes. However, this situation was strangely odd for her. Samus had seen many weird creatures and inhabitants of her time, but most seemed to also be human much like her. If it weren't for their unique armor or alien species, she almost could've mistaken them for people of her own world.

It was strange.

Samus would then proceed to raise her hand and ask a particular question to Commander Jason.

"Who's under the chain command of this... Galactic Empire?" she asked curiously as she revered her cannon, "And more so, what kind of tech and weaponry are we dealing with? Any magical essences that they can tap into? If you want us to help fight this Empire, we'll need to know as much about their specifications as possible. If you came from a future where they are defeated, surely we can implement a similar strategy and take them out quickly."

She'd then pause as she sat back on the bench.

"And maybe find a way to get back to our own dimensions as well." the bounty hunter would finish bluntly, before facing her green-lit visor directly at Jason, "Unless you're withholding such information from us until we complete your deed."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Broodmother Kasira

Local Space

Direct Interactions

Broodmother Kasira watched with interest as various different species and factions entered the briefing room. She could even feel the curiosity of the Zerglings within her, though their thoughts were more in regards as to how tough the new beings and their various armours were rather than delving into the mindsets of the newcomers. For the sake of her own safety and the diplomacy, Kasira did not use her psionics to peer into their minds, but still kept herself aware of who had such a potential in the vicinity. The Zerg's psionic link was strong, barely recognisable and controllable by the Terrans or Protoss, but she still had knowledge of an extremely rare few that had managed control of at least a few Zerglings.

It was the variation of the species that intrigued the Broodmother. She watched from multiple perspectives as each one arrived; through the Leviathan, through the Zerg in the hangar, and through her own eyes in the briefing room as they arrived, and they each had their own style, in movements as well as equipment. The strange, tentacle-legged beings as well as one of the Terran-types didn't even bring their own craft - Broodmother Kasira wondered if that was due to a lack of such craft, or to hide such designs. She knew her Terrans liked to hide and be awkward about their technology. They, at least, seemed to be acting as expected in their operations.

The Broodmother shifted her focus to those that were in front of her now, the leadership of the factions. There were few that truly struck her attention right there and then, but one of the main ones was Supreme Commander Jason Erthos himself. When it came to Terrans from her homeplace, Terrans did not always warrant the ranks that they were given. Generals could use horrible strategy whereas Captains could be well-skilled in tactics. It was a mixed bag when it came to dealing with them, and so Broodmother Kasira did not always know if a rank meant they were going to be a worthy combatant or a walking pile of biomass. The fact that this Supreme Commander was willing to let a lot of unknown species (as well as their combat troops as guards) onto his ship showed a lot of courage from the man, and the intelligence to know that he needed to make allies or else they would be fighting for who knows how long, and who knew who would survive?

The Broodmother's head turned to each person as they spoke in turn, however one of the Humans, a woman who stated that they all were required to make their way back to their own universes before being interrupted, caught Kasira's attention. She was a psionic, Kasira could sense that, but the problem was that she felt less psionic than she had felt before. It made her curious as to what the woman could be trying to hide. With mental delicacy, Kasira slowly reached out psionically, almost as if trying to sniff out how much of a psionic potential that the woman had, before letting herself psionically back off. There was not much to be worried about. As the Broodmother turned her head to more interesting elements of the meeting, two of the four Zerglings turned their heads to watch the woman's group a little more, to pay it just that bit more attention. At least one of the Zerglings had it's eyes on the woman, never less. But Kasira still had many worries, and not just with this woman.

"The anti-Alien worry extends mainly toward the Zerg Swarm and my other non-Terran friends," Broodmother Kasira finally contributed. "I feel as if this system is not a safeguard from those worries, however. I know where most of you wanted to point your weapons when we first entered the system, and some of you did, even as others arrived. I know where most of your thoughts strayed, and where hostilities or suspicion may lay. Yes, I, Broodmother Kasira, am Zerg, and I stand on six legs as others may stand on two. My vessel is one of being, not metal. But I wish to survive as much as all of you, as well as retreat back to my own lands and my own brood. I ask, quite reasonably, that you treat me as you would treat others."

