Hidden 4 yrs ago 3 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

A man named Matt was exploring a cave with a group of his friends. They were looking for a rare gem that was known to be found in these caves. They were just out for fun, hoping to get lucky. It was a dark night, the eve before the blood moon. The guys decided they would all propose to their girlfriends that evening, and wanted to give them an extra something with a ring. Sapphires are super rare on Valeroma, and only the super wealthy can afford them. Matt and his buddies just hoped they would get lucky.
They were all exploring different areas of the cave; which when you think about it, isn't very smart. But that's men for you. Anyway, Matt was in one of the caves farthest from the entrance. He came to the very end, and was about to turn around when an item caught his attention. It was glowing a soft orange color, with black in it, kind of like a piece of coal. As he got closer, his excitement grew. He picked up the object, and a small scroll fell off. Setting the object down carefully, he bent down and picked up the scroll, carefully avoiding setting it on fire with his torch. Carefully unrolling it, he read the letters written in beautiful calligraphy:

[center][color=red]When the night is dark and the moon is red
Hatched will be a dragon of dread
Eyes like amber and scales like the earth
More than the world his head will be worth
The dragon of dread will be a shifter and more
The kind of monster you read of only in lore
He will seek to rule the last of his race
And make the whole world know of his face[/center][/color]

Matt stared at the words. He had heard this short poem all his life, but why was it written on an ancient scroll? He stared at what must be a dragon's egg. A smile lit up his face. He found his something special, a baby dragon for his fiance was the perfect gift. He carefully put the egg in his pack, and stuffed the scroll in his pocket. Working his way out of the cave, he found his friends already waiting for him. They were all empty handed. "What took you so long, Matt?" they asked. "Just taking my time, being thorough, and all." He said, wanting to keep the egg to himself and his soon to be fiance.

The next evening

Matt took his girlfriend out for dinner. When they finished eating and came home, he brought out his pack with the egg, plus a small blue box. He walked to his girlfriend, and cupped her face in his hand. He smiled as she leaned into it. He lead her outside, for she loved the outdoors. They looked up at the sky, seeing that there was indeed a blood moon. He turned to Amanda and carressed her face again. "Amanda, I am deeply in love with you. Every week, every day, hour, every second I see you, and my heart leaps in my chest. I have no idea what is in store for us, but together I know we can get through anything." Getting down on one knee, he opened a box containing a diamond ring. "Amanda Renee Shiloh, will you marry me?" Amanda covered her mouth with her hands. "Yes, Matt. A million times yes." She held her left hand out and Matt slipped the ring onto her finger. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hard.

When they pulled apart, he took her hand and led her to the swing overlooking the lake. "I have something else to show you, dear." He said, swinging the pack off his back. "The guys and I went exploring yesterday, and I found this." He pulled the egg out of his bag, and held it in front of her. "A weird place for a dragon egg, but it's-" He cut off as the egg started to shake. He set it on the ground, excitement growing on both of their faces. "Matthew, you got me a dragon? That's amazing!" she said.

The egg continued to shake and crackle. Finally, a crack appeared on the egg. A little dragon worked it's way through the egg. It squawked at it's 'owners'. The Dragon changed to a full grown man. "I am Vaeros. Thank you for finding me. Now die." he had barely finished talking when he grabbed them both by their jaws and twisted sharply. Their necks snapped and their bodies fell to the ground.

A sick smile grew on his face. "I am fire. I am death. I am, Vaeros." He said, changing back to his dragon, which in the few minutes he was alive, had grown to almost double his original size. He roared, and headed to the nearest city, eager to fulfill his purpose.

In the next few minutes, Vaeros was at his full grown size. His powerful wings sent him flying through the air at unimaginable speed. He reached the nearest town, and he roared his loudest. Now that he's gotten the town's attention, he let huge streams of fire erupt from his maw. Fire consumed entire houses, and quickly spread. He swooped down and obliterated more by swiping his tail on the structures. Once that city was practically in ruins, he flew on; he gave a good roar once in a while to announce his arrival.

Vaeros moved from town to town. Wherever he went, he left destruction in his wake. By morning, the entire world new of Vaeros' arrival, and his purpose. They stood in fear of this creature, this creature who seemed bent on chaos and destruction, for that is what was written.
The prophecy has been fulfilled. Vaeros runs free across all of Valeroma, wreaking havoc on everything he comes upon. What stands in his way? A small group of heroes, chosen from birth. With guidance from the notorious Nym, these six young men and women could very well defeat the greatest threat Valeroma has ever faced.

Will they succeed?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Bitterblue111
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Vision from Lalei

Deep within the realm of dreamland, a voice calls out from the darkness. At first it is a soft voice, a quiet voice, but as you grow more aware of it you realize it is echoing in your mind, enveloping your senses until you are only aware of its presence. Then out from the echoes comes a strong, feminine voice. It is calling your name. A pale hand stretches out to you from the darkness. This strange dream suddenly has a clarity only experienced in visions.

Come, brave soul, I have something you must see.

The hand vaporizes in wisps of smoke as you attempt to move towards it. Like a curtain, the dark mist of nothingness rises to reveal the interior of a cave. A lone egg shimmers in the recesses of the cavern, kept warm only by the words etched by fire in the scroll that lies atop it.

Vaeros, the dragon of dread. Long has he slumbered, in wait for the day when he may awaken in his fury.”

You watch as a hand removes the parchment and plucks the egg from its nest.

That day has come.

The vision grows dim and opens again upon a young man and woman standing under a blood red moon. While the scene continues to unfold the voice in your head grows even more powerful, thundering in your ears and rattling your body as it recites the prophesy you have heard since childhood.

[center][color=red]“When the night is dark and the moon is red
Hatched will be a dragon of dread
Eyes like amber and scales like the earth
More than the world his head will be worth
The dragon of dread will be a shifter and more
The kind of monster you read of only in lore
He will seek to rule the last of his race
And make the whole world know of his face”​[/center][/color]

You watch as the baby dragon now hatched transforms into a man. "I am Vaeros. Thank you for finding me. Now die." The scene closes upon his great hulk taking flight from the broken bodies.

He will wreathe the world in flame. Ashes and shadow will bind you and all of Valeroma to a living death none may escape.”

A mixture of smoke and burnt flesh assaults your nostrils. Burning houses crumble before your eyes as the sound of crying children echo from within its walls. Your favourite tavern is crushed under the weight of the mighty dragon, the liquor pouring from the broken casks spreading the hungry fire faster throughout the city.

No one can stand in his way. All you hold dear will vanish.”

You are suddenly lifted up from the fires and placed on a formless plateau to join five other figures in a circle. Though it is dim, you can just make out the features of your dream fellows. Your view widens abruptly as your eyes leave your body to look down on the six standing in the circle. Two elven females, a dwarf, a man, an elven male/dwarf, and a dragon.

But not all is as hopeless as it seems.” The voice has returned to its softer tone.

As you take this in, the slim figure of a young, red-haired woman appears in the midst of the circle. Immediately you are back in your body and facing this apparition. Her hair and clothes whip around her body as if a strong wind is blowing, though you can feel nothing, and her eyes gaze deeply into yours unblinkingly. A slender hand lifts from her side and reaches out to you. You recognize it as the hand from earlier in this vision. Her lips part and the quiet but firm voice slips from between them.

“Six in tide, Six are true
Six to be lead by a spirit of hue
Long awaited in the endless sin
They are the saviors of many a skin
While they live, he cannot survive
While he is here, they cannot thrive”

*written by Mowkie​

The words are spoken with the same authority as the earlier recited prophesy. A small smile appears on her face as her hand returns to her side.

