══════ C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T ══════ _______________________________________________ ![]() _______________________________________________ ═══════ C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y ══════ Venwen _______________________________________________ 68 | ♀️ | Bosmer | Playlist _______________________________________________ Jaqspur, Green Pact Fanatic, Adventurer ▼ P H Y S I C A L T R A I T S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Build - Lithe and lean. ► Skin Color - Pale bronze and freckled. ► Hair Color - A muddy red, like auburn. ► Eye Color - Green. ► Other - Small horn nubs are protruding from the top of her forehead, muddy warpaint swirling around her arms. ▼ D O S S I E R ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Birthplace - Malabal Tor ► Birthsign - The Steed ► Biggest Regret - Being forced to destroy her own tribe. Perhaps if she had seen the signs beforehand, she could've prevented her tribe's betrayal. ► Venwen's Goal - Venwen is still relatively young for a Bosmer and still has a life that she wants to live. That said, she greatly admires the Green Lady and Wilderqueen, and would perhaps like to be a personal bodyguard for either one of them. She's also collecting trophies from her kills to create a set of bone scale armor that she could either use for herself or give as a gift to the Green Lady. ▼ F A V O R E D A T T R I B U T E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Agility ► Speed ▼ S K I L L S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Archery - Expert ► Acrobatics - Expert ► Athletics - Adept ► Stealth - Adept ► Light Armor - Adept ► Pickpocket - Apprentice ► One-Handed - Novice ▼ S P E L L S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Racial: Forest Coupling ▼ E Q U I P M E N T ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Weapons - A highly decorated Bosmeri bow made of bone and horn, and the bowstring is sinew made of Khajiiti gut. Also a bone-carved shortsword. ► Armor - Stiffened leather strips pleated over one another and stitched over soft hide provides comfortable and lightweight protection for her torso. ► Containers - A quiver made from leather and carapace that carries a variety of arrows, and two small pouches made from hoarvor sacks. ► Food, Drink, Potions - A pouch of jerky and insects. ► Miscellaneous - Another pouch filled with knuckle bones and leaf-shaped bone shards cut from skulls. | ══════ A P P E A R A N C E ══════ A delightful savagery envelops the bosmer that is obvious at first glance, reeking of danger (among other things) from the intense focus of her predatory eyes to the wild tousling of her muddy red hair. From point A to point B, her gaze follows you with a familiar smile as if you were prey. While most people have had the pleasure of knowing at least one bosmer, it becomes clear upon meeting Venwen that, from her disposition and striking features to the paler and subdued bronze of her speckled and dirty skin, she's from the deeper and darker thickets of Valenwood's heart and is one of wild elves you might've read about in books. Those who've read of the cheerful ferocity of the Green Pact bosmer can pick out those traits rather quickly in Venwen, who carries herself proudly and casually, while simultaneously stalking -- not walking -- in a perpetual fox-trot and reminding you with her smile that she is religiously carnivorous, as indicated by a showing of half of her teeth that have been filed down to points as sharp as her ears. However, it can be easy to underestimate Venwen due to her comparatively diminutive stature to other Bosmer when you're standing on the ground next to her. She stands at a meager 5'2" and weighs as little as eight stones. Her level of fitness is as to be expected of one who lives and dies by their ability to hunt and escape from being hunted. She is tough and sinewy, capable of bounding through the boughs with grace and athleticism with almost unnatural ease for her size, and doing so for days on end with tireless stamina. Even with a lack of toning, watch as she climbs a tree or draws her bowstring to witness the wiry muscles flexing beneath the skin of her arms and back, or as she maneuvers and tumbles through the air with her acrobatics. Short horn nubs have grown out the sides of her forehead, not like a whole rack of antlers as some bosmer are known to possess, but regardless does little to comfort strangers to the Bosmeri and their culture. Even her nails seem to grow with a black keratin. Her big elven eyes are as green as the Green she resided in. Her attire is notably comprised solely of animal-based material, from leather to bone and fur and wool. Stiffened leather is pleated over soft hide as armor, strictly over her forearms as bracer and on her torso (which goes over her normal wraparound top), leaving her arms bare for freedom of movement and comfort. She is far more comfortable this way, worrying only about protecting vital spots when she worries at all as her first line of defense is the distance she puts between herself and her enemies and her second being her acrobatic ability to deftly dodge and weave. Wearing only else but simple pants and leathers boots to protect her shins and knees, she owns too few possessions to properly accessorize beyond the green shawl gifted to her by family, lovingly stitched with the complex embroidery of floral iconography, which she wears wrapped around her neck like a scarf. The most she'll wear in addition to this could be one of countless patterns of war-paint she'll apply, though whether it is made of mud, blood, or some kind of insect's innards might vary. ═══════ P E R S O N A L I T Y ══════ An Imperial scholar by the name of Flaccus Terentius once described the Bosmer with "cheerful ferocity," and there is perhaps no more appropriate description of Venwen's carpe diem attitude. Ask our favorite bosmer what her greatest strengths are and she'd reply not with any of her