She paused, turning toward the individual who had claimed they had sent data to everyone. "Indeed, physical data will be appreciated. Please provide it in any manner that you find suitable." With that, the Broodmother settled down to listen to the rest of the meeting, awaiting something else to catch her attention. The Zerglings remained on watch, with the two in particular still watching the group with the psionic woman.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Teyla shifted uncomfortably as she felt the probe, Ronan picking up on the discomfort stood up straight in a position ready to move. His eyes were already locked onto the Zerg beings that seemed to be paying her close attention. Though despite all this he said nothing, and instead it was Sheppard who spoke.

Raising his hands in a defensive motion. "Now. I don't know about anyone else here but I know for damn sure that we don't want to get into a fight with anybody, let alone an Empire that controls the Galaxy. Don't take it as an offence, but all we have to know they're the bad guys is your word and we've been down that road before only to find out we're actually fighting for the bad guys." He looked to the crew that looked most like their own, referencing the Milkyway was a good start at least. If Sheppard had to take a guess he'd say they seemed to be about one hundred years ahead of them, McKay would probably make a more educated guess but there wasn't really time for that. "This includes probes and scouting missions. Look. I'm a military man, I get it and even if the Empire in your home reality are the bad guys, whos to say they are here? We've all been displaced. Maybe you have too, just a little closer to home than the rest of us."

McKay nodded along before also turning to the Glasgows crew. "I'd be really interested to look over your technological specs. I've got a lot of experience in dealing with alien systems and even designed quite a few for our own ship-"

"-but we won't be sharing too much of that information." Sheppard interrupted as McKay had already pulled out a tablet. Caldwell wouldn't be terribly happy to find out they had been giving up all of the Daedalus' secrets. More importantly, he didn't want them to know all of the Daedalus' secrets. Things like the beaming technology were good aces to keep hidden for the moment.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Falul 'Taham - Briefing Room

Confusion and suspicion were what dominated the air of the briefing room as the man, who Falul assumed to be this "Supreme Commander". Falul's guards stayed back closer to one of the walls while Falul himself approached the table. He elected to remain standing, since the chairs were wholly inadequate for him. Given the circumstances, Falul would be most suspicious of anyone who seemed too comfortable in their surroundings. He still did not know if any of these others present had been somehow responsible for pulling his ship from slipspace.

On Falul's part, he was patient, intending to be deliberate with his words. Save for the Humans, the other creatures in the room were entirely unfamiliar to him, including the first to speak up after their host introduced himself. The words and attitude of the strange tentacled being were almost enough to detract his attention from the Broodmother. The situation it described sounded asinine, yet it spoke confidently about it. Alternate universes were not a concept Falul was familiar with, and it immediately sent his mind to thoughts of trickery and deceit. Even if it were somehow possible, if the universe they found themselves in was no longer the one he was familiar with, he was suspicious of how quickly the being presented that solution. How could he be sure it was not a lie this Yilthren wanted the rest of them to believe, or that it was not them that was responsible for it?

Falul only started giving more consideration to the notion as the conversation went on, perhaps due to his own unconscious biases towards Humans. The idea of being in another universe would provide convenient explanations to all he had seen so far. The similar circumstances of the other vessels, their spirit's inability to discern their location. Falul was reluctant to trust any of the others, in particular this "Zerg", as it identified itself. But, Falul was perhaps less stubborn than some other Sangheili commanders. He could recognize when he was acting outside of his own experience. Trust, he would not give freely, but he could temper his pride for the benefit of his crew.

One of the groups of Humans had by their own account, sent information about their people's history to the others in the briefing room. Falul produced a handheld device which projected a red, semi-circular holographic display. It was programmed to be able to interpret data files sent from Human devices, yet, curiously, it could not make sense of anything it had received. The data was in an unknown format, which would take some time to interpret. It was strange enough to, finally, give Falul reason to ask the question that had formed in his mind.

"This notion you speak of, alternate universes. I am unfamiliar with it. The universe is the whole of existence, yet you claim there is something beyond the infinite. Perhaps this Human is correct; perhaps we come from different places in space, not an...alternate space?" Falul began, though after a moment, he gave a quick, low growl. "Grah! This is talk for an artisan-engineer or...scientist. I am a shipmaster, a warrior. My concern is to know if any before me are threats I will have to face. But, if I am to...entertain this idea you present, then perhaps I have a question to test it? My people, the Swords of Sanghelios, are allied with the Humans of Earth by the word of our Arbiter. Do any of the Humans here owe their allegiance to Earth? To the...UNSC? Are there any among you I can consider allies to the Sangheili?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DELETED jdl3932
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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

The Resurgence

Location: Resurgence - Briefing Room.
Star Date: Unknown.
Communications: All species onboard the Resurgence.