“This second verse of the prophesy has long since been forgotten by the peoples of Valeroma, but that does not make them any less true. You have been chosen since before your birth, INSERT CHOSEN ONES NAMES HERE! to uphold this prophesy. Only by banding together to confront Vaeros is there any hope for Valeroma. Without you, Valeroma will fall.”

Her eyes darken in a glare as a playful pout plays on her lips. “If this is not motivation enough to take this vision seriously, so help me I will haunt you every night and you will never ever have another restful sleep again, is that understood?

The mood lifts with another smile. “Now, watch and listen carefully.” The woman raises her arms until they create a semi-circle above her head. Between her arms a map appears, marking where you currently are with your head upon your pillow. It shifts and moves across the land as a drawn line connects your position to a place on the map called The Forsaken Grove. “Be here in two day’s time, before dawn. There I will meet you and speak with you further, but for now I must go.”

A vortex opens, swallowing the woman and the five other figures from your dream. You are alone again in dreamland as the dark mist surrounds you in sleep once more.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Bitterblue111
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vivian was dreaming soundly. A smile was upon her face, as she and Emma went racing through the fields. Viv changed to her dragon form, and roared. Emma squealed with glee, and jumped into the makeshift saddle so she didn't fall off, and urged Viv to fly. Laughing, a sound which sounded very unnerving when she was in her dragon form, Vivian ran several more steps, and took off into the air. Hang tight, little one. she said in Emma's mind, as she did barrel rolls, and dives. Emma loved this, she squealed and laughed with glee.

Then it all changed. Emma vanished, and Vivian found herself back in her elven form, laying in her room. Sitting up, she looks for her clock, but finds instead a ghost like looking hand reaching out to her.

“Come, brave soul, I have something you must see.” and then promptly vanished.

The voice in her head made her jerk. She stood, and walked to where the hand had been, and was then transported to the interior of a cave. Her eyes lit up when she saw the egg. It had been a long time since any egg had hatched. Hundreds of years. She remembered the last one as if it were yesterday. But her delight quickly turned to dread as the voice returned.

Vaeros, the dragon of dread. Long has he slumbered, in wait for the day when he may awaken in his fury.”
The egg is taken by someone, and the parchment with it.

"That day has come."

Looking at the scene before her, Vivian's heart sinks as she notices the blood moon. But her attention soon focuses on the young couple standing in front of the egg from earlier.

A booming voice sounded in her mind. The words of the ancient prophecy roared in her head, causing her to grimace slightly, and bring her hand to her sword. She listened to the words of the prophecy that she had heard for years, but never given it any credit.

It was then that the dragon, now hatched, changed to human. Vivian gasped. Never had this happened before. Never in the history of Valeroma. Shifters were always born as their "lesser" being, either human, elf, or dwarf. Not the other way around. And on top of that, never had a shifter changed that early. It took years....then he spoke. "I am Vaeros....die."

As he changed back again, he had tripled in size. Terror flew through her veins like fire.

“He will wreathe the world in flame. Ashes and shadow will bind you and all of Valeroma to a living death none may escape...”

Vivian watched as the scene changed. Vaeros, now at his full size, attacking villages. Children, Women, Men, everyone was dead. Only a few wailing cries remained. Tears were streaming down her face.

“No one can stand in his way. All you hold dear will vanish.”

As the scene around her changed, Vivian drew her sword. The sound of metal ringing through the air, Vivian turned to see....five others? By the looks of it, there were all confused and scared. While Vivian knew what was happening, she was indeed terrified.

"But not all is as hopeless as it seems." A young girl appears. Red hair, green eyes, and very spirit like. She listened as she spoke of a second half of the prophecy. Her brow furrowed, for she had never in all her years heard of a second half. The girl met her eyes as her voice grew in power once more.

“Six in tide, Six are true
Six to be lead by a spirit of hue
Long awaited in the endless sin
They are the saviors of many a skin
While they live, he cannot survive
While he is here, they cannot thrive”

This second verse of the prophesy has long since been forgotten by the peoples of Valeroma, but that does not make them any less true. You have been chosen since birth, Vivian, Valaina, Kolmar, Niklaus, Agardir, Crystal, to uphold this prophesy. Only by banding together to confront Vaeros is there any hope for Valeroma. Without you, Valeroma will fall.....If this is not motivation enough to take this vision seriously, so help me I will haunt you every night and you will never ever have another restful sleep again, is that understood?”
As the being named everyone, a picture of each person appeared in her mind to match the name. When she got to the haunting part, a smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth. A know it all, full of itself being was to guide them? Figures.

When the being showed them where to go, and the time, Vivian nodded. Knowing already, her choice.

As soon as the Vision ended, Vivian woke with a start. She was surprised to see the pillow, and her sheets were covered with sweat. She was never a sweater when she slept.

Knowing what she must do, she changed into her travel armor, packed what she could carry in a large, large bag. She went outside, sneaking out of the house, so she wouldn't awaken the family she was staying with. She went far enough away, and changed. Her dragon form, about 80 feet from tip to tail, grabbed the bag, and flew off in the direction of the Forbidden Grove. It was a days journey, even by the air.

A Day Later

Vivian landed a few miles from her final destination, figuring it'd be best to take the rest of the journey on foot. She didn't want to scare any of the other members of the...chosen ones if she wasn't the first to arrive. After an hours walk, she emerged into the forbidden grove. Looking around, she realized she was the first one there. She went to lean against the lone tree in the center of the grove, worn out from her long journey. She closed her eyes, and soon drifted into a light sleep.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DraconiWarlord
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DraconiWarlord Broke The Infinity +1 Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zav Unhul

Zav dreamed of himself running around with his brothers and sisters, and an albino tiger running out of the forest, his teeth bared. But then-it vanished. “Come, brave soul, I have something you must see.” and then promptly vanished.

The voice in his head made him jerk. He stood, and walked to where the hand had been, and was then transported to the interior of a cave. Zav's eyes lit up when she saw the egg. It had been a long time since any egg had hatched. He'd never seen it happen. But his initial delight turned to dread as the voice returned.

“Vaeros, the dragon of dread. Long has he slumbered, in wait for the day when he may awaken in his fury.”
The egg is taken by someone, and the parchment with it.

"That day has come."

Looking at the scene before her, Zav's heart sinks as he notices the blood moon. But his attention soon focuses on the young couple standing in front of the egg from earlier.

A booming voice sounded in his mind. The words of the ancient prophecy roared in his head, causing him to moan slightly, and bring his hand to his staff, primed to summon a wolf. He listened to the words of the prophecy that he had heard for years, but never given it any credit, believing it to be a folktale.

It was then that the dragon, now hatched, changed to human. Zav was puzzled. Never had this happened before. Never in the history of Valeroma. Shifters were always born as their "lesser" being, either human, elf, or dwarf. Not the other way around. And on top of that, never had a shifter changed that early. It took years....Zav's first shift was at 49! Then he spoke. "I am Vaeros....die."

As he changed back again, he had tripled in size. Terror flew through his veins like fire-and he knew the feeling-he'd been thrown into a volcano.

“He will wreathe the world in flame. Ashes and shadow will bind you and all of Valeroma to a living death none may escape...”

Zav watched as the scene changed. Vaeros, now at his full size, attacking villages. Children, Women, Men, everyone was dead. Only a few wailing cries remained. Tears were streaming down his face.

“No one can stand in his way. All you hold dear will vanish.”

As the scene around her changed, Zav drew his staff. The sound of metal ringing through the air, Zav turned to see....five others? By the looks of it, there were all confused and scared. While Zav had a vague idea of what was happening, he was indeed terrified.

