Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago
Zeroth Post


Black Orchid

Other NPC's

Black Lightning
Red Tornado
the Flash
Beast Boy
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 16 days ago

Archetype: canon
Name: Tye Longshadow
Alias: Longshadow
Age: 29
Base of Operations: Formerly Texas, presently Metropolis
Size Alteration – Has the ability to change his size at will. Generally grows to 10 feet, 25 feet, and 60 feet tall.

Super Strength & Durability – Has heightened strength even at normal height that increases with his size. His durability gives him a resistance to small arms fire that increases with his size to include resistance to explosives and higher caliber weapons.

Weaknesses: mental attacks, gas based attacks, he can be overpowered, and at smaller sizes he can be affected by heavy gunfire and explosives. Size altering powers take a lot out of him and once he’s exhausted his powers work less. If he doesn’t rest, they can stop working completely.

Personality: cocky, inexperienced, loud, honorable, trustworthy


Tye is a Mescalero Apache, born in El Paso Texas. His mother Shelly insisted on living outside of the reservations so Tye was raised like any average American child. He grew up hearing stories of his great grandfather, a stoic Apache Chief, who was described often as a “giant of a man.” In his early 20’s, Tye’s metahuman gene was activated after a car accident with his mother that left her dead. After flipping their car off road during a thunderstorm, his mother told him that she loved him before speaking in Native American language with her last breaths “Inukchuk”. This blessing is believed to be a part of his power also giving him mystical origins.

Tye wasn’t sure what to do with himself and was a drifter for years. It wasn’t until seeing Batman and the Native American hero Chief Man of Bats in action in New York City that Tye found purpose. After saving the life of Batman with his giant form, both Bat-themed heroes kept an eye on Tye.

After saving people from a fire in California without any sort of mask to conceal his identity, Batman made contact and gave Tye one of Nightwing’s old masks. When he asked why, believing he didn’t have anyone close to keep safe, Batman gave him the name and location of his grandfather Holling.

Potential Storylines:

Supermen vs the Super Gorillas - Gorilla Grodd and a rogue army of gorilla soldiers from Gorilla City have overrun Central City and the Flash has called for help. Longshadow will be tested when the Golden Gorilla aka Congo Jim/Congorilla is brought in to help Grodd's army.

Taking Back Gotham - Longshadow among a few others helps with the effort to take control of Gotham back from the imposter Batman... Bane.

Notes: His S is war paint.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Archetype: Canon
Name: Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers
Alias: Supergirl
Age: 21
Base of Operations: Metropolis
◦ Vast superhuman strength, hearing, durability, and longevity
• Superhuman vision
• Heat vision
• Electromagnetic spectrum vision
• Microscopic vision
• X-ray vision
• Telescopic vision
• Infrared vision
• Superhuman breath
• Freeze breath
• Wind breath
• Superhuman speed
• Superhuman agility
• Superhuman reflexes
• Invulnerability
• Healing Factor
• Flight
Weaknesses: Kryptonite, Magic, Psychic attacks, can usually be harmed by alien weapons, powers fueled by absorbing sunlight and thus gets weaker if she hasn’t absorbed sunlight in a while.
Personality: Optimistic, Impulsive, Compassionate, Hot Tempered, Passionate

BRIEF Bio: Kara Zor-El was thirteen years old when Krypton exploded, and she was put on a rocket ship by Zor-El and Allura, and sent off to look after her baby cousin Kal-El. Kal-Els rocket made it to Earth, while Kara's rocket got stuck in a Kryptonite asteroid and the pod's emergency systems put her in suspended animation.

Kara finally crash landed on Earth many years later. She was found by her cousin who was now known to the world as Superman. Wanting his cousin to have a normal life, to took her to live with the Danvers family. She lived a relatively normal life of an Earth girl. Superman taught her how to control her powers, and how to adjust to Earth. Meanwhile, she taught him about his homeworld of Krypton.

At some point she wanted to become a hero herself. She adopted the name Supergirl, and Clark even made her a costume. She worked with her cousin mostly since she had to balance the life of a teenage girl with superheroics. For a while she was mostly known as Superman’s kid sidekick...

And then Superman died, forcing her to step up and be Metropolis’ protector, and a hero in her own right, as well as balancing that with being a college student and passing her classes.

Potential Storylines: Mainly character development. Supergirl learns to be her own hero, instead of trying to be her cousin. Also, character interactions with the rest of the group. That’s important.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Creedmoor
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Edit: sorry I should have asked beforehand about if there was room.
I'm going to throw the ole hat into the ring, here is a rough outline I'm sorry its really late here so please forgive any mistakes.
Archetype: original
Name: Birth name Elias "Eli" Caine
Current name: Michael Eric Wilson
Alias: Formerly: Black Scorpion
Currently: Manhunter
Base of Operations: metropolis formerly Las Angeles

  • highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat
  • Skilled with a sword
  • Trained as an assassin
  • Trained with firearms
  • use of various gadgets (line guns,gas pellets, mini crossbow, etc)


    At the end of the day he is human, anything that would kill a person can kill him.

