Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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Highwarren would probably be looking for people to buy building materials from and act as a huge importer. Only issue is that I have no idea what I could export that would be so valuable. Maybe something like trinket and craft exporting? Maybe mushroom wine?

Also I don't mean to be "that guy" but @rezay you do realize that this is a PBP form and not a discord chat room to spam out posts that could just be done in one post? We have one for the RP too.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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@ClocktowerEchosNo, not sure what a PBP form is. I was under the impression the OOC is for discussion of the RP.

I also don’t use Discord. Not for a very long time, at least.

*Mind, I’ve been on this site 15 days.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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I meant forum. And yeah it typically is use for OOC but most OOCs do not have people putting out back to back to back to back posts.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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@rezay Some threads are different from others, just try to cut back or start a Private Conversation with whoever your wanting to discuss stuff with.

EDIT: I don't think anyone is trying to put you down, but I think what is trying to be said is to try and reign in your excitement on the OOC and if you want use PM's to talk at length.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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Anyways I finally added my options @AdorableSaucer, hopefully the will of the first Papa will grant us fortune.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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@rezay Some threads are different from others, just try to cut back or start a Private Conversation with whoever your wanting to discuss stuff with.

EDIT: I don't think anyone is trying to put you down, but I think what is trying to be said is to try and reign in your excitement on the OOC and if you want use PM's to talk at length.

Highwarren would probably be looking for people to buy building materials from and act as a huge importer. Only issue is that I have no idea what I could export that would be so valuable. Maybe something like trinket and craft exporting? Maybe mushroom wine?

Also I don't mean to be "that guy" but @rezay you do realize that this is a PBP form and not a discord chat room to spam out posts that could just be done in one post? We have one for the RP too.

Of course not, I'm not perfect, I prefer mistakes be pointed out.

I just wasn't aware of an issue, or one wasn't obvious. Everything that's important is posted in IC or Characters. Maybe pinging, I don't know.

It's not as if I were spamming, at least. Aside from an inane comment at the end, all posts were relevant to the RP, and separate from the others *subject-wise in one way or another.

If it's common etiquette here, then I'll keep it in mind for sure. But I didn't see something about it in the site rules, no one mentioned anything before. Likely haven't been apart of enough threads

*Mistakes are best caught early though

*Not sure what I'd PM anyone about either. All comments were intended for everyone in the RP to see. Trying to provide knowledge and ask questions as per the discussion topic (extra lore).
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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Highwarren would probably be looking for people to buy building materials from and act as a huge importer. Only issue is that I have no idea what I could export that would be so valuable. Maybe something like trinket and craft exporting? Maybe mushroom wine?

Also I don't mean to be "that guy" but @rezay you do realize that this is a PBP form and not a discord chat room to spam out posts that could just be done in one post? We have one for the RP too.

Mushroom wine is interesting. I'm not sure how much humans would be interesting in craft/arts stuff made by rat people, ogres might be into it. The ruins are a resource of their own, perhaps there's a special bit of technology there found no where else.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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@rezay You can have a PM conversation with multiple people.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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@Dark CloudWell, the topic for discussion was posted here, so I figured I'd provide my responses/comments here. Wrongfully I suppose

While we're waiting for our GM, anyone want to share some lore from their factions?

I also didn't know that *about PMs. Also good to know for the future... Look at me, being a noob

I understand what's being said, though
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by AdorableSaucer
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@rezay The desert can be compared to Tatooine with gentle alpha/beta background radiation. It's not a pleasant place to settle unless you're a Wasteoid. Would be easier to cross by mount or vehicle or perhaps go around.

@Dark Cloud Will get to it!

And I also don't mind using the OOC chat here for shitposting, but I understand that there also is a need for a centralised channel where big questions can be discussed. We can set up a group PM if you'd like, though.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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@AdorableSaucerPerhaps marking out some Oases or the like where settlements would be located, not to tell you what to do, just thinking about possibilities. Then again, having the deserts be the strategic equivalent of an ocean is interesting too (which they are in real life, basically, so there's that). Very hard to cross. Maybe a better way to put it is to incentivize crossing in order to interact with the other factions in the north, not to presume you haven't or I know that's the best thing to do. Actually, from the description of the sludgelands, that sounds like something that might happen. If sludgelands are really so full of valuable artifacts, then that's a potent strategic interest for the KH and the OT. Most sludgelands are located in the middle of the landmass it seems, except for those to the west. Otherwise don't know what reason the northern coast and inland would have to interreact with each other. Maybe some agricultural product— wine, like Clocktower said, or this world's post-apocalyptic equivalent of opium/heroin that can only be grown in the desert or something— I'm not really sure if something like that exists.
Maybe those desert-dwellers want to move out of the desert, but there's no other factions in the south, so moving into the north with the costal factions contesting you isn't very viable, relatively. The possibilities are interesting, can't wait to see what happens

*Just speculation, I'm not necessarily asking for a response— better to find out in the RP for the sake of preventing metagaming. Think the discussion is interesting, still

Protective gear is also an interesting matter. I doubt gear meant to fit humans will fit ratkin, and same for ogres. They will have to adapt that technology if they find it in the ruins. The MDR and NJ meanwhile are in close proximity to/in ruins that have such gear, and it already is made for them. Wonder if NJ will ever find the sludgelands to the west. Not sure they'd know what they'd found though
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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Going off of what @rezay said, having wasteland deserts just give trade bonuses for crossing doesn't make sense. Trade is valuable because of the things that are traded, not the journey the goods take. I suppose that also goes off the other issue with the map is that there doesn't actually seem to be anything of value that is easily accessible and not in a lethal biome. And with ruins I'm assuming that they're either urban or suburban ruins which means the land they're on often as little resource value. What is an airport supposed to be able to produce on its own?