"But not all is as hopeless as it seems." A young girl appears. Red hair, green eyes, and very spirit like. He listened as she spoke of a second half of the prophecy. Her brow furrowed, for she had never in all his 112 years heard of a second half. The girl met his eyes as her voice grew in power once more.

“Six in tide, Six are true
Six to be lead by a spirit of hue
Long awaited in the endless sin
They are the saviors of many a skin
While they live, he cannot survive
While he is here, they cannot thrive”

“This second verse of the prophesy has long since been forgotten by the peoples of Valeroma, but that does not make them any less true. You have been chosen since birth, Calit, Vivian, Zav, Odran, Kassandra, Rosarina, to uphold this prophesy. Only by banding together to confront Vaeros is there any hope for Valeroma. Without you, Valeroma will fall.....If this is not motivation enough to take this vision seriously, so help me I will haunt you every night and you will never ever have another restful sleep again, is that understood?”
As the being named everyone, a picture of each person appeared in his mind to match the name. A giant human assassin. A dragon-elven shifter. A dwarven military engineer. A water dragon shifter. An elven pyromancer. When she got to the haunting part, a smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. An obnoxious, thinks-he's-the-smartest- being was to guide them? Of course.

When the being showed them where to go, and the time, Zav nodded. He already knew his choice.

As soon as the Vision ended, Zav woke with a start. He was surprised to see the lantern, and his robe was covered with sweat. He never sweat in his sleep.

Knowing what he must do, he packed what he could carry in a small bag, put it on his back. He went outside, sneaking out of the house, so he wouldn't raise suspicion. He went a decent distance away, put the pack on his back, and turned north. Her wolf form, about 4 feet from nose to tail, ran to the Forbidden Grove.

"Time to shift." Zav willed himself to transform into a wolf, and his wolf fur robe melted into him. His white hair became white fur on his head, and his grey robe became grey fur. He winced as his metal hand became a metal paw. "Always head North, Zav. Always push forward, no matter what." He remembered his mother telling him that. So, his metal paw clanking, his wild eyes awake, he ran north. He bounded through roads and through towns. "I'M GOING TO KILL A DRAGON!"He yelled.

-Two Days Later- Zav trotted into a grove, and shifted back to his human form. "Another reason... the stamina... of a wolf... is above... any other." He moaned. This was supposed to be the meeting point. He saw a silhouette under a tree. An elf one. Sleeping. He saw a sword. Still, he moved towards the tree, realizing the if she was in the Grove, she was Chosen and would not hurt him. He shifted, and went to the edges of the grove, wanting to remain hidden until all the Chosen Ones were at the grove.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Moonshadow
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Moonshadow Not Dead Yet

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rosarina Loraven

After a day of guarding the village's hunting party, Rosaria returned ready for a well earned rest. The hunting party delivered their quarry to those better skilled at skinning, gutting, and smoking. A hot meal and even hotter bath eased the muscles worked on the hunt and as the sun begun to set it was time for the elf to slumber. Her dreams begun as they always did; a vast opened field and the sound of crashing waves. She didn't know the location and yet it was always one of comfort. Her birthplace, perhaps? She would never know. She ran along, laughing at nothing in particular before finding respite in the tall blades of the meadow's blue grass.

"Rosarina," an unfamiliar voice called to her, drawing the young elf from her peace. Ember eyes look about, no longer in the calm of the meadow. A ghostly hand reached out to her, "come, brave soul, I have something you must see."

Intrigued, she rose and moved towards the vanishing hand. The scenery lurched from the comforts of her bedroom to the dark interior of a cavern. Her eyes took in her surroundings, a natural instinct. An egg, nestled in enchanted parchment, her eyes grew wide as she took in its detail.

"Vaeros, the dragon of dread. Long has he slumbered, in wait for the day when he may awaken in his fury."

Rosarina gulped down a breath, a shiver running down her spine. She knew the name, every sentient soul of Valeroma knew that wretched name. A hand, not her own, reached out to remove the parchment and she felt her stomach drop. "NO!" Her attempt to cry out was voiceless and useless.

"That day has come.

Rosarina fell to her knees as she watched the vision unfold. No, her mind repeated over and over, no!

“He will wreathe the world in flame. Ashes and shadow will bind you and all of Valeroma to a living death none may escape...”

The scent of fire and ash was all too familiar to Rosarina and she flinched as it over took her olfactory senses. She didn't want to open her eyes to the sight, a sight she had feared since her own fire had first risen from her fingertips. She knew the voices all too well, her village, the men and women who had raised her and the sound of the children she was in turn helping to raise; like sick and twisted laughter the voices clawed at her mind.

“No one can stand in his way. All you hold dear will vanish.”

Her senses calmed, the scene having changed once more. She stood on the plateau and took in the form of the others before all six faded beneath her. She was no longer in her own body, which would have been more alarming had this not been a visionary experience already.

“But not all is as hopeless as it seems.”

The voice returned to its softer tone as the slim figure of a young, red-haired woman appears in the midst of the circle. Her hair and clothes whipping around her body as if a strong wind is blowing, though there was no breeze. Unblinking eyes gaze deeply at the elf, the figure's slender hand rising from her side. It is all too familiar, the hand which drew Rosarina into this vision. The red head's lips part and the quiet but firm voice slips from between them.

“Six in tide, Six are true
Six to be lead by a spirit of hue
Long awaited in the endless sin
They are the saviors of many a skin
While they live, he cannot survive
While he is here, they cannot thrive”

A small smile appears on the red head's face as her hand returns to her side. Rosarina's brow furrows, confused by this sudden change in expression.

“This second verse of the prophesy has long since been forgotten by the peoples of Valeroma, but that does not make them any less true. You have been chosen since before your birth, Vivian, Odran, Zav, Kassandra, Calit, Rosarina, to uphold this prophesy. Only by banding together to confront Vaeros is there any hope for Valeroma. Without you, Valeroma will fall.”

The figure's eyes darken in a glare as a playful pout plays on her lips. “If this is not motivation enough to take this vision seriously, so help me I will haunt you every night and you will never ever have another restful sleep again, is that understood?

Now, watch and listen carefully.”
The woman raises her arms until they create a semi-circle above her head. Between her arms a map appears, marking where the pyromancer's village is located. It shifts and moves across the land as a drawn line connects Rosarina's village to a place on the map called The Forsaken Grove. “Be here in two day’s time, before dawn. There I will meet you and speak with you further, but for now I must go.”

The elf started from her sleep as the candle in its lantern on the side table flared at the same moment, a deafening crack and shattering of glass breaking the silence. With a sharp hiss, she drew her hands inwards to her body and frowned at the blackened tips of her fingers as a hot surge of pain flared from fingertip to spinal cord.

"Rina, are you alright?" A soft voice resonating through the rooms as footfalls brought the other elven woman's figure into view. She paused in the doorway to take in the sight before shaking her head and crossing the room. Whilst she moved, the blonde drew a cloth from the side table and dipped it into a shallow bowl of water.

"You really must be more careful," She scolded kindly and pressed the cool cloth against Rosarina's fingers.

A troubled smile rose to the pyromancer's lips as she glanced up with her head still bowed to watch the blonde elf. The vision still playing at the back of her mind. She had to get going, there was no time to waste. Yet... she took in the sight of her dearest friend, the smile slipping.
"I shall be fine, Dionae, it was a bad dream, n-nothing more."

They held each other's gaze a split second, Rosarina turning her face away. She never had been a good liar.

