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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Tatterdemalion
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Tatterdemalion Trickster-in-Veils

Member Seen 15 hrs ago


Rinley Yatskaya, The Troublemaker!
Academics Skill: Good!
Sports Skill: Exceptional!
Favorite Foods: Fish! Sea monsters! Fried tofu! Red bean dumplings!
Blood Type: O-.
Animal: Fox! Like, duuuuuh.

Rinley is a GIRL who is part of the YATSKAYA FAMILY! She's THE SAME AGE as you all, and ALSO A FOX.
Her favorite scenes are...
...getting into mischief!
...spying on people!
...poking around and exploring new places!
...and trying to figure out new impossible things to do, and how to do them!

Emotion XP: “RINLEY NO”
For when you...
...declare that you have a GREAT plan, or
...pop up in the middle of somebody’s business to make things about you, or
...make yourself vulnerable to something or someone that is obviously going to hurt you in the end, or
...when you make a terrible pun and then pull a smug or overly innocent face, or
...when you start booking it after having done Something.
It’s like having a younger sibling who likes to get into mischief, or a pet cat. A lot like having a pet cat, actually.

The Yatskayas 2
Prince Eduard 2
Dulcinea 1
Jasper 1
Mila 1

Storytelling 2
Legends 1
Fox [Perception] Magic 2
Cat-Speaker 2
Superior Dreamer 1

  • I can travel anywhere if I set my mind to it, and always have some extra Adventurer's Allowance!
  • I know when bad things are happening to wishes and dreams; like if the Headmaster of the Bleak Academy decided to make it impossible to wish for anything, I'd know all about it before he even finished the thought!
  • I can make ideas really plausible or implausible, just by wanting them to be like that!
  • I can tell when other people are chasing their dreams, and when people are going to be important to my story!
  • I can talk directly to people's wishing hearts, and have a... heart-to-heart~
  • I can make people's dreams easier to reach, and also make the consequences of not chasing after them really scary! >:3c
  • I can do impossible stuff on-camera if I really push myself, though usually I just do it off-camera and tell you all about it later.
  • I can attract wish spirits if I really push myself!
  • I can make wishes fail and crash if I need to, though it gives me the worst headache. >____<
  • If I think really really really hard I can usually remember something a little extra about any story at all!
  • If I use aaaaaaaaaall the power in my wishing heart, I can do stuff like change people's destinies or swap their bodies around like Freaky Friday!
  • Also, I always look like me. Like the me I really want to be! What with my gorgeous flower crown that's always in bloom, and my white blouse with the fancy lace and the long poofy sleeves, and my red swishy pants with the hole for my tail!
  • Also also, I have some fox magic! I am super good at seeing and hearing and smelling things, I can always slip right out of being tied up so don't even try, and I usually know where dogs are, especially the small yappy dogs that jump on your legs and bark so much. If I push a little, I can do fun things like making my voice sound like wind or coins or fire, or making people who aren't paying attention see and hear the stuff I want them to! Though usually I just end up entertaining myself and not really doing anything useful, doing stuff like that.
  • Also also also, I can talk to cats! They don't really talk back, but they do know what I'm saying and understand me and sometimes I can even talk them into doing things for me or warning me about things, though if they knew I was friends with Prince Eduard, they'd probably be really mad at me, right? And I'm just really cat-like, super great at acrobatics and stunts and looking like I actually meant to fall down the stairs, so there.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Thanqol
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Jasper Inkra
The Child of the Sun

Star Sign: All of the stars eclipsed in blackest midnight, weeping together in darkness for their fallen sister
Grades (Art): A's
Grade (other): Pity C's
Athletics: Like a salmon climbing an escalator - a lot of muscle and perseverance but still doing something pretty fundamentaly wrong.
Blood type: you probably don't want a transfusion of Jasper's blood
Animal: Golden Retriever
Favorite food: Halloumi, baked with honey

Bonus XP
Players use gratitude hands (e.g., hand-on-fist bow, hand-to-heart, fist-bump) because...
...their character’s gratitude to you/your PC reached the player’s heart.
...you/your PC supported/played up their character concept/direction.