Personality: Lonely,Loyal,Caring,awkward,funny
Appearance:Day to day: with green eyes in costume:
BRIEF Bio: Born the third child to the villains Black Reaper (Diana Caine) and Red Havoc (Elijah Caine) Eli was extected to follow in the family business. Having originally been a member of the league of assassins, Red Havoc raised his kids to be villians in training. From the age of 12 to 20 Elias took part in a number crimes including assasinations, heists and enforcing for various clients. For a while he cared little for the moral implications and who he hurt. It wasnt until the tragic death of his younger sister (Amanda Caine), the year following his defection from his family are unclear. The certainty is that around midway in his 23rd year a man fitting his description began working in metropolis as the Bounty hunter Manhunter. While he is technically a criminal due to his willingness to take less than legal jobs he has more often than not show a kindness often refusing or activly working against criminal groups who he feels had broken some yet undisclosed moral line.

During his day life he works at a local orphanage working with troubled youth, keeping them from turning another junkie or gang banger.
Potential Storylines:Villan family, Romanticly involved with a coworker, Former villan.
Notes:He could be considered having a netrual aligment as he has taken his jobs from law enforcement and criminal elements, though he has often worked for law enforcement at a discounted rate and with more frequency.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Original Character

Kor-El/Kieran Kent

Kor, Junior Boy Scout, Starboy

Formerly: Superboy
Currently: Superman



Base of Operations:

Kieran may not be a biological Kent but that doesn't he mean he doesn't look good like one. He has an impressive athletic build and stands at exactly 6'0 while weighing approximately 210 lbs. He has the trademark Kryptonian blue eyes. He doesn't have a distinct look when it comes to his civilian clothes. He just wears what he wants to wear but he has a sense of fashion thanks to his adoptive mother, Lois.

Determined, Courageous, Loyal, Compassionate, Jokester

Kieran has all the abilities granted to a Kryptonian his age by the yellow solar energy of the Earth's sun. He hasn't had the same amount of exposure to it as Clark, but he's had around the same amount absorbed as Kara. His suit as Superboy was made to make up for the years without the sun.

Kieran is considered a genius by Earth standards but would be just above average by Kryptonian standards. He can learn and retain information quickly and put it to use just as fast. He has a great tactical mind but not nearly on the same level as someone in the Batfamily.

When he was sent to train under Batman, Bruce took it upon himself to give the young Kryptonian more than just a lesson in discipline. He knew one of Superman's weaknesses was his lack of combat ability. He may have trained with expert fighters like Wonder Woman, but his way of fighting was still juvenile. Because of this Bruce decided to train Kieran in styles that would benefit his powers. He started with Goju-Ryu Karate and moved onto Japanese jujitsu and Sanshou Kickboxing.

While on the Teen Titans he learned to work well with others and learned how to be someone that could lead others. He carried the "S" on his chest and it came with a lot of responsibilities.

He also has muscle memory of military style techniques that he doesn't recall ever learning.

Kryptonian Physiology: As a Kryptonian, Kieran shares the same weaknesses as the rest of the Super family. This includes a vulnerability to Kryptonite, magic, and other Kryptonians. He can still be damaged or even killed by powerful enemies as shown in Superman's recent fight against Doomsday.

Solar Energy Dependency: Kieran weakens if the solar energy stored within his cells isn't replenished, but this is a passive ability that happens daily. However he depletes the solar energy the more he uses his powers or if he's attacked by someone who can absorb solar energy. If he's exposed to a red sun his stored energy drops dramatically almost making him as weak as a normal human.

Sensory Overload: With his extremely acute senses, Kieran can be overtaxed to the point of pain when encountered by extreme external stimuli such as hypersonics (hearing), balance, sight (flash bang).

Up until twelve years old Kor lived in a section of the Phantom Zone where time still flowed. He was wandering around the Zone when he was rescued by Superman after he was sucked into the zone. He doesn't recall anything before that moment. He doesn't even know who his actual parents are. All that he remembered was his first name, Kor. He learned that life on Earth would be great for him. He was raised in Metropolis with his new family. The world's greatest superhero, his cousin, and his wife. He became one of them. An El and a Kent.