Yiithren nodded slowly at Erthos answer. So this empire was an antagonistic force then. And quite xenophobic to boot. Not a good sign for him or his crew. Or the Zerg as the woman, no Broodmother, had referred to herself. Though in all honesty the only thing he was concerned about currently was finding a way back. Who knew how time in their home universe passed in relation to this one? A minute here could be a century back home for all he knew and by the time they managed to get back, assuming they found a way to begin with, the Fallen Empires might have already won the war...

He shook his head, burying that thought as deep as he could. His people would be fine. His family back on their homeworld would be fine. The empire had more than enough resources and firepower to fight off the traitors, not to mention in depth knowledge of their weaknesses from the Cataclysm. Turning to Kurqruik, he leaned in closer and began consulting her on their next course of action. Especially now that a group had given away some of their data. It could be as a sign of good faith, or a means of luring everyone into a false sense of security. He doubted they'd shared everything they had at their disposal, as that would be an extremely foolish thing to do even for a primitive, so who was to say they weren't simply baiting the trap? It would be the logical thing to do after all.

Then again...

"Well Kurqruik? What do you think?" He asked, his voice low as two of his eyes remained fixed on the Zerg. He couldn't quite place his tentacle on it, but there was something about them that rubbed him the wrong way. Maybe it was their predatory gazes, or their hive mind like behavior. Either way, he didn't trust them. Not yet, anyway.

"About the data sir?" She muttered under her breath, her gaze and body posture relaxed, even though she was anything but. "I say we do the same, but only give them the basics of what we can do, nothing more. No need to reveal everything we're capable of to these primitives after all. Or upset Strevrols more than is absolutely necessary. You know how he feels about foreigners and our technology."

Yiithren nodded. He knew all too well. The last time a xeno had tried laying so much as a finger on any of the Va's systems, Strevrols had flown into a rage so great, he thought his chief engineer was going to strangle the poor bastard. Luckily he only chased the lizard out of the ship.

And the hanger.

And then the next city over.

But at least he hadn't killed him.

So that was something.

Turning to his chief engineer, Yiithren leaned over and told him to prepare some data packets in omni format for easy retrieval and translation by everyone onboard the Resurgence.

"But sir!" He whispered furiously his eyes widening in surprise and anger. "We can't give them knowledge of our technology! Not only is such an act a major security risk, but these savages don't even know the first thing about how our machines even work! And what if they try to replicate it? What if they-"

"Enough." Yiithren said firmly, cutting his compatriot off. "I don't plan on giving them much anyway. Just some general information about our people."

"But still..."

"Get the data from the ship Strevrols. That's an order."

Strevrols opened his beak, as if to make some kind of retort or defense, before quickly shutting it.

"Alright." He said, expelling a gust of air through his face tubes. "I'll give them some general history and the most simplistic guide to our technology and science I can find in our databanks."

"Good." Yiithren said as his chief engineer shut his eyes and took a breath, a sign that he had activated his neural translators secondary function. After a couple of seconds and a somewhat loud exhale, Strevrols opened his eyes and cast an uneasy glance at Yiithren.

"It's done."

Yiithren nodded as he smoothly turned his attention back onto the others in the room.

"Data transfer." He said simply. "Some general information on who we are and whatnot."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Sheppard turned to the 'Sangheili', him and McKay exchanged glances. "Well. We can safely say alternate universes. We're from Earth, but we've never heard of the UNSC or the Sangheili though that could easily be part of our future-" They exchanged glances again. "-Unlikely our past. Have you ever heard of the, what do other races call us again McKay?"


"Yeah, that thing. Stargate Command, we're the guys that stopped the Goa'uld and their tyrannical rule. Inheritors to the Ancients and all that stuff."

