Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Lost System

[Initializing Warp Trajectory]

[Convening with Navagator]

[01000010 01101111 01100100 01111001 00100000 01100001 01101000 01100101 01100001 01100100]

[Trajectory <= Change = Unkown Blockage]


"Captain, there is a group of unknown bodies in our immediate path, requesting immediate departure from the immaterium." A servitor blurted out as its torso swung around to face the captain on the pole connected where its legs should be.

"Depart the Warp as soon as it is safe for the Navigator to do so. Have crews ready for repair and any incursions."






The captain looked through the unstained gallery in front of him; a large dark body loomed in front of them, silhouetted by golden rays that broke upon the opposing side of the celestial body in front of the ship.

[ Momentium <= 1 ]

"Impact is likely; estimated time is four minutes and thirty-six seconds until impact in along the northern hemisphere of the planet if we change the current trajectory for entry into orbit, likely hood of escaping orbit = false." Said the tech-priest on the bridge; he connected to where the late servitor was once was plugged into. "The machine spirit is uncontrollable at this moment, requesting assistance to appease it."

Three minutes later, a large Galleon transport, the Errant Stork, landed upon the planet of Quinsis IV while apart of a fleet heading through the Cicatrix Maledictum to reach those worlds cut off from Holy Terra. Two regiments of Imperial Guard, and half of a skitarii cohort, and a small contingent of three imperial knights and their retinues. A large portion of the ship landed in the water, only the front portside portion landing upon the stony beaches of the southern hemisphere. The lower decks were mainly flooded, along with small portions of the human and material cargo being destroyed on impact.

Several days after impact not much has been done, with the sardine can packing of the Administrautum most of the ship hasn't been capable to triage and mobilize those aboard the voidship out onto the world to explore and begin preparation for a possible long term survival upon the world. Will those aboard the Errant Stork last long enough to be saved, or will they have to forge their own path and learn how to survive in the world they are now apart of. Else die or fall to some darker fate in their current state.

A platoon of men is to be sent out in the depths of the forest, some fifty men and women to help scout the world around them, to see if it is a viable place to thrive, grow and live. Mainly volunteers from those who were in a forward mess hall/bar that had survived and was trapped from the rest of the ship, but had ample service to the rocky coasts due to their placement.

This is meant to be more of a mission-to-mission style RP with some downtimes between them. They are mainly based on an old Only War game that I was in/cohosted a few years ago. Message me here if you have any questions. Originally posted in advanced (now in casual) because I am hoping to bring this to life.

Try to escape, try to survive the wilds of the unknown, this is primarily a squad-based adventure with some small aspects of horror and action. Will the crew be able to push out and begin early colonization periods with what is left of the tech-priests aboard, will rescue be available soon, and who will come to the aid of the fallen warship.


Almost four million souls are upon the remains of the bulk galleon, Errant Stork, now there are still almost a million souls, give or take a few thousand upon the lowest bow decks. This massive ship of packed sardined people has a possible way out, a small bar upon the top has a few men, that was common ground between the three regiments, and the crew of the ship, a single officer, a Lieutenant was in the bar when the crash had happened and he was going to take charge.

Lieutenant Sergei Keryanivosti of the Twenty-Seventh Cargarian Infantry. The Twenty-Seventh Cargarian Infantry is based on its homeworld, Cargar, an ice and snow-covered world in the south Segmentum Solar. Small mountain settlements dotted the landscape of this mountainous world. These settlements typically had forms of geothermic energy sourcing their settlements to survive from the long periods of winter that cover most of the planet. Only small regions of the planet can grow life at a time, and typically that life creeps slowly across the long day cycles. This life is a special berry used to make the Cargarian Wine, which is the prized export of the planet aside from minor mining exploits from the different moons of the planet. But the regiment is focused on light infantry that prioritizes recon, and large-scale ambush warfare in snow, and ice settings, with secondary prerogatives for alpine warfare and subterranean warfare. Their uniforms are extremely light, typically using lighter modified forms of armor and helmets in favor of mobility seeing how guardsmen armor does jack shit compared to most other races that aren't baseline humans, they don't wear it generally. They have uniforms that adapt to winter environments, and wooded/brush w/netting by turning their uniforms inside out to get the second color scheme. The people of this are typically coming from the middle to lower classes of life, those who have natural training by living on the surface of their world, based off of Finnish, Soviet Union, and Austrian/Italian mountain soldiers.