He immediately decided to give back to this world that gave him so much. Kieran knew that he wanted to be a hero just like Superman. He wanted to protect people and his new home. Unfortunately he was young and his powers were still new to him so of course Clark was against him doing so. With some convincing from Lois he was able to go off and train with Batman and his young sidekick Robin. This was Kieran's first real exposure to the world of superheroes outside of the Superfamily. These new heroes he was sent to train with were the complete opposite of what he expected. For one thing they were human. Ordinary humans. He'd soon find out that ordinary was a severe understatement. For what they lacked in powers they made up for with skill, gadgets, and the strength to move forward no matter what. It showed him another side to the humans and expanded his thoughts on them beyond just being weaklings that needed to be protected.

Kieran stayed in Gotham for a year and his experience there would be memorable. Although he was sent there originally just to learn discipline and control Bruce saw a certain potential in him that he wanted to explore. Not only that, but he wanted to spend as much time as he could with the child to see if he would one day be a threat to their world or if he already was. He was from the Phantom Zone and Bruce wasn't nearly as naive as Clark. He kept this agenda hidden from the Boy Scout, but did make Dick aware and instructed him to keep an eye on Kieran as well. Dick took on the job to train his skills as a detective, but he and Kieran quickly became genuine friends. For Kieran Dick was the first friend he had and Dick found someone else that understood the shoes that he was in and the ones he'd have to one day fill. The two became best friends, much like their adopted fathers and for the time being Kieran wasn't seen as a threat. But Bruce still remained on guard finding his amnesia and muscle memory to be suspicious.

A few months into his training and stay in Gotham Kieran received two gifts. One was a suit used to both hasten and stabilize his yellow solar energy absorption. The second gift was school. This wouldn't have normally been considered a gift you'd be happy about, but Kieran was excited to go to school. Especially since he was joining Dick's class. They quickly learned just how smart he was and Bruce knew he was right about the potential he saw in him. With his two pupils leading them the next generation of heroes would be ready for any obstacle or tragedy they'll face. Earth was going to be in great hands.

The year quickly passed and Batman was confident in the job that he'd done. Kieran was in control of his strength and wasn't a danger to himself or others. Kieran learned a lot about Earth, humans, and kids his age during his time in Gotham. He also saw the dark side of humanity that practically engulfed Gotham. He was forbidden from entering the field during the year he was there, but he did assist them whenever he could back in the Batcave. One thing he didn't expect to gain from his time there was a hatred for clowns.

Kieran returned to Metropolis and after a personal test from Superman the world was introduced to Superboy. But Kieran didn't stay his sidekick for long. He and Dick had kept in touch ever since he left Gotham. He told him that he and a couple other sidekicks were going on their own mission without the adults. Kieran was excited for this. With Superman and Supergirl around he didn't actually get to do much and he never got to actually join Robin in the field. He quickly joined them and at first the quartet of Superboy, Robin, Kid Flash, and Speedy were way in over their head when what started as a surveillance mission was interrupted by a crashed ship followed by a few others in pursuit. Kieran rushed over to the crashed ship while Kid Flash grabbed the others so they could catch up. This was his first time meeting another alien besides his family and he didn't stop to think that she would be the one that's an actual danger. He ripped off the door of the crashed pod and was immediately met with a blast to the face. He was sent crashing to the ground in front of the ship, but it was strange. He felt like he had just gotten hit with the power of the sun. He stood up and rubbed his face. He felt both hurt and empowered at the same time. His mystery attacker exited from the pod expecting a corpse but saw a completely fine Kieran instead. This was strange, but he wasn't a Psion. She kissed him and to her surprise she started speaking Kryptonian. He was a Kryptonian. She started to explain things to him in his native language that he seemed to have the knowledge of. She introduced herself as Koriand'r, Princess of Tamaran and that she was fleeing from the Psions who had both abducted and experimented on her. He explained that he was Kor-El and she was on Earth. He promised to help her with her Psion problem. His friends arrived in time to see Koriand'r kiss Kor-El again this time knowing exactly what language she was looking for. English. Quick introductions were made before they fought off the Psions and after some major scolding from their mentors the Teen Titans were formed.

While with the Titans Superboy found a place of his own and he was happy until they disbanded a few years later. The team over the years had good and interesting members. He was even involved in a love triangle with Robin and Starfire. He was sad to see it all go. The disbandment of the team didn't last too long. They were called to action once again when another teen with daddy issues needed their help. He didn't hesitate in rejoining. While working with Superman he felt part of him was missing. He found that missing piece whenever he was with the team. The new team that consisted of Robin, Superboy, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Raven, Terra, and Beast Boy fought off Raven's father and solidified themselves as heroes; New Titans. One day it seemed that Batman had, had it and told Dick that he couldn't call himself Robin if he didn't want to be his partner. The team helped him through this time and then Dick took a leave of absence after handing the position of leader over to Kieran.

