Hey there, so I'm Sky, it's not my real name but rather just a name I'll go by through online things such as discord. I don't know how old I'm supposed to be to rp or what the appropriate age range is for roleplay so please don't yell at me or come for me for being too young. I'll get off if I need to and if it's suggested I should since I see many people being older. I'm 15, I don't participate in sexual roleplay or anything of that nature. I'm not super experienced either so I only have stuck to romantic/cliche roleplay storylines. I do 1x1 roleplay so just me and another person doing it as like I said, NOT EXPERIENCED π. Well I've been doing rp for a few months but it's just a fun, spending time thing to do for me. Anyways I think this introduction is long enough, I'd be more than happy to take advice, tips, or even start a roleplay through Discord if you're interested haha. Idk if I should give mine out my it's cherrycokesky#2443. Have a good day!