Will 6/8
Miracle Points 5/5

Courtly Manners 3
Incarnation of the Sun 2
Riding 1
Art 1
Lore 1

Health Levels
3 Normal
1 Tough
3 Divine

You are functionally immortal.
You can influence the weather and the sky with your mundane actions.
You can radiate hope.
If you’re ever sufficiently broken to show the other side of your nature, you can radiate disillusionment or despair instead.
You can send out your consciousness in a sunbeam.
The nuclear furnace of your stomach can digest basically anything.
You can in theory turn into a gigantic sun-kaiju thing.

The Prodigy 2 - She fascinates me
Little Island 1 - I love little island, though I don't feel ready to live there
Nightmare's Angel - She's startling, but somehow I kind of get her.


Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Phoe
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Phoe Idol Obsessive

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Name: Dulcinea d’Avignon, Nightmare's Angel
Academics Skill: Teach The Controversy (but not that controversy!)
Sports Skill: Ordinary
Favorite Foods: Ramen, Hot Chocolate
Blood Type: B
Animal: Tiger
Age: a year older than you

Speechlessness. For when your ideas, declarations, or effects stun people into silence. Or if they evoke a feeling of "I can't even with this right now." Seems kind of hard, actually.

Child of the Sun 1 - strangely easy to get along with
That is it
There are no other connections

2 Normal
1 Tough
3 Divine


Weather-Sense 2. You have an uncanny sense for the weather. Especially good for knowing when it’s going to rain, when there’ll be dramatically appropriate lightning, and dressing appropriately for the day.
Perseverance 2. You are good at not giving up; or, rather, when you don’t give up, when you power through, things turn out all right.
Nightmare Science 2. A skill for making terrifying nightmares made flesh and bending them to your will. Despite the liberal application of sorcery, this is still science. That's why there's a notebook, ok?
Love for the Wicked 1. You believe everybody deserves kindness, maybe especially the wicked and sinister, who so rarely receive it. The "Scorpia skill".
Shield 1. You know how to protect people. Usually by interposing yourself. The "Adora skill".
Dream Analysis 0. Your dream analysis isn’t really useful. But it sounds cool.
People Skills 0. You’re, uh. Not actually good at the whole, well... socializing thing?
Swimming -1. You are, ominously, a terrible swimmer.
Domestic Tasks -1. You could burn a glass of water. And burn the house down, somehow, while cleaning the bathroom.


# When not in sunlight, you cannot bleed, you cannot suffer chest wounds, and you cannot be hurt emotionally. After a few minutes, you can spend 1 MP to take a few mechanically perfect actions, done with flawless precision and speed; exerting yourself more lets you continue as long as you’re in the dark.
# Once a week, after spending a few hours in the dark, you can recover from anything, up to and including death. MP expenditure can invoke this again within that period, or make it happen instantly.
# The Heart-centric powers of Rinley Yatskaya (or anyone else, for that matter) do not work on you in the dark. Or possibly not at all.
# These powers only work while you don’t have a heart (and lock in one Divine Health Level).

# Once a week, after making necessary preparations, you may save someone. You can heal them from even death (but only when “it’s impossible, Dulcinea!”); take away unbearable pain; protect, save, or shelter an innocent; or reverse aging and decay. This only works on physical or spiritual harm; you can’t ease social, emotional or moral suffering. MP expenditure can invoke this again within that period, or make it happen instantly.
# Given a few hours to prepare, you can bear the most agonizing or impossible burdens indefinitely. For 4 MP, you can do it instantly.
# These powers only work while you choose to have no friends and no loved ones. You can trick the rules if you protest loudly enough that you’re not doing this because you like them.

# After a few minutes, you can pull a couple of components or devices out of a nightmare. Spending 1 MP can let you push those limits, and 2 MP lets you pull out a workshop’s worth of raw materials and inventions out.
# Once a week, after a few hours of sleep, the nightmares inside you start leaking out: worms and rot and swamps. You could spend MP to use it more often, and 4 MP would let you use it instantly while awake, but why would you??
# These powers only work while there’s a nightmare swamp inside your soul.