It sounded dumb when he said it out loud. Though from what he had been told through his orientation at the SGC that was basically the status quo. At the same time, McKay finished working on the data packet on his tablet, using the radio uplink to the Daedalus he sent it out in a burst transmission to the other ships. "You guys now all have brief histories of where we're from, and basic specs of our vessel." He looked at Sheppard who merely nodded.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Falul 'Taham - Briefing Room

Again, Falul had to temper his reaction and avoid letting on to his true thoughts. If these Humans were not of the Earth he knew, then they were not bound by the alliance their Arbiter had forged. They could be dangerous, though he supposed it was a situation that was not without advantage. He could not yet be sure, but it did not seem like any of those present knew anything about his people, so he would be able to control what they would be allowed to learn, for as long as they needed to associate with them. Falul was interested in the navigational data they were speaking of, as it would at least give him the ability to plan some next step. After that, he would need to re-evaluate if the advantage of contact with them outweighed the risks.

"The names you speak mean nothing to me in any history I am familiar with." Falul replied plainly. "But you are still correct..." He continued, shifting his gaze towards Erthos. "...this Empire is not at war with my people."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Aboard the Resurgence

Each group was quick cut off any attempt at responding that Jason made and it was beginning to irk him. All the questions they asked, well, some of them at least, he was still puzzling out in his head, but those aimed at what he knew and why he wasn't wrong he simply couldn't cut in fast enough to answer. Right as he was about ready to reach for his blaster pistol and fire a shot into the air to get them all to slow down, the topic changed again as data parcels were received by new communications officer on the bridge, though he wasn't sure how much of the data the Resurgence's processors could translate quickly. Sighing, he leans towards Hammer. "Contact Head Engineer Kham Rho, have him transmit the basics on the Resurgence to the datapads up here and then we'll distribute them."

First he addressed the orange armored person once he received confirmation it would be done. "I didn't do this, nor do I know how to send you all home. To be frank, we made a jump into hyperspace to return to the capitol world of the New Republic, but we exited here. If my teams find anything that can help you all, you'll know." Jerus stepped forwards while Jason turned to tinker with the holo-display in the middle of the table.

"You've all asked and," he looked pointedly at the four jawed alien who'd last spoken, "pointed out, they aren't even necessarily at war with you all. Well, this Empire isn't at war with us either, since we're from at least a different time period. However, they're still the same Galactic Empire the Rebellion fought in our time." Stepping back again, the holoprojector in the middle of the table lit up with footage being played all across the galaxy on the holonet.

"-as the last of the Jedi traitors are driven into hiding and their Wookie allies are already being forced to surrender. Those who don't are being shown the full power of the new Galactic Empire's military might."

The projection shows Phase 2 clones gunning down struggling creatures who are tall and wide, obviously wielding great strength as one of them creature's sends a clone trooper sailing no less than fifty meters through the air with a punch. Jerus continues speaking while the footage plays a little longer before shifting to another scene, this one of an energy blade wielding figure defending a group of young Twi'leks against a squad of clones. "The Galactic Empire squashed all the resistance they could in their formative years, finishing off the Separatist movement that was the enemy of the Republic during the Clone Wars. From there, they solidified their rule over the sectors that had Clone Legions in them, but..." Jason steps forwards, waving Jerus back.

"What Lieutenant Jerus is trying to say is that the Jedi were the sworn defenders of the Republic and keepers of the peace. They served as generals during the Clone Wars and were rewarded with betrayal. Sheev Palpatine, later Emperor, had implanted the Clones with a biological control chip with a series of pre-programmed orders that would be carried out upon command from a high ranking government official or Jedi. He initiated Order 66, which marked the Jedi as traitors." He let the silence sit a moment before continuing. "With the history lesson out of the way, the holonet transmissions we're receiving began cycling here in this galaxy before we arrived, and we're slowly working our way to the most recent, but nothing has changed from the events that took place for us so far. The Wookies were defeated and enslaved two days before our arrival here and already there are signs that the signature oppression the Empire became known for is showing it's ugly head."

Commander Hammer began handing out datapads to everyone, which would contain the ordered basics on the ship. He started with the Broodmother first and went from there. "However, an important difference is, they took Kashyyk in a week or so local time. According to our records, Kashyyk was a campaign of MONTHS local time. Now, you are all right, they aren't at war with any of you, as Jerus said, but they aren't above trying to take what they want by force, including foreign technology. So what you deem as not your problem now will quickly change if and when they locate us."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

There was a flurry of questions shooting across the room, as people talked to, and fro. When the data was shared among each other his omni-tool made short work of processing it all into a translatable format. Thank the brass for the omni-tool, of course it would be slow going for the science officers, and himself to sift through it to learn anything but that left them plenty of reading time while they floated through space accomplishing things.

