Full Name: Dr. Florian Pine
Nicknames/Aliases: Poison Oak, Professor Pine
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Division: Smarts
Powers: (Chlorokinesis: Poison Oak has the ability to control all forms of plant life on a molecular level. He also has expertise in Botany and biochemistry that lets him develop mutant plants, and create and bring to life plants that were long thought to be extinct.
Plant Physiology: Being part plant, he can breathe CO2, allowing him to survive in places that lack oxygen. He can also Photosynthesize, so he can go long periods of time without eating or sleeping (though he can still do both if he chooses.) He does require sunlight and water to function. He is physically stronger and faster while under sunlight. Being cut off from sunlight can weaken him, and eventually kill him. He can turn his skin from green back into a normal tone to blend in with society. He prefers his green skin though.
Regeneration: If you cut off a limb, it will grow back. Even if you kill him, he’ll just regrow somewhere else eventually.
Pheromones: His body can produce pheromones to control the behavior of others. Those with strong wills can usually resist though.
Poison: His body can produce a variety of plant based toxins. They can have a variety of effects from merely knocking people unconscious, making people happy, or outright killing them. He often delivers his Poison through a kiss.
Poison Immunity: He is also immune to Poisons himself
Description: Pine is a tall and lean man. He stands at six feet tall, and has a slim physique with toned muscles that he got after becoming a plant hybrid. He has abs, and he is quite proud of them. He used to be rather awkward looking when he was younger, but has since grown into himself. He has a heart shaped face with a firm jaw. His eyes are as green as the forest. He has a mop of blonde hair on top of his head. His skin is normally green, but he can make himself appear as his human skin tone if he wants. He prefers being green though.
Pine doesn’t have much of a taste for fashion in his day to day life. Some days, he dresses like the scientist he is. Wearing dress shirts and pants in shades of white and gray, as well as a green tie. He even wears a white lab coat. Other days, he dresses in casual jeans and T-shirts, often green in color and with floral patterns on them. Then other days he just wears floral patterns head to toe. He has even been known to wear flowers in his hair. In all of his outfits, he always wears a pair of thick green glasses, which he no longer needs, but wears non prescription glasses for that scientist look.
As Poison Oak, he basically wears plants. Vines, thorns, and flowers decorate his body. His only clothing are a pair of green tights with a vine pattern, and a pair of leaf boots.
Personality: Once upon a time, Pine was a shy and nerdy young man. He didn’t have an easy time socializing with people, and also didn’t have much confidence. He often preferred his plants more than other people’s company. After the accident, Pine developed a lot more confidence, but also drove him a little nuts. He still is fascinated with plants, but now he treats them like his babies.
Some days, Pine hates humanity. His experience with being bullied, along with the way people take nature for granted, makes him think the world would be better off without humans. He can be rude to people when he first meets them. He can still be rude even after he first meets them. While he’s not opposed to using his powers for violent means, even outright killing people if necessary, he does know he needs some people around to produce CO2 for his plants to function. He resorted to villiany to hurt the world that had been cruel to him.
There are other times when Pine longs for human companionship. If anyone shows him even the slightest hint of kindness, he will be all for it. He’ll cling to that person and be their best friend. At least until he perceives they did him wrong in some way. In general, his emotions can vary wildly at any given time.
Crush: Dr. Evan Dendron. Unfortunately, he’s taken, and he doubts anyone could ever compare. Though they’re welcome to try.
Skills: Pine is in the smarts division for a reason. He is highly intelligent. His specialty is of course plants and biochemistry.
Weaknesses: Pine is part plant, so lack of sunlight can kill him.
Additionally, heat and cold is also problematic.
Brief History: Growing up, Florian had always been a strange young man. He was fascinated by plants, which others found to be odd. He was often bullied by others because he was physically weaker, psychologically delicate, and because of his interest in plants. Due to the bullying, Florian usually preferred plants to people. Plants didn’t judge him.
In spite of the bullying, Florian (who often went by his last name Pine because people made fun of his first name.) was an intelligent young man. He eventually earned a P.hD in Botany and Biochemistry, and was employed with a University, while under the age of thirty. There, he was still bullied by most of his colleagues. Only one colleague was nice to him. Dr. Evan Dendron. A handsome male scientist, and the only one who showed Pine any ounce of respect. He defended him from bullies, and was the only one who believed in Pine’s work. Pine had developed a crush on him.
Pine was developing a method that would allow humans to photosynthesize, thus solving world hunger. However the Dean of the University showed no interest because they couldn’t profit from it. As the funding for his experiments was about to be cut, Pine performed an experiment on himself to prove his theories were correct. However, something went wrong, and Pine was transformed into a half-plant half human creature.
The process gave him his abilities, and also gave him more confidence, but also drove him nuts... He killed the scientists who bullied him, as well as the Dean. He then attempted to woo Evan. He rejected Pine because he already had a girlfriend. Plus, there was the whole murder thing. Evan wasn’t down fot that. Heartbroken, and a little insane, Pine held him hostage, and attempted to perform the same experiment to turn the object of his affection into a plant too. He was ultimately stopped before anything could happen. However, from then on, Florian Pine was dead. Poison Oak had been born. He became a feared ecoterrorist.
Other: He’s Bisexual, but prefers men