Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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Name: Tomlin Creyvis
Nicknames: N/A
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Prefered starfighter: T-65 X-Wing
Possessions of note: EC-17 Hold-out Blaster. Imperial Crimson Star medal

Personality: Educated, Blue-blood and professional. Loves to fly more than anything.

History: Born on Coruscant, Lieutenant Creyvis is a former pilot for the Imperial Navy, having defected not long after the Battle of Yavin. The son of a Moff, he was brought up to honor and respect the Empire. In his youth, he earned a medal for his actions fighting against pirates.

His thoughts and opinions on the Empire changed after Scarif, where he saw that his commanding officers were more than happy to kill thousands of their own men. Not wanting to be seen as expendable, he stole a shuttle and surrendered to the rebels the first chance he had. His requests to take part in the fighting were denied time and again, but with the Rebel Alliance desperate for experienced pilots, they caved and gave Tomlin a squadron and an X-wing.

Appearance: Sandy hair kept short. Average height and weight. Clean shaven and brown eyes.
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