
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Race: Tabaxi
Appearance: Tabaxi in the world of Vayrgroedt are shorter than humans, but taller than dwarves. Acciai is somewhere in the average height of his people. He has black fur and yellow eyes with a penchant for long cloaks and leather armor.
Background: Acciai was young when the world changed. Dark things and vicious sorts crawled out of the shadows from regions unknown, hungry for the taste of blood and bone. Acciai’s people were descended from merchant-adventurers set aside in republican havens across the warm southron seas. They were not ready for the forces of darkness. As the world changed, Acciai resorted to thievery and skullduggery much like his father and ultimately came to possess many skills as he fought and stole to survive in the new, anxious world. He had always hoped the dawn would come and drive out the darkness, though that never came to be. It can be said that Acciai’s reputation is mixed for those who care to know as a result, though he has shown himself to be good for some food in his stomach or coin in his pocket. He can fight or steal.
Inventory: The tabaxi hireling wears attire that matches his vocation with a hooded cloak, leather armor, and reinforced cloth. He has a steel shortblade and a tabaxi crossbow with two quivers set aside—one in his pack and one on his back. Beyond this he has the normal traveling equipment for fun or for work. Rations, flint and tinder, sharpening stone, gambler’s dice and cards, a lucky coin, and a hooked rope.
Goals: It is in Acciai’s best interest to find work where he can. The expedition calls for muscle and he is good with a crossbow and a blade. Should he not be later elected to be a town guard he supposes he might take up the trade of some kind of vendor or craftsman.
Other: Acciai has a reputation for being a bit of a gambler and flirt to those who know him.
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