
Brown eyes.
Black blazer with white accents, plain Blue hoodie underneath the blazer, a leather brown belt with a silver buckle and neon yellow sneakers.

Name: Blade Shuriken
Hero/Vigilante Name: Giga
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 1.70M
Weight: 65KG
Personality: Blade has a strong sense of justice, bad sense of humor, can be a bit cynical and tends to over think things.
He has a rather high IQ but has never been truly taught to use it.
Blade has a large bit of pressure on him to be the best Hero he can be which in a sense has instilled in him a deep sense of responsivity as well, resulting in some more vigilantly acts to try and build up as much fame and develop his quirk as quick as possible.
Rest will come IC
Blade's Great Grandfather was a powerful Hero in the old day's, got his wealth and fame under the name "Mega"
However the next in line was born quirk-less and with it the family ended in a bad downwards spiral where.
Blade's father was born with the similar quirk as his grandfather but extremely limited and weak, from 4 powerful ways of using the quirk Mega had to just enough power to spark electrical energy between fingertips.
This little quirk was not enough to help in the now more quirk oriented world and with more bad luck on their side they financially never got to recover.
Which brings us to Blade himself, born with at least the full force of one of the major traits of the bloodlines power, his father and grandfather had their hopes that he could somehow develop enough to truly take on his great grandfathers legacy, that Blade might be able to develop his quirk enough to wield it like Mega did once before.
But finances were a large problem even now and with it they ended up signing Blade up at the cheapest school that had some Hero class they could find, after saving for it and finding a way for Blade to actually live nearby enough, which took a few more years then they liked.
Still the wish for all 3 generations is the same and with it they gathered Mega's old armor, took a loan out in order to adjust it to Blade's build and have it updated a bit as well.
Blade's quirk is a mix between Emitter and Mutant.
All electrical pulses in his body are enhanced and by controlling those like an emitter can he can generate various effects, provided he is like his great grandfather that is.
Currently all Blade can do is manipulate the energy to enhance his physical abilities but with a caught, enhancing his strength to much will tear at his muscles, as such he has to keep a limit on it himself, he can automatically limit these effects by splitting the energy inside his body on more then 1 point such as speed and healing rate, which limits the outer level of both and healing would also prevent damage as well
the healing rate of these pulses is higher then normal humans, able to close wounds and burns quickly, the severity effects the time still but a small paper cut for example is healed in a second, but Blade does have to manually effect this
the mutation part does not really show on his outer form but does have 2 effects, as the electrical pulses are always moving stronger then normal Blade is prone to be statically charged quickly, which can result in painful zaps and damaging electrical devices.
further he is able to sense the pulses in others all the time which tends to acts a bit like a natural lie detector
He can, but is still practicing it, enhance the electrical static build to deliberately deal stronger static shocks on impact.
Blade's great grandfather was famous and powerful, having not only the same neuro-electrical pulse manipulation as Blade has and able to generate very strong static electrical blasts with it, he could also generate powerful electrical energy from his body and release it like thunderbolts and other long range electrical attacks.
As that he could manipulate the various electrical fields such as magnetic fields allowing him to EMP anything or lift metal objects and even humans in a strong electro magnetic field
It was said that Mega also had enhanced the ability of sensing electrical energy in the area that he had something like an electro magnetic sonar or radar.
in that regard it can be said that the exact quirk in the bloodline is a full powered electro-kinesis stemming from the users own neuro-net
But how far Blade will get is fully unknown.