skills, but her self-proclaimed optimism and confidence. Her personality bleeds into her appearance quite a bit considering how she carries herself, so her complex dichotomy of intensity and chipper can-do spirit can catch most people unfamiliar with her off guard. She asserts herself as a hunter and a predator with a huge grin on her face and relishes in the possibility of conflict like any good adrenaline junkie would, and witnessing such an event has been compared to a manic dancing amidst chaos. If you can't help but wonder if the madness of Sheogorath has taken hold, either rest assured or with great anxiety (according to your preference) that Venwen is entirely lucid in these cases. The differences in culture has resulted in many misunderstandings and miscommunications between Venwen and others. Most certainly Venwen, in fact almost specifically Venwen, for the culture inherited from her tribe differs even from greater Valenwood. She is a Green Pact hardliner who holds fast to antiquated traditions that go as far back as the Second Era, such as the consumption of fallen enemies and family members, Mourning Wars, and taking it upon herself the burden of punishing apostates. So while she was raised to live in harmony with nature, violence is as much a part of the natural order as harmony if not more. Naturally, the young tribal bosmer would be raised to become accustomed to violence and death, and suddenly what came across as sociopathic before begins to look more like a survival instinct. The belief of being returned to the Green to join their kin closes the distance in Venwen's relationship with death, which plays as much a part in nature as life. This cycle, as she sees it, brings her comfort and has made her close friends with death. Naturally, her lifestyle hasn't exactly left her as an educated individual. Though she's sharp witted and a fast learner, most of her knowledge comprises of most natural forces within the Valenwood. She knows how to survive, hunt, track, she knows every branch and rock and blade of grass in her home forest -- but as far as the sciences go, she's rather hopeless. Her understanding of the world hinges almost entirely around superstition and her religion, convinced of the animus in all things, and she's mostly ignorant of many complex advances outside of her home province. She isn't particularly worldly as she's only stepped foot outside a couple years ago and hasn't exactly made any extensive efforts to appreciate foreign cultures and tends to just compare them to her own. Her skills of critical analysis are lacking as she'd rather just go with flow of whatever she feels like doing at the time, as that is far simpler. |
@Stormflyx Who has to die for me to take their place?
What a fool you are. I'm a god. How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive? There is no escape. No Recall or Intervention can work in this place. Come. Lay down your weapons. It is not too late for my mercy.
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![]() | Vraurdoin is the offspring of his mother Mystara and his father Alannor. They both were veterans of the Great War, she a healer patching together the misery behind the front lines and he a messenger swiftly carrying the orders that would create more of it. It was a couple as much in love of their only child as they were in love of each other, so they cared greatly for him. The first years in Vraurdoin's life were uneventful in the most positive sense. Lillandril, located close to the northwest border of the Sumerset Isles, was a big city that seemed to absord all the daily routine and real-life struggles of a newly established Third Dominion, not leaving much of that to bother about for the small village right at the coastline the three individuals lived in. He was taught what had become his father's passion after the war and together they went fishing in the Abecean Sea. Later on, as Vraurdoin had started to grow into a young boy of more respectable size, they also turned westwards and deeper into the Eltheric Ocean towards the island scattered across it there. They were careful enough not to sail right into the most violent storms or to try catching fish that were better suited for a vice versa operation, but still the young Vraurdoin gathered enough experience there to learn that Tamriel was not the infinite sandbox it had seemed to be just a few years earlier into his childhood. |
It certainly proved to be anything but a sandbox when the Thalmor's long fingers finally noticed the village and took it and all able-bodied men and women into their firm grasp. The war was over, but natural fluctuation, less fruitful encounters and upcoming plans still maintained a rather high demand for a steady stream of fresh soldiers. From one day to another Vraurdoin found himself extracted from his former environment and put into a more or less anonymous training camp. |
Years at sea from early on had formed Vraurdoin into someone who stood a bit out of crowd in terms of his physique. He was an easy catch for those hammering down on innocent recruits. Whether he liked it or not they engulfed him with that certain bit of an 'elite' aura and clad him into that fine moonstone and quicksilver armor a little earlier than the others. He was to go down the warrior route and so his training focused more on hard exercising than on magic, again with what felt like that certain extra touch to it compared to the others. In spite of the harshness he was surrounded with Vraurdoin did well. That was... until he didn't. Roughly a year into things he proved to have been pushed too hard as yet another exercising unit turned out to be bone-breaking quite literally. Despite the healers' efforts it was uncertain whether Vraurdoin would be able to make a full recovery or not, but it any case it was not possible for him to soldier on in the way he used to for a rather unforeseeable amount of time. His masters didn't want to let go of one of their potential elite soldiers, but where to put a man with a badly broken leg to good use while also maintaining one's firm graps around him ? | ![]() |
