Records: Istomin Matvei was born on the planet of Lom, a civil world far away from any battlefield or hellish landscape of space. Lom had no particular qualities that would warrant any form of note towards it. The planet was stable and paid its tithe as normal. For the most part, there is no real excitement with Istomin’s life. The tribes and tribulations of life don’t lend itself to very engaging stories. Life was normal. Istomin had a family, went to school, had puberty, graduated from primary schooling, went to higher education, etc. Even when he was working with agri-barons and hive world governors, Istomin spent his time in labs and or on-field research. Unless you like to listen to highly complex scientific research procedures and data-sets, there is not much here to take note of. The most exciting part here is that Istomin Matvei signed up for a colonial mission to a planet and that the ship crash-landed.
Personality: Istomin Matvei is an unassuming man. From the out-looks, Matvei is not an interesting person, or at least not very out-going. That much is true. He does not harbor any big-peculiar traits that would set him apart from the others. The man is a decent person throughout. If anything, he is diligent and does truly care about his fieldwork.
Skills: Istomin Matvei is quite an accomplished person. He has three degrees in three fields of study and managed to earn the highest recognition of knowledge in all three fields in his home-world. His knowledge includes a whole host of complex scientific concepts in relation to his chosen fields. Various argi-barons have found Istomin’s work to be very useful to them. For a time, both argi-barons and hive world governors employed Istomin Matvei to work on various projects and duties. The scale and scope of the work varied extremely, but it mainly dealt with agriculture, viruses, and likewise. The local AdMech even keeps tabs on the man for if they ever need him for any peculiar cases - whatever that may be. It is without a doubt that Matvei is highly competent and intelligent in what he knows.
Equipment: Nothing out of the ordinary for his job.
Summary: Nestor is a death cultist that finds himself in a situation he is in no way prepared for. No longer are there the great lengths of a ship to harbour him, only vast wild expanses. He is forced into hiding the truth of who he and his brothers and sisters are, whilst nevertheless continuing in his most holy service to the God Emperor of Mankind.
Appearance: He is of a moderate frame and a "sinewy" build, his musculature not large but taut and well developed. He keeps himself as neat as possible given what is available to him. Nestor's hair and eyes are a brown so dark they pass for black whilst his his skin by years upon sunless ships has been bleached an ivory white.
Backstory: Nestor was one of the rare individuals born into the Cult of His Most Holy Burning Blade, rather than being inducted into it. He knew a communal life where all was shared by fellow cultists, the boy raised to be charitable to his fellow man, to read and write from a young age and given many skills that would help him better drift from ship to ship. But there the normality of his childhood ends, as at a mere three years old he was instilled the virtue of violence against the faithless. At the age of nine his mother and father had him take his first life, cutting the throat of a wounded pimp and dealer upon a cargo vessel they were inhabiting shortly followed by that of his restrained family. But though a mere child he smiled for he knew these people would no longer suffer in their impurity.
As he grew into an adult the Cult was eventually forced to move into fortune's dominion as a home. Though it was a good one, the ship now has undergone the most unforeseen thing in the centuries of the Cult's lifetime yet....
Personality: Nestor is a conflicted personality partly brought on by having to play many characters through his life. He is a very faithful man, with much emphasis in his life on purity, cleanliness, and order as espoused by the Cult of His Most Holy Burning Blade. But in having to pretend to be anything from a voidsman, to a ship rating, to a monk or any other sort of figure he has incorporated many elements of each personality into his own which when relaxed often come into play. The most negative and (and at heart his most pervasive) trait of the man however, is his sadism. Violence is core to his life as a death cultists, and he makes sure that when it is done it is prolonged as much as possible.
Skills: First to note is that while he had a broad education, Nestor's education focused in particular on medical matters. While no schola educated chirurgeon, he can inelegantly take people apart and put them back together given appropriate tools.
The only two things he is truly proficient in however, are the works of his Death Cult. The ways of their clandestine murder are first and foremost in his abilities, the man dancing ever so gracefully with his blades, his faith fuelling him on to fight despite wounds he may find when coming up against an opponent he failed to catch by surprise. The other ability of his is his knowledge as a theologian, the cult making sure that every member knows its faith like any upper hive scholar.
Equipment: A skintight meshweave suit, and a whole lot of monoblades.
