Grats! I want to see transformers lol. And arnt we close to the new arc anyway?
Assallya said
I swear... I'm in seven... SEVEN freaking threads and I haven't been able to post in any of them for nearly a week.I am this close to just bailing on this entire site... *grrrrrrr*Addendum: I should point out that the complaint wasn't specific or directed at anyone here. At least this one has a post every once in a while for me to read :) The others are all just stopped or refuse to start.
Zagan said
I want to see transformers lol.
Assallya said
Oh, and I could go on at length with everything that's wrong with the new transformers movie but that would involve quite a lot in terms of spoilers.Let me just add that Optimus is now the ultimate Mary Sue. Who needs a medic. He can spontaneously heal, no matter the previously mentioned need for a repairs. Then he somehow leans to fly at the end, a feat that would have come in quite handy previously in the movie and probably previous movies once you reflect upon it.Where's the continuity direction?
Zagan said
yeah, how does that work when his power is Heamokenisis? so if Jax asked him to turn like lime green lol :P
CrimsonWarrior55 said
So? I enjoyed it as a movie. You didn't. Zagan? Don't let that stop you from doing what you want. In the end, while our advice is good, the only one who can determine whether or not you like it. Is you. No?