The answer appeared to be as unappealing and boring as it could be: administration. While pratically 'ordered' to maintain his training the best he could, Vraurdoin was relocated to Valenwood in order to serve the Dominion there by doing its paperwork. At least it seemed as if his superiors trusted his intellect almost as much as his body as he wasn't put into the very lowest ranking office available, but somewhere close above it. |
![]() | There, over the course of several months, Vraurdoin learned that one can write much more on a piece of paper in a matter of minutes than a soldier can do in his entire life. It was an insight into how small of a gear he'd be in the Dominion's machinery even if his soldier's career would continue and succeed later on. Not that he had much of a chance in escaping it anyway depending on the progress of his recovery, but still a sobering and disillusional experience that planted a minor seed of doubt. That was not the primary problem however. Being able to peek into plans for resource distribution, troop allocation, jurisdiction and other topics on a local scale by shoving them around, he garnered some insight into the Dominion's general approach and started to ask himself a question: Is conquest the most effective way to improve one's wealth and quality of life ? Or is it prone to produce long-term problems one would never have to face otherwise ? |
He reviewed the quantity of precious resources spent on the effort, estimated just how many of his own people were spending their lives on the steady maintenance of additional provinces instead of doing something else, added the numbers and came to a conclusion. A very private one though as nobody in his environment seemed to experience the same thing he did: Pity. Not only for his future self given the continuation of the present path, not only for his ex-comrades back in the camp who would be fed into the smouldering fire that was Tamriel torn apart between Dominion and Empire, but also for those who were on the receiving end on all that. In order to see how well they were doing and how likely it was for them to embrace the Aldmeri doings at least someday he hardly had to do more than to sniff out the candles and take a look out the window. It might have been a phenomenon of misery and openly held grudges restricted to the very local area, but a brief inspection of the papers on his desk forced him to extrapolate every time he hoped to relieve himself by thinking that. It was time for as much change as he could induce. |
Pouring sand into the Dominion's gears was no trivial task though. Vraurdoin had do some ugly things to his leg in order to artificially slow down the healing process, thereby gaining time before anyone would think about pulling him out of the offices he was in. He used it to train himself in things like mimicking someone's handwriting or replicating a wax seal. The time of minor modifications had come, even if some of those would deliberately put some of his own people into a lot more danger than otherwise or cause goods to get 'lost'. From his position he could only do so much though and after the early successes he started to grant himself additional authority by more and more extensive use of the lockpick. All while maintaining that gentle smile many of his colleagues put up in the same building while walking around, meeting and greeting him before being their work was corrupted in the night after. He knew that manipulating not only his own message stream but also that of others higher up and further down would make it a lot harder for anyone to backtrack the root of the problem. At some point he overcooked it. The parchment seemed to be just so important and yet so available for manipulation that he just grabbed it and started to get to work, not realizing that it was a fake only put into existence for the sake of detective work. | ![]() |
Once he saw the stern look on the faces of the Thalmor agents entering the floor he was working on, Vaurdoin knew it was over. He bailed out just barely in time for an escape and went into hiding. Over the course of his presence in Valenwood he had build up some connections. Some of them were Altmer friends who, just like him, were not that much convinced by the concept of the Third Dominion and didn't speak about it publicly, but others were Bosmer and members of other races he had come into contact with more by ciphered messages than anything else. |
![]() | They kept him supplied for the first months, helped him change his appearance so he could no longer be identified by each and every patrol and taught him more about the swamps and forests of the countryside he had been living in for long without ever really getting to know all of it in person. While he has never agreed upon being a member of any kind of resistance movement it is safe to say that Vraurdoin has been maintaining a preference for Dominion installations when it came to the acquisition of new supplies and spare coins. He refrained from killing soldiers or even workers since he never forgot many of them might come from families and might have been tossed into the torrent just like him, but aside from that his repertoire of crimes has grown fairly extensive. Treason is just the pinnacle of them. The Empire ? He has considered seeking their help and getting a foot into their door by presenting them with information only an Aldmeri insider can know about, but ultimately those Imperials are the same garbage just with more fancy names. |
Says the egirl hosting a fandom roleplay on the internet about elves and magic with her comic book hero themed profile. ;o
What a fool you are. I'm a god. How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive? There is no escape. No Recall or Intervention can work in this place. Come. Lay down your weapons. It is not too late for my mercy.