"You do not honestly expect me to believe that, do you?" The blonde countered and shifted her position to sit more comfortably at the edge of the bed. "Was it about your parents or the accident?"

"Neither," the fire elf answered before letting out a long breath of a sigh. "I have to get to the Forsaken Grove."

"No," the blonde shook her head immediately. "There is a reason it is called Forsaken, I will not let you."

"You are no longer in charge of me, Di. We are equals in status among the village." Rosarina attempted to offer a playful smile but the seriousness in her faintly glowing ember eyes betrayed the effort. "I must go. I-I cannot explain it but you need to trust me."

Dionae arched forward with the agility befitting her hunters occupation, wrapping arms around Rosarina and holding the other elf close for a moment. The blonde huffed and drew back to rise from the bed. "It is a three day journey, at least. You will need rations," the archer begun flittering about the room, grabbing this and that to pack.

"I have to be there in two days time." Rosarina noted with an arch of her brow as she climbed from the bed and changed into her hunting gear. "If I can take one of the horses, I can make it in time."

Dionae paused, turning her head to peer at the red head in thought. She gave a nod as she turned and dropped a leather backpack on the table. "Take Kalondar, since you do not have your own horse yet."

Rosarina pulled Dionae into another embrace as she mumbled a 'thank you' to the other elf. The pair finished packing up and managed not to raise any others as they made their way to the stables. After saddling up the red dun Paso Fino horse, the two women bid their farewells before Rosarina mounted and took off into the night. She would maintain a steady pace until sunrise, when she could see her path more clearly.

Before Dawn, Two Days Later

Making it to the grove, just in time, Rosarina dismounted and walked with Kalondar to the clearing shown in the vision. She patted his neck as they walked, whispering calming words and offering her thanks for the animal's hard work. Her ember eyes left off a faint glow beneath the shade of the drawn hood of her cloak, her spare hand upon the hilt of her blade. She spotted the sleeping elf easily enough and could only assume that she was one of the others called forth from their home by the prophetic vision. Her defensive posturing softened a touch as she led the horse to a tree and looped his reigns over a low-hanging branch.

Seeing only the other elf, Rosarina went about her own business as quietly as possible so not to disturb the slumbering woman. She fetched neatly folded cured leather from one of the saddle bags and propped the four sides open with sticks from the ground. Of the few non-combat magic items she owned, her ever-filling waterskin was in many ways among her favorites. After pouring water into the make-shift trough, she looped the strap of the waterskin over her shoulder and knelt down. She peeled off her gloves, exposing the charred and burnt flesh of her hands, before scooping some of the water to splash her face. It had been a long forty-eight hours since she had left her home with the vision haunting what little sleep she'd been able to get.

A moment passed, Kalondar dropped his head into the water and gave it a splash before pressing his nuzzle in to draw in the cool liquid. Rosarina smiled, rubbing a flat hand along the white stripe of the dun's face. Rising from her position, she pulled her gloves back on and looked about once more. Something was off, she could feel it, something watching her. Was it friend or foe? Could it be the mysterious red head from the vision? She was not certain but knew that if she didn't pull her mind from the feeling, she would only grow more paranoid. Sighing and shaking her head, she grabbed a handful from her rations and moved to sit beneath the tree Kalondar was bound to. To wait was all she could think to do for the time being, wait and listen for the four other 'Chosen Ones' to arrive.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DraconiWarlord
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DraconiWarlord Broke The Infinity +1 Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zav Unhul

Zav woke in his wolf form, as he had gone to bed in. "How long did I sleep?" he muttered. He willed himself to shift back, and he transformed back into a human, so he concluded it was under 50 minutes. But he would have to be careful with shifting today. He stretched, saw the sun was still up, and decided to make his way out of the forest. His stomach rumbled, and he decided to hunt for food instead. He drew his staff and summoned a wolf. "Find food." he instructed. "Bring it back to me." Zav looked out from the trees. Another Chosen!

Zav readied his staff. Could it? Maybe someone had heard word and come here. An agent of Vaeros? Zav decided to take his chances. "I'm the strongest and smartest warrior that ever lived. I can handle an elf." He stepped out from the trees, moving as silently as he could. "Hey!" he yelled. "Who are you?"

Zav thought better of it before the elf was able to respond. He shifted and ran into the forest. "Bad idea, Zav! Bad idea!" He turned to the exit of the grove. "That's it. I'm going to look for Chosens coming here and show them the way." Zav pounded towards the exit, and then shifted back into human form. "This is going to be some adventure." he said.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Odran Stormweaver

“Six in tide, Six are true
Six to be lead by a spirit of hue
Long awaited in the endless sin
They are the saviors of many a skin
While they live, he cannot survive
While he is here, they cannot thrive”

“This second verse of the prophesy has long since been forgotten by the peoples of Valeroma, but that does not make them any less true. You have been chosen since before your birth, Vivian, Odran, Zav, Kassandra, Calit, Rosarina, to uphold this prophesy. Only by banding together to confront Vaeros is there any hope for Valeroma. Without you, Valeroma will fall.”

Odran woke from his slumber with a start, his grip quickly tightening around the handle of the crossbow cradled in his arms. A sharp intake of breath attracted the attention of a group of sitting nearby him, a squad of 9 other dwarves like him, squatting around and leaning against their packs in the back of a caravan wagon. He and a squad of the Ironborn Free Company were headed back to Stormhold after a long year of patrolling and protecting the mountainside. After a long year of building, fighting, and walking they were finally granted several months of leave in order to handle their own businesses back home.

"Eh? Wassat there Odran? You look like you've seen a ghost ye have." called out Tonner, another veteran dwarf in the squad. Bigger and stouter than even Odran, and usually carrying heavy equipment, the dwarf almost looked under equipped without a massive piece of wood or metal in his arms. A few of the other dwarves in the wagon chuckled as well.

"I very well might've" Odran murmured to himself, as he stood up, slinging his crossbow over his shoulder. "Oi Durnan, whereabouts is the supply wagon again?" Without waiting for an answer, Odran already had his pack over his shoulders and had begun climbing out of the covered convoy wagon where his squad sat, much to the confusion of the others.

There was the thudding of a second pair of feet hitting the ground after him. Odran glanced back to see Tonner following after him. Ignoring him, Odran continued making his way through the caravan, and a few wagons back were the supply carts. Massive wooden boxes on heavyset wheels being pulled by a small contingent of mules, the Ironborn supply carts were small moving armories, set to carry everything the Ironborn Free Company needed. With a heavy gauntleted fist, Odran knocked hard against the side of the cart.

One of the windows opened up and a confused looking dwarf poked his head out the window to see what was going on. Bushy white beard and a huge pair of spectacles made the older dwarf's eyes look like giant bug eyes, with thinning, but still strong and wiry arms. "Oi? Wot is it Odran?" Asked Henler the supply dwarf, still somewhat confused.

"That's what I've been trying to ask him!" grumbled Torren, "'Ave you lost it or something Odran? What's going on?"

Ignoring him, Odran addressed the supply dwarf. "I'll need another combat supply of bolts, a field pack, spare tools, a wee bit of rum and one of tha' pack mules. I've got the scratch for it o'course." he said, producing a heavy coin laden pouch out of his pocket and tossing it up into the cart.

"Eh? For wot?" Asked Henler and Tonner almost simultaneously. Odran ignored them.

