Full Name: Alexandra Kosmos-Wright
Nicknames/Aliases: Alex, Mrs. K, Decema.
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Division: Suavity
Powers: Mrs. K can stop time for eleven seconds. Only she can move when time is stopped. If she stops time for only two seconds, she still has nine seconds left to use. It takes two seconds to restore the two seconds she used. If she used all eleven seconds at once, then one second later, she could stop time for another second.
While she can do it on command, it is also something of a reflex. It can happen automatically, like flinching.
Description: Alexandra Kosmos is a strikingly beautiful woman reaching middle age. She has warm brown skin and long, dark brown hair, and piercing brown eyes. Her hair is usually tied up into a ponytail, with some bangs on the right side of her face. She's about 5 feet, 6 inches tall, with an athletic but slender body.
She has an interesting sense of fashion. Casual, formal, but certainly unusual. Long coats, skirts, thigh high boots. She sometimes wears chokers, but she's always seen with a necklace. A simple quartz crystal of apparently sentimental value.
Personality: An amiable and well put together person. Mrs. K is very approachable, yet authoritative. She has a good-natured humor about her and doesn't like to put people down or intimidate people. She comes off as imminently trust-worthy, because she is. Unlike many people in the world of villainy, Alexandra is a genuine person. What you see is pretty much what you get.
She's also compassionate. She cares for the students and staff of Lanius, and wants to help them succeed. Her goal is to do good. To help the less stable become more stable. The genocidal maniacs? Perhaps all they need is someone to give them a hug. Then, they can just be regular serial killers. She doesn't really care about doing evil. Though she has her reasons to dislike the status quo. She just wants people to be happy. The people she meets would still do what they were doing no matter what she did- but if she can help just a little then maybe they can find the life they truly deserve. She believes villainy should be rational and fair. If not, then she will just try to minimize the damage. A lot of these kids just lack a positive parental figure. And if she's being honest, a lot of her fellow teachers...aren't exactly that.
Really, Alexandra is just suspiciously normal. She absolutely would not be out of place at a regular school, or even a heroic school.
Maybe Alexandra is a
little crazy. She's a thrillseeker and curious about the pyschology of others. About what makes the human mind tick. Everyone is just the most complex rubix cube in the world. She's fascinated by the idea that the right 'mouth-sounds' can carry enough weight to change the course of someone's life forever. And of course she's unfazed by gore and death, and totally willing to take a human life herself. Though she generally isn't a fan of violence or even using her powers- instead preferring to solve her problems diplomatically.
Mrs. K is interested in doing good- in helping people. Those people just happen to be what most people would call "evil." So she works for the good of evil. Makes sense, right? Having spent a lifetime around villains ranging from the terrifying to the whacky, Alexandra has seen it all. Little disturbs her- just another day at the office.
Crush: Oh, how could she not have a crush on David Wright? She's married to him.
Pyschologist: Alexandra is good at helping other people find the source of their own internal struggles.
Suavity: Alexandra loves learning about people's pysche. She can be the most deviously manipulative person at Lanius- if she wants to be, which she doesn't. However this skillset does come in handy as she has a Grade A...
Bullshit Detector: Little gets past Alexandra. She can usually tell when a person is lying.
Lethal: Alexandra is a powerful martial artist, able to kill with well placed blows. She's more than capable of defending herself while unarmed.
Athletic: To compound on this, she is fast, agile, and well co-ordinated.
Markswoman: She is an expert shot.
Contingency Plans: Mrs. K is quite clever when it comes to taking down or avoiding powerhouse superheroes.
Mortal: She's tough, but not supernaturally so. She has to be extremely careful.
Her family: Alexandra has loved ones. In the super-villainy world, that is a weakness. Enemies should be aware, though, that going after her family is when she'll try to kill you without hesitation. But the life of her family will come first.
Noodles: God, noodles are
so good. If you want to bribe Alexandra into doing something, give her noodles. Soy sauce, sesame, egg, even plain. They are the best thing.
Brief History: Alexandra Kosmos was born to a loving mother and father. She was lower class, not exactly able to afford many nice things. She went to school, made friends, (some of which she's still in contact with today!) Went to high school, dated a few guys, got good grades, almost got elected Prom Queen once!
Everything was normal except for the fact that she could stop time for eleven seconds whenever she wanted. Weird, huh? She wasn't really sure what to do with them. Being an impulsive teenager at the time, she used it to steal from people. Then mess with them in general. Only people she didn't know- never on her friends or family.
She needed money. Her mother was sick, her father, jobless. Her friends, too, suffered from poverty. It was terribly unfair. Some people were born with power. Not just super powers- the power of money, wealth, and influence. Why shouldn't she use her gifts to get what she wanted? While those on top were exploiting everyone already?
So began the crime spree of Decema and the Minute Hands. The notorious master thief and gang leader. She and her quickly acquired gang of loyal goons struck bank after bank, defeated low level superheroes with trickery. She paired up with other super villains for maximum effeciency. She was a part of multiple super-villain team ups. Everyone knew her as the mysterious, charismatic villain who could stop time for ten seconds. She was even a robin hood type figure, tossing stolen money out of get away cars to the people. She even did some actual good stuff, like screwing over super scummy businesses and corporations. It was fun!
(She figured they would figure out her ability eventually, so she constantly boasted about the ability to stop time for ten seconds. Little did they know, she can actually stop time for
eleven seconds! Muahahaha! Bah. If only it was twelve, though. Then the branding would be perfect.)
This all lasted from when she was about twenty to when she was thirty. In the meantime she went to college, found a husband and got married. She got a degree in psychology. She didn't even have to lead a double life, because David Wright knew she was a super villain and he was like, totally into it. Let's just say sometimes the costume stayed on.
And what a life it was. She never got caught, and no one ever suspected. She could stop time, for Christ's sake. As long as she was careful and kept her head down, she was basically untouchable. Once she had made a comfortable life for herself, she kept running her middling criminal enterprise as a side gig. The Minute Hands are still on brand and lend their services out to villains today, though the Decema persona has mostly retired. Sometimes she still puts on the costume, though, but her appearances are rare. Only once or twice every couple of years since she became a professor.
She signed up for Lanius when she was thirty-one and has worked there as a professor/ counselor ever since. She had two kids with David, Lucia and David Junior. Couple of little rascals. They don't know about mommy's work yet, of course, but they're raising them so that when they find out they won't be shocked. They might even grow up to be crooks themselves! Here's hoping! Lucia's 8, and Junior is 7. Here, wanna see some pictures?
Other: She wears prescription contact lessons. She's heterosexual and cisgender. Likes dogs over cats, but it's not like cats are bad or anything.