The second regiment was the 142nd Borugi siege division, coming from the moon of Borugi IV, which is the population base for the main planet of Borugi V, an agri world that feeds the rest of the moons of the system. It is just a small underground hive city that supplies the planet nearby for workers, resources, and acts as a small station like the three other smaller moons. But the Borugi 142nd focuses on prolonged sieges of fortresses, storming enemy fortifications, and bombardments. Out of the three regiments, they have the most vehicles, mainly artillery and logistics vehicles, but some auxiliary supper vehicles like sentinels that are meant for spotters and tanks/APCs for transportation and heavy direct support during a siege. These soldiers typically wear dress standard to the rest of the guard, but it is more of a dark grey/brown color than green, with specialized helmets and armor that is meant to be less bulky in confined quarters. These soldiers come from a generalist society, coming from all ranks of class. Their culture is based on the standard Imperial Templated kind.

The last of the guard regiments aboard was the 144th Sturtrgurd line infantry. Sturtrgurd is a continental feudal world, small continental shelf hoist large forested islands that are all about the size of modern Australia, there are around fifteen of these islands, each with their own hive upon it, each one following their own noble houses. This planet is known for good motorized and mechanized infantry to support Imperial knights and mechancius forces, but this regiment is one of the few planetary regiments which focused on raw warfare of infantry, dressed like literal line infantry of the Napoleonic Era, with shakos and dress uniforms. Bright white jackets and pants with red embroidery for the standard troopers. Black and red for the officers and the rear guard elite. Their patches have the house of Amberchau upon it, a dragon head in a cogwheel. German in style, typically coming from well-off families or children of minor nobles.

Aside from that below in the rest of the deck, there is a small contingent of maybe four hundred tech priest and their skitarii guards, and what part of the void crew was left, including the Captain and bridge crew.

But Lieutenant Sergei Keryanivosti shall create some way to help those trapped inside, and to secure the area around. Show him that it can be done.

Character sheet

Name :
Description of person :
Age :
Height :
Weight :
Sex :
Eye Color :
Hair Color :
Ethnicity :
Department of the Imperium (Medicae, Naval, Administration, Imperial Guard, etc.)
Regiment (if IG) :
Rank :
Position :
Physical traits :
Mental traits :
Training (heavy weapons, medic, etc.) :
Up coming of character (what class/previous professions) :
Misc :

(To come later.)


discord.gg/CtMGVzBC2N - Link to discord
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


It is up ya'll, had a few things happen during the week sorry for my tartiness. If ya'll have any questions please ask.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kenshi
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Name : Hiro Matsuda
Age : 25
Height : 5'10"
Weight : 177lbs
Sex : Male
Eye Color : Black
Hair Color : Black
Skin Color : Japanese
Department of the Imperium: ImperialGuard
Rank : Sgt.
Position : Pointman
Physical traits : Alertness,Athletics,Stealth.
Mental traits : Detect Ambush, Locate food or water, detect Bobby traps or mines.
Training (heavy weapons, medic, etc.) : Assualt rifle, Sidearm, Krav Maga.

(To come later.)
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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WIP, let me know if there's anything that needs to be added.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

at the moment, the CS is really just there is a guideline, and at the moment it would only be guardsmen and voidsmen, I don't see a lot of mechanicum people going to a bar unless if it's to change a lightbulb. So, if ya do have any equipment make sure it's viable for being inside of a bar/mess hall during a break. So if ya'll see anything that needs to be added to the CS please say.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kenshi
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Is my CS acceptable?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Add a description of his looks, his upbringing/previous occupation, and what regiment he is apart of. Other than that he looks life, I don't really know what skin color Japanese would be, that is more of a culture than skin color. @Kenshi
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Alliance Oda So

Alliance Oda So

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Is there sentient alien life, if so can characters play as one?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

@Alliance Oda So Question, how much do you know about 40k? Because there is plenty of alien life sentient and not, but... there are mainly complications to that.