As the commander spoke about the empire, Travis leaned in, and listened intently. He didn't expect Sarah Wilkes behind him to speak. "When the reapers invaded Earth in our universe, they assimilated what fell to them into their ranks, the only way to feel like we made a dent against them was to strike quickly, then disappear. You say this rebel alliance started a chain of events in your universe? How about we find those rebel leaders in this universe, if they are still alive, and try to reform it. Maybe whatever brought us here, brought us here for that purpose. After all sitting here, and thinking has anyone made the connection that we're all warships? Not a civilian freighter, or science ship among us. So I propose we get what intel we can, infiltrate where we can, and kick off this powder keg. After all isn't that what warriors do best, start shit?" She finished her little speech, by stepping further forward fully standing beside her commander now.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sophrus
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General Dosh sat and listened for the most part, However he and the Marines around him tensed when the Broodmother spoke but otherwise just listened and absorbed the information. When the Crews of several ships mentioned earth each member of the Terran forces looked at each other and sealed their visors, including the general. The discussed among themselves, little clicks of radios keying and very quiet murmurs transferred through the face plates. A couple of the Marines were getting animated and pointing at the Sangheili, the Crew of the Daedalus and the Glasgow.

The general finally opened his visor, signaled by another noxious cloud of cigar smog, "Can we all just slow down a moment..." he said sternly seizing control of the room as he stood making a powerful presence in his bulky power armor. "I'm not as young as i used to be and this conversation is moving a little fast for me. I really only have three concerns right now, The security and survival of the ship and my men, Getting back to the Koprulu Sector, and Defending the Terran Dominion... Now, we seem to be in some other universe where there is no Dominion and this galactic empire seems to largely be not our problem. Why do we care about this Empire and what its doing to whom?" he pauses for a moment "Oh, and one other thing." looking up at the Broodmother "You all obviously do not know what a Zerg is... This thing! has killed billions of Terrans, swarmed and consumed dozens of worlds and who knows how many Protoss lives have been crushed beneath the swarm. I have spent my entire life fighting the Zerg trying to stop their ceaseless devouring." he punched the table with frustration leaving a dent 2-3 times the size of a human fist. "This thing is a threat to all life" he said in obvious disgust "Other than that, fine, we need to know about this place but why do we care about what this empire does? I mean sure, they might want our technology but we can just move on whenever they try to catch up to us. We have the advantage of a ship who knows their capability and the Empire does not so... why would we get involved.. Sounds like the perfect way to get ourselves, our ships, and our men killed" He said hotly, sitting back down and leaning back clearly in a 'prove me wrong' way.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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@Enalais, @Zarkun, @Sophrus, @datadogie

"I didn't do this, nor do I know how to send you all home. To be frank, we made a jump into hyperspace to return to the capitol world of the New Republic, but we exited here. If my teams find anything that can help you all, you'll know."

Samus would refrain from responding other than a confirming nod. She figured that everyone didn't seem to know how they all got here - save for the fact that inter-dimensional hijinks were the cause of all this. Still, she wondered why would they all be summoned here of all things in such close confines? With the conflict that was going on in this universe, perhaps they were chosen by beings high above their consciousness believing they were worthy enough to take place as heroes of this war. If so, she'll be forced to participate and hopefully be transported back home when all was said and done.

It reminded her of another multiversal event that had pit her against other combatants for a chance of victory, only now it was far bigger in scale and much more in her element.

She shifted her view to the holo-table as Jason began to show them a brief history about what was happening.

"-as the last of the Jedi traitors are driven into hiding and their Wookie allies are already being forced to surrender. Those who don't are being shown the full power of the new Galactic Empire's military might."

The bounty hunter could see armed soldiers in white, mobile, armor gunning down what would appear to be the laser-sword wielding "jedi" alongside their "wookie-allies". Even before Jason could confirm that the defenders were indeed on the side of good, Samus could already tell what was going on. So familiar it was, in fact, that it had erupted two memories that she had tried to keep from remembering for years. There was one where the Space Pirates had attacked her home on her home planet K2L, slaughtering everyone in her colony but her. It was a painfully sharp reminder of her tragic past as a victim of war.

