"Splintered" | Issue #1 | Prague
Prague Castle was beautiful. Even for the Winter Soldier who much preferred more colorful buildings. Even with the copper green roof the building was lack luster against it's backdrop. Colorfully painted blue roofs, yellow buildings. But he wasn't here to be an art critic. A small part of his mind pointed out that he knew about this because of a young blonde. He shoved that part away roughly. It wouldn't help him with his job. And it was something he shouldn't think about.
The man masquerading as Dušan entered the Castle. It was still a mild trek through the multiple courtyards. He easily slipped through the clusters of people. Morning business was well underway even at this early hour. He was just rounding the entrance to the second courtyard when he spotted Štefan, another of the aids for Sucharda. An older friendly man who happily took 'Dušan' under his tutalage.
"Hey! Dušan." Štefan greeted as he turned away from Ladislava. She was secretary to Alexander.
"Štefan. Ladi." The Winter Soldier smiled winningly at the woman. She was younger than him and slightly comely, but she fancied him and was a good source of information on Dubček's movements.
"Is the conference room preped?"
Ladi rolled her eyes. "Always with work with you." She swatted Dušan on the arm. "Relax for once. Everything is ready. We're just waiting until the First Secretary is ready to give his speech."
The soldier shrugged a shoulder casually. He was always careful to keep Ladi on his right due to her having less of a concept of personal space. "I care about my job." He grunted seemingly put out good naturedly at her jabbing.
The friendly conversation soon found itself back to politics. The tension in the Castle wasn't suffocating yet, but it was very apparent. All too quickly it was time to file into the conference room. Sets were carefully arranged for staff and press, all facing the long table at the end of the room. Microphones and cameras were places strategically. Dušan and his colleges found themselves standing in the back against the wall.
People were packed in, all waiting for the First Secretary. Notable KSČ members already occupied seats at the main table. Štefan and the spy both pulled out their notebooks and pens to take notes. Soon Novotný appeared in a side door. Men parted the way for him to get to his seat. The sound level rose, then crested as the First Secretary took his spot.

"Esteemed comrades! Dear friends! On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, of our whole party and of our people, we convey to the Rumanian Workers' Party, the Rumanian people and to you, comrade deputies, the warmest comradely greetings." The orator's warm voice echoed in the room. A few reporters snapped pictures. Blubs flashed and popped. The only other sound to be heard.
The Winter Soldier dutifully raised his pen and prepared himself for some for an hour of drudgery.
"Economic cooperation based on the principles of proletarian internationalism is an important component of our country's accelerated transition from capitalism to socialism. This beneficial and comprehensive cooperation-"
One of the photographer's bulbs popped close to the one who called himself Dušan. Only years of training kept the man from jumping. He turned to glare at the photographer only to find no one. There was no one to the side of him. Slowly he turned his head back to the front only to find an empty room. Vacant chairs were arranged perfectly in front of him. All empty.
The Winter Soldier could feel his heart rate picking up. He turned to where Štefan had been standing immediately to his right but he too was gone. Training whispered in his mind. Assess the situation. Did he black out? No. That had not happened in years. Even if it had he was friendly enough with Štefan that the man would not have just left him. There would have been a scene. Which meant something more sinister was afoot.
The solider went to pocket his notebook and pen only to find himself holding a sniper. He nearly dropped the weapon in shock. This was not his mission. He took a step back to press his back against the wall only to meet no resistance. His foot crunched down on broken glass. The man took a deep breath and turned.
The corridor was long and dark. Lights overhead flickered slowly as if weathering a great and terrible storm. Moaning could be heard from down the hall. It was a long, deep, mournful sound.
The soldier adjusted his sniper and carefully stepped over the shards of glass. The sparse flashes of light illuminated only small halos. Enough for him to not run into any walls. The corridor was endless.
The man lifted his arm to wipe snow out of eyes. The blizzard was making it nearly impossible to see, even with the unreliable lighting. The ground was quickly becoming treacherous. The moaning was the howling of the wind. The flickering of the lights flashes of discharging firearms.
The Winter Soldier dove to the ground in search of cover. He raised his handgun and took aim at the nearest enemy. A sharp crack and a scream. The soldier rolled as a bullet pinged off his arm.
Where was Steve? He was supposed to be here by now. The lone squad of the 26th was no match for the swarm of Germans. They were blocking the alleyway. And if he didn't get home Pop was going to be mad. Again. But what could he do? If he didn't get scratch he couldn't get food. Then Becca.
Then ----?
The Winter Soldier blinked. Who was he thinking about? He looked down at the notebook in his hand. He had to take a few minutes to process the words he had written on the page. It wasn't Russian nor Cezch. It took him an embarrassingly long time to realize it was English, let alone his own hand writing. The harsh black letters were pressed harshly into the page, nearly tearing the paper in the process.