That is right people, today we are basing a RP within a lovely little place called Fabletown. For those of you that know the games you get the jist of what is happening, but for those that are unclear, otherwise you may want to research it, it is a town where the fiery tales, and some legends, of old now live within a place called Fabletown due to a invasion of their old homeland by one called The Adversary.
Fabletown is a community located on Bullfinch Street in Manhattan's Upper West Side. To regular people (or mundies), it appears to be an ordinary New York neighborhood. But it is really the home of Fables from many worlds, and within the business office at the Woodlands lies a massive cavern, a vast library, and hundreds of magical items of immense power. All non-human fables live upstate on The Farm, an extension of Fabletown. Also, the farm sucks... Pretty hard.
Basic Info
YOU will be playing these fables, but before you ask sadly no, you can not play Bigby. You will be allowed to play a existing fable, or if you are REALLY good at making a fable, I will allow OC fables to be introduced.
Me and my Co-GM experta will be running this and we already have a story based around a new drug and the reason everyone is worried. All we need now is some players willing to take part in this RP so that we can build it a little more personalized to your characters.
You all know the basic rules of RPing I presume, also you know stuff about the games or the books, but if you need any information then it will be added to the OOC as needed.