"Just get me the gear you cottonheads," Odran said as made his way to the front of the cart and began unshackling one of the mules from the front of the armory wagon- a large bay mule named Rork. Still confused, Henler nonetheless began pulling the supplies out of the armory wagon, and handing them down to Odran who quickly strapped them to the sides of pack mule: A leather covered box filled with 40 heavy quarrels, a field pack with all the typical supplies needed for overland travel- mess kit, bedroll, waterskins, field rations, fishing line, an aid kit and the like- a half full bottle of rum, and a spare set of metalworking tools. Seemingly satisfied with his quick preparations, Odran nodded to himself and began stomping off in the direction of the Forbidden Grove, his pack mule dutifully following behind him.

"Odran! 'ave you been hit in the head or somming? Odran! The war's over, where are ya going?!" Tonner called out after him.

"Seems ta me, the war's just started." Odran muttered to himself, already well out of earshot.

Two days later

Having spent the better part of the last 48 hours doing nothing but marching, sparing little more than a few hours out of each day to rest and eat, Odran managed to make it to the Forbidden Grove just before dawn. Rork, the ever faithful mule followed behind him, laden down with the majority of Odran's gear. Odran, who had shed most of his arms and armor, save his crossbow, led the mule into the small clearing in the grove, his footsteps light and quiet despite his weight and bulk.

As it seemed, Odran was not the first to arrive. A few had already arrived in this once quiet grove. They looked familiar to him, despite never having met them. Odran remembered seeing their faces and figures in his dream- he was sure he heard their names as well, but the dream had happened so suddenly that he could not put names to the faces. An elven woman rested against a tree, another elf sat by her horse with some water and rations. Still a third elf had also just appeared into the clearing, making his presence well known as he yelled at one of the sitting elves, breaking the otherwise peaceful silence of the grove, but not before he disappeared back into the trees.

"What's he on about?" Odran asked aloud to no one in particular as he walked across the grove. He looped his pack mule's lead to a try nearby but not directly next to the elf and her horse before taking a seat himself. The sleeping elf in the center of the tree had the right idea, Odran thought to himself. His pack mule must have thought so too, as the mule plopped itself on the ground, ready to rest. Odran plopped down on the ground next to it, leaning his back against the mule's midsection.

Pulling out his drinking horn, Odran poured a small amount of rum into it, before filling the rest of the horn with some water from his waterskin to form a basic grog. He took a big gulp of the drink and let out a satisfied sigh. "I don't suppose anyone knows why we're ta' meet here in some forbidden forest as opposed tae' nice warm tavern with a pitcher to go around do they?" Odran asked aloud, again not to anyone in particular.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DraconiWarlord
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DraconiWarlord Broke The Infinity +1 Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zav Unhul

"Damn it, Zav! Now you gotta go out there and introduce yourself when three people heard you yell!" Zav nervously walked out of the trees. "Hi... I'm Zav. And I would've preferred a tavern too. And I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"Now are we going to go on the adventure now, or keep waiting? I've got rabbit meat anyhow." Zav's white hair fell down in his face. "I'm a Chosen One, like all of you. I think we got off on the wrong foot."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Bitterblue111
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vivian must have fallen into a deeper sleep than she intended. She shifted lightly in her sleep as hoofbeats approached the grove, not even coming to full consciousness. A light snore lifted from her lips, which is unlike elves. She was startled awake to a voice yelling "Hey! Who are you?" She jumped to her feet immediately, drawing her sword. Steel eyes scanned the forest before determining the presence may not be as big a threat as she thought. Sheathing her sword she turned to the other elf and dwarf who had entered the clearing. "Hi, I'm sorry if I was rude, I must have fallen asleep. I'm Vivian of the Kolinci village. She nodded. She was on high alert now that people were arriving, this grove was technically forbidden, but the spirit had given them no choice.

"I have no idea why she had us meet here, but I suspect because it is hidden and private from others who would overhear. But you're right, a drink would be nice about now." She responded to the dwarf's comment. She leaned against the tree, still standing. Closing her eyes she thought of Emma and her parents. A small smile played on her lips as she pictured Emma running through the forest, climbing trees and jumping from the limbs. She always was a risk taker, no care at all what would happen if she were to fall. She stiffened as she heard another being nearing, interrupting her thoughts. Steel eyes met Zav's. "Last I heard, there was supposed to be six of us, not four. And we're to await further instruction from this spirit." she replied in a sarcastic tone. Great, someone who's clearly ill-experienced and unprepared. Did he not think this would be long and difficult? Or that it would be anything but fun? she thought, not impressed with Zav's demeanor. She tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but she was tired and grouchy from her long journey.

"Where are you all from? Did you have to travel far? she asked the group. She figured they would have to get to know each other and trust each other pretty fast if what the spirit said were true. "It took me a full days worth of flying as fast as I could to get here, and on little sleep. I'm sorry I snapped, Zav." She answered her own question, throwing in an apology. She didn't want to give the wrong impression the anyone she could be trusting her life to in a short while.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Calit's eyes only opened as his upper body was already on the move out of bed. Never before in his life had he encountered a desire to leave the comfort of pillow and blanket so utterly irresistible, so completely filling out his mind. It felt so strong that his body was acting faster than his consciousness, the latter only realizing there was a thick wooden beam in the way of his head when it was already too late. A loud bang, a surge of pain and a few moments of almost toppling over again and yet another mark had been stamped onto his scalp. One that would decorate him in a blue-yellow-ish color and tell everybody that most buildings weren't built for someone like him.

And yet this was not what worried him. He had had plenty of nightmares before, in fact nightly escapades of his mind had been a part of his life since his training days, but this had not been one of them. It had felt much stronger, much more... real. And it had actually made sense and had not been the kind of random arrangement of brutal, bloody situations his nightmares usually were about. How could his mind have just made up a location like The Forsaken Grove all on itself anyway ? Let alone no less than five other names with fully fledged figures tied to them.

So, in other words: He had to get there. Any news of ravaged towns and cities had not reached him yet, but since there was no important assignment going on right now he could just make the journey and try to find out more, try either to confirm that this dream had been, in fact, not just a dream, or to confirm that it had merely been a one-in-a-million kind of dream. If he'd come out completely empty handed he'd have had a few days worth of fresh air at least. This little village with its lousy tavern started to stink...

One and an half hours, a good breakfast and a swift change of clothes later, Garmr had been saddled and packed. It was a steed featuring as much of an almost ridiculous enormity as did is owner. It was, in fact, a former plough horse and not anything a knight or even a more wealthy traveler would use and thus neither particularly fast nor very comfortable, but it was strong and sturdy and in Calit's case, that was all that counted. He could sit on it without his feet dragging on the ground or with his mount just giving up after a few miles. Also, once they sam Garmr coming at them, nobody dared to ask whether the animal was capable of doing any tricks or not. They had a tendency to run away instead.

The journey itself did not feature any noteworthy events, although the weather had turned for the worse and by the time Calit arrived at the destination and rendezvous point, his leather clothes were still dripping a little from all the humidity they had had to endure the days prior. Carefully, the assassin picked a thick tree to tie his horse to, then proceeded towards the actual location. Now that he was here skepticism started to rise a bit, but only until he could spot the shapes of four other individuals through the bushes. They seemed to match the dream to a quite disturbingly high degree!

"Hello ?" Calit openly called out now. His voice was dark and chesty just as could be expected from someone of his size, but at least he tried to give it as much of a friendly and curious tone as he could for he did not want to be recognized as a potential threat by anyone. "I suppose we're all here for the same reason ?" he added while coming closer.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Kassandra awoke suddenly, barely breathing as if someone had punched her in the chest. What a strange, strange dream that had been. That was followed by a feeling of deep certainty, as obvious as the ocean. That was no dream. Someone was trying to speak to her – and if she believed it, 5 others as well. The Forbidden Grove, 2 days… she could make that, she knew the route. But why was she chosen, out of all people in this world? She was nothing much.

