"Be your own kind of beautiful."[ 20 | 5’4 | Caucasian/American | She/her | 117lbs ]
"I smile and call it good."Nina has sandy blonde hair that reaches just past her chest. Rarely putting effort in her appearance, she keeps her hair down and occasionally braids it out of boredom. Nina used to style her hair more for the sake of her mother, but after her passing, she doesn’t see the point. She has fair skin with light freckles scattered across her cheeks. Nina inherited her hazel eyes from her mother, appearing dark brown with flecks of amber. It’s Nina’s most attractive and unique feature and she often finds herself staring at her own reflection. Sometimes she pretends it’s her mom staring back.
Coming to a height of 5’4, Nina has a slender and petite build. She goes running at least twice a week to maintain her figure. It helps her distress and gives her time to think. She isn’t strict about her diet but tries to eat healthy when she can. Nina has a small chest and square shaped body. She used to be self conscious but has learned to accept her body as it is. As long as something is comfortable, Nina doesn’t have much of a clothing preference. From pastel dresses to sweatpants, she has a little bit of everything.
"Everyone can be good, you just have to believe in them."MAIN GOAL ⫻ Nina’s still figuring out her purpose in life. Ever since her mother passed, everything didn’t seem as important anymore. She used to imagine herself as a travelling painter. She still enjoys painting occasionally but she lacks the passion she used to have. Whatever her future holds in store, Nina hopes to make those around her happy.
WHAT THEY WANT OUT OF THE COVEN ⫻ Nina wants to learn how to control and master her abilities. The coven was the only place she knew to turn to. On top of this, Nina wants to discover the truth behind her mother’s mysterious death.
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ Nina has a kind and warm soul, she believes in the good of others. Sometimes people just need someone to believe in them. Nina has also come to embrace all of her quirks and flaws and accepts that everyone is weird in their own way.
SECRETS ⫻ Nina is an open book and can barely manage to keep secrets.
FEARS ⫻ One of Nina’s biggest fears is swimming in the ocean. From stingrays, sharks, to jellyfish, she is terrified of several sea creatures. She will avoid going to the beach at all costs.
REPUTATION ⫻ Nina is known around the coven as being energetic and kind. Some find her annoying but everyone knows not to trust her with secrets. Nina means well but can’t help but tell the world everything she learns.
FLAWS ⫻ Nina lacks all self control at keeping secrets. While sometimes being honest is key, there are clear moments where you keep quiet. It often gets her into trouble. Nina is also very naive and trusting.
"My mom was my best friend, I miss her more than anything"Nina Norrell was the daughter of Cara Norrell, one of the most inspiring and caring mothers anyone could ask for. She had a childhood full of happiness and love. They would spend weekends going on adventures in their backyard, watching the stars, and baking cupcakes together. They lived in a small town in Michigan, and Cara was everyone’s favorite mom. She had this special spark that could liven up any gloomy environment. She was Nina’s mascot and biggest supporter. Whenever she needed someone to lean on, cry with, vent to, Nina always went straight to her mother.
While there several times Nina wanted to travel and see the world outside their small town, Cara always forbade it. She could never understand why her mother was so attached to the small town but eventually, Nina stopped asking to leave.There were many things Cara kept secretive about, such as Nina’s father. She had never seen a picture or even knew his name. Mentioning him and asking questions only upset her mother. Nina trusted her mother and knew when she was ready, she would tell her.
It was Cara who inspired Nina to start painting. She had always enjoyed art class and often doodled on her homework.Painting was a whole new experience. Creating magical moments in a single frame of time became her passion. Artwork upon artwork filled her walls and she was even featured several times in the school’s newspaper. One of Nina’s favorite things to draw was her mother. She often made her into a fairy, queen, or goddess ruling over her own world. Cara was beginning to cover her own wall with paintings Nina would give her for holidays.
A few weeks after Nina’s 18th birthday, one of her darkest nightmares came to life. She had spent the weekend camping with a few friends, roasting marshmallows and sharing memories of her senior year. When she came home, her mother was nowhere in the house. The house was still empty by nightfall and Nina panicked. Soon, the entire town began searching for her. There was no evidence of a struggle or signs that Cara had packed and left town. Days turned to weeks. Nina never gave up hope and continued to search every day. She refused to believe her mother was gone.
Life without her mother was beyond painful for Nina. She forgot how to live. All of her time and energy went into searching Michigan for her mother. She missed her own graduation. People around her began to move on. After finding a locket among her mother’s jewelry, Nina placed a painting she made of her mother within it and wore it wherever she went. Even if the whole world forgot, Nina would not. Cara was everything to Nina, and the thought of losing her was too much for an 18 year old to comprehend. She would never lose hope. It was a few moments after wearing her locket did Nina have the vision.
It was her mother. Nina didn’t know where she was, only that her own mother stood before her. Tears spilled the instant she saw her. Cara began to tell Nina everything she had kept secret over the years. Cara was an adept, and now Nina was one too. She explained about these gifts and warned her of the danger. Cara had ran away from her old life, away from a horror that had killed the man she loved. But her time was finally over. She urged Nina to continue living her life with love and compassion. With a final embrace, Cara disappeared.
Nina couldn’t let go of her mother’s memory at first and refused to believe she was truly gone. Even now, she struggles accepting this. It was just easier to pretend her mother was still out there somewhere. It took a lot of tears and time before Nina could look at the world the same. Slowly though, she began to embrace her cheerful and energetic old self. Part of her will always be different. But for her mom’s sake, she will try her best to remain this happy version of herself.
Learning how to practice her adept abilities was impossible without another extra-normal being.She had the gift of strengthening other Extra-normal being’s power. She needed help and began looking online. It was then when she discovered the coven, they were a group of people just like her. Keeping her mother’s warnings in mind, Nina decided to move to Florida to begin her life as an adept when she was 20 years old. She was financially well off, thanks to her mother’s savings, and old enough no one could stop her from leaving the small town. There was so much she didn’t know about this world but she began to embrace it.
"Well, I love painting whenever I have time. Maybe I can show you sometime! "[Painting] ⫻ From a young age, Nina fell in love with painting. She loves messing with vibrant colors and experimenting with different media. Most of her paintings are of people in mystical settings using acrylic.
[Astronomy] ⫻ Nina and her mother loved stargazing and she took several classes in high school. She knows most of the constellations and how to identify various celestial objects. Whenever she can’t sleep, she’ll often find her way outside to stargaze.
"I help others get stronger!"TYPE ⫻ Adept (Lavender Lux)
ABSTRACTION ⫻ Nina’s ability allows her to give an extra boost to any Extra-Normal being’s powers.
ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻ Nina’s gift is pretty simple. If she makes physical contact with an Extra-Normal being, she is able to boost their abilities. She has a
silver locket with a painting of her mother inside that she uses as her channeler. It glows lavender, the color of her lux, whenever she uses it. As a side effect of her abstraction, sometimes she shocks other Extra-Normal beings.
"Making others smile can change the world."