Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

In 2030, paleontologist Jace Lewis unveiled the end result of his pet project: the Poultrysaurus. Decades of work reactivating dormant genes in the genetic code of a modern chicken had resulted in the creation of a bird with the teeth and claws of its dinosaur ancestors. Though they were unsuccessful in their endeavor to create an animal with a proper tail, Lewis was finally able to say, "I told you so."

Controvery quickly erupted around the creature, namely the ethics of tampering with an animal's DNA simply because it was possible. However, a certain party approached Lewis and the laboratories involved in the project, paid them a handsome fee for the research data, and even hired some of the geneticists involved with the project. This party, a biotechnology and pharmaceutical company known as the Udenberg Corporation, continued work on the project for other applications. By 2045, the Udenberg Corporation had transformed the Poultrysaurus into a creature for use by military and police agencies known simply as "Raptors".

Superior in almost every way to canines in terms of strength, speed, and senses, many governments and private military companies began training raptors for use in combat zones. The generations of raptors following the first corrected "defects" from previous generations, both physical and behavioral.

By 2060, Udenberg had expanded their market to include breeds tailor-made for civilian ownership. In order to control the population of raptors, each and every individual is rendered sterile through multiple redundant processes, short of actually neutering the animal. With these procedures in place, the Udenberg Corporation was confident that, if any individuals escaped into the wild, they would be incapable of reproducing.

And yet, by 2070, people all over the world were reporting packs of feral raptors, including offspring and nests. Governments demanded an explanation, and one was given: raptors were genetic chimeras, incorporating the DNA of multiple--sometimes dozens-- of different species. All species seen in the wild had one thing in common: they all had certain genes from the axolotl, a species of amphibian known for its remarkable regenerative abilities. Despite the redundant sterilization process, the raptors' reproductive organs had become healthy and fully functional again.

In an attempt to cull the population, bounties were issued on all feral raptors. In the end this was easier said than done. Most species were too fast and cunning for the average hunter, while others, namely breeds created specifically for military and police work, were resistant to weapons unless hit in vital areas. Pressure quickly began mounting on the Udenberg Corporation to find a solution. Multiple propositions were presented and rejected before Udenberg settled on one.

Led by geneticist Henry King, several teams worked in tandem to produce a breed of raptor specifically to hunt and kill other raptors. At first, the project was working. The new breed, dubbed "Tyrant", was tracking down and assisting in the kill or capture of feral raptor packs. King never fully disclosed the modifications to the Tyrant breed's genome, but governments didn't care, so long as they thinned out the population of wild raptors.

Without warning in 2077, hundreds of thousands of raptors--domestic and feral alike-- began attacking population centers en masse. Kind and loving pets turned on their owners with the ferocity of any wild beast. What was even more frightening was that these animals acted with brutal, almost military efficiency; indeed, raptor handlers from different militaries found the behavior eerily similar to how they would command raptors during operations. Small towns were wiped out in less than a day. Cities fell in several weeks. Police and military forces were swiftly overwhelmed.

The year is now 2080. There are only a few million humans left on the planet. Raptors have now established themselves as the dominant predator on almost every continent. Survivors have learned that the best way to survive is to keep on the move, and live in small groups. Rumors persist of places where raptors can't get to, or even refuse to go. Many insist that the world's influential and wealthy escaped to ships and remain in the middle of the ocean.

But unfortunately, rumors are the least of your worries.

Rumors don't have teeth.

Rumors don't have claws.

And rumors certainly aren't going to eat you alive.

Welcome to the RP!


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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Such an interesting take on the concept!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kaggs
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Kaggs Boy go swoosh

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Awesome idea mate! Where's the setting and are we all in the same group at the start?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

@Kaggs For now, rural America, maybe just outside of a big city. My idea is that we're forced to work together.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Espatier
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Name:Randy Johnson

Personality: Easy going, laid back, outdoorsy type, animal lover and easy to talk to in a pinch, quiet and reserved, doesn't get excited too many times during an emergency.