Summary: Galvin Lions is am Imperial Guardsmen from the 458th Shields of Iconne. Originally just a PDF soldier, he was drafted by lottery and sent off to one of many warzones and campaigns across the sector. After his regiment was reduced to a mere 300 men, the 458th would be rolled in with several other decimated regiments to form a new mixed formation to be sent off to another warzone aboard the Fortune's Dominion. From this exprience he has gained an intense hatred of Chaos and recidivists.
Appearance: A muscular stocky-built man with a piercing gaze that is hereditary.
The armor of the 458th Shields of Iconne is modeled after the Cadian tradition with upgradable inserts that can be added over time. It is of plasteel construction and departs from the Cadian tradition in that it bears a large rectangular armored belt buckle bearing an image of the principal shrine of the shrine world of Iconne, this is polished steel to a shine. It depicts a giant greek plinth the size of a hive which bears a gigantic copper statue of Sanguinius, primarch of the Blood Angels. It is said that Sanguinius set foot on the world during the time of reunification. The armor is itself light grey in color and the fatigues are khaki. The belt and pouches are made from treated grox hyde. The boots bare a white surface on the upper side which is polished for parade duty. The helmet worn is also of Cadian lineage, with a bright gold Aquila on the front, it contains a microbead.
Records: Sgt. Lions came from a family of pilgrims. Visiting the holy sites eventually they settled into a life on the shrine world of Iconne. Finding a job there was no mean feat and started them along a path of both toil and learning. Eventually learning the rotes of maintenance of enough of the hives systems to be considered useful they were promoted to lay tech adepts. Many of the trinkets and religious icons they have, have been passed down generation after generation. During many a long cold vigil there is only the night and his book on imperial saints to keep him company.
Gavin Lions was selected by lottery for service in the PDF of the Shine world of Iconne. Primarily concerned with repelling Orkoid incursions Guardsman Lions maintained a watch station outside the hive city armory near the base of one of the bridge towers. Though not particularly respected, his role was nonetheless valuable when it comes to chasing out cults and hunting the chaos twists that live in the ventilation ducts that feed the hive. His job does come with some perks, being generally better than average rations and access to the armory he defended with his life.
Personality: Gavin Lions is a dependable friend to his fellow Guardsmen and a ferocious enemy to anything that might threaten them. Something of a father figure due to his comparative age, he can often be found putting himself in between the enemy and his squad. It was due to this tendency when observed by officers that he was first given armory access to a power fist.
He is, like most of the 458th, especially pious and a keen observer of the imperial faith, as such he regularly attends mass whenever the regiment priest is holding one. He also collects trinkets to add to his weapon attached by chains, these all represent his faith and a few are from the warzones he has faced.
Sgt. Lions is a determined and implacable combatant. Choleric as a leader, he is decisive and leads from the front taking charge of situations personally, and never afraid to do what he orders his men to do. His men are ever ready for action and familiar with the rigors of battle.
Skills: - Advanced survival training (fieldcraft) - Advanced mechanized warfare training (armored fist training) - Power fist proficiency training. - Artillery loader/spotter training (Accatran Mortar, Heavy Mortar, Basilisk) - Las weapon Marksman training (command squad secondment) - His hobby is reading up on the imperial saints and collecting trinkets of faith.
Sgt. Lions has been entrusted with a power fist from the Regiments armory. The fist itself is a relic though this is not to say that it is some gleaming example inlaid with gold, instead, it is covered with scrapes and pock marks, the paint long scuffed off revealing the silvery grey adamantium underneath, a testament to its continued use on the battlefield by successions of imperial servants. The names of these officers form victory roles only known to the administratium or particlerly long lived guardsmen such as Sergeant Zeke.
His sidearm is a bolt pistol, having been rebuilt from parts of other broken bolt pistols recovered from the battlefield by Gavin and others, carefully restored by the indentured tech priests. The oldest parts of the housing appear to be from a completely different design baring bronse inlays and red paint, this is combined with more modern looking grip. The pistol itself is intact belt fed bearing a larger than average magazine capacity. The disadvantage is that the round swings freely below the housing and make noise thats difficult to quiet. The pistols machine spirit is pernicious and is also quite common to malfunctions needing constant mollifying with oils and rag.
Both his lasgun and his bolt pistol have been decorated with gold plated chain with many figures of the imperial faith, Aquilas, vials of holy water and small trinkets attached. It is the tradition of the 458th Shield of Iconne to decorate their weapons to appease the saints who look down on us. This fact provides confidence and faith to the guardsmen and is a widespread practice in the regiment.
