Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Adamaris sighed and looked at the others. "Who wants to drive?" She knew that she could but kind of wanted to stay in back with Ace.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Björn yawned hearing them speak so he decited to stay quiet the Whole time and only follow them along but keep looking at Adamaris and Roxy
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Roxy shifted uncomfortable wondering if she should offer to drive. She knew how. It had been a few years since she had driven a car, but she could probable manage. She wondered about the deal Bjorn had made with Vlad and started glaring at him as the possibilities filled her mind. If she got him alone Roxy was going to demand he tell her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Adamaris sighed and took the wheel, she started the humvee easily and waited for the others to get in. "We don't have all day."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Björn sighed and walked to the drives door and opened it and went inside " Jump in" He said in a somewhat irretated tone surely showingt if some know how he would normaly sound like.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Roxy didn't climb into the vehicle right way. She wasn't looking forward to sitting next to someone. Almost everyone was in the hummer. Roxy decided to wait until Marshsll claimed a seat before climbing in. Sitting was a challenge she wasn't looking forward to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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"Woo road trip! dibs on the radio control!" Marshall said with a smirk before jumping into the car.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Roxy climb into an empty seat. She stared out the window and rubbed at her neck. She hated the collar and the fact that she was being used to ensure the teams behavior and return. But for the next little bit they were free.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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Ace climbed up near roxy and started to inspect the collar, he was interested in what kind of explosive and the trigger mechanism.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Roxy glared at Ace when he moved closer to inspect the collar. She knew what he was doing and why but she didn't like having anyone so close.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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" Oi Batman calm Down or im going to bring themegaphone into your ears and blow you one " Björn yelled then looked over to Roxy and back to the front " When can idrive. . . " Björn was stil la Little pissed only faking it as tey were with Vlad first seeing that coller made him sick and the otherthing he stil had the deal in his head * Oi dude his time will come i swear but at least enjoy the time you can get with her she might accept you. remember the went she took your hand without nything wrong with it *
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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"Well who crapped in your cornflakes snake boy?" Marshall said with a smirk
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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Ace finished his inspection of the collar, Remote detonator, 2 stage arming system and enough bang to kill the vehicle and everyone in it 2 times over. This got Aces gears turning, he turned to Roxy and tilted his head back and forth to indicate 50/50 chances
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Roxy shrugged. She knew the odds weren't in her favor. Honestly she wouldn't be surprised if they dumped her somewhere and ran for cover. Roxy wouldn't have thought any less of them if they did so. It was stupid of Vlad to think that she mattered to any of them. They barely knew each other.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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Ace then proceeded to draw her attention to the vehicle floor which he stomped twice and shook his head trying to say the cars bombed too probably
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Roxy nodded she had figured as much. Vlad wasn't going to use half measures. If he was going to blow them up he would make sure there was nothing left for anyone else to find.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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" Well batboy the sight of Vlad always is such plaesant humor changer i let you know " Björn looked over to Th strange new boyand sa that he was looking at roxy or the coller. " Oi new bo could be god you removed that coler bu i hink by ydoing that we prettymuch kill ourselfs anyway"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Adamaris started the humvee and got moving, she was a skilled driver and could handle the humvee well. "Ace where are we going?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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Ace did something both unexpected an unnerving he spoke "follow the highway once we hit the surface, I will advise as needed. "
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Adamaris rolled her eyes. "We are taking a military vehicle on the highway?" She doesn't object to the directions and starts to drive.
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