She started to dress and pack quickly. Traveling clothes, cloak, rations enough for 3 days, because you never knew, her best boots and her favorite water jug that could be carried on her back. Finally, her staff, hooked to her belt. It looked like an ordinary carved walking stick, but could easily be used for more.

She exited the little cottage at the edge of town, to find the fishing village of Northclaw was already up and bustling as usual. As she walked through the town, she was greeted by townspeople left and right. It made her heart hurt to think of leaving them. But if this dream, this prophecy was true, it had to be done. This Vaeros would destroy everything – if nothing else in that prophecy stuck with her, it would be those images of destruction. If it was too much to save the world, then she would save her town.

Midway through town, a group of children found her and happily surrounded her. They were the younger ones; not yet of age to help their parents with work. Most of them were her students when she helped to teach.

“Good morning, Miss Kassandra! Are you going somewhere?” One of the children piped up.

“Good morning Helena. Good morning, little ones. I am going on a journey. I will be back as soon as I can.” She ruffled the child’s hair in a fond way. “Be good to your parents, all of you. Especially you, Anthony.” She waggled her finger and the children giggled. As one last treat, Kassandra pulled out her staff and summoned some very large bubbles for them to play with. They lasted just a bit longer than regular bubbles, and were much larger. The babies were always delighted.

As she headed toward the village gate, ready to leave, she turned back and sighed deeply. She would be homesick the whole time, she just knew it. Maybe it was a mistake, and this red-haired human meant another Kassandra?

She took the road out, making a beeline for the thick forest.

Two Days Later

It wasn’t a terrible trip. She was happy to discover that her foresting skills had not worn down with time. If you knew the forests, there would be plenty of things to eat, and cool places to sleep. She hadn’t even touched the dried fish and spiced seaweed that made up most of her rations. Approaching the Forbidden Grove, she pulled her staff out and used it as a walking stick. She also pulled up the hood of her cloak, to hide her odd ears. She wasn’t sure what she would find, so it was best to play the traveling human.

Wouldn’t it be funny if she was the only one here, and had come for nothing at all?

That idea died as she heard voices ahead. Peering through the trees, she saw 5 other figures already there. It looked like she was bringing up the rear.

Nothing to do but go forward, then.

“Ahem.” She stepped through the trees with barely a sound, her cloak hood still up. “...good morning. I suppose I am to join you.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DraconiWarlord
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DraconiWarlord Broke The Infinity +1 Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zav Unhul

Zav watched the giant walk into the grove, and then the... what was that thing? "No problem, no problem."He apologized to Vivian."That's six. So, are we going to find a tavern, get to Vaeros, and show him what I'm made of?"Zav asked, his cocky demeanor returning."Actually, you need to get to know me."Zav said."We're going on a goddamn adventure to slay a dragon, for god's sake."
[indent]"I'm Zav Unhul. Wolf shifter. I make my living as a summoner mage. Basically, a magical assassin. Three things you need to know about me. One, I'm the greatest warrior here. Two, I can summon wolves and change into wolves. If it comes to one of your lives, or my lives, I'm choosing mine unless I trust you. Finally, I'm... so-so at close melee. It's because of my metal hand." Zav would pull his hand out of his pocket, showcasing a metal hand of a pure steel alloy."Hard for me to handle swords. Don't ask why I have a metal hand. I don't care. Feel free to try to teach me. I like bow and arrows and magic blasts better anyway. Now-where do we go first?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Odran Stormweaver

"Oi, so much noise so early in tha mornin'." Odran grumbled to himself, as the rest of chosen began filtering into the glade. The conversing also began at this point- a few of them louder and more animated than others. "I must be getting old." Odran muttered to himself, almost surprised in himself that he was complaining about noise. Granted, it was still a few minutes before sunrise, so he could forgive himself for having a shorter temper today.

The group had finally all arrived, so Odran now had the chance to get a look at them all. There was of course the elf in the middle of the glade, a woman who introduced herself as Vivian. She looked young, but of course all elves at any age looked younger than any dwarf, so she could've been twice his age for all he knew. His eyes narrowed when she mentioned that she had flown here. It seemed there was more than met the eye with this one- though that could be said of anyone here. There was a second elf with her horse- she appeared to be perhaps a ranger of sort, armed with a sword and bow and only lightly armored. Odran had noticed her scorched hands, but they were as of yet strangers, and it wouldn't do well for him to be so nosy so soon after meeting. There was a large man on a large horse- to compare Odran to the man would be almost comical. Normal humans were already head and shoulders taller than Odran, this man was head and shoulders taller than most humans. There was a plain looking woman with a staff. She seemed unassuming, which meant she was probably anything but. And of course, there was the ever energetic man bouncing in and out of the glade. He claimed to be a wolf shifter apparently, though with the way he bounced in and out of the glade and how quickly he spoke and changed topics, Odran wouldn't have been surprised if he was actually a bunny shifter- or perhaps a rooster.

Perhaps it was the early morning and lack of sleep, but something about the arrogance brushed Odran's beard the wrong way. To exude confidence was one thing, but as of yet, the pup was unproven in Odran's eyes. As far as Odran was concerned, the pup was just cocky and arrogant. To be fair, the pup reminded Odran of new recruits in the Ironborn Free Company, but new recruits were for the most part hammered and forged into shape by their seniors- or they died quickly on the field. But a young dwarf this was pup not. Back with the Ironborn, Odran didn't have to put his life in the hands of cocky young dwarves. Unfortunately here, Odran might not have that luxury, and the thought of putting his life in the hands of some cocky welp who had just actively told them that he'd choose himself first if push came to shove put him on edge.

"Oi, yer a cocky one naren ye? Greatest warrior here eh?" Odran said with a mirthless chuckle, "Yew can go kill the dragon all by your lonesome canne? Well go on then, go and kill Vaeros and the rest of us will be waitin' for ye right here." Odran said sarcastically, holding up his drinking horn in a fake toast before taking another swig of his drink.

"Nae, I'll give ye some advice, yer greatship," Odran continued, his tone getting slightly less sarcastic, and more serious, "If you're looking to inspire confidence in yeself, dinnae tell folk you're going ta let em die."

Turning the rest of the group, Odran stood up to his full height- that being at least a head shorter than everyone else in the glade, and introduced himself, nodding to each of them as he did. "Odran of clan Stormweaver, Captain of the Ironborn's Corps of Engineers, at yer service. If ye break somming, I'll fix it."

With that, he plopped back down on his seat by his mule, and emptied his drinking horn. Wiping his face with his sleeve, he began pulling armor plates out of his mule's pack and began fitting them onto himself. Now that everyone was here, it was only right that he started getting himself ready as well.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Bitterblue111
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vaeros roared as he let out a massive river of fire on a human village en route to Polis. Once he got to Polis, he'd destroy most of it, leaving only the central tower. Once he got the core city, most of the human race will fall in line with him. They are cowards, the lot of them. If he shows enough force, then they'll serve him.

He snorted as he saw a dragons rise to meet him. Must be the protectors sent from Thelos, the dragon core. About 5 of them circled him, trying to heard him to a designated spot. He sped up and turned, forcing one of them to move out of the way. As he did so, he jabbed his leg out. The spikes on his leg sliced the dragons neck clean open, and she fell to the ground with a loud thud. Turning his head, he managed to grab another dragons wing with his massive jaws; clamping down he shook him hard, tearing a section of his wing off. As he fell, Vaeros grabbed his neck and shook as hard as he could, breaking his neck. Another of the dragons dove and attempted to grab his neck, but Vaeros rolled on his side, and swiped him with his club of a tail and impaled him on his shin spikes gain.

