"Sep why is the interest so short?"
"Why cause it's an interest check, I'm not going to put hours of effort into simply gauging interest."
Story Prelude
Avatar Wan brought about a new age. As people expanded into the world, as did war and strife. Avatar Wan did the best he could to maintain peace in the world however even one man with the power of all four elements and the spirit Rava he still died upon a battlefield. Since then the world has passed on with several incarnations of the Avatar being born into the various tribes and nations across the world. It was one such Avatar who founded the great city of Si Wong, the city being named after her. As the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation all became united in their respective territories Si Wong stood as a bastion and a reminder of all that the Avatar was. An independent state where people from all four nations live and work together in peace.
The tides are changing though, several generations have passed since the Avatar was sighted in the world. Rumors and stories spread of a great battle between the last Avatar and a mighty spirit that sought to remove Bending from the world. Many people believe the Avatar dead lost and forgotten.
Tensions spread throughout the world as Spirits are seen returning to the physical world, and with no great bridge to stand in their way many fear what may come to pass, just as machinations in the Earth Kingdom threaten to turn the human world into turmoil once again.
Out of Character Information
This Roleplay is set centuries before the birth of Kyoshi, Roku, Aang or Korra. Dragons, Airbenders, Skybison, and even the Sun Warriors are known throughout the world. That said the nations we know from the series The Last Airbender are starting to form into recognizable shapes.
I'm going to leave this Roleplay mainly free-roam however there will be an overarching story based upon the Avatar and their story. Who will play the Avatar? Surely you will as the GM? Nope. I'm going to put names into a random generator of those wishing to play the Avatar, and when the time is right I'll tell them. Any character I make will not be included in the draw.
This is all I have to say for an interest check. Is anyone interested?