Misc: Height : 6” Weight : 100kg Eye Color : Grey Hair Color : Bald Ethnicity : Caucosiod
When the 458th found itself shipped offplanet to one of the imperiums' many front lines. This was only to be expected as it was inkeeping with the tradition of Iconne to tithe regiments after PDF training. Gavin was promoted to Sergeant when the 458th were mobilized due to a shortage of manpower.
The "Shields of Iconne" are a regiment raised on a Shrine world. The regiment is a source of pride for the planet and designated a high utility unit specializing in artillery. The 458th were first deployed against the chaos cult "The Bone Star" which was threatening the major hive world of Faux I through use of termites to burrow into the hive infrastructure and deploy troops behind the front lines. The battles were sporadic and brutal but eventually, along with other Cadian tank regiments, the 458th managed to turn the tide in their favor through ingenuity and rapid re-deployment. The 458th took a beating and was reduced to a mere 300 men, but those who survived could boast of denting the reputation of Chaos. The purity of the regiment being beyond reproach (atleast on paper) due to its relation to the Shrine World. Gavin now hates chaos and other "backsliders" with almost the same ferocity as the Cadians.
The tithe is raised from lottery so its of a fairly even balance in terms of recruit ability. The recruits spend a few years in the PDF guarding the holy sites and other objectives while the throngs of pilgrims visit the planet. They are mostly an honour guard designed to be stylish, however to maintain the tithe they are cycled out after the two year period. They are artillery because this is what the honour guard do on the planet. The imperium being paranoid and shrine worlds being rich has generated an over reliance on big artillery pieces that look good to the public. So their equipment is somewhat flash, and they havent really heard of camo like the mordians, with a uniform as described in the charsheet.
The regiment has a few Basalisks left over and a compliment of Heavy Mortars, which are moved about by "Kangaroo" Chimeras which lack the top turret acting as Artillery Tractors.
Regimental Favoured Basic Weapon: Ryza Pattern Plasmagun Regimental Favoured Heavy Weapon: Accatran Pattern Mortar Additional Standard Kit: Upgrade Earthshaker Cannon from Common to Good Craftsmanship Additional Standard Kit: Upgrade Heavy Mortar from Common to Good Craftsmanship
Name: Akros Alpha Delta Alpha Mike 10111:110 ext. 110001 addition 111 aka Akros ADAM Age: Approx. 466 years old - Assimilation date: 5973 Cycles ago Gender: Before Assimilation - Male. Genderless upon joining the Skitarii hosts Role: Skitarii Legio Alpha Ranger - 4th Legio Alpha Commander of Maniple Felixus Fulgari Beta attached to Tech Priest Primus Rex Helicanum
... Error: Unknown activation ... Code Orior Nox 7, Seed 101t011j98Alpha Magos Primus Rex Helicanum activating Maniple Alert: Ship in critical condition
That was the first waking moment of Alpha Akras, their Alpha Primus, the other eight Alpha commanders and the ninety Skitarii legionaries were awoken from their stasis slumber aboard the Fortune's Dominion. As their mission codes scrawled across his visor to remind him of their mission to a war somewhere in Segmentum Pacificus, all around him the ship was undergoing quite a moment. Before him as he stepped from his resting position, he and his other nine Legio cohorts listens as the Magos Primus told them that something had happened to the ship in the warp. And they and the Maniple would head to the engine room to attempt to help in repair and rebuilding.
But then the drop had occured as the 100 skitarii and their Tech Priest were working. The plunge out of the warp into the real world caused far worse damage.
For a moment he blacked out, sensors feeding to his brain...
Warning damage to hull sections of engine room Warning Engine Room venting. Error: Maniple units lifesigns waning. Alert Alert Alert Akros Alpha Delta Alpha Mike is in freefall
Accessing Adeptus Mechanicus Archive Echo-Epsilon-Tetra Alpha12090 Archive Junction 3a09000101:Trinary Record Name: Akros Alpha Delta Alpha Mike 10111:110 ext. 110001 addition 111 Legio Alpha Ranger Skitarii Parsing... Parsing... Access Allowed...
All records before Augmentation and Skitarii Assimilation Expunged... Accessing Post Augmentation Records...
2987 cycles ago - Skitarii Designation Arkos Alpha Delta Alpha Mike undergoes final step of Augmentation and Assimilation
2980 cycles ago - Arkos ADAM joins Maniple Felixus Fulgari Rangers as Legionnaire 87
Arkos ADAM has nearly Flawless service. Maniple is put to the Desolation seven times when failure of mission occured. Arkos ADAM survived all seven Desolations.
