@Eviledd1984 Of course like the title says "Adventurers always welcome!" just post a CS here.
Why are we still on Tenebris? I kind of wanted, you know, a completely foreign place to explore, not just a new continent on a world I've already played in extensively.
As an aside the Hoods never traveled worlds, their order was disbanded and the only "Hoods" left were the PCs of the Rebirth roleplay, all of which except Vitius got time traveled to the future thanks to the necromancer Samael because we wanted to play around in a more modern setting after the stagnation of the first roleplay.
So why, even if the guy is a meta reference for some reason, Harlund would think they could have even been heard of in other worlds I have no idea.
You guys will have your first quest soon.
@Blackmist16 Nah no worries, don't think you forgot. Think I didn't post on time to do a little back and forth with your NPCs. I blame time zone differences lol.