But then came another memory, one where she found herself on the other side of the coin. She had buried the sentiment for years at this point, however now she could remember it as if it happened yesterday. She would never forget that dreadful day, that terrible mission, where she was ordered to exterminate an entire alien species...

All but one. One that she chose to spare, only for it to die several days later when it tried to protect her. That mission would forever go down by many as...

The Genocide of SR388.

While it was supposedly for the greater good of the galaxy, the baby Metroid has opened Samus' eyes not just on the alien population as a whole, but also regarding the morality with the very group who ordered her to do so - the Galactic Federation themself. While she still kept in touch with the organization, never again did she choose to participate in their dubious schemes regarding alien life - save for the times they had a lead on the space pirates, or even better, regarding Ridley himself.

But despite having participated on opposite ends at different times, she believed Jason when he mentioned that the Jedi were forces for good against Emperor Palpatine's Galactic Empire. Yet she believed that this wasn't her war. Her primary objective was to get back to her universe and continue the pursuit against the space pirates. But the Commander also had a point regarding their eventual participation. Now that they are here, the Empire will soon be their problem if they find where they are and will make sure that they will not escape back to where they've came.

So they all have no choice but to participate, unless they want to serve under the Empire as slaves or worse be killed.

As Samus was given a datapad concerning the basics of the ship they were in, she continued to listen in on the conversations happening around her. One short-haired woman recommended they find the institutors of this Rebel Alliance and start things off with them, an idea similar to the bounty hunter's. Another figure, an older man, still refused the sentiment in getting involved with the conflict with the Empire despite Jason's reasoning and instead pushed blame and fear-mongering onto the Zerg queen.

The bounty hunter rolled her eyes as she stood up to directly face the stubbornly ignorant captain.

"You're missing the bigger picture, captain." she coldly responded, "I hate man-devouring aliens as much as the next person and I've exterminated many different species in my world, but we - including that "Zerg" creature that you so unequivocally despise - are all in a place outside our element. We may not currently know of a way to return to our home dimensions as of now, but I believe that if there's any hint to go off at this time, that the enemy might have the answer hidden deep within their ranks, whether we like it or not. The odds may seem to be against our favor, but in order to even stand a fighting chance against this Empire, we need to band together or die divided and alone. Because unless there's an alternate way, I don't see ourselves getting out without engaging them."

She'd then slowly point her unprimed cannon arm towards the broodmother.

"Even if one has to make temporary peace with the very enemy themselves."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Once again, Falul carefully took in the answers he was given and the dissenting opinions around the room. The recordings that Erthos showed them, even if Falul had any reason to believe them, did nothing to persuade him of any need to intervene in their war. The squabbling of this universe's factions were not his concern. However, if the behavior of this Galactic Empire was accurate to how Erthos described it, then Falul may reluctantly have to admit the problem it could present to his crew. If the Empire did hunger for technology, then the Immaculate Aegis would be a tempting target. Speaking practically, the assistance of "Supreme Commander" Jason Erthos could be of benefit to Falul and his people. If it was true that the Resurgence and its crew were from the same universe in a future time, then they would have information that Falul could not obtain through other means. He could not simply dismiss that advantage casually.

There were other concerns as well. These Terrans, which looked to be Humans as well, seemed to be familiar with the Zerg, and his description of them caught Falul's immediate attention. Memories of the parasite came to the forefront of his mind, and these Zerg did not sound dissimilar to them. If they were indeed a devouring swarm, then not only could they not be trusted, but they were abominations that deserved destruction. However, that did rely upon trusting the word of the Terran, which Falul, at this point, had no reason to do. And even if the Zerg were the monstrosities they appeared to be, it was not as if they were a threat to his universe. All that mattered to him was returning home.

Falul's gaze noticeably shifted towards McKay as he continued to collect his thoughts. It was clear these were not the Humans he was familiar with, but he wondered how different they actually were. Could they still be as capable as the species that had earned his Arbiter's respect? This Human had not been ignorant of their situation, as Falul and most of the others had been. Perhaps these Humans still had the same sort of cleverness to them? In any case, he knew that none of his crew would have the knowledge to understand this situation. Perhaps the scientist they had taken aboard, but Falul would not wager the fate of his ship and its crew on that dim hope. Now was not a time to discard options.