Note: Five out of seven times Failure was due to Tech Priest Liason using inadequate intelligence. Leading to mission Failure. Desolation called to purge worst damaged units. The two Desolations called to purge failure Alpha Units who failed to follow Mechanicus Orders. Maniples would fall upon them and destroy them utterly.
2457 cycles ago - Arkos ADAM undergoes Upgrading. Internal augmentations. Augmented arms, synthetic lungs and heart, removal of liver, fortification of other internal flesh.
2331 cycles ago - Arkos ADAM promoted to Skitarii Alpha designation, heading one of 9 Cohorts, and reporting directly to Legio Alpha Primus Ranger Pho-Crixus 47 00001:111
2224 cycles ago - Battle of Forge World Camatus Nine, Maniple Felixus Fulgari nearly completely eradicated during final assault of Dark Mechanicus strongholds. Losses for entire Mechanicus forces near 87%. Only Nine units of Maniple Felixus Fulgari left functional. Arkos ADAM has minor damage. Set into Forced Shut down for repairs and Augmentation upgrades.
225 cycles ago - Arkos ADAM brought out of shut down. New Designation assigned Legio Alpha Two. Assigned as Legion Alpha Two to newly rebuilt Maniple Felixus Fulgari Beta.
A single cycle later Maniple Felixus Fulgari Beta is put into Stasis Sleep to undergo bio-technological training for upcoming Joint operation with Guard and Astartes units.
27 cycles ago - Maniple Felixus Fulgari awoken to board "Fortune's Dominion". Legio Alphas meet their new Assigned Tech Priest Liaison Tech Priest Primus Rex Helicanum. On route to Mechanicus World Alpha Pixus Nine in Segmentum Pacificus, after off loading of Pilgrims, Guard and other cargo at Shrine World Designation Orior 1000111 in Mechanicus Database. Once aboard units set into stasis sleep.
Strong-minded, Devout to the Omnissiah, strict policy to the Mechanicus Priesthood orders. A Skitarii Legio Alpha to the core. A man not meant to question but to do as he is ordered. Gifted in command he knows how to make a maniple of Skitarii work it's best. There is little emotion left in him thought as it's been scrapped and ground out by years of service and careful techno-indictrination.
- Skitarii War Doctrine: That the Legio Alpha will lead at the fore of his Maniple and show no fear before the fire of the enemy
- The Omnissiah and the Motive Force: A brief understanding of the grace of the Tech God and the force behind the motion of the machine
- Light and Medium weapon accuracy and proficiency
- Techno-Indoctrinated Tracking and Sensing suite of skills
- Recon Doctrines, specifically for long range intelligence
A Transuranic Arquebus, grafted to his left arm
One Arc baton that folds away into the wrist of his right arm
Back up Galvanic Rifle Mk. VI Arkhan
Tech Priest Blessed copper tinged ceramite armor across his upper chest and shoulders.
Face mask is an augmetic grafted directly to his head.
Name: Darius Lochen Age: 27 Gender: Male Role: Scout, Scavenger
Summary: The last surviving Captain now commanding the remnants of the 'Xarasha's Buzzards', an Imperial Guard regiment from the once Hive World Xarasha. Being stranded with little resources is not something new to Darius. That's the only life most of the regiment has ever known since infancy, but on an unfamiliar planet and to this scale... Well, who better than the Buzzards to scavenge a new beginning?
Appearance: Darius stands at 5' 10", surprisingly among the tallest of his comrades. Physically fit with a myriad of battle scars forming a tapestry upon the remaining flesh he has. Darius's good eye is emerald green, while his other glows crimson as a bionic eye. Most of his face is covered in a blood red scarf and goggles however. The only part that wasn't covered was his raven black hair that falls down the left side of his head.
Darius's body however has been left mostly disfigured. His entire right arm and right leg has been replaced with bionic prosthetic limbs, blown up by a landmine. His left arm has also been replaced below the elbow. The flesh that remains is covered in different kinds of scarring, from burns to cuts. His 'uniform' is scrap armour which covers his chest as well as a vambrace and elbow pad for his good arm with knee pads and armored boots too. It has been handpainted yellow with the crest of the Buzzards proudly displayed slightly to the left, where his heart would be. The armour has many chinks and scorch marks but there is little cloth beneath save for baggy pants that seemed to belong better on a mechanic than a soldier.