I could see the Rats and the Ogres becoming huge in trade once that does get set up (being outposts in the wasteland to resupply) but the other issue is that we'd have to rely entire on NPC to NPC or PC to NPC trade since everyone else can just follow the much easier route along the coast to trade with one another.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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@ClocktowerEchosHaha maritime empire go brrr

*Apologies for the bad shitpost ;D

But, yes. There is currently no clear incentive for trade, but the game has just begun. @AdorableSaucer might have something waiting for us
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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Problem is that Cheznor hasn't posted yet so we might be waiting another day to get a Turn 2 response.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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@Chenzor Come on! :D The suspense is killing me.

I want my bargain-bin NCR and I want it now >:(

*Tag fixed :) It's all @Dark Cloud's fault.
No one ever laughs at my jokes
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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@rezay I wouldn't be too hard on yourself, getting reactions is the exception and not the norm. Honestly this is the most amount of reactions I've probably ever seen in an RP.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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@ClocktowerEchosHehe, mostly messing around anyways. Thanks for participating in the discussion/responding to me, much appreciated :D

Anyone else have spring/Easter break?
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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@ClocktowerEchosBy the way, what do *the ratkin think of the sludgelands? Something the KH will be interested in?

For the sake of discussion, I'll repost their description:

As the name implies, these are poisonous wastes filled with chemicals and nuclear leftovers. No matter how well-adjusted one is to the Collapsed World, nothing can prepare you for these places. Constant radiation and exposure to all sorts of toxic fumes and substances will give you both acute and chronic symptoms (it’ll kill you now - and later!) that not even the hardiest will survive for long. So, why on Earth would you go there, then? Weeeell, the incredible danger of these places means that very few dare venture even near them, which means there’s bound to be all sorts of incredible artifacts left over from before the apocalypse! So if you’ve got your hazmat suit, your Geiger counter and an ambiguous will to live, why not give it a go?
  • All units inside this biome suffer intense attrition and will most likely all perish in the same turn they enter. Protective equipment can lessen the damage, but prolonged stay will eventually break down this protection, as well.
  • Very high chance of finding Old World tech.
  • Growth impact: -100%.
  • Possible hazards: ???

Maybe nerfing the hazardousness of this area would make it more viable

*Discussed here for the benefit of other desert-dwellers :p
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

@rezay Rats are slightly more survivable than humans but just barely. They will see it as a cursed land that borders on myth where the dead walk and the damned horrors of a past age stalk the sickly land. Any rat going in will have to get a signed warrant of exploration from the King and sign a contract. They're aware of what could be inside, good and bad, and thus will still try to make efforts to explore it to a degree. After all, OOC their tech develops very slowly unless they're studying old world tech or otherwise using something old world.

Personally, I also imagine that you might have some mutated monster come shambling out of the mire and thus the Knights of Highwarren mount up and do a glorious charge against the foul terrors in the name of King and Caretaker.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rezay
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@rezay Rats are slightly more survivable than humans but just barely. They will see it as a cursed land that borders on myth where the dead walk and the damned horrors of a past age stalk the sickly land. Any rat going in will have to get a signed warrant of exploration from the King and sign a contract. They're aware of what could be inside, good and bad, and thus will still try to make efforts to explore it to a degree. After all, OOC their tech develops very slowly unless they're studying old world tech or otherwise using something old world.

Personally, I also imagine that you might have some mutated monster come shambling out of the mire and thus the Knights of Highwarren mount up and do a glorious charge against the foul terrors in the name of King and Caretaker.

Hehe, the image of armored rat people on horses is pretty funny. Probably don't use horses, though
Yes, something like the Mirelurk queen (but larger) perhaps. Who knows what the place can hold.

Humans on the other hand are still greedy and will do stupid things if it means they might get rich. If NJ ever makes it to one of the sludgelands, the government in whatever form it will take will probably have a bounty sort of system where independent actors enter the place and try to recover ancient technology or whatever, nominally under contract with the government. Let natural selection take its course, who ever comes back comes back, whoever doesn't doesn't. Once there's a considerable number of humans to expend, that is.

In the case of some dangerous wildlife being drawn out of the sludgelands, then the government would become more involved. Can't have giant crabs eating your tax base

As previously stated, very dependent on a lot of factors though. If NJ takes the Imperium of Man route, they might act similarly to the rats.
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