There was just one final question on which many of Falul's thoughts hinged. Another of the armored, humanoid warriors argued with the Terrans, but that was not Falul's concern. His decision, everything he intended to do, hinged upon Supreme Commander Erthos' word. His decision was based upon the Galactic Empire being a threat his vessel could not avoid, but Falul was yet to be shown any proof beyond a recording with no proven context. If Falul could be shown the proof he required, then he knew his decision. "Supreme Commander Jason Erthos." Falul announced, his loud, deep voice carrying its weight throughout the room. "You make the claim that the Galactic Empire is an enemy worth fighting, and one that we will have to risk our ships to face. But all of this is on your word, but we have not even seen proof that this is even your universe of origin. You claim to detect Imperial signatures, but again, that is your word to us. We have seen no proof of a Galactic Empire ourselves. Even if you are being honest, your sensors could be malfunctioning. I have heard enough to know my answer, but before I give it, I demand the proof you claim to have: the navigational data. Give us the star charts; if they are accurate, then I will finally have reason to believe your word."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Ronan nodded and smirked as the smoking armour wielding old man spoke. That was the kind of methodology he could get behind. It was simple, to the point. Give him somewhere to point his gun at and he knew what he was doing, this diplomacy wasn't at all for him. He was more concerned with these Zerg creatures. The more time went on the more similarities that this species had with the Wraith were made public. They could end the threat here and now, the problem could soon be sorted if they all banded together. Wipe them out, then they could deal with this whole out of universe thing. He knew better than to say it though, but he was damn well thinking it.

Sheppard looked at McKay, who looked at Teyla. This wasn't really his area of expertise, this is what Weir was for. She was the diplomat, the one who could talk down anyone and make an alliance with her eyes closed.

"Look. Fight the Empire, don't fight the Empire. I feel like the important thing is we can't stay here. Eventually, we'll need food and fuel. These aren't things we can't find out here. I understand we're all hesitant to trust each other, hell Teyla and Ronan have lived under the oppression of a species called the Wraith for all their lives and their people for generations. Me and McKay come from a world that arrived late on the galactic scene but more often than not the new races we come across aren't too friendly."

McKay then chimed in. "Need I point out we were all subject to the same anomaly to bring us all here. Sensor readings confirm that, and I'm sure all your sensors confirm that. Now I don't know about any of you but I'm arguably the best scientist from where I come from, but even I'm going to need help to solve this one. If anyone here wants to get home, then we should atleast stick together. Preferably without crossing a galactic superpower."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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Broodmother Kasira was, to say the least, not happy with the Terrans' accusations toward her. Of course, they were true, but that wasn't the main matter for her. The main problem was the fact that the Terran Dominion and the Zerg Swarm were at a ceasefire - the General's words were easily those that could respark hostilities, and Kasira wanted to follow through with this. Even her Zerglings were starting to growl and flex their limbs a little once the General punched the table. Their wants to attack the Terrans and defend their Broodmother were well placed to Kasira, as she too wanted to tear the Terrans to shreds. It took a lot to hold herself back. Even the Zerg in the hangar were getting excited.

"So, you wish to turn them against me, is that it?" Broodmother Kasira hissed at the General. "You wish to bring up old hostilities, to respark the war, do you? You wish to destroy the ceasefire that our leaders worked so hard to grant? What happened was war, your side lost billions just as my side has too lost many of it's own." She paused, her eyes transfixed on the General. "I too share old hostilities, and though I do not fear what you can do as I know my own position is currently stronger, I wish to destroy you as much as you wish to undermine my position, to tell the meeting of how bad of a creature that I am. But at the very least, I do not speak that desire, and I do not speak of the atrocities that you have committed against my 'people' in an attempt to make you look like the monster in this room. The people in this room do not know us from where we come from. Perhaps at our own home, you are the bad person, and I am the good person. But to point your tendrils in my direction immediately and make sure everyone knows I am the bad one? It's unfair when you have your own sins."

She moved her head, looking amongst everyone in the room, to address them next. "I will admit, my concern is not with this 'Empire'. My immediate concern is my survival within this room, within this system. Particularly when I am being civil, and not attacking like the mindless beast that I am being made out to be. I do not like feeling like I am going to be shot in the back."
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