Records: Darius was born on Xarasha, however he was born after the calamity of his planet that turned it from a Hive World to a Death World. Xarasha's Hive Cities were surrounded by stretches of desert, but after a long and harsh civil war, the Cities bombed each other to oblivion. The Xarasha Darius knows is naught but burning sands and ruins. It was this harsh environment that formed, not only Darius but the Buzzards as a whole, into the guerrilla warfare experts they are today.
Most of Xarasha's population are enlisted to the Regiment, while the rest of the adult population stay planetside while simultaneously acting as Xarasha's PDF. Darius joined immediately at 18, with two years training under the PDF. At the PDF, he learnt how to build and maintain makeshift weaponry, makeshift vehicles and his makeshift flak armor which is a huge part of Xarashan culture. Creating your own armor is like putting your heart on your sleeve and is a testament to not only your character but your strength as a fighter. This is also where he learnt the tactics of guerrilla warfare as well as the main Xarashan art of fighting, War Riding. War Riding comprises of fast, brutal vehicular combat from ram trucks, motorcycles and even tanks, though rare, with huge vehicular rigs serving as mobile command centres. Here Darius would learn many things about War Riding, such as how to jump from one moving vehicle to another while firing his autogun into the enemy they were charging. Once Xarashans decided to strike, a thunderous blitzkrieg of engines and gunfire filled the air. Once he was 18, Darius spent 8 years with the regiment, fighting many battles and eventually earned the rank of Captain.
Darius joined the Buzzards to defend a planet in a neighbouring system with a couple of other regiments that was being besieged by Orks. The Buzzards found themselves in their natural element however the battles were long and arduous. Combine this with a recklessness to their combat as Xarashan scrap vehicles collided with Orkish vehicles, it resulted in a 90% fatality rate for the regiment. However, it was due to this sacrifice that the Imperium of Man won back the planet for now. The remaining members of the regiment found passage on the Fortune's Dominion and planned to reroute back to Xarasha after recuperating on the shrine planet... However, this was not to be the case.
Personality: Darius bears many of the traits that are instilled throughout Xarashan culture. Many Xarashans, while resourceful, embrace the savagery and headstrongness their fighting style can incur. Darius however is more reserved than his kin, if only by a little. He, like many of his world, believe that their survival and tenacity is all the proof they need of the Emperor's will and thus are more than willing to take their strength across the stars in his divine name.
Darius's careful planning has proved fruitful in previous war efforts which earned him the rightful rank of Captain. While he is not adverse to getting stuck in and marching straight towards his enemies, Darius values the true purpose of War Riding more. The sudden surprise of attack, the charge of violence... THAT is what it means to be a true Buzzard. Still, he can be fierce too especially when it comes to keeping his men in line.
Skills: -Guerrilla and Urban Combat
-Mechanics, to a degree
-Craftsmanship, to a degree
Equipment: Semi-automatic Autogun, a Voxcaster, Armour, Two Frag Grenades, Ammo, Canteen, knife
Xarasha is a planet entirely comprised of desert with very few natural water sources. This forced it's people to work with very little or to root through the ruins of a civilisation now completely lost to time. Scavenging became a huge part of the way of life, and it would seem the infighting would continue. Many technologies were lost, and Xarashans relied entirely on Autogun weaponry. When they were reintroduced into the Astra Militarum, they actually refused to use Las-Weaponry despite the obvious pros. Much like the old engines and rusted scrap that cobbled together their war machines, Autoguns simply became ingrained. This helped form the Buzzards into a truly unique fighting force. However, this attitude slowly changed as those ranked Majors and above were eventually seen to use Las-Weaponry as a status symbol. Infantry and even vehicular armour is kept light, designed to only keep the vulnerable parts protected as to not restrict movement.
While the Art of War Riding would lead one to think only of armoured combat, the values actually transfer to infantry combat rather well. War Riding is pretty much broken down into three parts:
The Shroud Hiding in plain sight. Remaining unseen until the perfect opportunity strikes. Whether this was hiding within a sandstorm before springing a full attack or simply awaiting around the corner and stalking a target, Xarasha's Buzzards highly value the element of surprise and rely on it to get the upper edge. Not only does this refer to themselves, but also traps that can be set to further catch an enemy by surprise. Landmines, tripwires, even pitfalls. Even the smallest viper can be deadly when it strikes unseen.