The other two dragons retreated to their village to report to the core dragon city. Vaeros let them leave, they’d find out soon enough. Blood still dripping from his jaws and legs, Vaeros continued on to Polis. Once he reached a couple miles from the borders he landed and changed to his human form.
In his human form, he had a large sword hanging off his belt. He looked rather charming, and all the woman would stare at him.

Continuing on foot, Vaeros came across another village. As he entered the village, he had his hand on his sword, ready to draw it. As he got deeper in he let out an inhuman growl and drew his sword. This is gonna be fun. He thought to himself as people bolted out of his way. A few of the men in the village sensed his bloodthirsty tendencies, and approached with swords drawn. “You are making the women upset and scaring our children. You need to leave.” One said. Vaeros nodded, and acted as if he was headed out of town, but at the last second turned and slid his sword through the mans ribs through his heart and out his front. Pulling his sword free, he stepped back and let the now dead man fall to the ground in front of his startled comrades. His sword came up as both their swords came towards him. Dodging through their defenses he quickly disposed of their lives, and kept going through the village who kept confronting him. He didn’t even spare women or children when they got in his way.

When he finished, the majority of the village were either dead or injured, and the survivors had begged him for mercy. He knew they would serve him now. He’d left enough of the men and women for them to rebuild, but it’d take a while. As he mounted one of their horses he wiped blood off his boots into the grass. He rode off towards Polis leaving the crying and sobbing behind him. He would’ve finished the village, but he needed some intact to verify it was him, and he needed subjects to follow him.

About ten minutes of hard riding, Vaeros entered the gates of Polis. Still having blood on his shirt, he got weird stares. He dismounted, and led his horse into one of the stables. He made his way towards the more population dense area of Polis. He kept getting stares and eventually, was approached by guards. “Sir, we’ve had reports of a man fitting your description covered in blood intimidating others. We need you to come with us for a few questions.” Vaeros flashed those eyes and shook his head. “I think we can settle this here, gentlemen.” Before lunging forward, his now unsheathed sword swinging towards his head. His sword hit the spearhead and now five armored guards surrounded him with their spears pointed at him. “You are outnumbered! Surrender and come with us at once! We don’t want to hurt you!”
“You won’t.” He growled in his dragon voice. The fighting started, and within minutes all five of them were dead, and ten more were headed his way. He smiled, and shifted into his dragon form, killing everyone who was in his way to make room for his massive body. Buildings toppled, crushing whoever was inside. He roared, and heard the satisfying sound of screaming and crying as he took off. He cut through buildings, trying to get into the air. Rivers of lava flowed from his maw engulfing all that was before him. In just an hour, Polis was in despair and on the brink of surrender. Some people got off lucky shots and managed to draw blood, but for the most part he was unharmed. He landed in a clearing, and shifted back to his human form. Drawing his sword, he entered the core building that he intentionally left intact.

Guards were there to meet him, sworn to protect their precious leader with their life. Making his way through the mansions defenses, Vaeros strutted into the throne room where the king sit on his throne, surrounded by guards.

“King Attinson. I suggest you surrender to me, or the rest of your people will die.” Vaeros threatened.

“Who are you? You expect me to just surrender in one day?” he replied.

“My name is Vaeros. Look outside, your home is in ruins and on fire. Your people need to survive. I am offering you that chance. Serve me, so that your people may live. If not, I will lay utter waste to your home, and those surrounding it.”

“Vaeros. You expect me to believe that folktale? That you will destroy the world? I have 10 men here, you’re outnumbered. Your people outside follow you, call them off.”

“What people? It’s just me.”

“Kill him.”

“I didn’t want to do this.” Vaeros sighed as he drew his sword again. The ten guards charged at him. Swords clashing, Vaeros made his way through the guards until it was just him and the king left standing. “You were saying?”

King Attinson stood from his throne, flabbergasted by the havoc and bloodshed he just saw. This so called Vaeros killed ten men in a matter of minutes, and with only one wound to show for it. He walked to the window and saw his city now up in flames, crying and screaming could be heard from where he was at. His heart was broken. He couldn’t let more death befall them when he could stop it. “I surrender.”

Vaeros grinned an sheathed his sword. “That’s the spirit, Attinson. Now, you will still be king, but you, your army, your people now all answer to me. You understand?” As Attinson nodded, Vaeros patted him on the back. "Your men and your people died honorably, you should be proud.” He said as he walked from the room and made himself at home in the kings quarters.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DraconiWarlord
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DraconiWarlord Broke The Infinity +1 Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Moonshadow
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Moonshadow Not Dead Yet

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rosarina Loraven

Rosarina lifted her head as the wolf-man ran out from the tree line to shout at her, startling her horse and bringing her quickly to her feet. Before she could respond, he was gone again. The elf blinked, shaking her head a touch and turning her attentions to calming the animal mount she had brought along. A moment later an either rather short human or exceedingly tall dwarf arrived with a mule. Dwarf, she figured, based on his stature, his beard, and his accent. She offered a quiet shrug and soft roll of her eyes at his questioning of Zav's behavior as she hadn't a clue what the man had been on about. Before she knew it, he had returned. The others conversed and Rosarina kept herself quiet in observation.

So these were the others from that vision? She could not help but chuckle at them as the introductions were exchanged and the last of their party joined them. She agreed with Odran, it was quite a bit of chatter to be had in the early hours of the morning. She couldn't be quite forever, unfortunately. Rosarina pulled on her gloves, patted her horse's neck and raised a hand to offer a greeting wave to the others.

"Rosarina Loraven, though you can all call me Rosa if it is easier. I hail from Easthollow, a three day journey to the East on foot. Honestly, I did not think I would be here in time even with Kalondar's speed. I am a decently skilled tracker and hunter, better with my long sword than a bow however." the elf offered a weary smile. She was confident of her skill but not overly so. Her town was quaint and being the best there likely meant very little in the rest of the world. if the others wanted to know much more, they would have to ask.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DraconiWarlord
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DraconiWarlord Broke The Infinity +1 Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zav Unhul

Zav looked at the elf. "Wolves are slower than horses, but don't tire. Sorry for yelling, I'm tired." He said nonchalantly. "We're all here."He thought about Odran's words. Unlike Odran, who he believed was some warrior or scholar, Zav didn't have anything to lose.
"Great to meet you, Rosa. I've heard of Easthollow. I was born in Oakenspire. More of a nomad now."
Zav's left hand ached."Some dragon we must be slaying if we need a prophecy and Chosen Ones."he tried to make conversation."I'm a mage. I'm great at archery, and can summon wolves. Hope I'm not the only one."He stated pridefully."I used to be a swordfighter.He said, remembering decades past.
"If that spirit is pranking us, and sending us on a wild goose chase, I'm going to tear them limb from limb."He paused, contemplating how he could attack a ghost.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Bitterblue111
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lalei smiled as she saw the last of her group come into the grove. She’d made the vision as clear as possible, she knew 2 days time would push it for some of them, but she needed them to hurry. Vaeros had already all but destroyed Polis, along with multiple other villages. It wouldn’t be long until the dwarves, elves, and dragons would fall too.

She let them interact for a while, and then decided it was time. Wind started blowing as it does when a spirit makes themselves visible. Hair whipped around, leaves blew, and branches broke of the tree in the middle of the grove, when it stopped, her shimmery form was visible to the mortal eyes. “Hello, chosen ones. Welcome to the end of the world as you know it.” She said, letting them soak in what just happened with a dramatic pause. “My name is Lalei, pronounced luh-lie. I’ve been chosen, along with you, to go on this journey with you. I will be more behind the scenes, a gentle nudge here, a harsher nudge there. But I’m not being metaphorical when I say the fate of Valeroma lies in your hands.” Her form shimmered, it takes a lot of energy to stay in the mortal realm. She walked over and stood in front of each person for a few seconds as she talked, and then continued to pace.