Federal Raptor License
State Hunting License
Falconry ( Raptor- Hunting)
Husbandry ( Teamster / Farrier )
Amature Vet ( if you have birds, you learn this)
USAR (Reservist) MOS 00R ( Raptor Handler)
EMT / Firefighter Volunteer
Railroad worker

Background Life: Outdoorsy, country living
Avid Hunter
FFA (Future Farmer of America)
4-H member

Equipment: western saddle, rope, camping kit, tent, food, water, farrier equipment, Tack, blankets, feed bags, Feed for animals, outdoor cookware, dry goods, ( salt, coffee, powdered eggs, bacon ( cured ), Raptor Handling gear with facemask helmet, PRC-128 radio, "clicker" x 2, strobe light communicator, etc

Backstory: Grew up in the foothills of West Virginia, did the FFA and 4-H as he grew up, apprenticed as a butcher during high school, works at the classification yard at the trailhead. RJ trained with military as the program expanded, he was one of the first reservist to work with military-grade raptors, this is a big step up from handling the smaller civil types. RJ spent 6 years in the reserves and some months on special duty training (ADT) to work with these Raptors. RJ’s regular job is working with train stock as a railroad worker, the transportation of such dangerous creatures was left to the feds and like nukes, they are transported as freight, during the day, priority. RJ has been with NSF for 12 years now and in the reserves for 8. To this day he still works on his parent’s ranch out in the desert near NTC (National Training Center) Barstow, Ca. RJ was one of the few to get his license in the first run, so he now has some experiance working with civilian raptors at his parents ranch, which lead him into joining the militarty to learn more and work with bigger raptors.

Horse, two mules ( Jack and molly), so wold these raptors see them as food, well... humans are ALOT smaller... so yes. But during imprinting, dogs, horses, and mules could be seen like humans... to the birds we are just a tool. They don’t get mad like dogs. They are not affectionate, they hunt, procreate, and eat more, oh... have to make droppings a lot of that and depending on the bird, either straight down or horizontal.

[b][u]Allergies: ASA, PCN, Milk, bee stings[/b][/u] (Anything not in the other categories, including character quirks or phobias, or trivial things like allergies or food they can't stand)

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

@Espatier Firstly, I'm going to insist on fleshing out the backstory and personality a bit more.

Secondly, I'd like some more specifics on the skills.

Thirdly, I wouldn't put any animals under equipment. I'd put them under other. And, given the setting, I'd find almost any animal (save perhaps a dog) to be a liability in this situation.

And, this isn't necessary, but it would be preferable if you cleaned up the formatting a bit.

Tweak your CS accordingly, and I'll take another look at it.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Espatier
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Crab Bane Help please!

My first question is.. what information can I get about the "civilian" raptors, can you train them and if so... just for hunting?. I didn't want to go in a direction for it didn't exist in your world.

what is the raptors quarry, when "Mann on", what happens to the raptor?. Do the handlers use some form a raptor bells or some form of telemetry?

what animals are used to train them as prey?

Are civilians licensed with the federals as well are in current hawking today?

most raptors today fear dogs because they are competition ( other hunters), animals that have one eye on each side of the head are not a threat during "Manning" and easier to work with. Dogs and humans have two eyes in the front of their face, most birds fear this. These raptors are much bigger, faster and vicious.

do handler wear any special equipment, I use a long leather glove when "manning or working "step ups" with my birds. do we use "hoods" as we do in modern times?

If you can tell me what a handler would have, I would like to take a chance and hopefully write something that is well within your vision of the story.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by RickyG85
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PiePizzle
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PiePizzle Profiteering. Racketeering. Buccaneering.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Would've put the whole CS in a hider, but it wasn't working. But how's this?
Name: Samuel Kenton
Age: 24

Personality: A very timid person, not enjoying combat or violence in any form. Because of this, not a very useful person for defense against Raptors. Though despising violence, in a desperate situation he is willing to use firearms, with which he is unsurprisingly untalented with guns. This is a facade he keeps up around other humans so he is not frowned upon, in reality, he is a cold calculating killer, of both Raptors and, people. He is a diagnosed sociopath but in the apocalypse, nobody knows, as he keeps up the mask of a charismatic, timid nurse.
Known Skills: Medicine - advanced, Mathematics - limited, Athletics - middling.
Unknown Skills: Firearms - advanced, Tracking - middling, Manipulation - advanced, Trapping - middling, Burglary - -middling.
Equipment: Medicine bag, roadmap, compass, Berretta - 2 magazines, hunting knife, radio.
Stashed equipment: Lee Enfield bolt-action rifle, rifle cleaning kit, 4 bear traps, 3 rabbit snares, 2 boxes of 15 303. rifle ammunition, totaling to 30.
Backstory: Being admitted into the system at a very young age, it was rather hard to tell he was a sociopath, but it was always suspected by a lot of the adults in his life, at 13 he ran away from his foster family, and went on a crime spree, learning to steal, quite well. At 13 he managed to steal some firearms from an old man who had a stash, including his prized Enfield, he learned to shoot, surviving in the woods and evading at a certain age he emerged from the woods, with skills with firearms, and learned the in and outs of people, literally and figuratively, he forged a lovable, charismatic persona, and went to using school.
Other: Won't eat anything with onions in.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

