Nac you haven't posted in two weeks DX
Lexzah said
Just don't do anything Nac, refuse to do them until he does them. I did that and it worked with my sister.You can be assertive without being aggressive.
Spriggs27 said
Nak Just do them, and if your stalling stop, You don't have to Post Spartan taking down an Army one by one, you could just say he done something and let that be it, hell you ask me and Lex to post.afterwards till you can, and hell shes actually waiting for you to Post before she tries to fight against Seiko.
Lexzah said
Nac, just go to your mother, and tell her that he never does any of his chores, and you refuse to keep doing them until he starts to do them to. You can at least try and see what happens.Or you can just continue to not consider what I have to say like everyone does...
Spriggs27 said
I agree with Lex on this one, you have to at least pull either her aside or your brother aside and talk to one or both of them.
Spriggs27 said
Alright well at least your gonna get some form of Revenge.
Spriggs27 said
Just don't completely maim the boy.
Also no one even saw that I was planing to make another Rp ?