“Vaeros has been busy since I last saw you.” she said raising her hands so a window could form them. “Vaeros has already made moves to take down the human race.” Between her hands, the gruesome scene formed. Clips from all of his skirmishes, shaking the other dragon by the neck, setting fire to the towns, him fighting in human form and slaying almost an entire village singlehandedly. Finally Polis is shown as a whole. In almost utter ruins. “King Attinson has surrendered to Vaeros. With Polis having fallen, it’s just a matter of time before the rest of the humans fall in line and become his army. Next will be the dwarves, then the elves, and then the dragons. Unless you stop him. You are Valeroma’s only hope of survival. You have all been chosen and written about since before Vaeros even existed. It is unfair, yes. For that I am sorry; but it is necessary. This will not be easy, some of you may not survive, but this is the duty you have to bear. Any questions?” Lalei lowered her arms, ending the vision they just witnessed.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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So this was the party, right ? Yes, right. Each and everyone of them matched their respective visual appearance in the strange dream, so this could simply not be a mere coincidence. What the vision had not told Calit though was anything about those strangers' personalities. Unfortunately what they had revealed so far was anything but encouraging when it came to the task of slaying a dragon which had a very long-lasting and nasty sounding prophecy behind it...

There was a male with hair brighter and whiter than that of most elderly and a scar that looked even more nasty than his own. As if this hadn't been unusual enough, the man's body appeared smaller than everybody else's, but taller than that of the dwarf nearby. The latter found Calit's silent approval when openly calling out scar-man's pomposity, but the accent and overall way of talking was bound to give a headache! Still... Odran, as he called himself, gave the first impression of being a friendly lad. It could never hurt to have someone around who was well versed with what little technology the world could muster. And he seemed strong!

The same, albeit to a lesser degree of course, seemed to hold true for the female elf. To Calit, Rosarine appeared more curvy than the typical representative of her race, but in the sense of having more muscle and not fat. The assassin glanced at her hands, noting that they looked different than the rest of her skin while she did not seem to have a problem with that at all. At least there were no bandages or other measures that could be expected when dealing with a severe burn wound, so: Was she a fire mage ? Calit couldn't tell for sure, but it was a suspicion he put great confidence in.

The next in the bunch appeared to be the least capable of all of them. Her body, quite obviously, was coated with a significant amount of fat which told a potential story about a lack of fitness. However, in a world filled with shifters and magic, this could very well just be a very first and evenly wrong impression. If the prophecy was right she just had to have some potential, too, and he merely lacked the means to discover them right away. And the last one ? Exotic to say the least with silver hair and eyes. She could not be 'just' an elf, but there had to be more. A shifter ? Calit could only wonder how she'd look like in any different form.

"So I am Calit, a former member of the royal special forces and working on my own since then. In case anyone of you happens to break a bone instead of anything else I might be the one to ask for fixing it, but otherwise I'm more on the opposite side of healing." He said this with an almost monotonous tone, not putting any emphasis on any of his words and with his facial expression not changing over the course of the two sentences.

And then Lalei appeared. If any further proof of this dream not being just a dream had been necessary, this was it. One did not see a spirit every day, let alone a spirit who could present so many scenes of... Wait! Polis ? Calit just stared at what had felt like one giant, comforting home to him for many years. All gone ? The thought about his parents crossed the assassin's mind, or at least about his mother for his father had found a natural death some years ago already. She did not live in Polis itself, but in a village nearby. If that was gone, too... or no. It probably was gone even more likely than Polis itself because it didn't have a fancy king to deliver the words of surrender!

Anybody looking very closely could see Calit clenching his teeth behind closed lips and his face being in turmoil as many opposing muscles built up tension simultaneously. When the spirit reached him and asked for any further questions, Calit only had one: "Are we allowed to choke him using his own guts ?" This time the assassin's voice wasn't neutral, but dripping with sarcasm. If they would succeed, he'd certainly do it!
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Kassandra had been just about to introduce herself when the spirit appeared again. The images of battle and destruction she brought with her made her weak at the knees. She wasn’t familiar with Polis beyond it’s name and it’s size, but she mourned the loss of it all the same. This was real, it was all real. And happening so fast! Why wasn’t there a warning for the end of the world? Unless this was it. They were it.

“I do have a question, Lalei. Why didn’t you – Oh. I’m. Um. Kassandra, by the way.” She gave a brief wave to the others in the group. “I would say it’s nice to meet you, were the circumstances not so dire.” She turned back to Lalei. “If you can appear in dreams, why not appear to the leaders of our folk and warn them instead? Why us? What can we do against someone who can raze a city?” It seemed like most of the others had a bevy of special talents. She was deeply surprised to note the other shifters in the group. That was rare.

She mumbled the next bit. “I’m not much in a fight, I’m sure, compared to the rest of you. It just seems like… it might have been a better use of your time to warn someone who could have done something about it.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Bitterblue111
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vivian turned as a massively tall human entered the grove. As his deep voice penetrated the silence, she turned to greet him. “Greetings Calit, I’ve never met anyone as tall as you. I’m sure we are going to get along nicely.” She didn’t know why, but she felt like she had to get these people to get along, but she always felt like she had more responsibility than others.

When Zav responded, saying he was the best warrior here and would let them die to save his own pathetic life, she visibly rolled her eyes. She couldn’t stand people like him. She would love to humble him one day, maybe if they decided to train together, she could put him in his place. “If you’re such a great warrior, maybe you don’t need the other five of us, so get going, huh?” She said, bitter sarcasm dripping off her tongue. “Watch your mouth, boy. Before someone puts you in your place.” She added. She listened to Odran’s comment and “hmph”ed.

She turned to Odran. “I’ve never met a dwarf so tall, Odran. I’d say nice to meet you, but I wish it were under better circumstances. I’ve met a few from your clan in my years, strong ones they are. I’m proud to know you.” She said, greeting him politely.

Turning to the other elven woman who had introduced herself as Rosarina. “Again, it’s not ideal circumstances, or I’d say nice to meet you. I’ve been to Easthollow quite a bit in my years growing up, wonderful people live there. I am impressed you made it here in time as well.”

When Zav spoke again, she rolled her eyes. Does he never tire of bragging? She thought. She barely knew him, and already she disliked him.

Before she could reply there was a strong gust of wind, she jumped out of the way as a branch fell from the tree she was standing under. When the wind settled, the same spirit from her dream was shimmering before her. Vivian was surprised how young she looked, she couldn’t be more than a decade old, barely old enough to live. “Finally.” She murmurs to herself. She was ready to get started, she’d heard horror stories from Vaeros’ first appearance, she was not eager to see what would come of his second.

As Lalei showed them all of the carnage wreaked by Vaeros, Vivian muffled a cry. So many dead, so many hurt. And then she saw Polis. A town she’d not visited often, due to the violence of humans, but she’d been there before. It was in ruins, on fire, screaming, blood. Lalei was right, the rest of the humans wouldn’t take long once they knew their core had fallen.

As Calit and Kassandra answered, she also chimed in. “Why us? You could have chosen anyone in the world, why not choose more qualified individuals?” Her voice quivered as a tear slipped down her cheek. Death was not a common occurence at home, and now… this was more death five hundredfold that she’d ever seen. She would end Vaeros if she had the chance.
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