The Pursuit The Art of Movement. Xarashans have an uncanny ability when it comes to driving vehicles, especially fast ones. It is entirely common to see a Buzzard leap from one vehicle to another or to simply be hanging from the side of one as the forces relentlessly chase down their prey. Either firing and swinging their weapon to kill the enemy or transporting ammo and messages. On the other side of the Pursuit, Xarashans appreciate silent hunting too. Moving through the environment like ghosts until they reach their objective, Xarasha's Buzzards possess a knack for moving through urban and rural terrain under cover so they can spring from the Shroud.
The Execution Whether through a violent hail of bullets or the flick of a knife across the throat, it is simply not enough to chase down your enemies. You must be prepared to kill without hesitation or discrimination. The Buzzards train with all manner of ranged weaponry. Mostly autoguns, Buzzards can switch between guns almost seamlessly as they constantly flow in battle. As well as this, they practice a more savage form of CQC when they have to get up close and personal with the enemies.
Name: Lady Alessaria Tae'Naros Age: 39 Gender: Female Role: Undetermined. Currently a fairly useless, very sassy, noble.
Summary: Lady Alessaria has led a life of luxury up until the dramatic turning point of the recent crash. This is not to say her life has been easy, she has persisted with great expectation placed upon her to further the standing of her family alongside the general tedium of sensation that most nobles eventually feel given the extended lives of their forebears. Few of her many skills are viable in the current situation. While unlikely to be considered to close to the worst of the spoilt brats of the Imperium's nobility, the cultural shock of the current moment is unlikely to be an easy one.
Appearance: As is the case with almost all nobles of the Imperium who have yet to reach the truly dizzying heights of age, Alessaria's features have been frozen in time from her early twenties, so far maintained with less invasive forms of rejuvenant treatment that will likely sustain her in her current appearance for several decades to come. In any other situation, her golden blonde hair is always extensively styled, complimenting the cold blue of her eyes and the elegance of her features. Unlike so many of the starving waifs of the hives from which she hails, she sports a curvaceous figure, far from starvation but equally not descending into the overtly overweight opulence of much of the nobility.
Records: Alessaria Tae'Naros was the third child of the current Lord of the Tae'Naros Family, a house of nobles closely related to the Great House of Sokta upon Holy Terra itself. While not quite so grand as to claim a place of prominence upon the Throneworld, various members of the wider Tae'Naros clan have established holdings throughout a number of systems, Alessaria's father, in particular, being the fifth generation to hold the Lord Governorship of the hive world of Scutara-Primus. While a third child in the sprawling web of family politics is close in the terms of Imperial politics, both Alessaria's older siblings are 'substantially' older and well established themselves as separate political forces, thus she has found herself somewhat irrelevant from the moment of her birth, albeit still with access to the luxuries and privileges of her prominent position. In certain matters of her education and preparation for the possibility of an important role on some world, somewhere, she has excelled, but in others she has shown no aptitude at all, seemingly relying on whether it is a subject matter she is not entirely bored by. She now finds herself aboard the Fortune's Dominion as she and much of her family attend to a pilgrimage, albeit in the usual affluent style of those who can afford to do so.
Personality: Alessaria is certainly someone used to getting her way, at least in matters of the day-to-day and one who is not afraid to wield that fact to full effect. While certainly spoiled, this is not purely down to her name alone, already being something of a widely accomplished manipulator for decades by this point. Behind her self-importance is a surprisingly capable mind that once she applies herself can certainly be considered intelligent and quick-witted. Perhaps the only aspect of her upbringing which has prepared her well for the current situation is the ruthless streak so commonly found in the slightly more switched on of the noble populace.
Skills: Broadly and indepthly educated in the fine arts of upper Imperial society, Alessaira has been considered a notable prodigy in terms of dance and song, a fact her family have often boasted of. For academic matters directly relating to her family and their holdings she has shown great aptitude as well, although wider concepts often bore her. Her knowledge of High Gothic is fluent, confirmed with personal recitations of the sacred texts of the Imperium's faith and law, as well as the poems and songs of the ancient language. As with many individuals expected to travel widely, she also knows many more forms of Low-Gothic than one might initially guess from the arrogant noble. She has next to no primary skills suitable for survival in the current situation.
Equipment: A las pistol recovered from a dead member of the crew. An exotic and elegant ballgown she happened to be wearing at the time of the crash, a slightly less over the top but almost as finely made set of nightclothes. An extremely tasty and expensive pairing set of chocolates and red wine.