@Crab Bane Help please!

My first question is.. what information can I get about the "civilian" raptors, can you train them and if so... just for hunting?. I didn't want to go in a direction for it didn't exist in your world.

what is the raptors quarry, when "Mann on", what happens to the raptor?. Do the handlers use some form a raptor bells or some form of telemetry?

what animals are used to train them as prey?

Are civilians licensed with the federals as well are in current hawking today?

most raptors today fear dogs because they are competition ( other hunters), animals that have one eye on each side of the head are not a threat during "Manning" and easier to work with. Dogs and humans have two eyes in the front of their face, most birds fear this. These raptors are much bigger, faster and vicious.

do handler wear any special equipment, I use a long leather glove when "manning or working "step ups" with my birds. do we use "hoods" as we do in modern times?

If you can tell me what a handler would have, I would like to take a chance and hopefully write something that is well within your vision of the story.

Civilian raptors basically hold a niche similar to dogs. While you can certainly train them for hunting, some breeds are better for hunting than others due to different traits. For example, you wouldn't go duck hunting and bring a Pomeranian instead of a breed similar to a Labrador or Golden Retriever.

The way raptors respond to commands is different depending on the situation and their training. Simple commands like "fetch," "retrieve," and "flush" are easy to follow. However, in chaotic situations like combat zones and police operations, I visualize handlers communicating different commands in a manner similar to how the Indoraptor was trained in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.

Different combinations of light and sound frequencies can be used for different commands.

Again, that is all dependent on what game you plan on hunting, though using the larger breeds to hunt game like rabbits and various waterfowl will likely result in whatever you shoot getting eaten instead of returned. Police and military raptors are trained in a similar manner to dogs as well, though volunteers require full-body protection (and probably receive some kind of hazard pay).

Yes. All raptor owners must have a proper permit.

Raptor handling equipment in this setting usually protects the arms, legs, stomach and groin, and neck (as well as eyes, in the case of some breeds), almost always composed of advanced carbon fiber; smaller breeds and juveniles are an exception, where the gear is akin to what modern falconers would use.

Hopefully this helps.

@PiePizzle Looks good. As a tip for using hiders, here's an example:

[hider=Example Title]
Put any and all text here. If you don't want to add a title to your hider, simply put "hider" in the brackets without anything else.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

@BenG85 Whoops, missed your post at first. Go ahead and make something!
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PiePizzle
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PiePizzle Profiteering. Racketeering. Buccaneering.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@PiePizzle Looks good. As a tip for using hiders, here's an example:

[hider=Example Title]
Put any and all text here. If you don't want to add a title to your hider, simply put "hider" in the brackets without anything else.

Glad the CS is good to go. Ik how to use hiders. I think I was just being a dumbass and had a stray space. Is there a discord we could use for easier communication, and can I pop my CS into the char tab?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Espatier
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@crab bane can you look it over and tell me where if any needs more detail
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Chuuya
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Chuuya Friend-shaped

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Starting on my character sheet. I hope to have it up later tonight.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

@PiePizzle No Discord, though if enough people want one, it's possible one could happen. Go ahead and put that bad boy in the CHAR section.

@Espatier Looks good. Go ahead and post in the CHAR section.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PiePizzle
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PiePizzle Profiteering. Racketeering. Buccaneering.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Are you fucking telling me, this rp had more activity in the last 20 mins, than some of my rps had in a week?

Love that.
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Chuuya
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Chuuya Friend-shaped

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I would be down for a Discord if we do decide that we want one.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by RickyG85
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