Genre: Superhero - Modern - Casual - Slice of Life - 18+
Marvels NuHumans
Centuries ago, an extraterrestrial race known as the Kree waged a long war with high casualties. In need of more soldiers, one vicious faction among the Kree decided to genetically modify the DNA of other intelligent creatures across various planets, intending to create a warrior/slave caste that they could use to help win the prolonged war. The Kree eventually came to Earth, where they created their own installation and began experimenting on groups of humans, using their blood, changing their genetic makeup, which gave them the latent potential to develop superhuman abilities.
Before the experiments could be completed, another faction of the Kree came to Earth to shut down the project. The Kree eventually left Earth, believing their experiments were unsuccessful. However, the altered genes of the Human test subjects were passed on through generations of their descendants. The Kree also left behind the numerous Terrigen Crystals, which could be used to activate the dormant genetic modifications.
With each passing generation, the discovery of Terrigen Crystals led to more and more of what would come to be known as Inhumans appearing on Earth through what is now known as Terrigenesis. Upon exposure to the Terrigen, the subject would be cocooned and their DNA re-written. When they emerged they would now possess abilities beyond that of mortals and in some cases, a physical transformation may also have taken place. Most, if not all of these people were met with fear and loathing and were persecuted for their difference to the norm. Eventually, a cluster of Inhumans who had had enough of the world used their advanced abilities and intellects to leave the planet and settle on the moon in a utopia they called Attilan. Over the years more Inhuman settlements have popped up across the world, hidden away from prying eyes where they can live in peace and practice their ways in anonymity. These tribes would pass their Inhuman gene on down the generations, many of these descendants would go through their entire lives without knowing their potential.
In 2020, the world was quiet. With most people safely locked away in their homes due to an ongoing pandemic, the global threats that had plagued them seemed like a distant memory and the likes of SHIELD and the Avengers were not needed. That was until one day in August that a battle high above the clouds raged between the Inhumans of Attilan and one of their own, Maximus the Mad. Near death and desperate, Maximus activated his ultimate weapon, a Terrigen Crystal powered weather device. Creating a storm of pure Terrigen across the entire planet, The Mad King’s goal was to force Terrigenesis on the human population below to create his own army. In part, his plan would work as many caught in the raging monsoon would undergo the transformation but Maximus would be defeated before he could see the results. The resulting propagation around the world affected all humans with Inhuman ancestry caught in the storm causing them to undergo wild Terrigenesis a process that consisted of the formation of a cocoon around them, which would then hatch after a variable period of time. The cocoon could open immediately after forming, or days later. The resulting superpowered individuals from this event became known as NuHumans and became a new target for persecution.
It is now January of 2021, the world seems a little more normal again. In upstate New York at the famous Empire State University, destiny like the puppet master it is has begun to pull the strings of fate to bring together a group of NuHumans created by the storm in order to protect a world that will never fully understand them.
The Basics:
In this role play we will be playing the titular NuHumans; a group of young men and women who have gained extraordinary abilities from being exposed to the Terrigen Storm. Our characters will primarily be students at Empire State Univery (Alma mater to the likes of Spider-Man, Mr Fantastic and Norman Osborn) who are drawn together on the first day of a brand new school year.
I’ve gone with college kids rather than the typical high schooler as I believe that being a little older will allow for much more dramatic and more mature storytelling. This will be an 18+ role play with focus on some of the darker aspects of the comic book world, if that’s not your bag, this is not the rp for you. In regards to abilities, try to think a little outside the box. Let’s not fall into the trap of “this guy shoots fire, this girl can teleport” get a bit creative with it! Maybe you’re a twin who can now merge with their counterpart to form a superbeing? Maybe you’re a girl who can now control mirrors? The possibilities are endless.
I have it in my mind that this rp would be very similar to a tv show in that it will follow an almost episodic format and have seasons. For example; season one will be all about getting to know the team and their powers. Season two would have them up against a great threat etc…
We will not be heroes with costumes and aliases straight away. Early focus will be on building the team and their relationships.
Timeline wise; this story will exist in its own universe outside of the main Marvel continuity and the MCU and will generally act as a mixture of both. The year is 2021; superheroes have been around for about ten years. If you want to include established characters and events in your character's backstory then I’m cool with that. If anything you’ve written clashes with my plans, I’ll let you know.
Character Sheet
Still here? Cool, let's make a team!