@Jasper19 Again She traveled and she had the chance to learn....whos to say shes not a proagay. Thats my point....And saying "MY CHARTERER IS THE ONLY ONE ALOUD TO HAVE ALL THE COMBAT SKILL!!!! REEEEEEEEEE."
I can't be the only person who feels icky about a seventeen-year-old being "very sexually active."
I don't think it needs saying, and considering all the characters are underage, I think it will start down a dark path that may get this thread as a whole banned. I'm all for fun, and characters who are open about their sexuality and such, I just don't think a role play where all the characters are in their teens is the place to do it.
I really don't want to get into this. I don't care that it happens in real life, underage sex is still very illegal.
Plus, saying I should have brought it up with her original bio, which was posted like a week before I found this thread is just dumb.