Mainly that they all want to kill each other, which is my role at the moment.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Alliance Oda So

Alliance Oda So

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I will admit to not knowing anything but I am interested in this setting and premise.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kenshi
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Add a description of his looks, his upbringing/previous occupation, and what regiment he is apart of. Other than that he looks life, I don't really know what skin color Japanese would be, that is more of a culture than skin color. @Kenshi

Yeah I know, but I don't wanna offend Asian people, so it's kinda hard to put a color in on skin..
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

So 40k the Imperium's main saying is 'Kill the Mutant, Burn the Heretic, Purge the Xenos/Unclean (depends on who you ask)' Grim dark gothic western space fantasy. Really interesting and very complicated, we will all be humans, with the possibility with some flexibility in the future.

This is based on Only War which follows regular humans, the baseline non-enhanced humans of the Imperial Guard. These guys are the basic military arm of the Imperium of Man. But, on a galactic scale, the Astartes are the baseline, which one Astartes (genetically modified super soldiers of the Imperium) is worth a hundred Guardsmen. But don't forget they are baseline, so the other races, like say the orcs, also lesser compared to the Astartes, but they hold a better chance compared to a single guardsman. Or you could have an elder, which could probably kill an Astartes, or another chaos space marine that could also go toe to toe with one. Scaling up to titans which could decimate entire chapters of Astartes with a single blast.

But, at the moment, we are starting off with more of a horror aspect. A small group of people cut off from help, with what they have with them, and what they have in the bar. Set out to help those below and to begin the process of trying to help.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

I mean, Japanese people have a lot of diversity with their skin colors as well, skin color ( and other characteristics) isn't offensive, it's when you take that out and use it for a purpose that it can begin to get offensive. When I mean skin color, I mean skin color, ethnicity can be put in the description, or shown through a picture that represents the character the best. And for skin color, use something similar to the Brazilian system, it's far better than the American system which is more political then anything. @Kenshi
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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<Snipped quote by Jamesyco>

Yeah I know, but I don't wanna offend Asian people, so it's kinda hard to put a color in on skin..

I would either convey it through name or add in an appearance description or picture of some sort. 40k isn't always very subtle when it comes from ripping themes off in names.

I will admit to not knowing anything but I am interested in this setting and premise.

40k is a sci fi setting that is different in that its based around "grimdark". Where as Star Wars and Star Trek are about people working together for a brighter future, 40k is about people at their worse in an apathetic galaxy. It is not a happy setting but its still interesting in its own way. I can give you pointers to lore introductions with videos for beginners and websites. To answer your question though, no its highly unlikely you'll be able to play anything not starting with a human body.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Yea, I went back and kinda went over who I was ripping off late last night, was kinda watching a bunch of gun jesus videos.@ClocktowerEchos
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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@Jamesyco Okay I think I'm done with my character, do I need to add anything?
EDIT: I just saw your post under mine, I legit did not notice it.

EDIT 2: I can make an argument for a tech priest character, but if I were to make a guardsman, do they have to be from one of your regiments listed?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

yea, an argument is fine, as long as they have a reason for being there I see it as possible. But yes, they have to be from one of the three regiments or a voidsman. @ClocktowerEchos
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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Tech priests are pretty common all over in regiments and in ships. Someone has to keep the lights on and the machines working.

Haolao could act as an intermediary between the PCs and the senior tech priests as he hasn't fully gone robot mode and is comparatively young for a tech priest (I can change his age). He would be there to provide another set of eyes on any given thing. During missions he could act as a support class, giving recon via servoskulls and scanners, dumb muscle in the form of servitors and a knowledge bank since I doubt any given guardsmen is going to be all that knowledgeable or worldly compared to a tech priest. He could even be a heavy weapons specialist, being able to lift all sorts of heavy things with mechanical assistance. Of course he'd also be around to fix machines and guns and set up anything that tech priests normally would have to do.

Again, I can change things about my character to better fit this.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

You gave me the answer that I was looking for, which is someone working on the lights. It is fine, maybe the rank might be a little lower for maintaining lights because don't forget the crew of the ship also do that. The other stuff I do not really care about, I just wanted the reason/for it to be reasonable. @ClocktowerEchos

But aside from that, I think it's fine, maybe she is based from the ship if she is helping maintain it.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

@Kenshi But for the most part, the character if fine, just add some details and it should be fine. I am going to try getting a few out for initial npcs once I finish some school work.
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