# Once per week, you can experience surreal effects and then become more corrupted or traumatized by something. The power is that you then get XP and the HG will give you a point of Sickness, which brings its own rewards. Presumably you can be corrupted and traumatized after things go all surreal more than once a week, though you probably don’t want to.
# It’s always appropriate for you to be present in a scene where people are talking about romance or being lovey-dovey. The camera just pans over to you.
# You automatically possess the following rituals, artifacts, or curses levied upon the world: something that sustains the sun, an artificial conscience, a familiar, a means of measuring the Outside, a means of making impossible nightmare devices, and a tool belt full of ingredients, reagents and tools.
# If you ever lose your last Divine Health Level, the nightmare swamp will explode out of you.
# Once per season, you can burn a Divine Health Level and declare that any wound you have just taken has, in fact, given you superpowers. (You did this with your heart. And your friendships. And the nightmare swamp.) These wounds can only be healed if you give up those powers.
# Once per season, you can make a Wish, based on one of your wounds. Whatever you Wish happens. Invoking [FRIENDLESS] might let you erase painful memories from others. Invoking [CORRUPTED] might let you summon a custom horror from your nightmares capable of doing any one thing, no matter how difficult. As long as it’s in theme somehow, the sky’s the limit. For 4 MP, you can do this again; only the first one per season’s free.
# Once per season, you can turbocharge Jasper’s connection to you. Like, to mythic levels. It only lasts a scene, but she gets a small permanent boost afterwards.

Natural Scientist: 0/9
The Outside Stirs: 0/24
The Hidden Library: 0/15
(Optional) Deeds of the Binder: 0/9
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by eldest
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Mila Mesmer.
Academics Skill: Above Average.
Sports Skill: Above Average.
Favorite Foods: strawberries, apricots, sweet rice dumplings, stew, salt mackerel, yakitori, red tea.
Blood Type: A.
Animal: Boar.
Age: a year or two older than you, allegedly.


# Grace 2. You’re graceful, move quietly, and look and act natural in formal wear. Like you just stepped out of a Regency novel as “Head Maid”.
# Changeling 2. You aren’t human, but you’re magically good at faking it. You don’t even have to intentionally change your eyes from night and falling stars anymore.
# Crafts 1. You’re good at handiwork, especially mask-making and glasswork. For not suspicious reasons. Why would they be suspicious? Asking about them is suspicious!!
Alertness 1: you’re vaguely aware of your environment.
# Domestic Tasks 1. You can cook, clean, dust, wash dishes... again, “Head Maid” vibes.
# Superior Dreamer 1. Like Rinley, you’re good at coping with weirdness and dreams.
# Arts 0. You don’t feel comfortable expressing yourself through art, though you can handle technical work with Grace or Crafts.


# You have a special place. While hiding there for a while, you can gain MP by doing an XP action alone or intentionally skipping an XP action. If you let someone down, miss an appointment, or let something bad happen because you were hiding there, that’s another MP. If you come out with 5+ MP, everything stays clean and orderly around you, you leave with something cool, and you are marked with a night-black shard of glass and falling stars, UNTIL you gain the Sickness issue or hit 4 or less MP. The cool thing stays, everything else vanishes. You can invite someone inside, but things are weird and occasionally dangerous when others are involved.
# Once a week, you can UNMAKE something, physical or conceptual. By spending MP, you can do this more often. The possibilities of hurting someone with this likely terrify you.
# When you mark a wound, or would if you had room, lose 1 MP.
# Whenever you have the Sickness Issue, you are haunted by your previous self. At Sickness 3+, this haunting becomes actively supernatural. If you run out of MP while being haunted, bad things happen.
# If you do a short 15 XP quest, you can use your crafts to make a minion manifested from something in your heart. Then you can kill it to remove that thing. Or you can use it for other purposes.
# If you do a short 15 XP quest, you can create a labyrinth or hidden world, a twisted space that expresses something about your heart. Like a Persona dungeon.
# If you have a level 3+ Connection to something or someone, or a Bond or a Perk that mentions it, it counts as a Treasure.
# You can appear in ghostly form around your treasures while you sleep, or see through its senses, or perceive their dreams. You can telepathically speak to it, and you can do this at any distance.
# You can help your treasure resist any outside influences that you do not share, you can help them move, and they can call upon your abilities/MP/knowledge/powers, but only while you are present in ghost form.
# If you spend 1 MP, you can do the former while you’re awake, but you can’t do anything from the latter (save that your support counts as a +1 Tool (and 1 Edge).
# Whenever a Treasure “calls” to you or needs you, you hear or feel it.
# By going on a short 15 XP quest, you can make a location or an animal a +1 Tool, or teach someone a Superior Skill 2. You could also do this to unlock their “true form” or “true power.” This improvement only lasts as long as that quest fills one of your four quest “slots.”

Under Siege: 1/9
Art Shop And Garden 3/21
The Hidden Room 0/21
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