Kieran's time as leader was a hard one. In the field his leadership was great. He had the right tactics and knew how to utilize everyone's abilities efficiently. The problem was that the team really missed Robin. The team was used to having the two of them there together. He felt the pressure of leadership and started to understand exactly just what Dick had been going through all of these years. He knew he had a legacy to fulfill when it came to Superman, but that was something he didn't expect for years. The Titans without Robin wasn't something he prepared for. Dick never returned to the team after that.

After graduating from High School, he left the team and became more of a reserve member so that he could attend Metropolis University and keep up with his civilian identity. He didn't intend to follow the path of journalism like his parents, but considered it as a potential option. So Kieran decided to major in Physics and minor in Journalism. While he attended college he became a more permanent hero of Metropolis. Whenever Superman was with the League or helping out in different parts of the world the citizens still felt safe with him and Supergirl around.

Kieran was in his second year at Metro U when Doomsday attacked. He begged Superman to let him help him and the League face him, but he adamantly refused. Metropolis needed his protection while they focused on the fight and on the not so off chance that he and the Justice League were killed the world would need him alive. The world needed a Superman. Superman made him promise that he wouldn't interfere no matter what happened. Kieran tried to fight it, but reluctantly promised. To this day he wishes that he didn't. Doomsday tore through the League severely injuring some and killing others. Doomsday finally fell but he took the Man of Steel with him. Kieran upon hearing Clark's final heartbeats cried out in anger, sadness, frustration, and regret. His father was dead and he did nothing to stop it. He could barely face Lois after, but she held onto him as they cried in silence.

Some time has passed since the event and Kieran decided to hang up his costume for something a little more blue. He remembered his father's last words to him and knew he was right. The world needed a Superman. Even if they didn't have the one they wanted, they had him and he refused to let them or Clark down. He officially took up the mantle and patrols the skies of Metropolis and the Earth as its new protector. When he heard that Beast Boy was recreating the Teen Titans he told him he'd remain as a reserve member, but will also enter a mentor and trainer role for the new team whenever he was free.

Potential Storylines:
He'll be coming to terms with his new role as Superman and what it means for him and the world he needs to protect.

He's still depressed about losing Clark so I'll be exploring that.

His Phantom Zone origins will be revealed.

Suffers from amnesia before coming to Earth
Considers himself pansexual
Has interests in being an astronaut.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by NeverEnding
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NeverEnding Շђє Ŧเภคɭ Ŧг๏ภՇเєг

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Re-worked Canon
Alba Garcia
Black Orchid
Base of Operations:
Seattle, will probably change
Alba’s baseline for strength is stronger than the strongest human’s. However she is a far step below the likes of Kryptonians or Amazons.
Alba is more resilient than humans, but she’s not invulnerable.
Alba is capable of sustained unaided flight
Master of Disguise
Alba can disguise herself as anyone she wishes.
Apart from her strength and durability, Alba is human and is susceptible to poison, bullets, and especially sob stories.
Empathetic - Courageous - Duplicitous - Earnest - Aloof


Alba was raised in northern Washington to a Hispanic mother, Marie, and an African American, Ty, father. Her parents own an Winery and they loved their daughter. When Alba was born Her parents knew she was different. Her abnormal strength was a dead give away. Instead of being afraid or any other understandable emotions they taught their daughter control. They also taught her to love herself, even if she hid her true strength.

Alba was the star woman athlete of her soft ball team. She cared for her classmates, but a part of her struggled to make connections. She was always happier out of the limelight, happier when she pretended she was a nobody. When she was in college she meet a woman named Angie. The two dated off and on for a while through their first two years. Then Angie went missing. Alba looked for her. This was her first foray into the unsheltered life.

After college Alba moved to Seattle to become a yoga instructor. The knowledge that Angie was still out there somewhere drove her. She couldn’t be a cop because of the rules. She had to be free to go wherever her path took her. Most of all she had to be invisible. She toyed about being a PI but that posed too many risks. So mild-mannered yoga instructor by day, double agent by night. Over the years she used her ability to disguise herself to infiltrate various gangs and organizations to keep Seattle safe.

When the Death of Superman hit the news Seattle was rocked. Crime skyrocketed and Alba knew she need to do more, be more. Alba would become Black Orchid.
Potential Storylines:
1. I want to see Alba move to Gotham and use her disguise skills to infiltrate Bane’s organization.
2. I want Angie to be working for H.I.V.E which would lead Alba into direct opposition with the organization. This could also see Alba heading to Jump City and into the path of other Supers.
Alba is a meta-human.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dusty
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Dusty Sorta Sharp

Member Seen 28 days ago

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